Tuesday, March 10, 2009

アメリカの第二経済危機の波 The Second Wave of the American Financial Crisis.

I think everyone is Japan is aware of the banking crisis that has hit America. Well, I think it is time for people to prepare for the second wave of this problem. And that second wave is going to be a surge of personal credit card default.


More and more Americans are losing their jobs, or their income is being reduced. So to make ends meet, they are maxing out their credit cards to maintain their standard of living. I have seen figures of something 10% of credit holders defaulting.


American credit cards are complex, and have many hidden charges and penalties. And most banks, if you are late with one payment, jack up your interest rates to 29%. In fact, a lot of the bailout money given to banks by the US government, has been used in lobbying efforts in Washington to protect the banks right to charge such interest. And of course the bank officers did receive bonuses, despite having run their companies into the ground.

アメリカのクレジットカードは複雑で、隠れ手数料と罰金が有ります。だいたいの銀行は一回支払いが遅れると、利息が29%まで上がります。アメリカの銀行は政府から貰った緊急援助資金(公的資金)をアメリカ国会議員に陳情の為に利用して、その高利息の請求権利を守っています。勿論、 銀行は破産に成っても、銀行の役員達はしっかりボーナスを貰っています。

However, by having so many penalties on personal credit card holders, this will only cause the percentage of defaulters to rise. And to cover the loss, the banks raise rates again, causing more people to default, eventually the entire system collapses.


But I cannot just say banks are evil. The attitudes of the average American are also very immature and over optimistic when it comes to financial affairs. Americans do not have savings, they depend on credit.

しかし、アメリカの銀行だけが悪いとは言えません 。普通のアメリカ人は経済の事についての考え方が未熟なのと楽天的すぎるのです。ほとんどのアメリカ人は貯金をしないで、生活の為にクレジットに頼っています。

Now I was born in America, and I do know how this mindset works. People are very optimistic in America; they think things will always get better. This is part of the concept of American exceptionalism, that Americans are intrinsically superior in all things. Americans feel that bad things cannot happen to them, because they are Americans. And by chance if something bad does happen, somewhere there will be an authority to help them out.


Well for many years, this was the case, as the United States was the world’s single most powerful country for the last 60 years. But that is no longer true, and the American economy has hit a brick wall. The American people really do not understand the true nature of this crisis; people keep thinking a little more work by the government will solve it.

60年間ぐらい、アメリカは本当に世界で一番強い国でした。しかし、その状態はもう変わったとアメリカの経済が大きいレンガ壁に衝突しています。アメリカ人はこの経済危機の深さを分かっていません。だいたいのアメリカ人の考えで、もうちょっと政府に力をかけて 、結論が出ると思っています。

If you are in America, there is enormous social pressure to have several credit cards, and run up debt. Advertising on television constantly puts things before you, strongly encouraging you to buy them. Sometimes, when I listen to an advertisement on American radio, almost every one contains the words, “easy credit”. However, people do not think they are creating debt.

アメリカで生活すると、 クレジットカードを数枚持って、借金を作って、社会的な巨大の圧力が有ります。テレビの広告で色々な物を出して、買う気持ちを作ります。アメリカのラジオを聞くと、そのほとんどの広告で“easy credit”(簡単に誰でも、借金問題の有る人でも出来るクレジット)、ほとんどのアメリカ人は借金を作っている事を分かっていません。

If you do not have a credit card, life in America can be difficult. I have never had a credit card in my life, I do not like them. Yet I remember staying in a hotel on a business trip in the United States and paying for the room in cash. Since I did not have a card, the staff asked me if I was a criminal. I was shocked. I explained to them that I lived in Japan, and that many Japanese do not have credit cards, we have a cash economy.


They really could not comprehend what I was saying. In any case, a greatly increasing amount of Americans are now finding themselves poor. Formerly middle class people are having to go to food banks and soup kitchens to eat.

そのスタッフは私の話を理解出来ませんでした。とにかく、貧しいアメリカ人の数が急に増えています。元中流階級のアメリカ人は、現在Food BankとSoup Kitchenへ食べ物の為に初めて行っています。Food Bankは貧しい家族に食料品をあげます。Soup Kitchenはその現場で食べられます。だいたいNGOと教会が行なっています。

So I think this crisis in America can only get much much worse. When it finally bottoms out, we will have an economic structure in the United States that will unlike anything that every existed before. My guess will be that a national interlinked economy will hardly exist, most economic activity will be local. And that it will something like the economy of France in the Middle Ages.


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