Part I of this series, on the road to American internal war, appears here:
Madness: The seeds of war Part II
狂気:戦争の種 パートII
South Korea: The road to war with Japan
In South Korea, President Moon Jae In has gone insane. He is destroying the defenses of Seoul.


An anti tank obstacle north of Seoul being destroyed
Here is a very good site that translates articles about Korea from Korean into English.
This link is very interesting. It describes how President Moon wishes to withdraw the 7th mechanized Corps from north of Seoul, and the 2nd Marine division from the Han river estuary. This would leave no forces north of Seoul, it would be an hour and a half drive for the North Korean Army.
Perhaps that is his intent. Have the North Korean Army arrive in Seoul, and announce reunification. This is guaranteed to provoke massive chaos in South Korea, and immense wave of Korean refugees to Japan, and civil war in the Korean peninsula.
Also, he has gutted the Domestic Counter Intelligence by attacking the Defense Security Command and the National Intelligence Service. He has reassigned many of their officers without putting in replacements.
These organizations track and find North Korean spies inside the South.
President Moon seems very determined to push for a fast reunification for his own egotistical purposes. The nations are entirely different, yet he is in a hurry.
The reunification of Germany was very difficult, and almost did not succeed.
The differences between the Koreas are simply too immense to reunify quickly.
The two Koreas at night. This photo illustrates the difference between the two nations.
To distract people from the problems of reunification, war against Japan is very probable. Many South Korean Leftists, including President Moon, believe in fictional fantasy that reunification will create some Great Korean Empire.
Leftists have long fabricated the history of the Japanese annexation period, and relations with Japan in general. Hating Japan has become a national obsession. Hatred of Japan is already being used to distract people from the Korean Left wing plans to reunify the countries.
They are very deluded. It will bring war, and destroy South Korea as a modern nation.
In December of 2018, South Korea has begun the initial stages of war against Japan. The Japanese corporation Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has been ordered to pay compensation by a Korean court for Koreans who worked there in WWII. A South Korean warship locked on it’s fire control radar to a Japanese reconnaissance plane in the Japanese Economic Zone.
The whole problem of labor redress is not about pay. It is about the fact that ethnic Koreans worked for Japanese companies in WWII. Well, the nation was at war, everyone had to work. The ethnic Korean workers were paid normal wages.
This lawsuit is about humiliation, and it shows the worst of Korean Leftist thinking. At the time of annexation to Japan, there were no Korean companies. None. But the present Korean Left says it was humiliating for Koreans to work for Japanese back then. Well, first of all, it was one country back then.
この訴訟の 理由は屈辱です。これで韓国の左派のひどい考え方が分かります。日本と併合時代に当時朝鮮の会社が一つも有りませんでした。ゼロでした。しかし、現在の韓国の左派の話で、エスニックコリアンの人が日本の会社で働くことが屈辱と言いてます。まず、当時は同じ国でした。
In Japan, Mitsui and Sumitomo both date from the Edo era, Sumitomo from 1615. But there simply were no such Korean commercial enterprises. This is another case of extreme Korean jealousy, and desire for revenge against Japan.
But these are extremely hostile acts. It will now become impossible for any Japanese company to do business in Korea. The Korean side says they will begin confiscation of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal assets, including corporate held stocks. This freezing of assets, or confiscation, only happens when countries are about to go to war.
しかし、これはとても適性行為です。これより、どんな日本企業でも韓国で商売が不可能に成ります。韓国側で新日鐵住金の財産を 没収します。企業持ちの株も含めています。こう言う没収、それとも資産の凍結のことを国が戦争の時しか行いません。
The radar lock on of a Japanese reconnaissance aircraft by a Korean warship inside the Japanese EEZ was an extreme provocation. It means we will kill you, and there is no way it could have happened by mistake.
And the Korean ship refused to answer communications by the Japanese aircraft. This is also extremely arrogant and dangerous.
After a week of confused and contradictory answers as to what had happened, the Korean side settled on “Japan was bad!”. They said that the Japanese aircraft “buzzed” the ship. No. It is clear in the video that Japanese plane was flying at a reasonable distance.
This photo shows what buzzing a ship means. It is a Russian Su-24 flying low over a US warship in the Black Sea. The Koreans prepared their own video, in 8 languages, to send around the world.
But the world is pretty aghast at Korean actions on this issue, such fire control radar lock on is simply not done. Just what was that South Korean warship really doing with a North Korean vessel? There are other mysterious flights from the South to the North via Africa.
There are people in Japan trying to down play both of these actions, in order to preserve peace. I am very sorry, it is too late. We have now passed beyond peace. The South Korean Left does not desire peace, but desires subjugation of Japan.
The above poster shows a popular radio announcer on KBS, Korean National radio, a few years ago. His meaning is obvious, Korean should conquer Japan. And to my knowledge, the Japanese government made no protest about this poster.
Well if war, what is likely? I see two possibilities. The invasion of Tsushima, or the invasion of Kyushu. Japanese people might expect America to protect us, but remember, Americans do not know history.
In 1974, two American NATO allies, Greece and Turkey, went to war in the island of Cyprus. America was in a dilemma, it had treaty obligations to both countries. In the end, the island was partitioned and remains so to this day.
In the case of a Tsushima invasion, I think President Trump would try to get Japan and Korea to negotiate. Koreans will claim that from ancient times Tsushima was Korean, they already do so. That of course is not true.
However President Trump is in the middle of a battle for his political life. He will have little knowledge of Japanese or Korean history, or the history of Tsushima. Once negotiations begin, Japan has lost Tsushima to Korea forever. In such a case, we must continue fighting no matter what America says. Remember, America will put it’s own interests first.
I do not think an invasion of Kyushu probable for a couple of years. It will be after unification of the North and South, and once President Trump is removed from office. And an American Left wing government will not help Japan.
What should Japan do? We must not be weak, we must be firm. If Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal has it’s assets confiscated, do the same for Korean firms here. As for the fire control radar lock on incident, until the Korean ship captain is punished, all Korean vessels are to be refused right of passage through the Japanese EEZ. Korean vessels wishing to enter Japanese ports should wait at designated points just outside the EEZ, and be escorted in by Japanese Naval or Coast Guard vessels.
これから、日本はどうしたらいいですか?弱い立場ではなく、しっかりしないとダメです。もし新日鐵住金の財産を 没収されたら、日本に有る韓国企業に同じ事します。対空ミサイルのターゲットレーダーをロックオンにたいして、韓国軍艦の船長が罰をされるまでに、韓国の軍艦、貨物船が日本EEZ、排他的経済水域、通過禁止です。日本の港に入港したい韓国貨物船がEEZの外で決まっている所で待って、日本海上保安庁それとも海上自衛隊のエスコートで入港します。
Believe me, international opinion would support Japan on this. This is an idea, an example, but such strong action must be taken. No more apologies, no more appeasement.
Too many Japanese think that by always apologizing, paying money even when we are not wrong, makes a problem go away. It does not. It makes the problem increase. The only way to stop the Koreans from attacking Japan is to be firm now.
The only way forward with Korea is to stand firm with the truth. Appeasement will only empower the crazed Leftists who now rule South Korea, and will encourage them to commit greater acts of outrage against Japan.
Eventually, it will escalate until Japanese people are killed in some violent incident. Then, the Japanese people who promoted appeasement and apology will be responsible for those deaths.
Japan did great things by introducing modern civilization to Korea in the annexation period, we must continue by a stick and carrot relationship. In a world that was then full of brutal colonization, Japan’s policy was unique. No more apologies or appeasement.
There are many sane South Koreans who wish to take back their country from insanity.
It is the duty of the Japanese Nation to help these people return their country to a sane peaceful course.
But this cannot be done by apologizing for crimes Japan did not commit. And this is the only way to keep the respect of the international community.
If South Koreans continue on the path of quick reunification, anti Japanese activity and persecution of Koreans who tell the truth about the annexation, self genocide will result.
You will go insane like the Khmer Rouge. In a frenzy to create a new pure state, they killed all educated people, all doctors, engineers, teachers, administrators, artists, business people. Mass famine was the result. Instead of screaming how Japan needs to relearn history, Koreans should study the history of Cambodia from 1975 to 1978. That is Korea’s future.
Anti Japanese activity is certain to increase. All foreigners resident in South Korea should plan on leaving very soon, this movement will be very nationalistic and dangerous to foreigners.
This includes all Japanese people who do not have an essential reason to be in Korea. They will be useful as hostages for the Leftist Korean government. Or later on as slaves. And Americans should leave also. The Korean Left hates Americans very much. The reason is that in the Korean war, America accepted an armistice dividing Korea, instead of pushing for a unified Korea.
That would have led to nuclear war. Sometimes, accepting a half solution is the best course.