Ozawa Ichiro made a remark recently that is bound to irritate American people.
He said that Americans are simpleminded. Here is an example of how it was reported in America.
Ozawa Ichiro is right, Americans are simple-minded. However, many Americans in the US go farther. They go out and out and call Americans stupid.
小沢一郎氏は正しいです。アメリカ人は単細胞です。しかし、有るアメリカ人はこれより厳しい事を言います。はっきり言うと、アメリカ人を “Stupid”(愚か者)と呼びます。
The thing is, Americans are truly becoming more stupid, every day. And if I may be so bold to make a statement, I think this is more true of the political Right in America than the Left.
I base my thoughts on the fact that more and more people who write on right wing blogs cannot communicate in proper English. And American competency in English has declined rapidly recently.
In the two links above, both writers are questioning if Americans are mentally competent enough to vote and maintain a society.
In the 2008 election, we had an extremely stupid person run for office of Vice President of America, Sarah Palin.
On another blog where I write, here is one poster who wrote a collection of Palinisms, examples of Sarah Palin's awful English.
While President Bush was famous for his mangling of English, at least we could understand what he meant to say. With Sarah Palin, we have no idea at all what she means.
Yet many Americans are OK with this, a stupid person running the country.
Now notice the first comment in the above link by a person named sdh. That person says it is all right for Sarah Palin to be President, because she is "real". They find her terrible English "cute", and wish her luck in politics. And that person made several English mistakes in their comment.
In my opinion, what they are saying is that Sarah is stupid like they are. They feel safe with a leader who is as stupid as they are.
The ability of Americans to communicate even in their native English is declining.
I find the prospect of an American President who is stupid to be terrifying. After all, the President of America has the largest military of any nation on the planet, with all those nuclear weapons.
The truth is, if you ask most Americans about their favorite sport, they have encyclopedic knowledge. So the problem is that there is nothing wrong with their brains.
And America has always been a country with a large publishing industry, and many booksellers. And many fine Universities.
And with the internet, there is even more information available.
However, in my lifetime, the intellectual ability of Americans has declined drastically. The fact is, Americans only read what they want to, they are too lazy to read anything else.
And the fact is, a large percent of Americans cannot even find America on a world map. And they don't care.
I recently watched a special on TV Asahi with Ikegami Akira about the Iraq war. He detailed all the mistakes and misunderstandings about Iraq that were held by the Bush administration. Yet President Bush in his ignorance launched an incredibly destructive war. That is still killing people.
最近、テレビ朝日「そうだったのか!池上彰さんの学べるニュース」で、テーマが ”アメリカ軍イラク撤退”を見ました。イラクについてのブッシュ政権の誤解と間違いを細かく話しました。でも、自分の無知で、ブッシュ元大統領はとても破壊的な戦争を始めました。現在でも、その戦争のせいで人が死んでいます。
I find the concept of stupid ignorant Americans to be terrifying.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
原油流出問題は続きます。 The Gulf oil spill disaster continues.
In mid July, BP and the US government announced that the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico had been stopped after three months. They also announced that only 26% of the oil remained. However, some people had doubts.
Last June, I wrote on my blog that this oil disaster could be the trigger event of an American Civil War.
I have had some feedback that some prominent Americans feel that my predictions about an American Civil War are, to put it frankly, crazy.
Well, in general, Americans are an optimistic. Whenever a problem happens, they believe that a good solution will always be found.
However, about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it is now being proven that it is not all stopped, merely reduced. Whether or not this will lead to Civil War, only time will tell. But unlike the average American, I am not in general an optimistic person. As a historian, I know that every human situation does not always have a happy ending.
A view of an oil polluted marsh on the Gulf coast.
Oil and Methane gas is still leaking from the seabed around the well.
The BOP is leaking, and it is getting worse.
By the way, BP has previously admitted that damage to the well caused drilling mud to leak. The drilling mud was being used in a futile attempt to plug the well. Well if drilling mud is leaking, it is logical that oil would also be leaking. Needless to say, BP has not discussed the subject much since then.
What local fishermen are reporting, as soon they find oil, planes or ships spray dispersant to hide it. The dispersant being used is the very toxic chemical Corexit. Yet the government keeps denying that it using the chemical at all.
The below link describes the reaction of fishermen to claims by BP that everything is fine. And a gap is appearing between local officials and State and Federal officials. State and Federal officials are saying that everything is fine, while the local people can see the damage in front of them. And that it is ongoing.
Oil and the chemical dispersant Corexit are being found in the Gulf food supply.
In crab larvae:
And in oysters:
Health effects:
A Columbia University health survey found that 40% of the people who lived within 10 miles of the coast had been in contact with the oil. Of the people who had been in contact with the oil, 40% had become sick.
The symptoms people are suffering, dizziness, shortness of breath and rectal bleeding, can be traced to oil fume exposure and the dispersant Corexit. BP is using this chemical to cause the oil to sink from the surface of the ocean. The idea with this is legal responsibility. If the oil is not seen, it is not measured, and then not included in BP's legal fines.
A person's leg after being exposed to oil polluted Gulf of Mexico water at Mobile bay Alabama. Would you want to swim there? Look at picture no. 6 in the link below.
Is BP serious about cleaning up? They have fired 10,000 workers, 25% of the cleanup force.
And in fact, one local official, Kindra Arnesen, is saying that she believes BP is moving to set up Gulf fishermen for any future contamination that appears in the nations food supply. The possibility of sick or dead Americans from eating oil and corexit contaminated seafood does not seem to be of importance here. The primary importance seems to be to help BP avoid legal responsibility.
実は、キンダラ アーンセンさん、一人の地元の官僚の考えで、BP社の目標は将来の水産食料供給汚染が漁師達の責任にされると思っています。汚染された水産物を食べて、病気に成るか死ぬ事の可能性はここでは大切ではないらしい。一番大切な事は、BP社が法的に責任に成れない事でしょう。
President Obama visits to say everything is fine.
But the beach he visited was specially cleaned, while nearby beaches are still covered in oil.
The Obama family did not actually swim in the Gulf, but in a protected bay, that was not likely to have been oiled. Unlike the coastal beaches. Not very good PR.
And the President did not actually swim in the Gulf of Mexico. He swam in St. Andrews bay, which has a very narrow outlet to the sea.
Looking at a google earth image of St Andrews bay, we can see that it is very protected from the sea.
This kind of thing is all over the net in English from American and British sources. The President's effort at public relations, has in my opinion, backfired.
However I am now going to tell a sad fact to the American people. Oil companies behave this way normally. The Niger river delta in Africa is an example, the oil damage has spawned an insurgency there.
The Nigerian government ignores the problems oil pollution causes. Insurgency is the result. Is this to be the fate of the American Gulf Coast?
The insurgency in Nigeria has been going on for a long time, but the world basically ignores it. It is a third world country, and particularly in America, a third world insurgency, partly caused by oil based environmental degradation, is not going to make the news.
But now we have a disaster affecting millions of Americans. Many of them are already sick from the oil. Hundreds of thousands are facing permanent unemployment because of the spill.
The Obama administration seems to be trying to help BP avoid responsibility. I am particularly horrified that there is a strong possibility of contaminated seafood in the food chain. Yet the primary concern of the US government seems to be to help BP avoid legal responsibility, and to shift it onto the local fishermen.
In Nigeria, the local people only have access to small arms. And since Nigeria is a tribal nation, the Nigerian Army has no compunction about going hard on the rebels. Still the insurgency persists.
It will be different in America. Any possible American insurgents will be able to get their hands on the occasional heavy weapon. And the US military, well a large portion of professional American military people come from the south.
How are we going to ask some Colonel in the Army or Marines to shoot his cousin Bob? Especially when he knows cousin Bob was wronged?
Some people might argue that the insurgency in Nigeria is caused by corruption. Well I have already described a rift between local officials and officials at the State and Federal level in the American Gulf region.
Everybody knows that oil companies have given money to State and Federal politicians. And this is completely legal. And in good times, this is not an issue. Yet times are no longer good. As Kindra Arnesen says in her speech, the local fishermen have all their wealth tied up in their homes and their boats, they have no other assets.
transcript of video included:
I don't think the Gulf fisheries will come back in our lifetimes. So for most of the Gulf fishermen, and people in the tourist industry, the future is hopeless. Again, as it is mentioned in the link above, restaurants across the US are refusing to serve Gulf seafood. And despite President Obama's visit, I seriously doubt that many tourists will come to the Gulf.
And there may not be any shrimp surviving to catch anyway. A recent trip by journalist Dahr Jamail to Louisiana reported one fishing boat coming back with zero shrimp, another with 12. A normal catch would be hundreds of pounds of shrimp.
とにかく、生き残っている海老は居ないかも知れません。ジャーナリスト ダールジャマイルさんがルイジアナ州へ最近行って、彼の報告で有る海老漁船は海老を一匹でもとれないで、もう一つの漁船は海老を12匹しかとっていません。普通は、その所でその時に、海老が何百ポンドもとれます。
From what I have researched on this project, the Federal Government of the United States has taken a very hands off approach, and let BP control the entire procedure. I think this is a serious mistake. I understand, any politician, any government needs the financial support of major corporations.
However, to cut costs and maintain profit, BP ignored engineering and safety requirements and procedures, this was a major cause of the accident. Afterwards, BP's primary effort was to hide the oil leaked, so that's legal responsibility would be lessened. The oil is still leaking, it is still there.
I think from the start, President Obama should have Federalized the whole mess, sent in the Marines, and operated the effort to stop the well under the command of the United States Navy. And this would be a warning to other corporations to be responsible in their operations.
But now, I fear that the President will be seen as protecting the interests of a foreign corporation, BP instead of the lives of ordinary Americans.
So we are now looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of people in the Gulf region who have no hope of future economic survival. And BP is doing it's best to evade responsibility, and the Federal government is silent.
This will be bad.
Last June, I wrote on my blog that this oil disaster could be the trigger event of an American Civil War.
I have had some feedback that some prominent Americans feel that my predictions about an American Civil War are, to put it frankly, crazy.
Well, in general, Americans are an optimistic. Whenever a problem happens, they believe that a good solution will always be found.
However, about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it is now being proven that it is not all stopped, merely reduced. Whether or not this will lead to Civil War, only time will tell. But unlike the average American, I am not in general an optimistic person. As a historian, I know that every human situation does not always have a happy ending.
A view of an oil polluted marsh on the Gulf coast.
Oil and Methane gas is still leaking from the seabed around the well.
The BOP is leaking, and it is getting worse.
By the way, BP has previously admitted that damage to the well caused drilling mud to leak. The drilling mud was being used in a futile attempt to plug the well. Well if drilling mud is leaking, it is logical that oil would also be leaking. Needless to say, BP has not discussed the subject much since then.
What local fishermen are reporting, as soon they find oil, planes or ships spray dispersant to hide it. The dispersant being used is the very toxic chemical Corexit. Yet the government keeps denying that it using the chemical at all.
The below link describes the reaction of fishermen to claims by BP that everything is fine. And a gap is appearing between local officials and State and Federal officials. State and Federal officials are saying that everything is fine, while the local people can see the damage in front of them. And that it is ongoing.
Oil and the chemical dispersant Corexit are being found in the Gulf food supply.
In crab larvae:
And in oysters:
Health effects:
A Columbia University health survey found that 40% of the people who lived within 10 miles of the coast had been in contact with the oil. Of the people who had been in contact with the oil, 40% had become sick.
The symptoms people are suffering, dizziness, shortness of breath and rectal bleeding, can be traced to oil fume exposure and the dispersant Corexit. BP is using this chemical to cause the oil to sink from the surface of the ocean. The idea with this is legal responsibility. If the oil is not seen, it is not measured, and then not included in BP's legal fines.
A person's leg after being exposed to oil polluted Gulf of Mexico water at Mobile bay Alabama. Would you want to swim there? Look at picture no. 6 in the link below.
Is BP serious about cleaning up? They have fired 10,000 workers, 25% of the cleanup force.
And in fact, one local official, Kindra Arnesen, is saying that she believes BP is moving to set up Gulf fishermen for any future contamination that appears in the nations food supply. The possibility of sick or dead Americans from eating oil and corexit contaminated seafood does not seem to be of importance here. The primary importance seems to be to help BP avoid legal responsibility.
実は、キンダラ アーンセンさん、一人の地元の官僚の考えで、BP社の目標は将来の水産食料供給汚染が漁師達の責任にされると思っています。汚染された水産物を食べて、病気に成るか死ぬ事の可能性はここでは大切ではないらしい。一番大切な事は、BP社が法的に責任に成れない事でしょう。
President Obama visits to say everything is fine.
But the beach he visited was specially cleaned, while nearby beaches are still covered in oil.
The Obama family did not actually swim in the Gulf, but in a protected bay, that was not likely to have been oiled. Unlike the coastal beaches. Not very good PR.
And the President did not actually swim in the Gulf of Mexico. He swam in St. Andrews bay, which has a very narrow outlet to the sea.
Looking at a google earth image of St Andrews bay, we can see that it is very protected from the sea.
This kind of thing is all over the net in English from American and British sources. The President's effort at public relations, has in my opinion, backfired.
However I am now going to tell a sad fact to the American people. Oil companies behave this way normally. The Niger river delta in Africa is an example, the oil damage has spawned an insurgency there.
The Nigerian government ignores the problems oil pollution causes. Insurgency is the result. Is this to be the fate of the American Gulf Coast?
The insurgency in Nigeria has been going on for a long time, but the world basically ignores it. It is a third world country, and particularly in America, a third world insurgency, partly caused by oil based environmental degradation, is not going to make the news.
But now we have a disaster affecting millions of Americans. Many of them are already sick from the oil. Hundreds of thousands are facing permanent unemployment because of the spill.
The Obama administration seems to be trying to help BP avoid responsibility. I am particularly horrified that there is a strong possibility of contaminated seafood in the food chain. Yet the primary concern of the US government seems to be to help BP avoid legal responsibility, and to shift it onto the local fishermen.
In Nigeria, the local people only have access to small arms. And since Nigeria is a tribal nation, the Nigerian Army has no compunction about going hard on the rebels. Still the insurgency persists.
It will be different in America. Any possible American insurgents will be able to get their hands on the occasional heavy weapon. And the US military, well a large portion of professional American military people come from the south.
How are we going to ask some Colonel in the Army or Marines to shoot his cousin Bob? Especially when he knows cousin Bob was wronged?
Some people might argue that the insurgency in Nigeria is caused by corruption. Well I have already described a rift between local officials and officials at the State and Federal level in the American Gulf region.
Everybody knows that oil companies have given money to State and Federal politicians. And this is completely legal. And in good times, this is not an issue. Yet times are no longer good. As Kindra Arnesen says in her speech, the local fishermen have all their wealth tied up in their homes and their boats, they have no other assets.
transcript of video included:
I don't think the Gulf fisheries will come back in our lifetimes. So for most of the Gulf fishermen, and people in the tourist industry, the future is hopeless. Again, as it is mentioned in the link above, restaurants across the US are refusing to serve Gulf seafood. And despite President Obama's visit, I seriously doubt that many tourists will come to the Gulf.
And there may not be any shrimp surviving to catch anyway. A recent trip by journalist Dahr Jamail to Louisiana reported one fishing boat coming back with zero shrimp, another with 12. A normal catch would be hundreds of pounds of shrimp.
とにかく、生き残っている海老は居ないかも知れません。ジャーナリスト ダールジャマイルさんがルイジアナ州へ最近行って、彼の報告で有る海老漁船は海老を一匹でもとれないで、もう一つの漁船は海老を12匹しかとっていません。普通は、その所でその時に、海老が何百ポンドもとれます。
From what I have researched on this project, the Federal Government of the United States has taken a very hands off approach, and let BP control the entire procedure. I think this is a serious mistake. I understand, any politician, any government needs the financial support of major corporations.
However, to cut costs and maintain profit, BP ignored engineering and safety requirements and procedures, this was a major cause of the accident. Afterwards, BP's primary effort was to hide the oil leaked, so that's legal responsibility would be lessened. The oil is still leaking, it is still there.
I think from the start, President Obama should have Federalized the whole mess, sent in the Marines, and operated the effort to stop the well under the command of the United States Navy. And this would be a warning to other corporations to be responsible in their operations.
But now, I fear that the President will be seen as protecting the interests of a foreign corporation, BP instead of the lives of ordinary Americans.
So we are now looking at the possibility of hundreds of thousands of people in the Gulf region who have no hope of future economic survival. And BP is doing it's best to evade responsibility, and the Federal government is silent.
This will be bad.
Friday, August 13, 2010
太平洋戦争:アメリカの空襲は軍事的に必要だったのか?Were American air attacks on Japan a military necessity?
It is now August in Japan, and every August, there is the anniversary of the end of WWII. Many articles and television specials focus on various aspects of the war. This year, American Ambassador John Roos visited the memorial ceremony for the Hiroshima atomic bombing, the first time such a high level US official has done so.
Although I feel that the visit was largely to encourage the Japanese government to build the Henoko base in Okinawa, I still welcome the American gesture. However, the two nuclear weapons were not the only weapons used on Japan. Aside from nuclear weapons, more than 60 other Japanese cities were bombed.
In the Pacific war, many Japanese civilians were killed by bombs. The bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did usher in a new age of warfare. With one bomb, an entire city, schools, factories, hospitals, mothers and children, cats and dogs, can disappear in a flash. Strategic bombing has evolved to hellish extremes.
Was Strategic bombing truly a military necessity? Japan did carry on a bombing campaign against China for about one year, but did not continue it. Germany also did bomb English cities, but did not sustain the attacks for long periods. The countries that did carry on a long sustained bombing campaign were Great Britain and America.
The basic philosophy of strategic bombing was created by an Italian officer, General Giulio Douhet, in the 1920's. The core of this strategy was that an attacking country can easily, quickly, and cheaply defeat an enemy nation. The trench warfare of World War I on the French front had introduced humanity to a new and terrible way of war.
For several hundred years after the invention of firearms, the fighting of a war had not changed much. Infantry and calvary would maneuver on the battlefield to try gain an advantageous position over the enemy. However, WWI occurred at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and weapons quickly evolved. In particular, the invention of the machine gun changed the battlefield. Also, the power of artillery greatly increased.
The advance of large infantry units became impossible. On the battlefield, defense became more important. Neither the British and French armies, or the Germans, gave up on the attack. For example, in the first day of the battle of the Somme in 1916, 20,000 British troops died on the first day. Also, in this war, poison gas was introduced. Frankly, it was four years of hell.
These four hellish years had a strong influence on European military thinkers. And this is how Italian General Douhet had his inspiration of strategic bombing. Strategic bombing could be used to win quickly over an enemy country, by targeting the enemy civilian population. The population, in order to protect their own lives, would rise in revolt against their own government, forcing that government to surrender. This was the philosophic base to such a strategy, the reality turned out to be different.
In the Second World War, Japan carried out strategic bombing against China for about a year. But then stopped. I believe that the reason Japan stopped this campaign was that it failed to achieve it's objective of getting the Chinese people to revolt against their government. General Douhet's theory did not work out. Because there was no military reason to continue it, Japan stopped. Germany's strategic air attacks against England were a on again, off again affair. One of the main reasons for German bombing attacks was revenge for British bombing.
Both Great Britain and America continued strategic bombing throughout the war. From the beginning of the war, the American command knew that Japanese people would not rise in revolt. The American command also knew that US Naval submarines gradually sank virtually all of Japan's merchant fleet, forcing Japanese military industries to halt. They also knew this would make Japanese military defeat inevitable.
Basically, there were two reasons that America conducted strategic bombing. One was racial. America has always had a lot of problems with racial prejudice. At the time of the Second World War, people who were not White had a tough time of it in America. American White people looked at Japan with fear. In those days, people in White Western countries felt that non White countries could not possibly be civilized. When in the Russian/Japanese war, Japan gained a military victory over a White country, this shocked White people. The fact that a non White country could achieve military victory over a White country was a threat. American elites felt that Japan should be punished. From that thought gradually America began to apply economic, political, and military pressure on Japan.
The racial aspect was very strong in the Pacific war. In the strategic bombing of Germany, the US Army Air Corps basically tried to not kill German civilians. However, since Japanese are not White people, it easier for the US Army to kill Japanese civilians.
Another very important reason was the American Army/Navy rivalry. In the European war, the US Army played the main part, the Naval effort was secondary. In the Pacific War against Japan, the opposite was true.
There were two great American military leaders in the Pacific in WWII. General MacArthur of the Army, And Admiral Nimitz of the Navy. Watching the fierce struggle between these two men, sometimes American troops were not sure who was the true enemy. Since the war in the Pacific was primarily a Naval war, the strategic bombing campaign was important for the US Army to keep a role in the Pacific.
There are probably many other reasons for the American strategic bombing campaign against Japan. But, the result of the bombing was hell. In my opinion, at least 2 million Japanese civilians were killed in the air attacks. And since US Naval submarine warfare had already destroyed Japanese industrial capacity, it had no military meaning.
Since the end of the war, American politicians and historians like to say in their speeches that strategic bombing was necessary to force Japan's surrender. However, the true reason for Japan's surrender was the attack by the Soviet Union. Concerning this truth, Americans are silent.
Since the Second World War, America has used strategic bombing. In the Korean war, strategic bombing was used to cut North Korean and Chinese supply lines. The American command calculated that an American soldier used 80 pounds of supplies a day. Truthfully, because of American bombing, it became impossible for the Communist Chinese and North Korean forces to maintain those kind of supply levels for their troops. However the American high command made one big mistake.
In that war, a Communist soldier could live and fight on only 8 pounds of supply per day. Through various efforts, the Communists always managed to get that amount to the front line. Americans depended upon technology. For example, the Americans would bomb and destroy a railroad bridge across a river. Everyday, American reconnaissance aircraft would take pictures of the bridge, and confirm it was destroyed. This would reassure the American command. However, parallel to the wrecked bridge, 10 centimeters under the water level, the Communists built another bridge. Since Korean rivers are very muddy, the reconnaissance aircraft would not see it. At night, Communist work crews would move the rail tracks to the hidden bridge, run a train across, and return things to their ruined appearance by daylight. By tricks like these, American strategic bombing failed.
In the Vietnam war, America tried to use a combination of strategic bombing and technology to gain victory. One goal was to prevent the transfer of troops and supplies from North to South Vietnam. The main supply route for the North Vietnamese Army was the Ho Chi Minh trail through the jungles, and because of the jungle, American reconnaissance aircraft could not be used. One American plan was to drop sensors along the route, when the sensors detected the presence of troops, bombers would be sent.
One of these was the urine sensor. This idea was, when North Vietnamese troops would stop to urinate, the sensor would detect the amount, calculate the number of troops to the American command, and the bombers would come. Very unfortunately, there are wild elephants in Vietnam. One elephant urinating near such a sensor would send a signal like there was an entire company (300 men) at the site. Of course, American bombers would take off. It is a question how many elephants American forces killed by mistake.
Another awful aspect of strategic bombing in Vietnam the use of jungle defoliants. These chemicals would force the jungle vegetation to engage in explosive growth, and die. This destroyed the vegetation for Communist troops to hide in. Very unfortunately, these chemicals are also the cause of cancer and birth defects in humans. Even now, 40 years later, these effects are still there. Not only for Vietnamese civilians, but also many American troops have become sick from these defoliants. To this day, the American government is hiding the evidence of this. The effects of these defoliants last for generations. But despite all these strategic bombings, the Vietnam war ended in defeat for America.
Americans still do not understand futility of strategic bombing. No matter how times it has been tried, they do not learn. Since the Bush Presidency, it has been the goal of many American conservatives to launch a strategic bombing campaign against Iran. It is their belief that if America begins such bombing, Iranian people will revolt against their present government, and create a government friendly to America. This is that same old dream thought up by General Douhet, but no matter how times Americans try, they cannot understand that it is mistaken.
In the present wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, America is using drone aircraft as bombers. The pilots are sitting at a computer console at a base in Las Vegas, they fly the aircraft in Pakistan by satellite signal. In a study of attacks from 2004 to 2010, it was found that in 124 US drone attacks 1266 civilians were killed, and 445 injured, but only 30 Al Qaeda were killed. The rest were civilians. These attacks have greatly angered the Pakistani people, they used to like Americans, but gradually Pakistani's are beginning to think of America as an enemy. However, the American command says that the drone attacks are a success. They plan to increase them.
Not only that, drone aircraft are evolving rapidly. In about ten years time, America is planning to build drone aircraft that fly independently of humans introduced on the battlefield. They will fly and choose bombing targets by onboard computer. I find this concept terrifying.
It is not my intention in this article to say that Air Forces are useless. When an enemy's armed forces are on the move and in the open, air attack is very useful. However, the target here is the enemy forces, not the civilian population. Most countries today understand this, but when will America learn? I pray that it will be soon.
Although I feel that the visit was largely to encourage the Japanese government to build the Henoko base in Okinawa, I still welcome the American gesture. However, the two nuclear weapons were not the only weapons used on Japan. Aside from nuclear weapons, more than 60 other Japanese cities were bombed.
In the Pacific war, many Japanese civilians were killed by bombs. The bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did usher in a new age of warfare. With one bomb, an entire city, schools, factories, hospitals, mothers and children, cats and dogs, can disappear in a flash. Strategic bombing has evolved to hellish extremes.
Was Strategic bombing truly a military necessity? Japan did carry on a bombing campaign against China for about one year, but did not continue it. Germany also did bomb English cities, but did not sustain the attacks for long periods. The countries that did carry on a long sustained bombing campaign were Great Britain and America.
The basic philosophy of strategic bombing was created by an Italian officer, General Giulio Douhet, in the 1920's. The core of this strategy was that an attacking country can easily, quickly, and cheaply defeat an enemy nation. The trench warfare of World War I on the French front had introduced humanity to a new and terrible way of war.
For several hundred years after the invention of firearms, the fighting of a war had not changed much. Infantry and calvary would maneuver on the battlefield to try gain an advantageous position over the enemy. However, WWI occurred at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, and weapons quickly evolved. In particular, the invention of the machine gun changed the battlefield. Also, the power of artillery greatly increased.
The advance of large infantry units became impossible. On the battlefield, defense became more important. Neither the British and French armies, or the Germans, gave up on the attack. For example, in the first day of the battle of the Somme in 1916, 20,000 British troops died on the first day. Also, in this war, poison gas was introduced. Frankly, it was four years of hell.
These four hellish years had a strong influence on European military thinkers. And this is how Italian General Douhet had his inspiration of strategic bombing. Strategic bombing could be used to win quickly over an enemy country, by targeting the enemy civilian population. The population, in order to protect their own lives, would rise in revolt against their own government, forcing that government to surrender. This was the philosophic base to such a strategy, the reality turned out to be different.
In the Second World War, Japan carried out strategic bombing against China for about a year. But then stopped. I believe that the reason Japan stopped this campaign was that it failed to achieve it's objective of getting the Chinese people to revolt against their government. General Douhet's theory did not work out. Because there was no military reason to continue it, Japan stopped. Germany's strategic air attacks against England were a on again, off again affair. One of the main reasons for German bombing attacks was revenge for British bombing.
Both Great Britain and America continued strategic bombing throughout the war. From the beginning of the war, the American command knew that Japanese people would not rise in revolt. The American command also knew that US Naval submarines gradually sank virtually all of Japan's merchant fleet, forcing Japanese military industries to halt. They also knew this would make Japanese military defeat inevitable.
Basically, there were two reasons that America conducted strategic bombing. One was racial. America has always had a lot of problems with racial prejudice. At the time of the Second World War, people who were not White had a tough time of it in America. American White people looked at Japan with fear. In those days, people in White Western countries felt that non White countries could not possibly be civilized. When in the Russian/Japanese war, Japan gained a military victory over a White country, this shocked White people. The fact that a non White country could achieve military victory over a White country was a threat. American elites felt that Japan should be punished. From that thought gradually America began to apply economic, political, and military pressure on Japan.
The racial aspect was very strong in the Pacific war. In the strategic bombing of Germany, the US Army Air Corps basically tried to not kill German civilians. However, since Japanese are not White people, it easier for the US Army to kill Japanese civilians.
Another very important reason was the American Army/Navy rivalry. In the European war, the US Army played the main part, the Naval effort was secondary. In the Pacific War against Japan, the opposite was true.
There were two great American military leaders in the Pacific in WWII. General MacArthur of the Army, And Admiral Nimitz of the Navy. Watching the fierce struggle between these two men, sometimes American troops were not sure who was the true enemy. Since the war in the Pacific was primarily a Naval war, the strategic bombing campaign was important for the US Army to keep a role in the Pacific.
There are probably many other reasons for the American strategic bombing campaign against Japan. But, the result of the bombing was hell. In my opinion, at least 2 million Japanese civilians were killed in the air attacks. And since US Naval submarine warfare had already destroyed Japanese industrial capacity, it had no military meaning.
Since the end of the war, American politicians and historians like to say in their speeches that strategic bombing was necessary to force Japan's surrender. However, the true reason for Japan's surrender was the attack by the Soviet Union. Concerning this truth, Americans are silent.
Since the Second World War, America has used strategic bombing. In the Korean war, strategic bombing was used to cut North Korean and Chinese supply lines. The American command calculated that an American soldier used 80 pounds of supplies a day. Truthfully, because of American bombing, it became impossible for the Communist Chinese and North Korean forces to maintain those kind of supply levels for their troops. However the American high command made one big mistake.
In that war, a Communist soldier could live and fight on only 8 pounds of supply per day. Through various efforts, the Communists always managed to get that amount to the front line. Americans depended upon technology. For example, the Americans would bomb and destroy a railroad bridge across a river. Everyday, American reconnaissance aircraft would take pictures of the bridge, and confirm it was destroyed. This would reassure the American command. However, parallel to the wrecked bridge, 10 centimeters under the water level, the Communists built another bridge. Since Korean rivers are very muddy, the reconnaissance aircraft would not see it. At night, Communist work crews would move the rail tracks to the hidden bridge, run a train across, and return things to their ruined appearance by daylight. By tricks like these, American strategic bombing failed.
In the Vietnam war, America tried to use a combination of strategic bombing and technology to gain victory. One goal was to prevent the transfer of troops and supplies from North to South Vietnam. The main supply route for the North Vietnamese Army was the Ho Chi Minh trail through the jungles, and because of the jungle, American reconnaissance aircraft could not be used. One American plan was to drop sensors along the route, when the sensors detected the presence of troops, bombers would be sent.
One of these was the urine sensor. This idea was, when North Vietnamese troops would stop to urinate, the sensor would detect the amount, calculate the number of troops to the American command, and the bombers would come. Very unfortunately, there are wild elephants in Vietnam. One elephant urinating near such a sensor would send a signal like there was an entire company (300 men) at the site. Of course, American bombers would take off. It is a question how many elephants American forces killed by mistake.
Another awful aspect of strategic bombing in Vietnam the use of jungle defoliants. These chemicals would force the jungle vegetation to engage in explosive growth, and die. This destroyed the vegetation for Communist troops to hide in. Very unfortunately, these chemicals are also the cause of cancer and birth defects in humans. Even now, 40 years later, these effects are still there. Not only for Vietnamese civilians, but also many American troops have become sick from these defoliants. To this day, the American government is hiding the evidence of this. The effects of these defoliants last for generations. But despite all these strategic bombings, the Vietnam war ended in defeat for America.
Americans still do not understand futility of strategic bombing. No matter how times it has been tried, they do not learn. Since the Bush Presidency, it has been the goal of many American conservatives to launch a strategic bombing campaign against Iran. It is their belief that if America begins such bombing, Iranian people will revolt against their present government, and create a government friendly to America. This is that same old dream thought up by General Douhet, but no matter how times Americans try, they cannot understand that it is mistaken.
In the present wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan, America is using drone aircraft as bombers. The pilots are sitting at a computer console at a base in Las Vegas, they fly the aircraft in Pakistan by satellite signal. In a study of attacks from 2004 to 2010, it was found that in 124 US drone attacks 1266 civilians were killed, and 445 injured, but only 30 Al Qaeda were killed. The rest were civilians. These attacks have greatly angered the Pakistani people, they used to like Americans, but gradually Pakistani's are beginning to think of America as an enemy. However, the American command says that the drone attacks are a success. They plan to increase them.
Not only that, drone aircraft are evolving rapidly. In about ten years time, America is planning to build drone aircraft that fly independently of humans introduced on the battlefield. They will fly and choose bombing targets by onboard computer. I find this concept terrifying.
It is not my intention in this article to say that Air Forces are useless. When an enemy's armed forces are on the move and in the open, air attack is very useful. However, the target here is the enemy forces, not the civilian population. Most countries today understand this, but when will America learn? I pray that it will be soon.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
日米軍事関係の展望 The future of American and Japanese military relations
I was recently directed by a friend to certain comments by a Mr. Wallace Gregson. Mr. Gregson is an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Affairs.
As yet, I am sorry to say that linking to a pdf is beyond my computer skills.
Mr. Gregson's testimony is on July 27th in the link below.
Now, the main point in question comes towards the end of Mr. Gregson's remarks. He was addressing the possibility of reductions in host nation support by Japan. Mr. Gregson basically said that he felt that a reduction in host nation support payments would signal to other nations that Japan was not serious about defense.
Now my friend who is Japanese felt that such comments by an American official were not respecting Japanese sovereignty as an independent country.
My friend is quite correct. Too many Americans tend to think of America as the center of the Universe. They feel that what America decides is best for all nations of the world.
Recently, I found this article in Newsweek magazine, which outlines the thinking of most Americans towards Japan concerning defense.
In his article, Mr. Harris talks about the need for Japan to take more responsibility for overseas operations, and to change it's Constitution to permit these operations. What is not directly stated, but which all Americans understand, is that America shall direct such operations.
The fact is, The United States military is extremely bloated, a very expensive force that has no purpose. As one example, there are now 3,100 some Intelligence agencies in America.
America maintains 22 aircraft carrier battle fleets.
Well my readers might think that with all these Intelligence agencies, spies, and battle fleets, America must have a large amount of enemies to watch and fight.
The truth is, that is not the case. There are some 100 Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
From other sources, I have read of some 300 Al Qaeda in Pakistan.
Now I am going to be very honest here. I cannot think of anyone else who could be considered to be an enemy of America. So America has this massive expensive military, to fight phantoms.
Also, we must remember that because of financial games on Wall street, America is broke, it's economy is collapsing, the numbers of unemployed in America are increasing and getting desperate. So America asks Japan for more money.
To fight enemies that don't exist.
Many influential Americans are still trying to start a war with Iran. Will Japan follow America in attacking Iran, a country that Japan has deep relations with?
There is no evidence that Iran is trying to make a nuclear weapon. There is no reason to start a war with Iran. Yet many Americans want such a war. I think America has become insane.
Gradually, Americans are going to demand more than just money from Japan. They will demand that Japan send it's troops to war alongside American troops and under American command.
Americans are used to obedient LDP politicians, who always did what America wanted without question. Frankly, I don't think they know how to react to the new DPJ government.
Also, Japan should think carefully about continuing a security alliance with America. It is one thing to be worried about local security in Asia. But America wants to draw Japan into it's wars around the world. For example against Iran in the Middle East? Is this truly in Japan's best interest? I think it is time to give deep thought to such matters.
As a next step, it might be wise to keep only a cadre type presence of American forces in Japan. Under such an arrangement, the units themselves, and the dependents, would return to the United States. A small amount of US troops, less than 10% of each unit, would then remain in Japan. They would maintain bases in case of emergency. The territory of the bases themselves could be greatly reduced.
If a military emergency arose in Asia, then American units could return in full strength. I think this arrangements much more reflects the realities in Asia. North Korea is completely incapable of being a serious threat. Despite recent Chinese provocations, I think they are more for show. I do not think China seeks general war. In any case, Japanese forces alone are quite sufficient to handle any attempted incursion into Japanese territory by any nation in the region.
Americans keep seeing possible wars around every corner. I think Americans have lost the ability to deal with a nation by non military means. This makes America a dangerous nation.
I also know that many Americans themselves are not happy with the American military Empire. I think it is time for America to dismantle the majority of it's military forces, and try to improve the lives of American citizens at home.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
As yet, I am sorry to say that linking to a pdf is beyond my computer skills.
Mr. Gregson's testimony is on July 27th in the link below.
Now, the main point in question comes towards the end of Mr. Gregson's remarks. He was addressing the possibility of reductions in host nation support by Japan. Mr. Gregson basically said that he felt that a reduction in host nation support payments would signal to other nations that Japan was not serious about defense.
Now my friend who is Japanese felt that such comments by an American official were not respecting Japanese sovereignty as an independent country.
My friend is quite correct. Too many Americans tend to think of America as the center of the Universe. They feel that what America decides is best for all nations of the world.
Recently, I found this article in Newsweek magazine, which outlines the thinking of most Americans towards Japan concerning defense.
In his article, Mr. Harris talks about the need for Japan to take more responsibility for overseas operations, and to change it's Constitution to permit these operations. What is not directly stated, but which all Americans understand, is that America shall direct such operations.
The fact is, The United States military is extremely bloated, a very expensive force that has no purpose. As one example, there are now 3,100 some Intelligence agencies in America.
America maintains 22 aircraft carrier battle fleets.
Well my readers might think that with all these Intelligence agencies, spies, and battle fleets, America must have a large amount of enemies to watch and fight.
The truth is, that is not the case. There are some 100 Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.
From other sources, I have read of some 300 Al Qaeda in Pakistan.
Now I am going to be very honest here. I cannot think of anyone else who could be considered to be an enemy of America. So America has this massive expensive military, to fight phantoms.
Also, we must remember that because of financial games on Wall street, America is broke, it's economy is collapsing, the numbers of unemployed in America are increasing and getting desperate. So America asks Japan for more money.
To fight enemies that don't exist.
Many influential Americans are still trying to start a war with Iran. Will Japan follow America in attacking Iran, a country that Japan has deep relations with?
There is no evidence that Iran is trying to make a nuclear weapon. There is no reason to start a war with Iran. Yet many Americans want such a war. I think America has become insane.
Gradually, Americans are going to demand more than just money from Japan. They will demand that Japan send it's troops to war alongside American troops and under American command.
Americans are used to obedient LDP politicians, who always did what America wanted without question. Frankly, I don't think they know how to react to the new DPJ government.
Also, Japan should think carefully about continuing a security alliance with America. It is one thing to be worried about local security in Asia. But America wants to draw Japan into it's wars around the world. For example against Iran in the Middle East? Is this truly in Japan's best interest? I think it is time to give deep thought to such matters.
As a next step, it might be wise to keep only a cadre type presence of American forces in Japan. Under such an arrangement, the units themselves, and the dependents, would return to the United States. A small amount of US troops, less than 10% of each unit, would then remain in Japan. They would maintain bases in case of emergency. The territory of the bases themselves could be greatly reduced.
If a military emergency arose in Asia, then American units could return in full strength. I think this arrangements much more reflects the realities in Asia. North Korea is completely incapable of being a serious threat. Despite recent Chinese provocations, I think they are more for show. I do not think China seeks general war. In any case, Japanese forces alone are quite sufficient to handle any attempted incursion into Japanese territory by any nation in the region.
Americans keep seeing possible wars around every corner. I think Americans have lost the ability to deal with a nation by non military means. This makes America a dangerous nation.
I also know that many Americans themselves are not happy with the American military Empire. I think it is time for America to dismantle the majority of it's military forces, and try to improve the lives of American citizens at home.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
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