In Japan, we are now in the midst of a pandemic. Living in Japan for 45 years, I am constantly amazed at how people can ignore reality. When I write, for example, about the civil conflict in America that is leading to a disastrous civil war, people often tell me I am exaggerating way too much.
They think things will always go on like they always have been.
No. late December, it became apparent that there was a virus in Wuhan China, the Corona virus, or 2019-nCoV.
There are two main stories about how it arose, either from a level 4 medical lab in Wuhan city that studied biological weapons, or from a food market in the city that specialized in exotic animals.
Exotic animals are popular cuisine in China, and deadly viruses have jumped from animals to humans before.
The fact is, this is an extremely dangerous situation. It spreads quickly and kills people. As I write this, China has admitted to some 8,000 cases in China.
I think this is an extreme understatement. The fact that the Chinese government has quarantined the city of Wuhan indicates it is extremely serious.
And the quarantine is spreading to other cities across China as the spread of the virus has become uncontrollable. If people refuse quarantine, they are being forcibly removed or boarded up inside their houses.
Truly, we should multiply the number of Chinese cases by 10 to get an idea of what is going on. China is descending into chaos.

Bodies of the dead in a Wuhan hospital

Staff at a Wuhan hospital

A Chinese airline pilot at Wuhan. Can he hear the radio from ground control, or his talk to his flight crew? Can he see his instruments clearly?
The reaction of the Japanese government has been horrible. Many political and business leaders have been against any kind of preventive measures, saying that the economy depends on Chinese tourists.
These people do not understand reality. The tourist business for Japan is now over. For years, if not forever. Foreign media is reporting that Japan is the most popular destination for Chinese tourists.
So if this Corona virus expands in Japan, and at this writing that seems very possible, we can probably forget this year’s summer Olympics. Nobody will come, they see coming to Japan as risking their lives.
The government should have begun an immediate quarantine of people from China. All travelers. This is not an insult, a human rights for Chinese issue. This is reality. Are the economics of Chinese tourism more important than the lives of Japanese citizens?
There is a chart in the link below. As I write this in the first week in February, Japan has 22 cases. But it is very close to China.
We have had the virus in Japan since late December at least. But there are only a hand full of cases. And this is true of other countries as well. Why is the disease so much more deadly in China than outside? This is a mystery. But mutation is possible at any time. We should not feel safe.
Chinese Communist party secretary Xi Jinxing is scheduled to make a State Visit to Japan in April. All ceremonial aspects of this visit, including an audience with the Emperor, should be canceled. It should be made a working meeting on how to deal with the Corona virus. Japan should offer the use of any medical research facility in finding a vaccine. But China should also consider how to modify it’s society, as deadly disease constantly emanate from China across the world.
A vaccine is already in use in Wuhan, but without proper trials.
This indicates the desperateness of Chinese authorities about the situation.
The quarantine of the entire city of Wuhan has closed factories, and has had an impact on goods from cars to cell phones.
Car factories in South Korea are closing for lack of parts from China.
The scientist in the video in the link below, Chris Martenson, says that the situation is much worse than people believe.
下記のビデオの科学者、クリス・マーテンソンさんの話で、状態は 普通の人が分かっているより大変です。
He says the crematoriums in Wuhan are operating 24 hours a day, which would indicate a death rate 10 times higher than the 491 reported.
All Chinese tourists should be banned until the crisis is over. No tourists will come from Western countries when knowledge spreads how easily Chinese enter Japan. Forget the Olympics, very few will come.
Basing so much of the Japanese economy on foreign tourism instead of Japanese tourism was a grave mistake.
Also, now China has an outbreak of bird flu. And China is facing massive food shortages this year. Swine fever has greatly reduced Chinese pork supplies, and there are no surpluses anywhere in the world that can make up for it. My estimate from the chart above is that China will face a 20% supply loss this year.

And the Hong Kong riots are spreading to neighboring territories. China is facing extreme crisis NOW.
America is facing extreme crisis NOW. The Democratic party is splintering, the country is on the brink of civil war.
What will the Japanese government do, how will they lead Japan and protect the lives of Japanese people in this turbulent future?
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