Now as far as the Japanese government handling of the affair, detaining the ship and it's crew was exactly the correct decision. It is proper behavior to stop when being questioned by a nation's Coast guard. And you certainly do not not ram a Coast Guard vessel.
I have been very critical of anti Japanese whaling vessels like the Sea Shepherd organization ramming Japanese ships. No country in the world will defend such dangerous behavior on the high seas.
Now, China's actions after the incident were absolutely boorish. They behaved like an arrogant gangster.
The only criticism I have of the Japanese government is the Chinese Captain should not have been released until after he had been tried and sentenced. I can understand a light sentence, such as probation and a fine, but he should have had his day in court. Giving him back so easily is a sign of weakness.
And China quickly backed down. I think the Chinese were surprised at the world wide reaction. And despite recent efforts to build up the Chinese Navy, they are still no match for Japan.
Now I would like to talk about keeping US forces in Japan. There will be those people who say that America is needed to protect Japan. I say Japan can protect itself. And China simply does not have the ability to land more than small units anywhere on Japanese territory.
If China did land such units anywhere on Japanese territory, they would quickly be isolated. China lacks the ability to reinforce them. They would be destroyed by Japanese forces in a short time.
American forces would not be needed.
I think that we don't need American military units in Japan based permanently for Japanese defense. China backed down when faced only by Japanese Coast Guard units, and world opinion.
America pre-positions military equipment in other locations around the world, I think it is time to reorder the Japanese/American alliance to such an arrangement.
And this would be good for America also. For the average American, life in the United States is declining to Third World conditions.
America spends more than the next 14 nations combined on it's military.

This is not healthy for the United States. I have talked about the possibility of an American Civil War on this blog. I think such excessive military spending is one of the reasons for America's economic crisis. And the economic crisis and destruction of the American Middle Class is directly feeding the possibility of Civil War.
I think that with the creation of a division sized Japanese Marine Corps, increase in the number of submarines, and the construction of two aircraft carriers, (30 aircraft each) we can have adequate military force to defend Japan into the far future.
The cost of these measures can be offset by the elimination of host nation support for Americans when their dependents go home, and the dual use of several Japanese army divisions as labor in areas like fishing and farming.
These dual use divisions can be recalled to military duty in times of emergency. They would spend part of each year on civilian jobs, part on military training.
This would give us the ability to create a permanent military as a potent and highly mobile force.
And in a true emergency, American forces could return to Japan to tie up with pre-positioned equipment.
In any case, it is time to start thinking creatively about the military future of the Japanese/American alliance. And we have no reason to panic about China.
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