Wednesday, September 12, 2012

2012年9月オスプレイ事件 September 2012 Osprey incident

On September 7th 2012 there was a near crash with an Osprey in North Carolina.


According to the Japanese government, the incident was not serious, merely that a cockpit warning light had come on.


The above photo shows the Osprey sitting in the field it landed in.


However, according to local people, there was a fire.  Smoke was seen coming from an engine, the aircraft brushed trees as it made an emergency landing in an open area.


The Japanese and American governments say that the accident is trivial, yet people are sure to have doubts.


Also, they keep saying all accidents to date are pilot error.  I think what happened in North Carolina was the heroic action of the Marine Corps crew to prevent a serious accident with a dangerous aircraft.  It was a near crash.  And Japan does not so many open areas like America does.


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