Monday, February 28, 2011

On the Wisconsin demonstrations ウィスコンシン州のデモについて

I have recently been doing a large translation job, so I have not had to time to blog like I should. So here are some quick posts.


On Wisconsin.


I used to live here in my high school days, about 45 kilometers north of Madison. It is a beautiful state, very rural, famed for it's dairy farms. In the winter, it is about minus 40 degrees.


Since the people are usually so mild mannered, I was caught by surprise by the massive demonstrations. Some 70,000 people have come. They have world wide support, as evidenced by pizza orders for the protesters from across America and around the world.

However what the issue in Wisconsin is really about, it is a battle to break the American Democratic party.

As the above link explains, Governor Walker, who assumed office in January 2011, was funded by the Koch brothers, the creators of the Tea Party. The goal of the Koch brothers is to destroy the unions, a source of Democratic power. Similar anti union actions are planned for the States of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan. Some 5,000 people have already begun demonstrating in Ohio.


In my blog, I described how the Koch brothers created the Tea Party.

They are bussing in Tea Party members as counter demonstrators to the pro union people.


This is a sure recipe for Civil War. Life is hard in Wisconsin. Unemployment is high. Governor Walker stopped the Obama plan for high speed rail in Wisconsin, which would have created 5,500 immediate jobs. He said it was a waste of money.

High Speed rail is essential if America is survive the coming disappearance of oil. The Koch brothers are one of several extremely rich people trying to control America. And they do not believe in either Peak Oil or Global Warming, they think these are lies by the left.


Life in America is very unequal, the Koch brothers and their compatriots wish to make it more so. This is simple massive greed. However, I do not think the Koch brothers are very intelligent.


If you destroy the Middle Class, you create the beginnings of revolution. What we are seeing in the Middle East is revolution against extreme economic inequality.


The Koch brothers and other people like them are working hard to create such a society in America.


At this time, there have been no clashes in Wisconsin between Tea party people and Union supporters. As I have written, it is very cold in Wisconsin in February.


However 70,000 people in Wisconsin demonstrated to show their anger at the inequality of their lives. In the summer, it will be hot, and almost all Americans have guns.


It seems as if the Koch brothers are in a hurry to start a Civil War.


As a military historian, I will say a warning to them. Wars are much easier to start than stop.


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