Saturday, August 28, 2010

小沢一郎氏「米国人は単細胞」発言は正しいです。 Ozawa Ichiro is correct that Americans are simple-minded.

Ozawa Ichiro made a remark recently that is bound to irritate American people.

He said that Americans are simpleminded. Here is an example of how it was reported in America.


Ozawa Ichiro is right, Americans are simple-minded. However, many Americans in the US go farther. They go out and out and call Americans stupid.

小沢一郎氏は正しいです。アメリカ人は単細胞です。しかし、有るアメリカ人はこれより厳しい事を言います。はっきり言うと、アメリカ人を “Stupid”(愚か者)と呼びます。

The thing is, Americans are truly becoming more stupid, every day. And if I may be so bold to make a statement, I think this is more true of the political Right in America than the Left.


I base my thoughts on the fact that more and more people who write on right wing blogs cannot communicate in proper English. And American competency in English has declined rapidly recently.


In the two links above, both writers are questioning if Americans are mentally competent enough to vote and maintain a society.


In the 2008 election, we had an extremely stupid person run for office of Vice President of America, Sarah Palin.


On another blog where I write, here is one poster who wrote a collection of Palinisms, examples of Sarah Palin's awful English.

While President Bush was famous for his mangling of English, at least we could understand what he meant to say. With Sarah Palin, we have no idea at all what she means.


Yet many Americans are OK with this, a stupid person running the country.


Now notice the first comment in the above link by a person named sdh. That person says it is all right for Sarah Palin to be President, because she is "real". They find her terrible English "cute", and wish her luck in politics. And that person made several English mistakes in their comment.


In my opinion, what they are saying is that Sarah is stupid like they are. They feel safe with a leader who is as stupid as they are.


The ability of Americans to communicate even in their native English is declining.


I find the prospect of an American President who is stupid to be terrifying. After all, the President of America has the largest military of any nation on the planet, with all those nuclear weapons.


The truth is, if you ask most Americans about their favorite sport, they have encyclopedic knowledge. So the problem is that there is nothing wrong with their brains.


And America has always been a country with a large publishing industry, and many booksellers. And many fine Universities.


And with the internet, there is even more information available.


However, in my lifetime, the intellectual ability of Americans has declined drastically. The fact is, Americans only read what they want to, they are too lazy to read anything else.


And the fact is, a large percent of Americans cannot even find America on a world map. And they don't care.

I recently watched a special on TV Asahi with Ikegami Akira about the Iraq war. He detailed all the mistakes and misunderstandings about Iraq that were held by the Bush administration. Yet President Bush in his ignorance launched an incredibly destructive war. That is still killing people.

最近、テレビ朝日「そうだったのか!池上彰さんの学べるニュース」で、テーマが ”アメリカ軍イラク撤退”を見ました。イラクについてのブッシュ政権の誤解と間違いを細かく話しました。でも、自分の無知で、ブッシュ元大統領はとても破壊的な戦争を始めました。現在でも、その戦争のせいで人が死んでいます。

I find the concept of stupid ignorant Americans to be terrifying.


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