Wednesday, July 23, 2008

何故アメリカ人がピークオイルを理解出来ませんか?Why can't Americans understand Peak Oil?

Today I would like to talk about Peak Oil. This is a concept that is only recently being understood in America. Basically, Peak Oil is the concept that fewer and fewer discoveries of new oil fields are being made, while at the same time demand for oil is rising rapidly.


Many Americans have a very difficult time understanding this. Americans are an optimistic people. They would like to think that the future would always be bright.


We are now coming into an age of no oil. Comparing Japan and America, I would say that Japan would be able to survive in this age with difficulty. I am not so sure America can survive at all.


Of the three crisis’s threatening America now, Peak Oil is the most immediate. The other two, financial collapse and climate change, will take a few more years to have dangerous effect.


One thing that has deeply impressed me in the 35 years that I have lived in Japan is the Japanese rail system. It is reliable, and runs at high speed. You can set your watch by Japanese trains. Also, almost all Japanese trains run on electricity. Electricity can be generated by nuclear power, so it is an energy that is not completely dependent on oil.

私はこの35年日本に住んでいて、 日本の鉄道は 深く印象に成っています。信頼性も有り、高速で走っています。時間は完璧です。それと、ほとんどの日本の電車は電気で動きます。電気は原子力発電所で発電が出来るから、石油は必要ないです。

In America on the other hand, if I were to travel from Chicago to Los Angeles, I would have two choices. Either I would drive or take an airplane. There are railroads, but they are very unreliable, with only a few trains running. Not a realistic choice. Also, the only electric long distance trains in America run from Boston to Washington. Everything else runs on diesel fuel.


Americans truly love their cars. Recently, watching Japanese television news, I was rather surprised to see interviews where people said that if gas prices continued to rise, they would sell their cars. In America, it is the opposite. There are many car homeless, and they are increasing. These are people who have a job, but could not pay both the loan on their house and fuel bills. So they give up having a place to live, and instead live in their cars, and go to work. They park in a different place every night to sleep.


In Japan, it is possible to rent a cheap apartment and take a train to a job site. In America, most middle class people live in suburbs, and their job location is also in the suburb. In such locations, there is absolutely no public transportation. Without a car, you cannot go to work. You cannot buy food. Supermarkets are located too far from where people live. So that is why people are giving up their homes before they give up their cars.

日本では、安いアパートを借りて、電車で 通勤する事は可能です。アメリカではほんとんどの中産階級の人達は郊外に住んでいて、仕事場も郊外にあります。国立か市営交通は全然有りません。車がなければ、仕事場へ行けません。スパーにも行けません。それで、家それとも自動車の選択が有ると、自動車を選ぶ人達がいます。

The American economy depends on cheap oil to function. The American economy does well when oil is around $30 a barrel. When I began to write this piece, it had passed $145. Despite a temporary drop, it is still rising. If nothing is done to reduce consumption, within this year, I believe it might hit $200, in another year or two, it could pass $300. From my studies on the net, I have been finding some economists who say that $300 a barrel means the end of America as a nation.


As with people, nearly all freight in America moves by truck. Some freight is transported by rail, but many factories and businesses are far from any rail line. Somewhere, a truck will used to haul the load. And the state of American railroads is not very good; the infrastructure needs much more work. Also of course freight trains run on diesel fuel, which comes from oil.


So with rising fuel costs, it becomes too expensive for people to ship goods. The fact is, many small and medium trucking companies have gone bankrupt in the last few years.

アメリカで燃料の値段が上がってきて、だんだん貨物運送は値段的に高くなりすぎてきて います。実は、最近数年間でアメリカで数多くの運送会社が破産しました。

So what is to be done? Many Americans think we can drill our way out of the problem, by exploiting fields in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico. The problem is that it will take time to get that oil, and even then there is only a few months worth of oil in those fields at present rates of American usage.


Other Americans feel that we should develop hybrid vehicles that do not use much fuel. This is a nice idea, but so far hybrids require infrastructure that does not yet exist. And to build enough vehicles to replace every vehicle in America will take some ten years. We might have three years, but now it is certain that we do not have ten years.


I think what Americans have to realize is that we are going to have to abandon cars entirely, if we are to maintain our civilization. The only way to maintain communication across America in the future will be by electric train.


The only way for America to survive will be with a Maglev high speed system connecting the major cities, and normal speed trains from the cities into the rural areas to bring agricultural goods to people. Powered by nuclear energy.

これから、アメリカで大都市をリニアモーターカーで繋がって、各大都市から近郊や地方 に普通のスピードで走る電車を利用するべきと思います。これで人と貨物運送は出来ます。勿論、電気は原子力発電で作ります。

The age of oil is over. And we are going to have to adjust, very quickly.



Wednesday, July 16, 2008

日本の漁業燃料コスト Japanese Fishing Fleet Fuel Costs

In recent days the news have been filled with stories about Japanese fishermen striking because of high fuel costs. In my opinion, we are going to have to return to the age of sail. Germany has tested a sail kite on a merchant ship, which achieved fuel cuts of 10 to 15%. It is estimated that yearly fuel costs can be cut by 10 to 35%.(see links)


This could be useful in going to and returning from fishing areas. Eventually, sails could be added so that fishing activities would be conducted by sail. New fishing ships should be built to mainly use sail. Diesel engines would only be used to enter and leave port.


Fuel costs are not going to get any cheaper. In America, the trucking industry is being hit very hard by diesel fuel costs. There is less and less oil in the world, costs will only continue to rise. We have to find solutions to continue our life without oil.


Links. リンク

Sunday, July 13, 2008

インドネシア看護師 Indonesian Nurses

Recently, I have read of an idea to take some 5,000 Indonesian nurses into Japan, to work as caregivers in Japanese nursing homes. Well, I have to say that I am totally against the plan.


First of all, language. They will have six months of Japanese language instruction. This is too short. I know, because I was born in America, and when I first came to Japan, I knew nothing of Japanese.


It takes about 2 years to get a basic conversation ability. This is fine, as long as you have some job, that does not require much Japanese language ability.


However to speak Japanese well enough to work in a Japanese company, it takes about 8 to 10 years. And here we another very important factor. To work well in a Japanese work environment, one must have a great understanding of Japanese culture. In the Japanese medical establishment, this will be very important, as it has a very strong hierarchy.


And it is very possible that some of them will want to bring their families to Japan. While this is understandable in human terms, the pay given to these caregivers will be quite low. And will the other family members speak Japanese? It is not likely. So if we imagine 3 family members per caregiver, we have a total of 20,000 people coming, most of whom cannot get a job or participate in Japanese society.


And yet the pay they do get will probably be better than what they can get in Indonesia, they will try to stay permanently. I think all this plan will do is create a permanent non Japanese under class in Japan.


Why not hire young Japanese? Or why not hire some of the foreign residents of Japan? There are some 200,000 Philippino residents living here, why not give them the jobs? Of course, they should speak, read, and write Japanese, but they already live here. Most of them do understand Japanese language . And they would have much more understanding of Japanese society than some new person.


I really do not think this plan has been thought out well.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

前説 Why this blog?

In the last few years, we have seen an increasingly complex world evolve. Wars, Global Warming, Financial Collapse. America, by virtue of it’s importance, has been central in these events. In this web site, I would like to explain things from the views of one American. All viewpoints that I express here are completely my own.


自己紹介  Self introduction




1999年からは、キリスト教の結婚式牧師も行っています。東京及び関東地方のホテル、レストラン、結婚式場で行いました。 結婚披露宴の司会も行いました。イベントの 司会も行っています。デパートやパーティでサンタクロースの仕事もやり、子供達にプレゼントを渡します。



在日米国商工会議所(ACCJ)の会員で、Government Relations Committee, Membership CommitteeとTravel IndustryCommitteeに入っています。



Hello. I was born in 1956 in Chicago, in the United States. My high school years I spent in the swamps of central Wisconsin. Since I was young, I have read every book I could get my hands on the subject of war. Also, I am a big science fiction fan. After graduation from high school, I first came to Japan, I spent 2 years in Marine Air Station Iwakuni, where I served as a United States Marine. After that, I came to Tokyo, and entered International Christian University.

I then became a normal salaryman in Japanese firms, selling Japanese electronics to Thailand, and importing an American ice cream franchise, “Whirla Whip”, to Japan. I also worked many years as a trade show carpenter building displays in such places as Makuhari Messe exhibition hall in Chiba. I even made it to foreman, I was in charge of building the Denmark exhibit at the International food fair at Makuhari one year.

For the last 20 years or so, I have been an actor in Japanese TV, films, commercials and theater, also doing a lot of commercial narrations. Not only do I act in English and Japanese, but I also speak German and French, and a little Russian.

In 1999, I was ordained as a Christian wedding Minister, and I have performed many weddings in Tokyo and the Kanto plain at various hotels and restaurants. Also, I have performed as a Master of Ceremonies for wedding parties at hotels. For those of you who do not understand Japan, these are very highly choreographed, very formal affairs. As the MC, you sweat a lot.

And almost every December I am a department store Santa Claus. One of the most terrifying experiences of my life was facing 100 kids of preferred customers at a Japanese department store, for a one-hour question and answer session. How do you respond to an 8 year old who comes up with, “Santa, why do you always run around in that dorky red suit?” Well my off the cuff answer was that the North Pole is covered with snow, and if my reindeer need to find me, well it is easy in a red suit. Again, you sweat in events like this.

From October 2006 to December 2007 I appeared every Monday morning as a News Commentator on MX televisions “Morning Supli” morning news program. MX television is Tokyo prefectural television. It was a great experience, the show as always live; again, you have to think on your feet. I still make occasional appearances on the show.

Since October of 2003, I have been the primary wedding pastor at the Kofu Fujiya hotel in Kofu city, Yamanashi Prefecture, and at the French restaurant L’Alliance in the Kagurazaka district of Tokyo. They are both very enjoyable places to work, and I have probably performed well over two thousand marriages.

I am also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce Japan, and I am active in the Membership, Government Relations, and Travel Industry committees.

I truly love Japan, and consider it my home. Yet being born an American, I have a different perspective on things. I see both America and Japan from a different viewpoint than most people. In this blog, I will be commenting on military affairs, global warming, peak oil, and other agents of coming social change. I welcome the comments of my readers to express your opinions on these subjects.

Where I work   私の仕事場

The company I work with is Tokyo Salonisti. The president, Mr. Sasaki Akira, is one of Japan’s premier violinists, a graduate of Tokyo’s prestigious Geijitsu Daigaku, Japan’s foremost university of the arts. Almost all the musicians who work with Tokyo Salonisti are also Geijitsu Daigaku alumni, comprising one of the most impressive collections of musical talent in Japan.

I perform Christian weddings at the Fujiya hotel in Kofu city Yamanashi Prefecture. It is the largest hotel in Yamanashi, which is the old country called Kai, well known as the home of one Japan’s most famous Daimyo’s, Takeda Shingen. Near Kofu city, is the famous Shosen gorge, which is beautiful in any season, and well worth a visit. And please stop by the chapel at the Fujiya hotel, it is quite impressive.

山梨県甲府市富士屋ホテルで、キリスト教結婚式を行っています。このホテルは山梨県で有名な ホテルです。山梨県は昔甲斐の国と呼ばれていて、武田信玄の古里でした。甲府市の近くに有名な昇仙峡が有ります。どんな季節でも奇麗です。富士屋ホテルチャペルへ一度いらっしゃて下さい。とても美しいです。
In Tokyo, I perform weddings at the French restaurant L’Alliance in Kagurazaka Tokyo. Kagurazaka is an ancient exclusive district dating from the Edo era. If you stroll through Kagurazaka today, you can still feel the atmosphere of old Edo. In fact, many of the foreign residents of this district are French. Last fall, L’Alliance received it’s first Michelin star. The chef’s, Mr. Segal from France and Suzuki-san from Japan, create excellent cuisine.


Americanisms I アメリカの独特な英語


Do you savvy? Savvyと言う単語はフランス語”Savoir”から来ました。Savoirの意味は「知る」と言う事です。発音は米語ぽく成っています。英語でも米語でも、フランス語の単語は多いです。

Painful to watch.  見ていて苦しい。例えば、自分の友達が何か運動をします。もしかしたらダィーブ。しかし、その友達は本当にスポーツオンチです。貴方はひどい結果が出ると分かっています。そのダィーブを見てら、painful to watchと言えます。

Homophobe ゲイを嫌い人と言う意味です。Phobiaはギリシア語で“恐れ”と言う意味です。

Girly Men これは、男性同士で使う単語です。意味は女性らしい男です。アメリカの男はイーメジ的に筋肉が強い、スポーツが上手です。あんまり出来ない男はよく単語でいじめられます。

Pork barrel project, It’s a lot of pork   冷蔵庫を開発以前のアメリカで、食べ物の保存は樽でしました。販売店で大きい樽が有って、近所の男は販売店に集まって、色々な事をお話します。そして、近所の政治の話も有ったでしょう。現在の意味は、むりやりに政治家が自分の地区に必要ないプロジェクトを引きます。

Sheeple この単語は羊、sheep、とpeople人たち、とコンビをします。アメリカ人の考えで、個人主義の活動は大切です。羊は自分で考えをしないで、群で生活をします。Sheepleと言う意味は人々自分個人考えが無くて、群みたいなグループで活動します。

Glass ceiling 有る男性、有る女性、両方は同じ年、大学卒業したばかり。両方は同じ会社に入社します。両方は30年間ぐらい仕事をします。男性の方はもしかしたら、仕事の結果によって、社長に成るかも知れない。しかし女性の場合、いくら仕事うまくやっても、いくら頑張っても、部長レベルしか成らない。これは英語でglass ceilingグラスで作った天井です。目で見えない関ですが、意味は女性社員はここより上がらない。

Wedding talk 結婚に関するお話

June has just finished.. In Japan, we often hear the expression “June Bride”, and you can hear it in the West as well. Many people feel it is lucky to get married in the month of June.

今季節は夏、6月は終わったばかりです。この月に結婚する女性は、 ジューン・ブライドと言いますね。西洋の国々もそうです。数多くの人々の考えで、6月に結婚すれば、運がいいと思われています。

So why do they feel so? June is named after the Roman Goddess Juno. She was the wife of Jupiter, the king of the Gods, so she was a Queen.

どうしてこの考えが有りますか?英語で、6月は”June”と言います。これは昔のローマ帝国の女神様、 ジュノーから来ました。ローマの神話で、彼女は神々の王様ジュピターの奥さんでした。だから彼女は女王様の存在が有りました。

She was the Goddess of finances for the Roman Empire, and the Goddess of marriage and a married couples household. This is why many people still today feel that it is lucky to get married in June.


Much of the culture of Western countries comes from the Roman Empire, and so do the months of the calendar.


Let us examine them.


January is named after the God Janus, God of the doorway. This God would have a cruel face next to the door of a Roman house, facing outside. However, next to the door on the inside of the house, this God would have a kind face.


The outside face was to scare bad people away. The inside face was to spread warmth and kindness to the family.


Today, this image of this God persists in the English language. If a person is kind to his boss, yet cruel to his co workers at the same level, he can be called “Two Faced” like the God Janus. It is not a compliment.

現在、この神様の姿が英語に残っています。有る人が会社で上司にすごく優しい、しかし、同僚に厳しい、英語で、彼が、”Two Faced”と言います、ヤヌスの神様のようにです。これは丁寧な話ではありません。

February is named for the Roman purification festival, Februa, which was held in that month.


March is named after the Roman God of war, Mars.


April is most likely thought to be named for the Latin word Apirere, which means to open. In this month flowers bloom, thus they “open”.


May is the different one, named for the Greek Goddess of fertility Maia.

June we already know.


July is named for the Roman Emperor Julius Caeser, who was born in that month.

7月は、ユリウス カエサル皇帝から来ました。彼は7月生まれでした。

August is named after the Roman Emperor Augustus Caeser. In Latin, August means a person of great respect. Sometimes, English literature, you might come across the expression, “He was an august person”

8月は、アウグストゥス カエサルローマ帝国を建帝した皇帝でした。ラテン語で”August”と言う意味はとても尊敬されている人です。時々、英語の文学で、”He was an august person”の様の文章が有るかも知れません。意味は、“彼はとても尊敬された人でした”。

Now the next four months. September is Septem the Latin 7. October is Octo, number 8. November is Novem, or 9. And that leaves December as Decem, which is number 10.

それでは、次の4ヶ月。ラテン語でSeptemは7、Octoは8、Novemは9、それとDecemは10。これは英語のSeptember, October, November, and December.です。

What? Did you say that they are two months off? Not really. .Originally, the Roman calendar started in March and ended in December. The winter, a period of two months, was monthless until 731 B.C when January and February were created.


Why the Iraq war? イラク戦争について

Recently, a Japanese friend who knew America well asked me, “Why did America invade Iraq? Didn’t you learn anything in the Vietnam War?”

最近、日本人の友達から、“どうしてアメリカがイラクに侵略をしましたか? アメリカ人はベトナム戦争で勉強に成りませんでしたか?”と聞かれました。

Well it is of course a very complex problem, but there are three main answers as why this war happened. The first is about a Great American Myth. This myth is the idea that the United States did not truly lose in Vietnam. What happened is the American media, and left wing Americans, betrayed the war effort. These people “stabbed the American military in the back”. To the thinking of some people, the media and left wing Americans betrayed America by taking to the streets and demonstrating against the war, and the media by reporting only bad news about the war.


So if only these problems could be fixed, America would not lose its next war. This was the thinking of many on the right wing in American politics. When the Iraq war began, the US government made an active effort to control journalists. Journalists were sent into the war zone with American military units. It was a process called “embedding”. The Bush administration felt that this would result in more positive reporting of the war, and not cause the people on the “Home Front” in America to become anxious.

アメリカの右派の人達の考えで、このマスコミの問題を直しましたら、アメリカは次の戦争で負けません。イラク戦争の始めに、アメリカの政府が報道関係者をコントロールする政策を作りました。この政策は、報道関係者はアメリカ軍の部隊の中に入れる事です。これは、英語で”embedding”と言う計画でした。ブッシュ 政権の考えで、この方法で、アメリカ軍がよく見える報道だけを放送します。国内前線は、戦争中のアメリカ国民を安心させて、デモを起こしません。

However this was not the only measure to control the media. In the years since the Vietnam War, a few large companies gradually bought out media outlets. The corporations then used pressure to control the message being sent out to viewers. If a media outlet did not comply, then they faced direct pressure from the White House. Many famous journalists were railroaded. Actually, the American mass media in the runup to the Iraq war functioned more as a cheering section, rather than true investigative journalism. However, it has been realized by some media outlets, and now there is effort to make more balanced news coverage.

しかし、マスコミをコントロールする為に、もう一つの大きい事をしました。ベトナム戦争の終わった時から、ほとんどのマスコミ会社が、数カ所の大きい会社に買収されました。この数カ所の会社は、ブッシュ政権ととても仲がいい、政治的右派でした。どこかのマスコミがブッシュ政権の戦争理由を報道しなかったとしたら、ブッシュ 政権から圧力がかかりました。アメリカで沢山の有名な報道関係者がいじめられて、仕事を失いました。ブッシュ 政権のイラク戦争の準備の時に、アメリカのマスコミは調査や批判の報道をやらないで, ブッシュ政権の戦争政策応援団に成りました。実は、戦争の始まりで、アメリカのマスコミはほとんど戦争を応援しましたが、最近、そのいくつかがブッシュ政権のサポートに疑問を感じて、バランスを保つ努力をし ています。

A second reason this war was launched was to protect Israel, and to reform the Middle East to Israel’s advantage. Before the American invasion of Iraq, Iraq and Iran were the strongest opponents of Israel. The Bush Administration has made efforts to attack Iran, but they have so far failed. Israel has always had a special relationship with the United States.


And the third great reason for this war is Peak Oil. The Bush administration knew that the world’s oil would soon run out, and cause a radical transformation of human civilization on the planet. However, instead of totally reforming American society, to reduce dependence on gasoline, it was decided to invade Iraq and control the world’s oil, to be shared only with a few key allies like Britain and Japan. The problem of how to survive without oil could be put off for a generation.


Also, there is a certain train of thought in America called “American Exceptionalism”. This is the idea that America is the best in all things. That America cannot make a mistake. And that all people in the world really desire to be like Americans. According to this thinking, in the present Iraq war, the Iraqi’s should be grateful for the American invasion. Why because with the war America gave a great gift to Iraq, Democracy and freedom. However, when the Iraqi’s fought back against America’s invasion, American people who hold these ideas felt that this proved that Iraqi’s were not civilized. That Iraqi’s could not understand America’s wonderful “Gift”. In my thinking, America is a nice, normal country. I do not think it is automatically greater than other nations. You basically find this type of thinking among people of a low social level, who are not very educated. People with higher education usually do not think this way.

現在、アメリカ人には変わった考えが有ります。これは英語で”American Exceptionalism”と言います。説明しますと、アメリカは世界一素晴しい特別の国ですので、間違いを犯しません。それと、世界の国々の人々は、本当にアメリカ人の様に成りたいと思っています。現在のイラク戦争で、アメリカ人が「イラク人はアメリカの戦争を感謝します。」と思っています。なぜなら、アメリカの民主主義と自由を与えるから。しかし、イラク人はアメリカ人と戦っています。アメリカ人の考えでは、イラク人は文明人では有りません。アメリカの素晴しい”Gift”を理解出来ないから。私の考えでは、アメリカは普通の国です。別に他の国より偉くは有りません。この様に考えるアメリカ人はほんとんど教育のレベルは低いし、社会の立場も低いです。高い教育されてるアメリカ人は基本的この考えをしません。

I myself am one of many Americans who cannot agree with such thinking. I feel that America should do it’s best to be an attractive country with high legal and social standards. I also feel that we should have good relations with all countries of the world. This is in line with the philosophy of our Founding Fathers. I feel that we should not judge and compare other nations and peoples, but we should do our best to coexist.

私自身は、そう言うアメリカ人では有りません。アメリカが高い法的、社会的な基準を守って、魅力的な国に成るべきと思っています。世界のどんな国々とでもいい関係をもつべきです。これは、アメリカ建国父たちの哲学です。そのとおりで、 他の国々の社会と国民に判断してはいけません。我々の地球は一つの一軒家みたいです。皆と仲良く、共同生活をしたいです。

Failure 失敗

All of these goals have failed in the face of reality. The American military could not create a society like America in Iraq, and it is losing the battle against the Iraqi people.


Israel invaded Lebanon in 2006 and was soundly defeated. Israel has been unable to control the Palestine people, and is facing a crisis.

Oil from Iraq is not coming out of the ground because of the chaos of war. Nobody is getting the oil.


So why doesn’t America just leave?


First of all, it is very difficult for Americans to admit defeat. To simply leave, it would mean that the Bush administration would be admitting that it was a mistake from the beginning. Since the Iraq war is the single most important act of the present Bush administration, this they cannot do.


At this time, we are in a Presidential election campaign. Senator McCain seems to be taking a very simplistic view, that Iraq can become a peaceful country by 2013, and that America will have succeeded. Every effort by the Bush administration has failed, and Senator McCain does not provide any specific ideas on how he would fight the war any better, or what “victory” would mean.


Senator Obama has to be very careful. Basically, he says that we should withdraw from Iraq, but that it should be done carefully. If Senator Obama were to say that there is no way the war could be won, we should just leave; he could lose many votes in the election, and possibly the election itself. Many people would accuse him of being a coward.


Back in the Vietnam War, we had a saying; “Let’s just say we won and go home”. For those who were against the Vietnam War, it was impossible to convince war supporters that the war could not be won. America divided in half over that war. So people who were against the war decided it might be better to play word games and leave Vietnam, rather than forcing the pro war people to admit it was wrong.

ベトナム戦争の時に、戦争反対の人たちは一つの考えが有りました。“はい、はい。もう勝ちました。じゃあ、帰りましょう。”その時にベトナム戦争賛成のアメリカ人たちに、「戦争は無駄です。もう勝利が出来ません。」と教える事が出来ませんでした。その戦争で、アメリカ人ははっきり右と左に派閥を分けました。それで、戦争反対派は、戦争賛成派を“負けた”を認めさせるより、“word game”をして、早く撤退するの方がいいと思いました。

In the end, I do not think that America can economically support the war effort in Iraq much longer. And in the end American domestic economic problems will force an American withdrawal, probably next year.

最後に、アメリカはもう経済的に長くイラク戦争を続ける事が出来ないと思います。アメリカ国内経済問題の影響で、 来年 撤退する事に成るでしょう。


I created the Japanese word 建国父達 for the English “Founding Fathers”. The concept of the Founding Fathers is very important for Americans. Basically, it means the people who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776, helped to create the United States Constitution in 1787, or fought against the British in the Revolutionary war. They were exceptional people and they created America as a nation.

私は英語のFounding Fathersを日本語で建国父達と翻訳しました。この建国父達の事は、アメリカ人にとても大切です。基本的に、この意味はアメリカを国として作った人たちと言う意味です。例えば、1776年でアメリカ独立宣言にサインした人たち、それとも1787年にアメリカ憲法を作った人たち、それともアメリカ独立戦争で戦いました人たちです。彼達はとても優秀な方々で、アメリカを国として創りました。

One of their primary concepts was the idea of “Checks and Balances”. America has three branches of Government, Executive, (the President) Legislative (Congress and the Senate) and Judicial (the Courts).

建国父達の一つの基本的な哲学は、”Checks and Balances” ストップ とバランスです。アメリカ政府は、三つの分権で成り立っています。それは大統領、議会 、と裁判です。アメリカの場合、裁判は政府の活動が憲法に対して正しいかどうかで判断します。

The three branches are designed to be equal in power to one another, and to preserve Democracy, and prevent the rise of totalitarian dictatorships. In the recent Bush administration, we have seen the Executive branch assume much power in how the country should be run. This is partly how the President was able to start the Iraq war. However, recently I have seen some strong challenges to the President from the Legislative and Judicial branches.
They are trying to cut down the power that the Executive branch has assumed. And for this I am grateful I am grateful to the Founding Fathers.


The Founding Fathers forsaw that humans can be selfish and greedy. So, the system was built to prevent any one branch from becoming too strong. This is how American Democracy is supposed to work.


The Home Front

I made the Japanese word 国内前線 to describe the English word “The Home Front”. This word dates from at least World War II. For example, America invaded Normandy France in 1944. There was a definite front line on a map, which would appear almost daily in the newspapers. On one side was the German army, on the other, the Americans, British, and others. So what was the Home Front? Many men were fighting in the military, and this produced a shortage of workers. Many women worked in factories producing tanks, warplanes, and warships. Rosie the Riveter became a symbol of such women.

“Home Front” と言う単語を、私は“国内前線”と翻訳しています。この単語は、第二次世界大戦の時代から英語で使われています。例えば、その戦争で、1944年アメリカと英国軍がフランスのノルマンディー地区に上陸しました。アメリカの新聞の第一面に、フランスの地図が載りました。その地図に、軍の前線は書いてあります。こちら側はアメリカ軍、そちら側はドイツ軍でした。アメリカ人は毎日新聞を読んで、アメリカ軍の進行をはっきりわかりました。それは軍前線でした。そして、“Home Front””国内前線“は何ですか?軍前線で兵隊達は戦い、アメリカ国内ではアメリカ国民は軍隊をサポートしていました。それと数多くの男性は軍前線へ行っていましたから、アメリカ国内軍工場の労働者は足りませんでした。アメリカの女性たちは男性たちの代わりに、軍工場で働きました。第二次世界戦のアメリカの戦車、飛行機、と軍艦は、実は、アメリカの女性たちが作りました。Rosie the Riveterはその女性の代表的な一人です。
She was an actual person, Rose Will Monroe, who worked in an aircraft factory in Kentucky.

彼女は、実際に存在した人でした。彼女の名前はRose Will Monroeさんでした。アメリカケンタッキー州の軍飛行機工場で働きました。

In the war, Japanese women also worked in factories in large numbers.


Before World War II, women in America could basically only hope to be homemakers or school teachers. However, many women joining the workforce caused a revolution in American society. Today, we have had a women almost become the President of the United States of America.

第二次世界大戦以前に、アメリカ人女性はキャリアをつむつもりがあっても 、ほとんど専業主婦か学校の先生しか選択がありませんでした。しかし、戦争中で数多くの女性は労働者に成って、社会の革命に成りました。現在、一人のアメリカ人女性、ヒラリー クリントン氏、ぎりぎりまでアメリカ大統領候補に成りそうでした。どうしてヒラリーさんはここまで頑張りました。Rosie the Riveterの影響は大きいです。

So people’s activity at home in support of the war effort is what is meant by the Home Front. Of course, in the present Iraq war, there is nowhere near the activity in support of the war that happened in WWII.


Yet right wing people who supported the Vietnam war and dreamed up the Iraq war felt that the Vietnam war was lost on the Home Front. That is, by this thinking, the US military did not truly fail, it was the demonstrations and lack of support from the Home Front, or the civilian people in America, that caused the war to fail. So in the present Iraq war, the Bush administration made efforts to control the media and thusly control people’s opinion on the Home Front. They were only partly successful.


Railroaded この単語の意味は、圧力で何かをやりさせるという事です。特に悪い方にです。この場合の意味は、マスコミの関係者がブッシュ政権に反対の報道をしましたら、仕事を辞める様にされたという事です。

Runup この場合は戦争の準備の期間と言う意味です。イラク侵略する前に、ブッシュ政権はアメリカのマスコミでいっぱい戦争賛成のプロパガンダを流しました。