それでは、前回の内乱についての投稿に、"宣誓”(oath keepers)と言うグループを書きました。この”宣誓”の集団の大きな恐れは、アメリカ連邦政府はアメリカ人をキャンプに入れます。彼らはキャンプに入る命令に従わないと宣言しています。
Here is a link to some of the wild stories going around in the US.
I would like to say that story about human/alien hybrid troops putting Americans in prison is funny nonsense, except that many Americans seriously believe such things.
Many more Americans believe in the "Black Helicopters" story. This is the idea that a secret foreign army controlled by the United Nations, has secret bases in America. Their goal is destroy American freedom, and they are waiting upon the orders of President Obama, who is really not a Christian but an evil Muslim, to move.
Many more Americans really believe in the Black Helicopters idea. They believe in secret UN bases as fact. And no matter how many times President Obama declares himself to be Christian, 10% of Americans believe he is Muslim. And of course, Muslims are not evil.
And the very unfortunate fact is, if thousands or millions of Americans become internal refugees, the only immediate solution is to put them in some kind of camp. Here they can be fed, and controlled. Otherwise, they will exhaust the resources of local communities, and violence will result.
In the Katrina disaster, it was discovered that local law enforcement was not reliable. I remember some of the first news broadcasts, I saw uniformed New Orleans police officers robbing stores.
For this reason, the United States government has created an active duty infantry force for use inside the United States.
By 2011, this force is expected to be 20,000 active duty troops. That is enough to handle a disaster like hurricane Katrina. It is not enough to control things if the entire population of the Gulf of Mexico begins to move.
But because of the crazy belief systems of so many Americans, instead of helping the President in this crisis, we can expect some 10% to 20% of American military forces or law enforcement personnel to fight the President.
In this poll, in 2004, 45% of Americans believed in creation science.
This is what they believe as scientific fact.

Yes, they believe that Jesus rode dinosaurs. The above picture is from a Christian fundamentalist book.
OK, you might say, believing in Jesus riding dinosaurs might be crazy, but isn't it harmless?
No, it is quite dangerous. Christian Fundamentalists believe that the Bible governs all aspects of life on Earth. In fact, already stories are circulating that President Obama is responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
This is what half of some Americans think like. If the President of America does not support everything Israel does to the Palestinians, God will get angry, and punish America. The oil spill is really President Obama's fault.
"What is this?" Japanese people might ask? The reasoning for such thought goes like this. In the book of Revelations in the bible, it is written that Israel must be recreated as a Jewish nation, so Jesus can return. Then there will be an apocalyptic war in which all the Jews who do not convert to Christianity will be killed. And Jesus will then make his Kingdom on Earth for true believers.
OK, let's come back to reality. That is fantasy. But close to half of Americans believe this as fact. And while I do not like the actions of Israel towards the Palestine people, I respect the Israeli nation as tough smart people.
The Israeli's are smart enough to use this Christian Fundamentalist belief. It works like this. America totally supports Israel, economically and militarily. No matter what Israel does. Any American politician who challenges this is destroyed. Because of this American religious belief.
Now, I know that many of my readers have been to the United States, and have warm feelings towards America. Please accept my apologies for what America has become. I truly think America has degenerated.
And let me make one more comment about the Tea Party people. More than Japanese people, Americans put much importance on flags as symbols.
Now this flag: それでは、この旗:

This a very patriotic flag. It is the original American national flag. Many of my Japanese readers may have seen this flag in the 4th of July parades in some American towns.
Now for the dangerous one.

I think that many Japanese people have seen this one on television, in Tea Party rallies. This one is really dangerous. It comes from the American revolution, it means the government is abusive and must be destroyed. In the revolution, it meant to destroy the British colonial government. But to display it today, it means that the present United States government is abusive and must be destroyed. Their meaning is clear, President Obama is not a legitimate President, and must be destroyed.
And this is why I say Civil War will come. We have many angry Americans. White people in America are becoming a minority. The world is changing. Oil depletion and Climate Change are affecting our lives now. Yet nearly half of Americans refuse to consider these changes, and retreat into some kind of militant Christian Bible fantasy.
In an America without the present Gulf of Mexico oil spill, America was gradually moving towards such Civil War. It is my opinion that the present government of the United States is very aware of the danger.
However this oil spill in the Gulf provides are very huge and sudden catastrophe. Millions of people will lose their jobs. And all their property. And these people are already angry, already hate the Federal government in Washington.
The possibility for an explosion is very strong.
Even though I no longer live in America, it saddens me to see so many Americans being so stupid, and doing such stupid things. America had the chance to be a much better country, It is a shame.
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