Friday, August 30, 2013

The Takajin TV show 「たかじんのそこまで言って委員会」の出演

About 10 days ago , I appeared on the show, "Takajin no sokomade iuteiinkai".  You can find it on youtube, but since I was on the show, out of courtesy, I cannot post a youtube link on my blog.


Basically it was a comment on The Tokyo War Crimes trails.  The panel voted on various issues.


My vote on the Tokyo War Crime trials was, all defendants innocent.  Why?  The trials were conducted in a spirit of revenge.  The Pacific war was a very racial war, and America and Britain wanted to punish Japan.


The truth is, Japan's fight in The Pacific War provided an inspiration for many colonized people to revolt.  Within a few decades after the war, all European countries had lost or given up their colonies.


Except America, which has tried to take the role of colonial power.  That is what TPP is about, Domination of the world for American profit.


But the A class Japanese defendants were tried for starting aggressive war.  Well, what about George Bush?  He had no reason to invade Iraq.  Iraq was no threat to America.


America put extreme pressure on Japan to force Japan into war.  Japan had only two choices, fight, or face total national collapse.


America refused to negotiate to prevent war.  So I cannot see Tojo Hideki as a criminal in any way.


Also, after the was in various trials in South East Asia, American and Great Britain tried and executed 1,100 Imperial Army and Navy personnel for water boarding Allied prisoners.


The Bush administration approved water boarding if it is done by US personnel.  So will an American administration apologize for those post WWII executions?  I doubt so.


The second vote was about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  My vote was that America was guilty of a war crime.  The entire strategic bombing campaign against Japan angers me.  It's only purpose was to kill Japanese civilians.


It had no military significance at all, and this was known at the time.  American submarines sunk so many Japanese merchant ships, 80%, that raw materials ceased to flow into Japan.  This destroyed Japanese industry, not bombing.


This was well thought out and acted upon by America.  The architect of the bombing campaign, General Curtis Le May, is an American national shame.


Yet Americans still continue bombing.  As I write, there is a threat to bomb Syria.  It will have no military effect, but will kill a lot of people.


The Obama administration keeps up the drone bombing, 98% of the people they kill have nothing to do with guerrilla groups.


It is obscene.


The other two votes were on the Senkaku islands and Takeshima.  Of course I voted that they are Japanese territory, there is indisputable proof of this.


And now here is an interesting picture, created by Americans.


It is how Americans see themselves. A nice, prosperous family.


How the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Africa see Americans.  A tank is threatening people.


And the last picture is what Americans actually do, kill people with drones.


Friday, August 16, 2013




Tuesday, August 6, 2013

アメリカ合衆国で従軍慰安婦記念碑が増えています。 Comfort Women memorials increase in the United States.

Now a Comfort Women memorial is being discussed for Buena Park California.  


The Japanese government has decided that to take no action is the best course.  However, to Americans, this will seem like proof of Japanese guilt.


We must fight back.


In my opinion, the next thing that Koreans will do is to sue Japanese corporations in America.  It has happened before.


Koreans are suing Japanese Corporations operating in Korea.  They have been ordered to pay.  It may become impossible for Japanese corporations to operate in South Korea.


If Japanese firms pull out, Japan will suffer some, but Koreans will be hurt immensely.


Already, Korea is feeling the pinch as Japanese tourists avoid South Korea.


Koreans are being very stupid.  They are cutting their own throats for pride.


But our problems in America will only increase.  Koreans have decided to make the United States a battleground in their effort to attack Japan.


Here is a photo of the Glendale statue, and the inscription beside it.


A translation of the inscription:


『わたしは日本軍の性奴隷でした。』 “I was a sex slave of Japanese military” 「乱れた髪型は、この少女が大日本帝国軍によって、住んでいた家から拉致されたことを象徴しています。」 Torn hair symbolizes the girl being snatched from her home by the Imperial Japanese Army. 「握り締めた二つの拳は、正義を勝ち取ろうというこの少女の固い決意を表しています。」 Tight fists represent the girl’s firm resolve for a deliverance of justice. 「剥き出しの不安定な足は、薄情で思いやりがないこの世界に少女が見捨てられてきたことを表しています。」 Bare and unsetteled feet represent having been abandoned by the cold and unsympathetic world. 「少女の肩に止まった鳥は、わたしたちと亡くなった犠牲者の絆を象徴しています。」 Bird on the girl’s shoulder symbolizes a bond between us and the deceased victims. 「誰も座っていない隣の椅子は、まだ正義を見ないまま死を迎えようとしている年老いた生存者たちを象徴しています。」 Empty chair symbolizes surviviors who are dying of old age without having yet witnessed justice. 「(像の後ろの床に描かれた)少女の影に映っているおばあさんは、永いあいだ沈黙の中で過ごしてきた時間の経過を象徴しています。」 Shadow of the girl is that of and old grandma, symbolizing passage of time spent in silence. 「影の中にある蝶は、犠牲者たちがいつの日か甦り、謝罪を受けられる日が来ることへの希望を表しています。」 Butterfly in shadow represents hope that victims may resurrect one day to receive their apology. 

By erecting this statue, the City of Glendale is officially accusing Japan of crimes.


The way to fight back is to sue the City of Glendale for defamation.  We should have them remove the statue and pay compensation to Japan.


If we do nothing, Koreans will create much ill will and bad feelings against Japan in America.  This will in turn have a bad effect on trade and other relations with the United States.  Americans will think of Japan as a criminal nation.


It is time to act.
