In Germany, a group of some 44 wealthy individuals has formed, and has petitioned the government of re-elected Chancellor Merkel that they be allowed to be pay more in taxes.
Their idea is, that they have the ability to pay, they have more money than they need, so they should be taxed more. They say that an increased "wealth tax" of 5% for two years would provide a lot of money to help fund investment in ecology, education, and social justice.
When I read this, I was quite surprised. In America, greed has destroyed the American economy. All Americans are guilty here, corporate Presidents, with their obscenely high salaries, financial traders who devised such complex transaction as derivatives, and the average people who thought that they could use their house as collateral to invest in stocks.
Just when the effects of Global Warming and Peak Oil are beginning to appear, American greed has destroyed their ability to finance measures to deal with these coming disasters.
Actually, the action of these few wealthy Germans shows us the ideal on how we will have to live in the future. Capitalism is certainly not an answer. America has shown us what kind of society pure capitalism leads to, what Americans have created is an economy that is based on greed, producing for the sake of profit for a few.
The average American is obsessed with buying things, and all this production and overuse of fossil fuels has created runaway Global Climate change, we are now staring extinction in the face. Our only hope is to bio engineer our way out of this mess.
Despite the denials of virtually all Americans, America is well along the path to disintegration.
To survive, societies will have to develop a more cooperative attitude. If a few individuals become rich by destroying the lives of many people, eventually they will destroy the nation and themselves. And climate destruction caused by Global Warming is going to affect us all, wealth will not allow us to buy our way out of that problem.
Living in Japan for 35 years, I have seen that in general Japanese have a group identity. Japanese corporate executive officers do not take the extreme salaries that American executives do.
Of course in the future, there will still be wealthy people, but I think the actions of these few Germans tells us something, that is that we are all on this planet together, and we are all going to have to help each other.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Americanisms VII アメリカの独特な英語
今回は、Americanisms VIIです。私はこの Americanisms でローマ帝国の数字を使っています。以前、アメリカ人の考えで、アメリカはローマ帝国の後継国と書きましたが、時々日常生活で使っています。
Hair of the dog that bit you
Watering hole
アフリカの砂漠で、帯水層から水が自然に上がって、小さな池みたいに成ります。動物達はいっぱい集まります。この"Watering hole"と言う意味は、バーです。
例えば; Where is your favorite watering hole?
Beer chugging contest
子供に汽車のシュッシュッポッポの音は、英語で chug chug chug と成ります。
しかし、ビールの場合は一気飲みと言う事です。特に、アメリカ大学生はパーティで、 "Beer chugging contest" は人気です。その後は救急車かな?
Belly up to the bar
Drink enough beer to float a battleship
Ripped to the gills
魚のえらまではがします。人間にえらが有りましたら、たぶん、ほっぺたに成るでしょう。お腹からほっぺたまでお酒がたまっています。勿論、その位飲むと、行動はメチャクチャに成るから、"You are ripped." と言います。メチャクチャに酔っぱらうと言う意味です。
My eyeballs are floating
Hammer はハンマーですが、ハンマーで打ちました。とても酔っぱらっています。
こう言うふうに使います; Let's go get some suds. ビールを飲みに行きましょう!
今回は、Americanisms VIIです。私はこの Americanisms でローマ帝国の数字を使っています。以前、アメリカ人の考えで、アメリカはローマ帝国の後継国と書きましたが、時々日常生活で使っています。
Hair of the dog that bit you
Watering hole
アフリカの砂漠で、帯水層から水が自然に上がって、小さな池みたいに成ります。動物達はいっぱい集まります。この"Watering hole"と言う意味は、バーです。
例えば; Where is your favorite watering hole?
Beer chugging contest
子供に汽車のシュッシュッポッポの音は、英語で chug chug chug と成ります。
しかし、ビールの場合は一気飲みと言う事です。特に、アメリカ大学生はパーティで、 "Beer chugging contest" は人気です。その後は救急車かな?
Belly up to the bar
Drink enough beer to float a battleship
Ripped to the gills
魚のえらまではがします。人間にえらが有りましたら、たぶん、ほっぺたに成るでしょう。お腹からほっぺたまでお酒がたまっています。勿論、その位飲むと、行動はメチャクチャに成るから、"You are ripped." と言います。メチャクチャに酔っぱらうと言う意味です。
My eyeballs are floating
Hammer はハンマーですが、ハンマーで打ちました。とても酔っぱらっています。
こう言うふうに使います; Let's go get some suds. ビールを飲みに行きましょう!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
アメリカ経済の崩壊 American Economic Collapse
Usually, I write about military or political topics. Today, I am going into new territory, and write about the US economy. These days, writing about war and politics, well basically they are not cheerful subjects. Well, very unfortunately, the American economy is just as bleak.
I was born in Chicago in 1956. By the time I was five years old, my family had moved from an apartment in the city to a house in the suburbs. This was pretty much the basic American dream. At that time, most Americans could do this, well if they were White at least. In those days, Black people simply did not live in the suburbs.
This was the 1960's, and I think we might think of this as America's Golden Age.
As a historian, I think it is no accident that this period also corresponded with America expanding it's power across the world. When the American President spoke, everybody, enemy nations included, listened.
Yet now America is on the verge of collapse. What happened?
I think it is the fault of all Americans, not only the rich. Often, I have talked of American Exceptionalism, and I think this is to blame. Americans do not study history, in fact, they think America is immune to history. This is the basic tenet of American Exceptionalism, that America will always prosper no matter what. When you press Americans for their reasoning for this concept, they often get angry. They feel that it should be obvious, but the fact remains that they cannot explain why America is immune to history.
One of my historical passions has always been the Roman Empire. It was the greatest State that Western culture has produced. Yet Rome did eventually collapse, and fragment in to many different nations.
Americans often like to say that the United States is the heir of the Roman Empire. What they are referring to here is military power that straddled the known world. Yet they ignore Rome's eventual disintegration.
And I believe that this lack of historical knowledge, this conceit of superiority, has been the seeds of the coming American downfall.
The average American citizen, and the average American corporation, cannot think more than a few months ahead. Since the 1960's, average American people have felt that they had a right to all the material possessions they wanted, and to have them right away. This led to the credit economy, where people began to buy everything on credit. Not only things needed for life, but vacations, expensive electronic equipment, things which in reality have turned out to be useless junk.
It used to be an American joke that the great American pastime was shopping. All of that shopping was on credit, which is debt. You see, Americans always felt that there would be growth. As long as the economy was growing, you could expect your income to keep increasing, so why not keep buying things on credit?
When I first came to Japan 35 years ago, I felt that this was a natural way of life. If I wanted something, I could have it right away. Now, I recoil in horror at the thought of credit, it is debt. Perhaps I have taken a Japanese attitude here. But I have learned that being patient, waiting until you have the money to buy something you want, I now think that is a better way of life. And it really makes you think about the importance of what you are buying.
I have read that American financial houses have gotten back into derivatives and credit default swaps trading.
These were the type of trades that nearly destroyed the world's economy last year. It was only by extra ordinary effort, and cooperation between the outgoing Bush administration and incoming Obama administration, that this was prevented from becoming a world disaster.
Yet American financial houses are doing it again. American economic practices have always been based on expansion. But how many cars can we buy? The average American family owns several. Now when Americans lose their jobs, they cannot sell the cars, they have no value. There are too many used cars. They cannot sell their house. Often, the average American used their home as collateral for all the loans, and yes even stock trading that they did. People often do this even when still paying a mortgage loan. Now, when trouble hits, they find the house has no value.
And even Americans who do not overuse their credit, they are suddenly finding out that they are losing their homes. Why? They made a mortgage loan with a bank. That bank got involved in credit default swap trading, one major financial institution in the swap went belly up, the whole thing collapses. Well then this unlucky family finds out that their house is being taken over by another bank and they are being evicted. And becoming homeless usually means that you will lose your job.
Corporate practice has always been to fire people when economic times are bad. In Japan, losing your job until recently has always been a sign of shame. Yet in America since I was born, it was common. A company would find that it makes more money by firing people, the excess number of people are gone. Now Japan has adopted this American practice with the hakken system.
In America, it was assumed that people would go get a job somewhere else. But now there are no more jobs. So the people remain jobless, and eventually cannot pay their mortgages. Then the bank takes over their home. The number of homeless families with children in America is now in the millions. How can such children go to school? Perhaps the only future for them is to become criminals or prostitutes.
The truth is, even while average Americans have made stupid decisions, American corporations have become monsters. The people who work for them are regarded as nothing but machines. And when they are not profitable, the machines are simply thrown away. I am very appalled at the way financial traders can create homeless people by their trades simply to make profit. By destroying average American families, the are destroying the foundation of the nation.
And don't get sick in America, or don't get in a traffic accident. The American insurance industry is not to help people, it is to make money. If you cannot pay, you die, really. 60% of American personal bankruptcies are due to medical emergencies. Usually, the people end up losing their home, then their job, then it is the streets.
I have Japanese National Health Insurance, for me it is a treasure. I am glad that I do not live under the American system. I read a letter in the Asahi Shinbun. A woman' daughter had lived in the United States for 25 years. I am assuming that the woman's husband is an American. Well, the woman became sick, and was hospitalized for three days. The cost was 1.8 million yen. It seems that there was no insurance, or the insurance company refused to pay. The woman paid for her daughter, if she had not, they would go homeless.
But the woman worries what to do if her daughter gets sick again. If they stay in America, they will be homeless. And they will eventually not be able to eat. If they come back to Japan, perhaps they can all live in the parents house. But if the husband is an American, and middle aged, I probably cannot help him. You see, I do employ some foreigners. But only people who speak excellent Japanese, and who have a good attitude about Japan.
Church groups and NGO's are helping out homeless and unemployed people in America, but their resources are running out. Soon, I am afraid we will have starvation in America.
Official American figures now say that income is increasing for the top richest 1% of Americans. For the rest, it is declining or staying the same. But for 99% of the American population, the economic out look is dim.
And now we have Global Warming and Peak Oil, which are already affecting life in the United States. But of course, history challenged Americans refuse to believe in these coming disasters.
In the 1960's, it was America's Golden Age, America was considered the world's best country to live in. By 2030, will America be the world's most horrible country to live in? It is looking that way.
bend over backwards
belly up
破産、倒産を言う事です。例えば、金魚水槽で金魚が死にます。腹を上向いて浮かびますから、"belly up"の事です。
history challenged
数年前ぐらい、"physically challenged"と言う言葉は身体が不自由のかたの為に英語で作りました。これは丁寧な言い方です。だんだん意味がもっと広く成って、何か”出来ない”と言う意味に成っています。
例えば、"mathematically challenged child"と言う意味は、数学が得意ではない子供の事です。アメリカ人はほとんど歴史を分からないから、"history challenged" です。
I was born in Chicago in 1956. By the time I was five years old, my family had moved from an apartment in the city to a house in the suburbs. This was pretty much the basic American dream. At that time, most Americans could do this, well if they were White at least. In those days, Black people simply did not live in the suburbs.
This was the 1960's, and I think we might think of this as America's Golden Age.
As a historian, I think it is no accident that this period also corresponded with America expanding it's power across the world. When the American President spoke, everybody, enemy nations included, listened.
Yet now America is on the verge of collapse. What happened?
I think it is the fault of all Americans, not only the rich. Often, I have talked of American Exceptionalism, and I think this is to blame. Americans do not study history, in fact, they think America is immune to history. This is the basic tenet of American Exceptionalism, that America will always prosper no matter what. When you press Americans for their reasoning for this concept, they often get angry. They feel that it should be obvious, but the fact remains that they cannot explain why America is immune to history.
One of my historical passions has always been the Roman Empire. It was the greatest State that Western culture has produced. Yet Rome did eventually collapse, and fragment in to many different nations.
Americans often like to say that the United States is the heir of the Roman Empire. What they are referring to here is military power that straddled the known world. Yet they ignore Rome's eventual disintegration.
And I believe that this lack of historical knowledge, this conceit of superiority, has been the seeds of the coming American downfall.
The average American citizen, and the average American corporation, cannot think more than a few months ahead. Since the 1960's, average American people have felt that they had a right to all the material possessions they wanted, and to have them right away. This led to the credit economy, where people began to buy everything on credit. Not only things needed for life, but vacations, expensive electronic equipment, things which in reality have turned out to be useless junk.
It used to be an American joke that the great American pastime was shopping. All of that shopping was on credit, which is debt. You see, Americans always felt that there would be growth. As long as the economy was growing, you could expect your income to keep increasing, so why not keep buying things on credit?
When I first came to Japan 35 years ago, I felt that this was a natural way of life. If I wanted something, I could have it right away. Now, I recoil in horror at the thought of credit, it is debt. Perhaps I have taken a Japanese attitude here. But I have learned that being patient, waiting until you have the money to buy something you want, I now think that is a better way of life. And it really makes you think about the importance of what you are buying.
I have read that American financial houses have gotten back into derivatives and credit default swaps trading.
These were the type of trades that nearly destroyed the world's economy last year. It was only by extra ordinary effort, and cooperation between the outgoing Bush administration and incoming Obama administration, that this was prevented from becoming a world disaster.
Yet American financial houses are doing it again. American economic practices have always been based on expansion. But how many cars can we buy? The average American family owns several. Now when Americans lose their jobs, they cannot sell the cars, they have no value. There are too many used cars. They cannot sell their house. Often, the average American used their home as collateral for all the loans, and yes even stock trading that they did. People often do this even when still paying a mortgage loan. Now, when trouble hits, they find the house has no value.
And even Americans who do not overuse their credit, they are suddenly finding out that they are losing their homes. Why? They made a mortgage loan with a bank. That bank got involved in credit default swap trading, one major financial institution in the swap went belly up, the whole thing collapses. Well then this unlucky family finds out that their house is being taken over by another bank and they are being evicted. And becoming homeless usually means that you will lose your job.
Corporate practice has always been to fire people when economic times are bad. In Japan, losing your job until recently has always been a sign of shame. Yet in America since I was born, it was common. A company would find that it makes more money by firing people, the excess number of people are gone. Now Japan has adopted this American practice with the hakken system.
In America, it was assumed that people would go get a job somewhere else. But now there are no more jobs. So the people remain jobless, and eventually cannot pay their mortgages. Then the bank takes over their home. The number of homeless families with children in America is now in the millions. How can such children go to school? Perhaps the only future for them is to become criminals or prostitutes.
The truth is, even while average Americans have made stupid decisions, American corporations have become monsters. The people who work for them are regarded as nothing but machines. And when they are not profitable, the machines are simply thrown away. I am very appalled at the way financial traders can create homeless people by their trades simply to make profit. By destroying average American families, the are destroying the foundation of the nation.
And don't get sick in America, or don't get in a traffic accident. The American insurance industry is not to help people, it is to make money. If you cannot pay, you die, really. 60% of American personal bankruptcies are due to medical emergencies. Usually, the people end up losing their home, then their job, then it is the streets.
I have Japanese National Health Insurance, for me it is a treasure. I am glad that I do not live under the American system. I read a letter in the Asahi Shinbun. A woman' daughter had lived in the United States for 25 years. I am assuming that the woman's husband is an American. Well, the woman became sick, and was hospitalized for three days. The cost was 1.8 million yen. It seems that there was no insurance, or the insurance company refused to pay. The woman paid for her daughter, if she had not, they would go homeless.
But the woman worries what to do if her daughter gets sick again. If they stay in America, they will be homeless. And they will eventually not be able to eat. If they come back to Japan, perhaps they can all live in the parents house. But if the husband is an American, and middle aged, I probably cannot help him. You see, I do employ some foreigners. But only people who speak excellent Japanese, and who have a good attitude about Japan.
Church groups and NGO's are helping out homeless and unemployed people in America, but their resources are running out. Soon, I am afraid we will have starvation in America.
Official American figures now say that income is increasing for the top richest 1% of Americans. For the rest, it is declining or staying the same. But for 99% of the American population, the economic out look is dim.
And now we have Global Warming and Peak Oil, which are already affecting life in the United States. But of course, history challenged Americans refuse to believe in these coming disasters.
In the 1960's, it was America's Golden Age, America was considered the world's best country to live in. By 2030, will America be the world's most horrible country to live in? It is looking that way.
bend over backwards
belly up
破産、倒産を言う事です。例えば、金魚水槽で金魚が死にます。腹を上向いて浮かびますから、"belly up"の事です。
history challenged
数年前ぐらい、"physically challenged"と言う言葉は身体が不自由のかたの為に英語で作りました。これは丁寧な言い方です。だんだん意味がもっと広く成って、何か”出来ない”と言う意味に成っています。
例えば、"mathematically challenged child"と言う意味は、数学が得意ではない子供の事です。アメリカ人はほとんど歴史を分からないから、"history challenged" です。
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