link number one
(出てきたページでこの下記の記事にリンクして下さい。Kate Sheppardさんは書きました。)
How Bad Could Japan's Nuclear Crisis Get?
He is a former advisor to the Clinton administration. In his worst case scenario at Fukushima, he has said that an area as large as several northeastern US states could become uninhabitable.元クリントン政権の顧問です。彼は福島原子力発電所問題について、最も最悪の場合に、アメリカの東北部のいくつかの州位の広い地方に人が住めなく成る可能性が有ると言っています。
link number two
He is an activist against nuclear power.
link number three
In links two and three, he is listed as a nuclear scholar. It does not say if he has a degree in nuclear science.
First of all, in the above link number one, he made one serious mistake that I caught. He said that if a worst case scenario happened at the Fukushima nuclear power plants, it would be like dropping a bomb, the size of the area he mentions, several northeastern American states, would be as large as the Tohoku region in Japan.
Now, a nuclear accident at a nuclear power plant is not like a bomb. Japan has suffered nuclear attack twice, at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There is no way a nuclear power plant accident could be this bad.
Nuclear weapons are designed to cause much destruction and kill many people. Nuclear power plants are designed to contain the disaster if an accident happens.
So we cannot, in any way, compare this accident at Fukushima with the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Now I would like to introduce the remarks made by the British Government's Chief Scientific Officer Professor Sir John Beddington at the British embassy in Tokyo on March 15th.
And he points out the second error that Mr. Alvarez made. According to Professor Beddington, a worst case explosion, a meltdown, at Fukushima, would result in a radioactive cloud that would rise some 500 meters high. No more. Even with strong winds blowing towards Tokyo, the seriously affected area would be within 30 kilometers of the reactor.
それで、アルバレズさんの二つ目の大きな間違いを教えます。福島原子力発電所の最悪の場合の爆発が有りましたら、 メルトダウンの爆発で放射能雲は500メートルを上がります。東京方面向きの強い風が有っても、放射能漏れの厳しい影響は30キロ以内です。
The Professor says this absolutely. He compares this with the Chernobyl accident, where the fuel burned for months, shot fallout 30,000 feet, about 9,000 meters into the atmosphere. Such a reaction, even in the worst case, would not be possible at Fukushima.
So Mr. Alvarez, who is listed as a scholar at a US think tank, has made two serious mistakes. One, a Chernobyl type explosion is impossible at Fukushima, and two, the potential contaminated area at Fukushima would be very local, not spread across the Tohoku region.
One of these men is a scholar at a US think tank, the other is Professor working for the British government. I will believe the Professor. That is because the Professor is correct.
At a guess from myself, I think I am beginning to see a political fight in the United States here. President Obama wishes to expand nuclear power in the US. Of course, there will be people who oppose this, I would think the coal industry would be against it.
More nuclear power plants would mean less coal mined, and less profit.
I am guessing here, but Mr. Alvarez seems to be using our trouble in Fukushima for American domestic political purposes. In that case, he would not care what damage his remarks cause Japan.
And Mr. Alvarez's remarks have appeared in many print media recently in the United States.
Perhaps here is one reason the US government overreacted so.
In any case, the mandated evacuation zone around American nuclear power plants in the United States in case of accident is 10 miles.
Now the news is all about radiation contamination in the water of the Tokyo area. This is to be expected. It will pass. Unless there are more releases of radioactive steam, there should be no more contamination.
A meltdown at Fukushima has become more unlikely. The Japanese military, police and fire services, and TEPCO nuclear engineers are making extreme efforts. All we can do is to pray for their success.
And for those who have criticism of TEPCO, yes it is possible that they were naive about the disaster before it happened. But let us remember, since the disaster, TEPCO engineers have been their risking their lives. Let us do the criticizing later.
Meanwhile, obey the government's instructions. They are correct. There is no reason to panic.
As for myself and my wife, her home town is northern Saitama, and it is now my home town. It is next to Ibaraki prefecture. Yesterday, we went to the supermarket, and bought Koshi-Hikari rice grown in Ibaraki prefecture. If the food is being sold in the market, it is safe. We feel sorry for all the farmers in the affected area.
It is a small thing, but it was something we could do.
In breaking news, today it was announced that reactor number 3 is leaking at Fukushima. It is thought that there is a crack in the containment vessel. The evacuation zone has been extended to 30 kilometers.
However, I have not heard any reports of highly dangerous radiation levels outside the Fukushima plant area. What I have heard is that part of the evacuation reason is to ease the life of people forbidden to go outside. Also, truck drivers refuse to deliver supplies.
But I have not heard any news that meltdown has occurred.