Tuesday, January 7, 2014

安倍総理大臣靖国神社参拝について Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Yasukuni shrine

Prime Minister Abe finally visited Yasukuni shrine on December 26th.  People expected South Korea and China to scream.  But many Japanese were surprised by the American reaction.


Well I was not surprised.  Americans have always distrusted Japan.  America is a country that is about dominance.  Americans feel that they must always dominate other countries.


After the Meiji revolution, Japan built up a strong military to protect itself from predatory colonial European powers.


At first, Americans admired the spirit of Japan.  But gradually, Americans began to see Japan as a rival nation for the control of China.


Americans have always dreamt of China, and the reason is basic.  China’s great population.  The facts are, prior to WWII, Japanese trade with America was 4 times greater than China.  And unlike Chinese, Japanese have always been interested in American culture.


But before the war, many Americans felt that Japan must be destroyed.  President Roosevelt and his government deliberately provoked Japan into launching an attack against America.  The ships at Pearl Harbor were all old, sacrificial pawns.



In this blog, I have long discussed American Exceptionalism.  Americans very deeply believe that they are the greatest nation in the world.  It is like a religion.  Personally, I have never felt America to be the world’s greatest nation.  I feel that it used to be one of about 15 decent countries in the world.  But it is not safe to say that in America.  In any case, modern America, for the average American, is now a third world country.


So when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, to Americans, It was a sacrilege, an attack against God.  When I was a child in America, I never saw anything particularly evil about the Pearl Harbor attack.


The Japanese Imperial Navy attacked the American Navy.  That happens in wars.  But I quickly learned to keep quiet about such beliefs.  When I told my father that according to my studies, the US government provoked the attack, he beat me.


To Americans, they cannot imagine that the US government would do such a thing.  The truth is, they do.


Also, more recently, American society was rent by protests about the Vietnam war.  Many Americans protested the Vietnam war.  And Americans who supported the war were shocked by the protests.


However WWII remained the good war.  When talking about WWII, Americans would say that Nazi Germany and Japan were absolute evil.  So then, in American minds, America is absolute good for winning that war.


Americans are convinced that deep in our hearts, Japan is an evil nation, and it is only American influence and power that stops Japan from attacking all countries in Asia again.


They absolutely refuse to consider American provocations against Japan, and European colonization of Asia as causes of war.  They are convinced that Prime minister Abe’s visit is a sign of Japanese moves towards war.


Yet the Americans talk about how Japan should send troops overseas in partnership with American troops.  Many influential Americans want Japan to destroy Yasukuni, and use Chidorgafuchi as a memorial.


Americans are afraid of Japan being independent of America.  They can never think of Japan as an equal country.  Their policy is schizophrenic.  Also, Americans will instinctively try to destroy Japan’s history and culture.  Since America is a country without long history, they are afraid of countries with history.  This is why they think Chidorgafuchi should replace Yasukuni shrine, because Chidorigafuchi is new.


Recently, interesting books are coming out in America.  Robert Stinnett in “Day of Deceit” details how American electronic Naval Intelligence tracked the Japanese fleet as it moved toward Hawaii to attack Pearl Harbor.

最近、アメリカで面白い本が出版されています。ロバート・スティネットさんの“真珠湾の真実 ― ルーズベルト欺瞞の日々Day of Deceit”で、ハワイ向きの日本機動部隊の動きをアメリカ海軍情報部電子部が追跡した事を説明します。

So the Pearl Harbor attack was really not a surprise.




In “Embracing Defeat”, John Dower provides a detailed explanation of how the Tokyo War Crimes trials were terribly flawed, and not at all justice.

ジョン・ダワーさんの“敗北を抱きしめてEmbracing Defeat”で、東京裁判の間違いを細かく書いています。やはり、全然正義では有りませんでした。

Yet so many Americans will turn a blind eye to all this.  During the Bush administration after 9/11, a Bush administration lawyer, John Yoo, ruled that US government personnel could legally use water boarding on terror suspects.


In an interview, a reporter asked him that since after The Pacific War America had prosecuted Japanese military personnel for water boarding, how could he justify Americans doing the same thing.


His reply was, when Americans do it, it is more humane.



Not only were Japanese Imperial Army and Navy personnel prosecuted, to my knowledge some 1,100 Japanese were executed for water boarding Allied POW’s.  Personally, I would think that the Japanese families of those people executed would now have just cause to sue the US government for wrongful death.


When Japanese do it, it is a crime, when Americans do it, it is OK?


This would be an interesting court case.  However, in todays’s social and political climate in America, it might be impossible to get such a case to court.


And lastly, the Obama administration is the most anti Japanese administration that I have seen.  When President Obama was rude to Prime Minister Hatoyama at a State Dinner, some of my conservative Japanese friends said of course, PM Hatoyama was strange.


However, President Obama has also been rude to Prime Minister Abe.  When a leader is rude to another leader, it is not an insult to a person, it is an insult to a nation.


For all his compromises on Henoko and TPP, Prime Minister Abe still gets criticized for visiting Yasukuni.  Americans have always dreamed of China, and now their economic situation is near collapse.


So they don’t want Japan disturbing China.  The Chinese understand this very well, and are using the issue to create troubles between Japan and America.


America’s economic and climate troubles such as drought are so great that the existence of America is in danger.


For Japan, we should begin to think of a way to live in the future by ourselves.


And one more thing for my American readers:  Is there not a Protocol Officer at the US Embassy?  Somebody should have advised Ambassador Kennedy on proper attire and manners when visiting the Emperor.



And as for Yasukuni visits, I am there every August 15th, and December 8th, to pay my respects to the members of the Imperial Japanese forces.



Unknown said...

MiceffMax さん、
このBlog を有り難う御座います。
私はMax さんと反対のもうすぐ41年在米の日本人(日本国籍は放棄できません)ですが、米国の経済、環境問題について意見の相違はありますが、あとは殆ど同意見です。
アメリカで特にいけないのは(アメリカの活力は世界でも特筆されるべきものであるとはおもうものの) American Exceptionalism だとおもいます。これをどう訳したらいいのか良く判りませんが、歴史を顧みれば、何処の国でもこういう時期はあるものですし、現在のアメリカに世界で最優秀の人たちが集まるのも事実ですが、この先どうなるかは誰にも予測できません(ついでですが、中国#1は絶対にあり得ません)。
心配なのは、アメリカが落ち目になった時に、American Exceptionalism が悪い政治家、トップ0.1%に悪用されるからです。特に、アメリカのミドルとそれ以下の階層の人々は「昔の日本」に比べ、智的に劣り、加えて外の世界への興味さえしないので、非常に危険です。
その時の為にも、今日本政府がしなくてなならぬことがたくさんあります。一つは正しい歴史(勝者によって書かれたもののみではなく)のアメリカ国内でのPR。 次は、アメリカ国会へのロビー活動(日本はそれに十分な予算だ出せるはずです)。
私は日本での学生の時から核装備論に賛成です。核戦争にアメリカが巻き込まれれば、何百万人のアメリカ国民が死にます。それまでしてアメリカは日本という他国を守ってくれるでしょうか? 私は他国にそこまで期待するのは、間違っているとおもうのです。 最終的には自国の防衛は自国民でやるのです。 又、そこまでして出来るだけの努力と覚悟がない国に、誰が、特にアメリカが、真の同盟国と見なして呉れましょうか? 日本がやることは、自国の長期的利益の確保です。 これはアメリカが日本にTPP を押し付けようとしていることとなんら違う点はありません。 自国の利益を犠牲にしてまでも、大国(定義づけは難しいものの)に従うK国のような負け犬のような国は誰からも尊敬されないだけでなく、いざ必要となった助けさえも期待で来ません。
明治は多くの先覚者を排出しました。 また、世は人を生むともいわれます。 日本がこれから多くの有能な指導者を生むことを期待しています。 It's about the time のようにおもわれるのです。
Max さん、日本の為に、以後も是非お力を貸して下さい!

Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...


コメントを有り難うございました。私はAmerican Exceptionalismを伊藤 貫氏の言葉を使います。それは”アメリカ例外です。


Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...

伊藤 貫氏の本は”自滅するアメリカ帝国”です。