Sunday, January 10, 2016






ー 出演 ー
藤井厳喜 ★ 国際問題アナリスト
  著書 紛争輸出国アメリカの大罪 (祥伝社新書)

西村幸祐 ★ 評論家
  著書 日本の自立 戦後70年、「日米安保体制」に未来はあるのか? (イースト・プレス)

マックスフォンシュラーー小林 ★ 元海兵隊情報将校
  著書 「太平洋戦争」アメリカに嵌められた日本

・参加費 2000円 ・事前予約不要



 ◎主催 チャンネルAJER

Saturday, January 2, 2016

日本は悪の国では有りません! Japan is not an evil nation!

I know that Japan is not an evil nation.  But many people in the rest of the world think so.  And now, by apologizing to South Korea for the Comfort Women issue, the Japanese government has indeed admitted that Japanese are evil people.


This is part of the continuous American narrative that Japanese were evil until America defeated Japan in WWII, and gave us American style Democracy.




A few weeks a go, I received this from a friend.



In English, it means that Japan has done well after the war by  apologizing.  No.  The sad fact is that it was spoken by a senior bureaucrat of the Foreign Ministry.  This person has no understanding about foreigners, particularly Americans.


Americans never admit to wrong doing.  I remember a phrase from some years ago when I was young.  That is “The Devil made me do it!”  What this means is when some is caught doing something wrong, they say it wasn’t me, it was the Devil.


It was popularized in a comic skit by American comic Flip Wilson.


He starts the skit by saying his wife came home from shopping with an expensive dress.  He says “What you bought another dress?!??!”  The wife’s reply was, “I didn’t want to buy this dress, the Devil made me do it!”


In another part of the skit, he tells his wife that she always blame the Devil.  When his wife hit the church with the car, she blames the Devil.  The wife says “That’s right, the Devil grabbed the steering wheel of the car, it wasn’t me!”


Well, some people might say that is only a comedy skit.  But in America, people do everything they can to escape responsibility.  There is the “Affluenza” case.  A young man got drunk, and killed 4 people with his car.


Affluenza is word that is a combination of Affluent and Influenza.  His argument in court was that since he was rich, his rich upbringing spoiled him, and he was not responsible for killing 4 people.


So since foreigners do not admit to doing bad even when caught, now since the Japanese government has said that Japanese did something bad, it confirms the belief of most Westerners that Japan is indeed an evil nation.


There will be many groups of people demanding money from Japan, and it will become much more difficult for Japanese people to live overseas or do business.


As for Americans, they applied heavy pressure to both Korea and Japan to make a settlement before the end of 2015.  America made a serious mistake.  They do not understand that this is not really about history.  The truth is, the Koreans are angry at Japan for giving their country modern civilization.  The Koreans think that they are superior to Japan because of their Confucian scholarship, and their geographical position closer to China.


They refuse to admit that their Joeson dynasty was corrupt and incompetent, and that most Koreans at the time gladly accept reformist Japanese rule.


So the Koreans lie.  Americans want to believe that all people in the world are the same, they cannot understand that nastiness of Korean character.


I lived in Korea some 38 years ago.  I had hoped that they would improve with more international contact.  That is not the case, they have gotten worse.


The US government warns Americans not to seek employment at English schools in Korea.  I myself, when I taught English there, was never paid by Korean run schools, only the American run school paid me.


Koreans cheat at sports all the time.  The 2002 world cup was full of shameful open bribery, and very bad behavior by Korean fans.  I remember the Koreans putting up a banner saying go to hell in Italian during the Italy/Korea game.  Most of the Italian goals were disqualified by the Korean bribed referee.


Korean vendors sold pictures of the German team members with funeral ribbons outside arenas, this is a great insult.


And they bite.  Below is a Korean wrestler biting a Japanese wrestler.


And the link below is an international sweets contest, where the Korean team is laughing, admitting that they deliberately destroyed the Japanese made dessert.


The judges were not amused, and penalized the Korean team.  In all the world the only country I know of where people behave this rudely and crudely is Korea.   They are not a civilized people.


And the South Korean government themselves, in promoting hatred of Japan to distract Koreans from their own incompetence, they have created a monster.  I think the Korean making a bomb at Yasukuni shrine scared them.  If a Korean can bomb Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, he can bomb somewhere in Seoul.


I think the Americans were somewhat panicked by forcing this agreement.  They feel that their power in Asia is diminishing.  Well, that is true.


But America made a strategic mistake here.  What America failed to recognize is that China is pushing these history issues to remove American power from Asia.  And to dominate Japan.


America failed to recognize that they have only one friend in Asia, that is the Japanese people.  Koreans are living in a fantasy that they are the Greatest Empire on earth, they don’t like Americans.  Yet America has insulted and angered the Japanese people by this action.


This agreement is already falling apart in acrimony on the Korean side.  The overwhelming majority of Japanese people are angry about this.  Even Japanese who do not think about history wonder why we must pay money to South Korea, when so many Japanese are so poor.  It was a terrible mistake by the governments of Japan, South Korea, and America.


America is losing Japanese Hearts and Minds.


The truth has been trampled upon.  The truth is the Japanese Comfort Women system was better than the American Comfort Women system.  The truth is that the annexation to Japan period was the best in Korean history.


We must protect the truth.
