Well, now I have come across the first evidence that the process has begun.
Back during the years of the Bush Presidency, the following map appeared among liberal bloggers. Many Liberal people looked at how politics had become so divided in The United States, and joked how North America seemed to be two countries; the joke was that Canada and the liberal States of the US combined into one country, and the conservative States of the US formed another country, "Jesusland".
ブッシュ政権の時に、自由派のアメリカブロガーの中で、この下記の地図が出ました。その自由派の人達がとても分裂しているアメリカの政治を見て、アメリカが二つの国に成ったと言う冗談を作りました。その冗談は、カナダとアメリカの自由派の州(Blue Stateー民主党支持者の多い州)は一つの国で、保守的な州(Red Stateー共和党支持者の多い州)は別の国です。その保守国の名前は、ジーザス国(イエスキリスト国)と言う名前を付けました。何故ならば、保守的な州で原理主義キリスト教は強いです。

This map is a joke.

This map is not. It is reality. America is becoming more and more disunited. No, the above map does not yet show Civil War in America. However, what it does show is an important step in that direction.
Now for comparison, we can look at this link:
In February 2009, it was written that despite the growing popularity of the State sovereignty movement, no State had actually passed sovereignty legislation. That was then. At present 24 States have passed sovereignty laws, while 11 States have passed nullification laws.
The concept of State sovereignty is that there will be a much weaker Federal government, and the State shall have more power to control it's internal affairs than the Federal government. I think the nullification issue is much more dangerous. Nullification means that the State involved will refuse to obey Federal law on something it does not like. This is a very serious step, and a big step towards secession of some States from the Union.
And secession is a serious topic of discussion in State political campaigns in Texas and other States.
And even in California
Japan is a land of primarily one race. In Japan, culture and custom are often much more important than law. However, America is a land of many peoples. There is no cultural basis for cooperation among Americans, the country is still too young. The rule of law is the ONLY thing that keeps different groups of people from fighting one another.
So when a State says that it does not intend to obey the Federal government in some matters, the Federal government has only two choices. One is to do nothing. Then it is likely that more States will become independent or semi independent from the Union. The United States of America will disappear. The other is to use Federal military force to make the rebelling State to submit to Federal law. This is Civil War.
That is primarily how the US Civil War of 1861-1865 came about, the 13 Southern States seceded to create their own form of government. The Federal government refused to recognize it, war resulted.
As far as I can see, there is no political force binding the rebellious States into some kind of anti Federal government Union just yet, the various States in the map above seem to be acting independently.
But Right wing America is full of rage and anger, and has been since the time of President Clinton.
Frankly, it seems to have become impossible for Americans of differing political views to even speak to each other other, let alone work together.
I don't see any great leader or political force that can prevent Civil War. Frankly, while I respect the integrity and intelligence of President Obama, he is not a cruel man. And I think that is the only kind of leader who can now preserve American unity. .
And as I have often remarked, in American Christian Fundamentalism, we have an organized well funded group with a specific goal and plan to create a Theocratic Bible State in America.
If they succeed, America will look much more like the Taliban in Afghanistan than present day America. In fact, many Americans who understand these people refer to them as "America's Taliban". While 50% or more of Americans can be called Christian Fundamentalists, only 25% of Americans are such hard core people. But somewhere I have read that only 20% of Russians actively supported the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia. They were few, but a determined and organized few, and they won, exploiting Russia's state of crisis caused by the First World War.
And America is in crisis. America's economy is failing badly. Partly this is because of Wall Street's greedy financial games, but I think that it is also a natural part of America's style of Capitalism. American Capitalism needed constant expansion. America has reached it's limit of possible expansion, and other countries are growing stronger.
If the American economy was in better shape, people would not pay attention to crazy religious people with crazy ideas of Religious Civil War. But the economy cannot be revived.
It is beginning to look like the future will no longer be The United States of America, but The Associated States of America. And however the lines are drawn, some people will be caught on the wrong side. And in any case, the country is too intertwined to separate peacefully. My guess is on Civil War.
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