Friday, October 17, 2008

アメリカ帝国のたそがれ  Twilight of the American Empire

We are now in the final month of the American Presidential campaign. While I have not stated so on this blog, I am a strong Obama supporter. But I would like to talk about some of the things the McCain campaign has been saying, and how they relate to the future of America.


When George Bush came to be President, I do believe that people in the Bush administration did understand that the world’s supply of oil is disappearing. Their solution was to use American military force to control oil countries in the Middle East, and to preserve the American lifestyle for another generation, leaving people in the future to struggle with the problem of Peak Oil.


The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 gave the Bush administration the excuse to attack in the Middle East. The initial plan was for 7 wars to complete American dominance of the region.

2001年9月11日テロ攻撃は、ブッシュ政権の戦争開始の口実 と成りました。最初の作戦は、7戦で中近東の支配をとります。

We never got beyond wars number 1 and 2. And both those wars have failed in their purpose. America failed to establish a state in Afghanistan that would support American interests, and America failed to control Iraq’s oil. In Afghanistan, the situation has become impossible to control by military means, and the Americans are about to receive an order in Iraq to withdraw completely by 2011.


Senator John McCain has failed to understand what has happened. He has totally failed to understand the nature of the economic crisis that has occurred. All he can do is rant about how Senator Obama would surrender in Iraq.


But when people are losing their homes, their pensions, they don’t care about foreign wars. However Senator McCain just cannot understand the feelings of average people. So in his Presidential campaign, he has resorted to extreme low insults against Barack Obama. But the insults are not helping him; they are only making Senator Obama more popular.


But there is a deeper truth in this campaign, and the American people are starting to realize it. We are seeing the beginning of the end of the American Empire.


Americans like to think that they are the greatest nation in the world. True, America does have some 750 military bases around the world. Yet most Americans live a life that is much worse than in Europe or Japan. Health care is almost non functional. It is by far too expensive for the average American, and it is very complex. In general, the US health insurance system is not reliable. So a health problem can easily lead to unemployment and homelessness.


In recent weeks, we have all seen the collapse of the US financial system. This because of pure greed, but the average American is just as guilty as Wall Street; average people easily took out loans, to be paid back later. Well the later has come now.


American transport is soon to collapse. There is only a tiny amount of electric train transport in the US, the only inter city electric trains run from Boston to Washington D.C. And the service is of poor quality and reliability.


All other transport in the US is by car, truck, or airplane. They are very dependent on cheap fuel. However, Peak Oil is here, oil based fuel will become more and more expensive, and will soon disappear entirely.

America has made no serious effort to deal with problem; Americans are too in love with their cars. Yet it will soon become impossible to move people around the US, and to move food from the farm to the city.


The one thing that does function in American society is the military. But here we have two problems. One is that it is very expensive. Another is that many of its weapons systems are so complex that they hardly function.


Let us look at one system, the Air Force fighter, the F-22. It’s computer breakdowns preventing flight are frequent. The cost of one airplane is 350 million dollars. True, it is better than any other fighter plane in existence, when it is not under repair and able to fly, but the existing F-15 is also very good. And much cheaper.


The Seawolf attack submarines cost $4.4 billion a piece. Yet the existing Los Angeles attack submarines already are better than any other attack submarine in existence.


America has 11 aircraft carrier battle groups. A US aircraft carrier has about 80 aircraft. Also, the US has 11 helicopter carriers. No other Navy in the world has a large aircraft carrier to compare with the US ships, only a few nations posses small aircraft carriers.


America has some 750 military bases around the world, outside the United States.


In 2008, the entire US military budget, with additions totaled some $668 billion dollars. In 2009 the military budget is estimated to be $711 billion, more than the present financial bailout package.


However, the sad fact for America is that this very expensive military has no enemy. It is designed to fight the Soviet Union for domination of the world. But the Soviet Union has been gone for 20 years; present day Russia has no desire or ability to dominate the world. Americans like to think that they are the “World’s policemen” but as Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq have shown us, America has very little ability in understanding other cultures and people. When there is a conflict, America tends to use bombs and guns, simply because they have them. Of course, such an approach does solve international problems, it creates more problems.


Americans cannot understand that the Cold War is over, and future conflicts will need only small numbers of highly trained Special Forces. I think America would be fine with only 6 carrier battle groups, three for each coast. Even that might be too many. I do not think the expensive F-22 fighter or the Seawolf submarine are needed at all.


And I do not think America needs to have any troops based outside the United States. All of those 750 bases can be closed.


And I think it will come to that. America is now bankrupt. The $700 billion dollars that the government says is necessary to save the economy will come in part from non-American sources.


Will Europe, Russia, China and Japan pay for such a huge and unnecessary US military? I do not think so. In any case, I think that financial collapse, climate change, and Peak Oil will create extreme domestic chaos in America in the very near future. I think the primary mission of the United States military will be to try control the domestic US population. It will become necessary for the US government to withdraw all troops from overseas, because the government will not be able to afford them, and will need them at home.

ヨーロッパ、ロシア、中国と日本は、この必要ない高価な、 アメリカ軍事費を払いますか?そう思いません。とにかく、金融危機、温暖化、ピークオイルで、これからアメリカ国内が厳しい混乱に成ると思います。これからアメリカ軍の基本的な仕事は、国内安定を守る事でしょう。アメリカの海外基地から部隊を撤退して、何故ならこれからアメリカ政府はコストを払えないし、国内安定の為に必要に成ります。

And that will be the end of the American Empire. But I do not think that this will be a bad thing. Eventually, in maybe 15 or 20 years time, we might see a much better nation appear. After shedding it’s Empire, perhaps America can rejoin the family of nations as a normal country.


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