Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Boots on the Groundを説明します。

Prime Minister Aso has just visited America. Of course, while the Prime Minister was pushing the Japanese Bullet Train, from the American side, the phrase “Boots on the Ground” has surfaced again.

麻生内閣総理大臣はアメリカへ訪問しました。麻生首相は日本産新幹線を薦めながら、またアメリカ側から”Boots on the Ground”のフレーズが出ました。

What the Americans are saying is, they want Japan to provide some serious help for their effort in Afghanistan.


Before I discuss the merits of the effort in Afghanistan, I will discuss why Americans always feel that they must intervene in other countries. When America was first being colonized by White Europeans, the phrase “ A City upon A Hill” was used in a sermon in the Puritan colony of Massachusetts. It comes from the Bible, Matthew, chapter 5 verse 14.


These words have formed a the base of the American National Character. In fact, they have metamorphosis into a philosophy, that some Americans call “American Exceptionalism”. This is the concept that American culture and society is better than any other country in the world, in all respects.


Well, this might be reasonable if Americans kept this philosophy in America. However, with this philosophy Americans feel that the entire world must become like America. And often America tries to do this by force. To the American mind, they are doing the world a favor.


The wars in the Middle East wars are a case in point. When America first invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, one of the stated goals was to reform the societies of these two countries into Democracies similar to America.


Even though it is apparent that the Iraq war is a total disaster, Americans still think that they have made beneficial changes in that country. That is why so many Americans call the Iraq election of 2005 such a great success. To these people, they say that this is the Great Gift that America has brought to Iraq.


What these Americans ignore is the fact that in bringing this “Great Gift” to Iraq, over 1 million Iraqi’s have died, and 5 million are refugees. I wonder, was there not an easier, kinder way to give a gift to Iraq?


Now, Americans are struggling in trying to find some logic for continuing the war in Afghanistan. They keep talking about creating stability, but they do not understand that it is foreign soldiers in Afghanistan that are creating instability. They cannot understand that the culture and history of Afghanistan is vastly different than America. And that in such a country, the American way of doing things will just not fit or work at all.


One reason many Americans use for fighting the wars in the Middle East wars is, “If we don’t fight them over there, they will attack us over here”. The meaning of this phrase is that Americans are afraid of being attacked by Moslem people. So it is better to attack their countries first, and change them into Americans. What this really means is that Americans have a desire to change the world into something like themselves. So they think that other countries will do the same thing. This one reason that Americans spend so much money to build a huge military, they are afraid of everybody.


Most Americans just cannot understand that other countries are different.


The truth is, the American effort in Afghanistan has already failed. Sending more troops there will merely prolong the agony. If we truly want to help the Afghan people, we should withdraw all troops.


And then we should offer aid and help to the new government, as they request. But Americans should learn that all countries and people in the world are different in their own unique ways. Rather than trying to change people, Americans should learn how to live with people as they are.


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