Saturday, January 24, 2009

オバマ大統領とイスラエル President Obama and Israel

Last night on Friday evening, I watched Asahi TV’s Hodo Station with Furutachi Ichiro. Now I must say that I am a big fan of Mr. Furutachi. The broadcast was about all the killings that Israel has done in Gaza, with very graphic video of the carnage.

昨夜(金曜日)、 テレビ 朝日「報道ステーション」で、古館伊知郎さんはメインキャスターでした。私は彼の大ファンです。昨日の放送は、ガザ地区で、イスラエル軍が大勢の普通の人々を殺した特集でした。

This was included with video of President Obama saying that Israel should not be bombarded with Hamas rockets. The implication was that perhaps President Obama supported Israel’s attack.


The truth is, President Bush supported Israel in whatever they did. The 2006 war against Lebanon was also quite awful. For the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah, Israel conducted bombing raids across the country, and fired many cluster bombs into civilian villages in Lebanon.

真実は、ブッシュ前大統領は何を行っても、イスラエルを支持しました。2006年レバノン戦争は 特にひどかったでした。南レバノンのヒズボラはイスラエル兵士二人をさらって、イスラエルの反動がレバノン全土に沢山の空襲を行い、クラスター爆弾も一般市民の市町村に落としました。

President Bush supported Israeli Prime Minister Olmert no matter what he did against the Palestine people. However, President Obama has been very busy in his first few days overturning many of the things President Bush did.


As far as the Middle East, he did say that Israel had a right to protect itself from Hamas missiles. However, he also said that the Palestinian people have a right to food, water, electricity and fuel. Israel has been blocking these things to the people in Gaza for a long time, and this is a major cause for the Hamas rockets.


Israeli Prime Minster Olmert’s public comments that he can pull the American President out of a speech and dictate how America should vote in the UN have really angered many Americans, including President Obama.

イスラエルのオルメルト首相の公のコメントで、アメリカのブッシュ前大統領はスピーチ中でも、彼をそのスピーチから引っぱって、 電話で国連投票を辞める命令を出す力が有りますと自慢しました。アメリカ人は、この事をとても怒っていますし、オバマ大統領も怒っていますと思います。

And most Israeli’s did not support this war in Gaza, neither did most Jewish people in America.


I think that Prime Minister Olmert and George Bush are close friends, they have the same worldview. In relations with other people, if you have a difficulty, bomb and kill.


Well George Bush is now gone. And I think that President Obama is about to give Israel some tough love.

ブッシュ前大統領は終わりです。私の考えで、これからオバマ大統領はイスラエルに”tough love”をします。

Tough Love  と言う意味は、甘く育つでは無く、厳しい規律をしながら、その相手に正しい事を分かる様にします。これは、特に、問題の子供の場合で使います。

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

アメリカのビール American Beer

Well, now we have a new President in America. And you would like to celebrate in style. However, the very famous, common American brands of beer available in Japan, well you might think they are rather weak, lacking something.

それでは、現在アメリカに新しい大統領がやっと就任しました。 そして、貴方は何とかかっこよくお祝いしたいです。しかし、貴方の気持ちは日本であちらこちらで売られているアメリカのビールは味が薄い、何か物足りないと思っています。

May I make a suggestion? There are three brands of beer in Japan that are in my opinion, quite good. They may be a little bit hard to find, but some liquor stores, supermarkets, bars, and restaurants carry them.


These beers are Samuel Adams, Henry Weinhard’s and Anchor Steam. So go out and get one of these beers, and find a great way to celebrate the inauguration of President Obama.


Bottoms up! Cheers! 乾杯!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

オバマ大統領  President Obama

Barack Obama is now the President of the United States of America . So for us living in Japan, what can we expect?


Well for one thing, I can tell that he is a very intelligent man, and I think he has a good understanding of the problems facing America.


Many Japanese friends ask me, “Will President Obama be able to fix America?” Well, my answer will be no, not completely. But he will do his best to repair some things, and I think that he was the best choice of all people running in the past election.


But I think that Japan will be playing a more active role in the future Japanese/American relationship. During the Cold War, and since then, military security has always been at the top of the agenda for the Japanese and American governments.


However, I do not think such an emphasis on military security is necessary any longer. In military terms, Asia is relatively stable, and America is withdrawing from Iraq. This is correct, and Japan should also encourage America to withdraw from Afghanistan.


A military solution is not possible there, and Japan and South Korea deciding to send joint humanitarian aid is a correct decision. Japan should do it’s best to encourage America help the Afghans bring about their own political solution.


However, in my opinion, the greatest dangers facing the planet are Climate Change, and depletion of oil resources. A secondary danger is financial collapse.


Very few Americans really understand the dangers posed by Climate Change. They think that we are merely in a cycle, things will soon return to normal.


And here is the problem with President Obama. People do understand that the Bush administration did create a lot of problems. But they expect that the new President, Barack Obama, will make everything the same as it was before.


That is not possible. The financial crisis will become even worse in America this year. President Obama understands this. In his inaugural speech, has said that people must be responsible in their business practices. This is in contrast to the Bush administration, which basically let business do whatever it pleased. We ended up with the major financial institutions of America creating giant worldwide Ponzi schemes.


I also think that building electric railroads in America would be a worthwhile investment. I do think that President Obama understands the importance of rebuilding America’s railroads. But at least in the near future, America will not have the capability to build the amount of rail cars, electric engines, and infrastructure needed. Japan has a tremendous rail capability, and I think Japan can help a lot in the training of Americans in the manufacture of rail equipment.


With the depletion of oil resources, the future of land transport is electric rail, and sea transport will be by combination sail and electric vessel.


The financial crisis in America is in my opinion, beyond repair. I think in Japan and America both, we are going to tend to become more socialist in our societies. In Japan, we are having a serious social problem with temporary workers being suddenly laid of from manufacturing jobs. I think the Japanese government in cooperation with the corporate world is going to have to find them future work, and some measures are already have begun.


In America, not only is there a crisis of unemployment, there is also a housing crisis with people being unable to afford their homes. The number of homeless people, many of them families, is rapidly increasing.


And I think there is going to be a lot more government regulation in both society and business involved in both our countries.


For Japanese, I do not think it will be difficult to become a more group-orientated society; Japanese have always been so culturally. But for Americans this will be much more difficult, as Americans have always prided themselves on their individuality.


Americans are expecting President Obama to bring satisfaction; I think they will be surprised when he tells Americans that they have to change their lives if the nation is to survive. But this is necessary.

アメリカ人は、オバマ大統領が皆アメリカ人に満足を与えますと期待しているでしょう。これから、アメリカが国として存続する為に、オバマ大統領が各アメリカ人に個人生活を変えなければ 成りませんと言うと、アメリカ人は驚くでしょう。しかし、この変化は必要です。

And Barack Obama is the best man for the job.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

オバマ次期大統領と温暖化  President elect Obama and Global Warming

There is a lot of speculation in the American media about what President elect Barack Obama will do once he assumes office. Most of the speculation concentrates on the wars in the Middle East, or on the American economy.


For his own part, President elect Obama has remained silent. He says that the United States of America has only one President at time, and until January 20th, George Bush is still President. This is a correct approach. However, he has gradually been appointing members of his cabinet, and appointing the heads of various agencies.


Many people in the US, in the media and the Blogosphere are worried. They see Barack Obama picking former Clinton officials, and even some Republicans. They worry that President elect Obama will not make a great change over his predecessor.


For my own part, I am quite pleased. All across the board, I see President elect Obama picking smart intelligent people. This is quite a difference from the Bush administration, where the only criteria for a government job was loyalty to George Bush.


But I am especially pleased with Barack Obama’s picks in regard to Science. Professor John Holdren, of Harvard University, will be the White House Science Advisor. He is highly critical of the Bush administration approach to Global Warming, and science in general. Basically, the Bush administration policy towards Climate Change can be summed up in the phrase that “President Bush put his head in the sand”.

特に、私は、オバマ次期大統領の科学相談者として選んだ人に嬉しいです。ハーバード大学のジョンホルデュレン教授は、ホワイトハウスの科学相談者に成ります。彼は ブッシュ政権の温暖化と科学についての政策を強く批評しています。基本的に、ブッシュ政権温暖化の政策は、“無視しましょう!”と説明出来ます。

Americans worry much about military affairs and the possibility of terrorism. But I will say that Global Warming is much more dangerous than terrorism. Terrorism is a minor problem that should be handled by police forces of various nations cooperatively. President Bush made a serious mistake in starting wars with major military forces. He has created more chaos, instead of solving problems.


However Global Warming is here right now. Last summer in Japan we experienced heavy sudden rainstorms, which we called in Japanese “Guerrilla Downpours”. These are not at all normal. Where I grew up in the American Great Lakes region, I was used to heavy thunderstorms. When I moved to Japan 35 years ago, I was surprised that Japan did not have such storms.


Well that was 35 years ago. I live in Suginami ward Tokyo. Last summer I was awestruck by a huge thunderhead that I could see moving across central Saitama prefecture. From Suginami. There was something like three lightning strikes a second. It looked like that thundercloud scene in Tom Cruise’s movie, “The War of the Worlds”. I watched for some 20 minutes, and it was very frightening.


Well Global Warming should be frightening. If we do nothing, human life will be impossible on Earth within 100 years. We have already passed the danger point with greenhouse gases of 350 ppm. We are now at 385 ppm.


What this means is that simply cutting our emissions of greenhouse gases will not save us. Thanks to George Bush, it is too late.


Yet there is hope, and here is where I admire and support Barack Obama. We are going to have to Bio Engineer our atmosphere. And we do have strong possibilities; one idea I like is massive algae farms to capture Carbon Dioxide.


I have written much about how America is in trouble. Well you don’t have to read my blog, just pick up any newspaper; you will see that America has serious problems. The Bush administration was a total disaster. In fact, it can be said that George Bush tried to destroy science to advance Fundamentalist Christianity. But to fight Global Warming, we will need the science powerhouse of America. And there still is a lot of scientific knowledge and resources in America. George Bush could not destroy all American knowledge.

私はこのブログで、よくアメリカの問題について書いています。まあ、私のブログを読まなくても 、どんな新聞を読んでいても、アメリカが深い問題をいっぱい有る事がよく分かります。ブッシュ政権は、完璧失敗です。正直に、ブッシュ大統領は原理主義キリスト教を勧める為に、科学と知識を消す動力を行ったと言います。けれど、温暖化に勝つ為に、アメリカの科学が必要です。アメリカに、まだ知識と研究所がいっぱい有ります。ブッシュ大統領は、アメリカの知識をすべて消しませんでした 。

The planet Earth does still have Hope, and his name is Barack Obama.


Put his head in the sand アメリカ人はこの言葉をよく使います。例えば、アフリカの大平地を想像して下さい。ダチョウが歩いています。突然、お腹がすいているライオンが出てきます!怖い!しかし、ダチョウはどうする?逃げもしない。戦うでもしない。自分の頭を砂の中に入れて、もう怖いライオンを見えない、ダチョウは安心します。


あけましておめでとうございます!  Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It is my deepest hope for a much better year this year!