In a previous post, I described a possible scenario how Civil War in America could start.
I wrote about Americans rising in anger over the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. And I wrote that they would begin to kill people out of intolerance. I wrote how that Christian Fundamentalism encourages intolerance of gays, and that gays might well be the victim of violence.
Well, the situation in the Gulf of Mexico is still awful, but people have not yet risen in revolt.
Yet, with the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona on January 9th, 8th locally, I do think we have had the first shots in the American Civil War fired.
She was shot because she voted for Health Care. And for the American Right, especially the Christian Right, Federal Health Insurance has always been as much as an evil as homosexuality.
Now I think that the person who shot her acted alone. I do not see any evidence of of direction by other people, or evidence of someone on the American political Right ordering this person to attack Congresswoman Giffords.
However, for the last couple of decades in America, political discourse has become increasingly violent.
Here is popular TV and radio host Glenn Beck threatening to kill Michael Moore on his show.
Radio Host Rush Limbaugh says that Senator Harry Reid and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi are terrorists.
In the mid term elections last year, Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate for the Senate from Nevada, hinted that her opponent Harry Reid should be killed.
Americans are ignorant of many things, but people do understand that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms, for private citizens to own weapons. So the people will understand the implication in the above statements by former Senatorial candidate Angle that Senator Harry Reid should be shot.
In the Giffords shooting, we have a much more direct attack.

The above illustration, comes from a Sarah Palin website. It lists Congresswoman Giffords as a target. It has since been removed. But any American can understand the meaning. It shows Democratic members of the Congress who voted for health care.
The symbol used is a gunsight. Any American would understand this. You would not look at someone through a gunsight unless you intended to kill them.
In fact, Sarah Palin has called for violence against other people. She has called President Obama a terrorist. She has asked why Mr. Assange of Wikileaks is not being pursued like Al Qaeda.
The following tweet by Sarah Palin is a particualry violent expression:
Don't retreat, Instead - RELOAD!"
In America, most people regard a terrorist as somebody who should be just killed. No trial, the government should just kill them. Actually, for many years the US government has been killing people it regards as terrorists. So it is no joke when a major media or political figure calls someone a terrorist. They are actually saying that that person should be killed.
Sarah Palin has made gun culture a major part of her appeal.

And remember, Sarah Palin is a true Christian Fundamentalist, she believes that present American society should be destroyed and recreated according to what Christian Fundamentalists believe.
Of course in America, we have commentators on the Left. Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow come to mind. However, I cannot think of any time where they threatened to kill or harm anyone, unlike commentators from the Right.
It is one of the bad character traits of Americans to blame some other person for problems. Rush Limbaugh is already saying that the shooting is the fault of Democrats, the American left.
In fact, Mr. Limbaugh is saying that Democrats will try to protect the shooter, that is why he smiling when he was arrested.

Americans are an active people. They are not very good at being patient. They feel that they must take action. In the case of the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, the person who shot her is mentally unstable. But because of violent talk in American society, he felt that Congresswoman Giffords voting for health care was a danger. He felt he had to stop her. So he took violent action.
The violent tone of political rhetoric in the US certainly played a significant part in motivating him to shoot all those people.
Until now, we can say that the differences in American society have been argued verbally. I think that this verbal argument has become so intense, it is like a War. Which is why I have been predicting Civil War in America.
Now, we have crossed a serious line. We have a violent attack by gun for political reasons. The American Right refuses to show remorse. We are getting excuses and major Right wing media figures blaming the Left.
And the Right wing is just as scared of the Left as the Left is of the Right.
The American political Right and Left have passed beyond communication. There will be more violence.
All right, my prediction. There is going to be another prominent killing somewhere, of a famous person of the Left being attacked. Then someone from the Left will attack someone on the Right.
After that, in America, all hell will break loose. So for the shape of the American Civil War, let me call it a guerrilla war. I think that for the next year, we will see America descend into guerrilla war between the political Right and Left.
Perhaps in a year or so, who knows? Perhaps the breakup of America into several regional nations, perhaps a military government to restore order? Whatever happens, it won't be good.
And what is happening in Arizona, where the shooting happened? Sales of Glock pistols, the weapon used in the shooting, have doubled.
Americans are angry, frightened of the future, and the US economy is only getting worse. And they all have guns. The American future is dark and bleak.
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