I will now talk about the primary Israeli lobby, AIPAC, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
これからメインイスラエルロビー、AIPAC, アメリカ/イスラエル公共問題委員会について書きます。
If you look at a map of Israel, you can see that it is a very small country. It has no natural resources. Israel has a very strong military, but it is completely dependent on the United States for arms and fuel. In it’s wars with Arab states, the resupply of expensive ammunition has meant the difference between victory and defeat.
イスラエルの地図を見ると、とても小さい国と言う事がよく分かります。資源は有りません。しかし、軍隊はけっこう強いですが、銃弾、砲弾、燃料などは完璧にアメリカに頼っています。 アラブ諸国と戦争する時に、アメリカからの高価銃弾と砲弾再供給で、勝つか負けるかの違いでした。
So for Israel, the American/Israeli relationship is of primary importance. Maintaining a positive image of Israel is the mission of AIPAC, or the Israeli lobby as we can call it. While they do many positive things, such as sponsoring inter cultural events and so forth, they also do many negative things.
イスラエルにとって、アメリカ/イスラエル関係は最も重要です。アメリカでイスラエルのイメージを守る事は、AIPAC, それとも、イスラエルロビーの仕事です。色々の肯定的な事、例えば、文化交流イベントを行なっていますが、否定的事もしています。
They have many connections in the media and business. So if a an American Congress person voted against giving more military aid to Israel, AIPAC or some other group would give money to the Congress person’s opponent in an election. Many articles would appear in the bolgosphere or in the mainstream media, describing the Congressperson as something evil. It does not mater if the articles contain truth. This Congressperson would be certain to lose their next election.
The same thing would happen to any newsperson who reported what the Israeli and American Jewish far Right would not like. For example, if Furutachi Ichiro of Hodo Station were to report on Gaza as he did, an American news channel would fire him.
Well what does the Israeli Lobby do? They mount smear campaigns, they call a person Anti-Semitic. This word means someone who hates Jews. And that is why I took two posts to outline the history of Jewish people. It is very rough. Yet there are still many in Europe and America who try to deny that the holocaust happened, or that prejudice against Jews exists. So this is a very controversial subject. To be labeled as an anti Semite, or a person who hates Jews, can destroy a political or media career.
It is in this way that the pro Right Israel lobby, and indirectly Israel itself, controls American foreign policy. If they do not like the vote of a Congressperson, they are then attacked and lose an election, or resign.
There are two very recent examples of how Israel influences American policy. During the Israeli attack on Gaza, Condoleeza Rice was at that time the American Secretary of State. She was working with other diplomats at the UN to create a ceasefire for the Gaza fighting. Prime Minister Olmert, who was in office at that time, found out some about this some 20 minutes before the vote. He telephoned America, was put through to President Bush, and demanded that the vote be changed. He succeeded, America abstained from the vote and the cease fire did not happen.
Another example is that of Chas Freeman. He was appointed as head of the National Intelligence Council by President Obama. His job would be to take all intelligence collected by all 16 American Intelligence agencies, like the CIA, FBI, Naval Intelligence, Army Intelligence, etc, and make them into one report, the NIE or National Intelligence Estimate. For the Israeli lobby, the problem with him is that he does not believe that Iran is trying to make a nuclear bomb. The last NIE stated this conclusion, that there is no evidence that Iran is making a bomb.
もう一つの事件は、チャールズフリーマン氏の事でした。彼はオバマ大統領に国家情報会議長に任命されました。彼の仕事は、アメリカのすべての16の情報部局、例えば、CIA, FBI, 海軍情報部、陸軍情報部などの集まった情報を一つの合同レポートに作ります。これは、NIE, 国家情報評価と言います。イスラエルロビーについてフリーマン氏の問題は、彼がイランが原爆を開発中と信じていません。昨年のNIEも、この結論が有りました。イランが原爆を造っている証拠が無いと書いていました。
The present Israeli Right wing government desperately wants war with Iran. But Israel cannot do it without America helping in attacking Iran. President Bush refused to do so in his time, and President Obama is starting to open negotiations with Iran. For the Israeli’s, this is unacceptable. For them there must be war. So to prevent any intelligence report in America that might say Iran is not dangerous, the Israeli Lobby in America started a very intense smear campaign against Mr. Freeman, and he was forced to resign.
I think this will backfire on them though, I know that President Obama is very angry about this.
私の意見で、この活動は、イスラエルに裏目に出ると思います 。オバマ大統領は、とても怒っています。
Does this matter at all for Japan? Well in 2006, America pressured Japan to give up oil field development in Iran. The reasoning was that Iran is working to develop nuclear weapons, and Japanese investment would help this. The truth is, there is no proof that Iran is working to develop nuclear weapons. All the evidence shows that Iran is developing a nuclear power program. Yet Israel wants to destroy Iran. And pro Israeli right wing lobbies in the US use American power to stop any country from investing in Iran. They could not stop China.
So in America, many people fear AIPAC. Yet this is not the complete story. The true facts are, some two thirds of American Jews support a political solution in Palestine/Israel that gives justice to both peoples. And the hard line positions of AIPAC are only supported by some 10% of Jewish people in America. And many Jewish people are tired of the nasty tactics of a right wing lobbies that only a few people support. Recently, a new Jewish American lobby has appeared, one that truly supports peace in the Middle East. It is called J Street.
それでは、アメリカで多くの人がAIPACを恐れています。しかし、これがすべての話では有りません。真実は、2/3のアメリカユダヤ人は、両方のパレスチナとイスラエル人に正義的な政治解決を支持しています。AIPACの固い右派立場を支持しているアメリカユダヤ人は、一割しかいません 。それと、多くのアメリカユダヤ人は、この固い右派ロビーの汚い作戦に疲れています。最近新しいアメリカユダヤ人ロビーが出来まして、このロビーが本当の中近東の平和状態を探しています。このロビーは、Jストリートと呼ばれています。
America does have a historical experience similar to Israel. When the White man first came to North America, there were many Indians there. Well we killed them; we pushed them out West until there was nowhere for them to go. However, in the 1960’s or so, some Americans came to realize that the Indians were human beings, and a great injustice had been done to them. So efforts at compensation, giving back land, or giving special legal status to tribes, or other things is being done.
Not everybody is happy here. Some White people don’t want to give Indians anything at all. Some Indians don’t think it is enough. But it is a step in the right direction. To be sure, the ratio of Indians to White Americans is much different than the ratio of Moslems to Israeli Jews. There are many more Moslems. Yet in America, we are trying to find a solution. If we can do it, so can Israel.
Israel has elected a new government. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Lieberman are taking a very confrontational approach to their Moslem neighbors, saying things like that they will expel Israeli Arab citizens or that they will bomb Iran by themselves if America will not. Well, since Israeli aircraft would have to pass through American controlled airspace in Iraq, and I do not believe President Obama would let that happen, I do not think they can attack Iran.
But American feelings about Israel are starting to change. Many Americans, including most Jewish Americans, were very upset by Israel’s attack on Gaza. Also, Israel’s efforts to control America foreign policy are making Americans angry. And America is in serious financial trouble. We no longer have the money to keep supporting Israel.
I do think the present Israeli government is rather stupid. This is not a time to in crease tensions, it time to craft a solution. Otherwise, American support may disappear, and Israel will cease to exist.
Note: イスラム教信者にたいして、日本語でイスラム人を使っています。しかし、英語で、Islamistと言いましたら、何かテロみたいの意味に成りますから,英語でMoslemの単語の方を使った方がいいです。
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Part 3 アメリカがイスラエルを支持する方法。How America supports Israel
Now we have come up to the time that Israel was established. Americans generally took a very positive view of Israel. The Israeli settlers were often portrayed as heroes in the media, struggling to establish a nation. To Americans, this reminded them of the establishment of America, and the pioneer spirit.
それでは、イスラエルが建国に時に来ました。基本的に、アメリカ人はイスラエルについて肯定的な気持ちを持っています。イスラエル定住者は、マスコミで 新しい国を創る動力をしている英雄として見せられていました。アメリカ人はそのイスラエル人を見て、自分達のアメリカ建国とパイオニア精神を思い出しました。
There was one complication however. There were already people living in Palestine. Some Jews had always lived in the area since Roman times, but since then the majority population had always been Moslem Arab. In the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the majority population has always been Moslem Arab, even today.
From the time of the first colonization by White people in North America, some part of the American population has been Jewish. And some of these Jewish people were able to become quite wealthy. Such Jewish families were able to provide financial help for the new Jewish State. Also, Jewish people often worked in the US government, or the American media. In these positions, they were able to help create a sympathetic feeling for Israel in the United States.
As for Arabs or Moslem people in general, until the last recently, there had been almost no Moslems living in the United States at all. At this time, there are very few Moslems who have high positions in American society. Most Moslems in America today tend to be working class.
In my last two blog posts, I have described how Christians persecuted Jews in history. Yet for 2,000 years, Christians and Jews had lived together, even if it was not always so amicable. But Moslems were from a different world. In the year 732 at the battle of Tours in southern France, and in 1529 at the siege of Vienna, Moslem invasion of Europe were defeated, and Christianity saved.
Very few Europeans traveled to Moslem lands, and even fewer Moslems went to Christian countries. Trade, if it existed at all, was negligible. So until the present day, Jewish and Christian people had existed together, while Moslems were viewed as strange and threatening. It was thus very easy for pro Israeli organizations in America to create a sympathetic image of Israel in America.
So from the time that Israeli settlers first came to Israel in the late 1890’s, and until the present day, the Israeli people have always been in some kind of combat with the Moslem people who lived there. The greatest help for the settlers was Jewish people living in Europe and the United States, who provided financing. Once Israel became a country, the primary backer became the United States, which provided financial and military aid. This aid is vital to the State of Israel, without it, Israel will cease to exist.
While the Palestinian people receive some financial aid from Arab nations, any serious aid or military help is blocked by the United States and Israel. Any Moslem in America who provides money to a charity to help Palestinian people is in danger of arrest by the American government, the charge would be helping terrorism. This is because, particularly under the Bush administration, most Moslem charity agencies, NGO’s and so forth were classified as terrorist organizations.
パレスチナ人はアラブ国々から金融援助を少し貰っていますが、ほとんどの金融と、勿論、軍事援助はイスラエルとアメリカで止められています。アメリカでは、モズレム人はパレスチナ人援助の為にチャリティとかNGOに寄付すると、国際テロ行為の手伝いで逮捕の可能性が有ります。ブッシュ政権で、ほとんどのイスラムチャリティグループは、勝手に テロ行為と決められ ました。
続きます。 To be continued.
それでは、イスラエルが建国に時に来ました。基本的に、アメリカ人はイスラエルについて肯定的な気持ちを持っています。イスラエル定住者は、マスコミで 新しい国を創る動力をしている英雄として見せられていました。アメリカ人はそのイスラエル人を見て、自分達のアメリカ建国とパイオニア精神を思い出しました。
There was one complication however. There were already people living in Palestine. Some Jews had always lived in the area since Roman times, but since then the majority population had always been Moslem Arab. In the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, the majority population has always been Moslem Arab, even today.
From the time of the first colonization by White people in North America, some part of the American population has been Jewish. And some of these Jewish people were able to become quite wealthy. Such Jewish families were able to provide financial help for the new Jewish State. Also, Jewish people often worked in the US government, or the American media. In these positions, they were able to help create a sympathetic feeling for Israel in the United States.
As for Arabs or Moslem people in general, until the last recently, there had been almost no Moslems living in the United States at all. At this time, there are very few Moslems who have high positions in American society. Most Moslems in America today tend to be working class.
In my last two blog posts, I have described how Christians persecuted Jews in history. Yet for 2,000 years, Christians and Jews had lived together, even if it was not always so amicable. But Moslems were from a different world. In the year 732 at the battle of Tours in southern France, and in 1529 at the siege of Vienna, Moslem invasion of Europe were defeated, and Christianity saved.
Very few Europeans traveled to Moslem lands, and even fewer Moslems went to Christian countries. Trade, if it existed at all, was negligible. So until the present day, Jewish and Christian people had existed together, while Moslems were viewed as strange and threatening. It was thus very easy for pro Israeli organizations in America to create a sympathetic image of Israel in America.
So from the time that Israeli settlers first came to Israel in the late 1890’s, and until the present day, the Israeli people have always been in some kind of combat with the Moslem people who lived there. The greatest help for the settlers was Jewish people living in Europe and the United States, who provided financing. Once Israel became a country, the primary backer became the United States, which provided financial and military aid. This aid is vital to the State of Israel, without it, Israel will cease to exist.
While the Palestinian people receive some financial aid from Arab nations, any serious aid or military help is blocked by the United States and Israel. Any Moslem in America who provides money to a charity to help Palestinian people is in danger of arrest by the American government, the charge would be helping terrorism. This is because, particularly under the Bush administration, most Moslem charity agencies, NGO’s and so forth were classified as terrorist organizations.
パレスチナ人はアラブ国々から金融援助を少し貰っていますが、ほとんどの金融と、勿論、軍事援助はイスラエルとアメリカで止められています。アメリカでは、モズレム人はパレスチナ人援助の為にチャリティとかNGOに寄付すると、国際テロ行為の手伝いで逮捕の可能性が有ります。ブッシュ政権で、ほとんどのイスラムチャリティグループは、勝手に テロ行為と決められ ました。
続きます。 To be continued.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Israel and America Part 2 イスラエルとアメリカ その関係パート2
In my previous piece about Jewish people, I have detailed Jewish people persevered and survived under extreme persecution. Around the 1870, Jewish leaders of many nations throughout Europe decided the solution to their troubles was to recreate the historical nation of Israel. This philosophy is called Zionism.
These leaders pooled their resources and sent Jewish people to live and farm in the region of ancient Israel. At this time, it was a province of the Ottoman Empire. In the First World War, the area was conquered by Great Britain, and Jewish leaders saw this a great opportunity. With British help, they were able to greatly increase the number of Jewish settlements.
This created resentment with the Arabic people already living there, and riots resulted. To protect themselves, the Jewish settlers created a secret underground army called the Haganah.
Then came the Second World War, and the Holocaust. The Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler in Germany conquered most of Europe. One of the main points of the Nazi philosophy was that Jews were an international problem. The solution that the Nazi’s created was to destroy the Jewish people.
So the Nazi government created camps of death were Jewish people were taken to, and killed. Virtually without exception. Many countries cooperated enthusiastically with the Nazi’s in killing and arresting Jews, particularly France and Poland. Other countries, such as Denmark, where the Jewish people were smuggled into safety in Sweden, or Italy, did not cooperate. In Holland, people hid Jews from the Nazi’s, In Hungary the government allied with Germany refused to arrest Jewish people. It was not until Germany overthrew the Hungarian government in 1944 that Hungarian Jews were gathered and killed.
When the Allied armies over ran Germany in 1945, the survivors of the death camps were freed. All in all, some 6 million Jews, and 6 million other peoples, had been killed in the camps. For these Jewish survivors of the camps, there was only one thing to do. That was to create their own nation in the ancient territory of Israel.
After the Second World War, the countries of Europe were in chaos. Most of them did not have functioning governments. Instead, the only governing force was American or Russian military civil government. In this chaos, Jewish leaders began smuggling large numbers of death camp survivors into the British ruled territory of Palestine. The British tried to create a solution between the Arabs and Jews, and in 1948 the United Nations created two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in Palestine. The Arab people attacked Jewish towns, but by 1949, the Jewish won, and the State of Israel was created.
第二次世界大戦後、ヨーロッパの国々はとても混乱な状態に成りました 。ほとんどの国で活動出来る政府は有りませんでした。アメリカ、それともロシアの軍政府しか有りませんでした。この混乱で、ユダヤ人リーダー達はだんだん数多くのユダヤ人死の収容所生存者を、英国支配中パレスチナへ秘密に送りました。英国政府はアラビア人とユダヤ人問題に解決を創ると努力しましたが、1948年に国連でパレスチナで二つの国、一つはアラビア人、もう一つがユダヤ人、を創りました。アラビア人はユダヤ人の街を攻撃して、しかし、ユダヤ人が戦争に勝ちました。1949年、イスラエルと言う国が建国しました。
To be continued. 続きます。
In the next chapter, I will write about Israeli/Arab relations in the former territory of Palestine, and how Israeli’s can influence American politics and society.
These leaders pooled their resources and sent Jewish people to live and farm in the region of ancient Israel. At this time, it was a province of the Ottoman Empire. In the First World War, the area was conquered by Great Britain, and Jewish leaders saw this a great opportunity. With British help, they were able to greatly increase the number of Jewish settlements.
This created resentment with the Arabic people already living there, and riots resulted. To protect themselves, the Jewish settlers created a secret underground army called the Haganah.
Then came the Second World War, and the Holocaust. The Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler in Germany conquered most of Europe. One of the main points of the Nazi philosophy was that Jews were an international problem. The solution that the Nazi’s created was to destroy the Jewish people.
So the Nazi government created camps of death were Jewish people were taken to, and killed. Virtually without exception. Many countries cooperated enthusiastically with the Nazi’s in killing and arresting Jews, particularly France and Poland. Other countries, such as Denmark, where the Jewish people were smuggled into safety in Sweden, or Italy, did not cooperate. In Holland, people hid Jews from the Nazi’s, In Hungary the government allied with Germany refused to arrest Jewish people. It was not until Germany overthrew the Hungarian government in 1944 that Hungarian Jews were gathered and killed.
When the Allied armies over ran Germany in 1945, the survivors of the death camps were freed. All in all, some 6 million Jews, and 6 million other peoples, had been killed in the camps. For these Jewish survivors of the camps, there was only one thing to do. That was to create their own nation in the ancient territory of Israel.
After the Second World War, the countries of Europe were in chaos. Most of them did not have functioning governments. Instead, the only governing force was American or Russian military civil government. In this chaos, Jewish leaders began smuggling large numbers of death camp survivors into the British ruled territory of Palestine. The British tried to create a solution between the Arabs and Jews, and in 1948 the United Nations created two states, one Jewish and one Arab, in Palestine. The Arab people attacked Jewish towns, but by 1949, the Jewish won, and the State of Israel was created.
第二次世界大戦後、ヨーロッパの国々はとても混乱な状態に成りました 。ほとんどの国で活動出来る政府は有りませんでした。アメリカ、それともロシアの軍政府しか有りませんでした。この混乱で、ユダヤ人リーダー達はだんだん数多くのユダヤ人死の収容所生存者を、英国支配中パレスチナへ秘密に送りました。英国政府はアラビア人とユダヤ人問題に解決を創ると努力しましたが、1948年に国連でパレスチナで二つの国、一つはアラビア人、もう一つがユダヤ人、を創りました。アラビア人はユダヤ人の街を攻撃して、しかし、ユダヤ人が戦争に勝ちました。1949年、イスラエルと言う国が建国しました。
To be continued. 続きます。
In the next chapter, I will write about Israeli/Arab relations in the former territory of Palestine, and how Israeli’s can influence American politics and society.
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