Wednesday, March 21, 2012

アメリカのイラン制裁政策はボロボロです。 America's Iran sanctions policy in tatters

America's policy of sanctions against Iran is effectively ended. 11 nations, Japan, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Britain, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain are exempt from sanctions.


Since China, Russia, India and Pakistan have refused to obey the American oder for sanctions, this means the America effort is over.


As I wrote on my blog in January and February, this entire scare about Iran building a bomb was a fiction created by American Republican Presidential candidates and Israel.


And we did come close to a disastrous war with Iran.


All in all though, I do not think President Obama is really concerned about the failure of the sanctions measure. It will not be clearly reported in the American Mainstream Media.


The only reason for the President to proclaim such a measure was election politics. The Republican Right was attacking him, and in America in an election you cannot look weak.


That it was it was all about, not a real danger from Iran.


One thing though. The article does not list South Korea as being on the exemption list. With it's Free Trade Agreement with the US, South Korea has become a virtual colony of America.


Apparently, America is still pursuing negotiations with South Korea on this issue.

I grew up in the United States, and I know, that after having concluded such an unequal trade agreement, from the American point of view, South Korea is a subject nation, and should obey. Americans simply will not consider the South Korean situation.


Now South Korea may suffer. I feel sorry my Korean friends.


Japan, because we are NOT in TPP, can still be said to be an independent nation. There are benefits to independence.


So while other nations can still buy oil from Iran, South Korea perhaps cannot, they it may be that they must follow American policy, even if it is very misguided.


I think this should be a serious lesson for those Japanese people who still think that entering TPP and giving up Japanese independence to American control can benefit Japan.


It is much better to have relations with America from a position of independent strength.


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