Wednesday, August 12, 2015

アメリカ:ポリティカル・コレクトの地獄 America, a politically correct hell

Recently, America has gone crazy with political correctness.  Recently, legislators from California have introduced a bill to make a law forbidding the use of the words “husband” and “wife” in marriage ceremonies in the United States.  It is felt that those words insult Gay couples.


ポリティカル・コレクトネス(英: political correctness、略称:PC)とは、政治的・社会的に公正・公平・中立的で、なおかつ差別・偏見が含まれていない言葉や用語のことで、職業・性別・文化・人種・民族・宗教・ハンディキャップ・年齢・婚姻状況などに基づく差別・偏見を防ぐ目的の表現、およびその概念を指します。

The New York Department of Education attempted to ban 50 words from being used in Schools.  These included “Dinosaur” (offending those who do not believe in evolution)  “Divorce” (offending children whose parents have divorced), “Birthday” because Jehovah’s witness people do not celebrate birthdays.


Japanese culture has become involved.  The museum of fine arts in Boston had an interactive exhibit where people could pose in front of a painting by Claude Monet.  The painting was “La Japonaise”, showing his wife wearing a Japanese Kimono.

日本の文化も問題に成っています。ボストン美術館がモネの作品の前でポーズが出来るインタラクティブ展示を行いました。作品は、“La Japonaise”、モネの奥さんが日本の着物を着ている作品でした。

Protesters felt that it was racist, vile, and imperialistic.


A protestor at the Boston museum event


Due to the Facebook protests, the museum cancelled the event.  By the way, the protests were not anti-Japanese, they were protesting what they called “Orientalism” or White people who like Asian culture.  I really don’t understand their point.


Last June, a white man killed 9 black people at a church in Charleston South Carolina.  This has ignited a firestorm of Politically Correctness attacks, upon the Southern flag and Southern culture.


Many of the people for whom political correctness is a fashion say that the Confederate flag, of the former Confederate States of America, is a racist symbol, and caused the man to kill those black people in church.


What the media did not print out is that the man who killed those people, his white girl friend dumped him and dated a black man.  This could be a reason for his hate, and guns are easy to get in America.

アメリカのマスコミが無視した真実は、この殺人男性の白人の彼女が彼を振って黒人の男性と付き合いしました。 もしかしたらこの事が彼の黒人嫌悪の原因で、アメリカでは銃が簡単に手に入ります。

But there have been so many attacks on Southern culture, and attempts to ban the Confederate flag.


There are calls to ban the movie “Gone with the Wind”.


Why, because people fear that this scene, showing Confederate wounded in front of Atlanta station in the battle of Atlanta, might elicit sympathy for the Confederacy.


Now the thing is, very few Americans who are screaming about this really understand the history of the war.


The North did not start the war to free the slaves.  President Lincoln did not make a declaration freeing the slaves until after the battle of Gettysburg, two years after the war started.


And yes, the North DID start it.  The South did shoot first, at a fort in Charleston harbor in South Carolina.  Which was in a Southern state.  But the North did forcibly invade the South.


At the beginning of the war, there were no free black men in the Northern Army.


But there were free black men in the Southern Army.


It is my guess that these photos come from Civil War reenactments.


When the Northern Army in it’s first invasions of Southern territory encountered back people, they did not know what to do.  Where these people property, or human beings?


This is still a very controversial problem today.  Of course, slavery was a terrible thing.  But today, Americans who attack the South over this issue, are merely creating more problems, not solutions.


I am particularly angry about the desecration of graves of Confederate soldiers.  Confederate flags are to be removed in cemeteries, and forbidden.


A Confederate soldiers cemetery.


Or in the case of some famous soldiers, people want to remove the grave entirely.


Of course, there are many Southerners who now defend their culture.


And most people in the North did not treat black people very well then.  Not now either.  They have no right today to make a claim of righteousness.


The only institution in American society that large numbers of Black Americans can succeed in is the US military, and government.  In the Corporate World, White people are very reluctant to let Black people in .


Things have gotten so bad, that Race War is a distinct possibility in America.


One of the first goals of people who espoused Political Correctness was to stop prejudice against black people.  Well obviously it has failed.


Political Correctness has become like a social fashion.


People who disagree with Political Correctness are attacked.  That is why so many scholars in America sign letters saying that Japan was bad with the Comfort Women system.


If they do not do so, they are attacked by feminists, and could lose their job.


An attack goes something like, statements in the press saying, “This person is not politically correct!”.


Then his University for example, would not renew his contract.  His life is destroyed.  That is why the Boston museum cancelled the kimono event.  They were afraid of some kind of attack.


If you are a white male in America, you are very vulnerable to attack.


And if Americans cannot understand their own Civil War of 150 years ago, how can I explain Japan and WWII to American people?


For the record, as far as I know, my ancestors fought on both sides in the American Civil War.  I had found letters in a family heirloom box written by a soldier in the Army of the Potomac, of the North.  My father told me of stories of an ancestor who rode with General J.E.B. Stuart’s calvary of the Army of Northern Virginia, the South.


To be continued, next, the tyranny of diversity.


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