Thursday, August 13, 2015

鳩山元総理大臣が大きい間違いを行いました。 Former Prime Minister Hatoyama makes a grave error

Recently, former Prime Minister Hatoyama traveled to South Korea.  He performed a ceremony of submission at the site of a prison in the Japanese annexation era.  I think he honestly thinks such an apology will help Japanese/Korean relations.


No, he is very naive.  He is making things much worse.  What such a submission of bowing means in countries outside Japan is “total surrender”  “My life, my family, my country is yours to destroy”.


In English, such an expression of submission is called a “Kow-tow”


A Kow Tow in old China


What he is doing is totally playing into the worst Korean fantasies about the Japanese/Korean relationship.


In my studies of the Japanese/Korean relationship, I think I am beginning to find a reason for the insanity of the Korean stance.


It is Confucianism.  I think perhaps we can say it was even deeper in Korea than in China.  Before Japan annexed Korea, the Korean King always used to Kow Tow to the Chinese ambassador.  Thusly, to the Korean mind, since Japan is farther from China, Japan should Kow Tow to Korea.


Koreans think that they are superior in scholarship.  This is because of the nature of it’s Confucianist society before the Japanese annexation.


In their minds, they will always be superior to Japan.  In their minds, in the Meiji era, Japan should have come to Korea, begging for guidance.  This is the natural order of things in the Korean mind.


This thinking totally ignores the reality of Russian encroachment on Korea, and Korea’s own incompetence in governing itself and handling foreign affairs.


It bodes ill for Japan and Korea to ever have normal relations, or for Korea to ever have normal relations with any country of the outside world.


And also, Koreans are very jealous of Japan’s freedom and artistic cultural development.


Mr. Hatoyama visited a Korean museum.  But the exhibits in the museums today are like some sort of S&M fetish display.


Korean museum exhibits of the Japanese annexation era.


Here are some Korean Comfort Women exhibits that were displayed on residential streets in New Jersey, USA.


Frankly, I think such statues are porn, and should not be seen by children.


And that is partly where Korean thinking is on the entire problem of Japanese/Korean relations, they think of gutter level porn.  Koreans are simply not being rational.


Well, in truth, DID Japan torture people in Korea?  Of course, sometimes interrogations can be tough.  But definitive foreign accounts, by foreigners tell us a different story.


Alleyne Ireland, an English scholar, traveled to Korea well into the Japanese annexation era.  I have just begun to read his book, The New Korea.

アレン・アイルランド氏、英国の学者、日本併合時代中に当時の朝鮮を訪問しました。私は彼の本、「The New Korea」を読み始めたばかりです。

For my readers who don’t understand Japanese, in the youtube clip below, the photos that first appear are Korea before the Japanese annexation.  When 1910 appears, the photos show the remarkable transformation that occurred under Japanese rule.


I have just begun reading the book, but he does write about how Japan did ban torture in Korea.


It was common in the Yi dynasty era.


In fact, modern day North Korea is an almost exact copy of the Yi dynasty society.


I really think that things have gone so far with Korean insanity, the only for Japan to do is to show a strong face to Korea.  We should ignore them.  We should not travel there, we should cease to invest in Korea or loan them money.


Certainly, present and former politicians should cease trying to placate Koreans.  The Koreans will only use such actions for their own purposes.


They will only spit in our face.  And when they spread lies around the world about Japan, particularly the annexation ear, we should counter with the truth, and tell people around the world how it was the best time ever in Korean history.



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