A very alarming thing happened on the 4th of July in America. It was not President Trump’s speech, which I thought was OK. Rather, this alarming event happened in Georgia. A newly formed Left wing Black militia, came to Stone Mountain park looking for conservative militia to fight. In a gun battle.

They issued challenges to conservative militia to come fight, but none were there at the time, so a shooting civil war was avoided for a time. The group above wants to establish an independent country for Black in the United States with no White people. In the event above, the leader demanded that the United States government give them the Sate of Texas. That would mean all White people in the US leave Texas, and all Black people move there, it would become an independent country.
By the way, this is how Leftists celebrated the 4th of July outside the White House, by stomping on the flag.

What are the militia?
These are listed militia groups in the United States.
There are about 100,000 members nationwide. While most members are White, there are other races who are present in conservative militia. There purpose for existence is, to protect their constitutional fights in case the Federal government becomes tyrannical. Right now, the American Left is trying to force confiscation of privately owned weapons.
The American Left is completely under the control of corporations, who are using the Democratic party, Black Lives Matter, and Antifa to attempt to destroy Conservative resistance. The Corporate goal is to get all wealth in America. The Left, Democratic goal is to force all Americans to accept their philosophy or destroy them.
Thus, we have a civil war. The Conservatives want to be left alone to live their lives. That is why the militias exist. The Conservatives believe they cannot depend on government to protect them, and they are correct. President Trump is their Great Hope, but they will protect themselves.

In my book, 2nd civil war, battle for America, I have written how conservative militia will dominate the countryside in America, and in civil war, cut off food supplies, electricity and water to Left wing cities. The Right wing will win, hardships in the cities will be tremendous.
私の本「アメリカ人が語る 日本人に隠しておけないアメリカの“崩壊”」で、内乱の場合、私は保守派の民兵組織が田舎を支配して、左派の大都市の食料供給、電気、飲料水などを止めます。右派は勝って、大都市の困難は大変でしょう。
Right now, there is a surge of police officers who are quitting the police and joining the militia.
現在、数多くの警察官は警察 署を辞めて、民兵組織に入っています。
Well, Democratic governments treat them like criminals, if they do their job and protect people from crime, they can go to prison because deranged Leftists demand it.
And of course people departments in America are being defunded and disbanded.
Since police no longer respond to riots and crime, some business owners are calling militia members to protect their businesses.
In the photo below, these are not police or National Guard or Army, they are militia.

But a person must be careful. That couple in St. Louis, the McCloskey’s, are in trouble for defending their own home, when they were threatened by protestors.

Mr. McCloskey’s rifle has been confiscated. St. Louis Prosecutor Kimberly Gardner says that the couple threatened peaceful protestors. She says the protestors right to protest is stronger.
It was a gated community, which means private, the protestors broke the gate to enter. Below is a picture of the gate.

That does not look very peaceful to me. In present day America, the police are afraid to defend people, they can go to prison. And if you defend yourself from Left wing protestors, private citizens can become a criminal.