Monday, November 9, 2009

隣の国々は日本に対して危険性が有りません。Neighboring countries are not dangerous to Japan.

On November 6th, 2009, I appeared as a panelist on NTV's Bakusho Mondai, Ota Sori show. The manifest was "We should not pay one more yen for American forces in Japan! We should have them all leave!".

2009年11月6日、私は日本テレビ「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に出演しました。今回のマニフェストは、“アメリカに今後1円も払いません!米軍には出て行ってもらいます!” 内容は、将来に日本防衛の為に日本でアメリカ軍基地は必要かどうか?です。

I appeared as a former US Marine, and my position on this subject is, AGREE. Let me explain further.


The present structure of US forces in Japan is set up primarily to fight the Cold War. Yet the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Since that time, America did not reduce it's military presence outside the United States, in fact the American government has expanded to cover every area on the planet. America has some 753 military bases outside the United States.


When I first came to Japan in 1974, there were some 100,000 US troops in Japan. At present, the number is about 47,000. However, while the number of troops has decreased, the size of American bases has not. In the period that I have been in Japan, America has returned very little territory to Japan.


Is there a military threat to Japan?


At present, not so much. Shall we look at a little history? At the end of World War II, Soviet fighting against Japanese Imperial forces went on until about mid September 1945, despite the Japanese surrender on August 15. Southern Sakhalin, Karafuto, and the Kuriles were overrun. A Soviet invasion force bound for Hokkaido at this time turned back.


In 1950 the North Koreans invaded South Korea, and the present day Jieitai was formed.


As the Soviet Union possessed very little in amphibious warfare capability, once Japanese military forces were reconstituted, the threat of a invasion of Japan disappeared. During the Cold War, the military threat to Japan was primarily Naval blockade by Communist submarines. I only say submarines, because in a general war, Communist surface naval forces would have had a very short life against joint American/Japanese defense.


In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the military threat to Japan disappeared. Today, Russia has some 17 submarines in Asian waters, but only 4 Akula class. The Akula's are good boats, and could be scary. However Japan has some 20 submarines of excellent quality. And Japan has an excellent surface Navy. If a war happened now, Japan could hunt those subs down. They would probably sink some ships, but we would get them.


The Chinese Navy does have some 57 submarines, but their quality is poor compared to Japan. We would sink them. Also, they have to pass through a chain of island nations to reach the open Pacific. In any case, Chinese forces are primarily orientated towards the Spratly islands.


North Korea has some 21 submarines, but they are old and of poor quality. My idea is that due to the decrepit North Korean economy, most of their submarines probably cannot sail because of mechanical difficulties.


On the Bakushou Mondai show. Kevin Klone did bring up the issue of North Korean missiles. I am not very impressed with North Korean missiles. They are of very poor quality. And I do not believe that North Korea has a nuclear weapon, I believe their so called tests were simply a massive amount of conventional explosive laced with nuclear materials. Even if they did have a nuclear weapon, they do not have the technical ability to miniaturize it an put it on a missile.


In any case, the best defense against a missile attack is deterrence. Japan can easily buy a few hundred cruise missiles from America. If America does not want to sell we can buy them from Russia. We don't need a nuclear weapon for deterrence against North Korea. A few hundred precise weapons like cruise missiles would do.


Kevin did mention the large North Korean army, but their equipment is terrible, their soldiers are so malnourished that their average size is of a Japanese or South Korean 14 year old. If they invaded South Korea, they could not penetrate more than 3 kilometers. They have no Naval vessels or aircraft that can function long enough to reach Japan.

In this first installment, I have explained how neighboring countries are not dangerous to Japan. In the next part, I will explain the difficulty of invading Japan.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"North Korea"は「朝鮮」ではなく、北朝鮮と訳したほうが良いと思います。



中国がパラセル諸島(Paracel Islands)に侵入し始めたのはアメリカ軍がベトナムから撤退した後ではないですか?


