My latest book, 2nd Civil The Battle for America, describes the present conflict in American society.
私の最近の本:「アメリカ人が語る 日本人に隠しておけないアメリカの“崩壊" 」が、アメリカの現在の国内混乱状態を説明しています。

I think a lot of people in Japan hope that President Trump is simply an anomaly, and 2020 a normal politician will be elected President, and everything will go back to normal.
That is just not possible. The efforts to destroy him are ongoing, and are becoming ridiculous. Special prosecutor Mueller has been trying to find evidence of Donald Trump cooperating with Russia to win , and after 18 months the effort has produced Zero evidence.
The people who want to destroy Trump do not give up however. Now they are talking about obstruction of justice. This is ridiculous and has no meaning. Basically, it means President Trump is not helping his enemies destroy him. It has no real legal meaning.
President Trump has done some things that will please his supporters, about half of the population.
But the wealth gap is immense, and it will take much time to have an effect. And it is doubtful that the very rich top 1% will give up profit.

The wealth gap
And this to me makes Civil War certain in America. There is no
time, and there is so much hate, between Black and White people, between Right and Left wings.
The American Left has constantly been attempting to provoke the Right with various violent actions.
At this moment, the existence of President Trump is the only thing that prevents the American Right from launching Civil War, against Leftist provocations.
Such violent provocations do exist, but the media does not report them at all. Just go to Leftist website such as the Antifa site,
そう言う暴力的な扇動が有るが、マスコミは全然報道しません。左派の反ファシズム運動のサイト を見ると彼らが自分たちの暴力活動を自慢しています。
On February 4th, 2018, the Philadelphia Eagles won the Super Bowl. The destructive riots after the game made the news. In the link below, Antifa activists describe how they posed as Eagles fans, and used the occasion to start fires, commit vandalism, destroy property, and attack police officers.
Political violence by the Left is ongoing in America.
So, let’s take a look at what some commentators in America are saying about the subject. I have been reading James Kunstler’s blog for some 12 years or more. I have read his book, “The Long Emergency” about Peak Oil. Let us take a look at a recent blog post. He is discussing what he thinks would happen if the Deep State succeeds in removing President Trump.
それでは、内乱についてアメリカの評論家のコメントを見ましょう。私は12年前からジェームス・クンスラーさんのブログを読んでいます。彼の書いた本、「長い緊急事態:石油、気候変動、および21世紀 他の収斂する大惨事の終わりを生き延びる」ピークオイルの説明も読んでいます。彼のブログの最近のポストを見ましょう。アメリカの Deep State(黒幕)のトランプ大統領の解任試みが成功に成ったら、アメリカがどう成ると書いています。
There are many other commentators who are posting things like this, just put into goggle,
“Will there be a 2nd American Civil War?”
他の沢山の評論家もこう言う投稿を書いている、グーグルで、“Will there be a 2nd American Civil War?” を検索して下さい。
And remember, he does not like President Trump as a person, but argues that he is indeed the President.
Surely, the Deplorables of Flyover Land will not like the dumping of their Golden champion one bit. I’d stay away from post offices and other parcels of federal property for a while. If a bunch decides to march on the nation’s capital, it will be a messier affair than anything the hippies pulled off back in the day, perhaps the first battle of Civil War 2.
I will now analyze the paragraph sentence by sentence in Japanese.
Surely, the Deplorables of Flyover Land will not like the dumping of their Golden champion one bit.
I’d stay away from post offices and other parcels of federal property for a while.
If a bunch decides to march on the nation’s capital, it will be a messier affair than anything the hippies pulled off back in the day, perhaps the first battle of Civil War 2.
Mr. Kunstler is referring to the militia movement, which is 100,000 strong. Groups I have seen, like the Oathkeepers and the III% are very professional, well equipped and well trained. I do not think that all of these groups will be so trained, but they should be enough to make a revolution.
In the case of civil conflict, it is to be expected that many active duty troops, disgusted with the forced political correctness that has been pushed on the military, will simply join these militia groups or refuse to fight them.
Here is one more commentator, Fred Reed. He was a combat Marine in Vietnam, and since then has been a free journalist in Asia and America. Last year he wrote in his blog that peace is no longer possible in America, and it is time to choose sides in the Civil War. He does not like Donald Trump, but he likes the Liberals less, so he chooses the Conservative side.
One aspect of this conflict that people have been missing is that all food producing areas are in Conservative Red Areas. The Blue areas, the Liberals, are concentrated in urban areas and vulnerable. They have no food supply, and no Left wing armed force like the militia.
Mr. Kunstler speculates on what kind of President Mike Pence would be. What he does not mention is the fact that Mike Pence is a devout Christian Fundamentalist. This would make the American Civil War a religious war, something like those that devastated Europe from 1522 to about 1700.
The American Left, with their emphasis on political correctness, LGBT rights, the promotion of trans sexuality and the destruction of the traditional family, are setting themselves up for extermination.
アメリカの左派は、 ポリティカル・コレクトネス、LGBT権利の集中したり、性転換を励ましていたり、伝統的な家族を潰している、自分たちをはめられるように罠を作っています。
This is exactly what the conservative Christian Fundamentalist despise. In their idea of Christianity, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists and so on are not true Christians. Only those who re-baptize into their idea of Christianity are thought of as true believers.
And LGBT people are to be converted to straight people (non gay) or killed.
This is a perfect recipe for a religious war.
Here is a link by Mr. Takeda, where he describes the economic situation in America.
There is one thing that is important for Japanese people to realize. America as we know it is not going to be there any more, or what survives of America will not be able to project power outside it’s continent.
And let’s not forget California. When President Trump assumed office, there was an increase in people who started talking about independence for California.
California is already defying the Federal government over immigration law, and openly protecting illegal aliens from arrest and deportation.
And there is a serious movement to create a New California, a state out of the conservative areas of the state.
In the map below, the Liberals who want to make California an independent country are in the yellow area. The Conservatives have all the blue areas.
One thing occurs to me quickly, the Liberal yellow areas don’t have any food producing areas, or any water resources. The yellow area could not exist without the blue.
But if the yellow area becomes an independent nation, how can it survive? Both sides hate each other deeply. America today is full of hate, people are thinking emotionally, not rationally.
So yes, I think a break up of California is indeed possible.
America is fracturing apart upon many different social fault lines, as people split in to many different hostile groups.
I also think it will take 50 to 100 years for America to be able to return to some kind of normality.
In Japan, we have a mindset called “Heiwa Boke”. It literally translates as “Peace Idiot”. It means a person who thinks peace is eternal. This person thinks there is nothing he or she can do to preserve peace, that Japan can somehow exist without a military, or depends on others, in Japan’s case America, to maintain the peace. Such a person literally sleep walks through life.
日本では、”平和ボケ”と言う考え方が有ります。翻訳すると、”平和のバカ”と言う意味です。この意味は、平和は永遠と考える人です。この人が平和を守るために自分が何も出来ないと考えて、日本は何とか軍隊無しで存在を出来る、それとも、日本は防衛の為に他国、他人、 特に、アメリカに頼ります。こう言う人が人生で無遊状態で歩いています。
It is time for Japan to wake up.
Japan will have to defend itself, and feed itself. The future will be very different. And it will come very soon, a few years at most. We must prepare.