Thursday, July 28, 2011

石油枯渇後、日本とアメリカ崩壊の比較(Part III) Comparing the collapse of America and Japan in the post oil world


I think there are many people that will be shocked with what I have written. Particularly Americans. However, while no one can say what will happen in the future with 100% certainty, I think what I have written is what will come to pass.


Peak Oil is fact, not fantasy. Yet Americans refuse to consider it. The American diplomats who Mr. Al-Husseini spoke to told him to lie about the amount of oil in Saudi Arabian reserves.

And it is not only Mr. Al-Husseini. A Swiss analyst from Mercuria says oil will hit $150 a barrel if the unrest in the Middle East spreads.


It is spreading, and quickly. At $150, Japan could survive as a civilized nation, with difficulty. America cannot. America will quickly devolve into the scenario I have written.


When the price of oil reaches $120 to $140 for a period of three weeks or more, America is in danger. The collapse scenario I have written above will be over in about 2 months. The great danger for America is, they have always relied on Saudi Arabia to pump more to lower the price. This will no longer be possible, and no other country can take Saudi Arabia's place.


The reasons for Japanese strength are, the toughness and strength of character of the Japanese people. An electric train network that spans the nation. And, Japanese farmers and fishermen are not combined into mega farms like the US, food production will still be possible throughout the country.


Yes, it is true that Japan will suffer some very hard years. While we will still have farm production, it will be some years before we can feed the Japanese population by domestic sources. But eventually, Japan shall succeed.


Here, American corporations, in the pursuit of profit, have seriously damaged America. Mega farms will disappear in days of oil shock. The rotting corpses of Animals will be a health hazard for nearby people. More importantly, the lack of experienced and knowledgeable farmers will be fatal to many communities that manage to survive oil collapse.


American domestic manufacturing has largely disappeared. It has been outsourced to other countries where the workers don't have rights, and work cheaply.


Thusly, in post oil collapse America, the only industries that will exist will be very small scale cottage industries.


Here is an opportunity for Japan. Since America will not be able to produce anything, Japan can supply America with, for example, electric powered vehicles. But Japan will also have to produce electric power generation equipment. It is possible, but not likely, that many US nuclear power plants will survive the oil collapse chaos. Everything will have to be rebuilt from scratch. Railroads will have to be electrified.


And before that can happen, there must be some kind of authority existing in America. American currency will have ceased to exist. The only way America will be able to pay for Japanese manufactured goods will be by a barter system, with natural resources.


I mentioned the strength of character of Japanese people as a factor in Japan's survival as a nation. Americans have become a nation of selfish people. And willfully ignorant. They cannot cooperate with each other.


(私は、”自分の希望で無知です。”と書いています。この哲学、まあ、この考え方は日本人に理解し難いかも知れません。昔のアメリカで、普通の人の方が魅力が有りました。英語で、"I am just an average Joe."と言う言葉は、政治家が立候補する時に良く言います。普通の人と違わないイメージを作る事は、大切です。現在の茶会の政治家は本当に普通のアメリカ人と同じ様に無知ですから、数多くのアメリカ人はその政治家を信じています。アメリカ人は知識をもっていて、頭がいい人を信用しません。この事について、日本と全然違います。)

After The Great Tohoku earthquake, communities organized themselves in Japan to survive. This was before government help could arrive. This is impossible for most Americans. They will try to get things for their families, and their families alone. There will be little cooperation.


Groups that I see that will cooperate to survive are the Hispanic population of America. The Catholic church is a great unifying factor. Also, Mormons will have great deal of survival potential. They store food, and will help each other as a community. The serious problem for Mormons is, the center of their community in America is Utah, which is a desert state. Drought will increase in future America, deserts will increase.

The people worst off will be White Middle class urban Americans. If they are not a doctor, they will not have any skill that is useful in the new America. There will be absolutely no need for lawyers or stock brokers, financial analysts, these people, if they survive will become farm serfs.


Americans refuse to believe in Peak Oil, they believe some miracle source of oil will be found that will allow them to continue living as always. They refuse to consider changing their lifestyle. This is the doom of America as a civilized country.


And even if Americans woke up tomorrow, changed their minds, and decided to build an electricity based transport system, it is too late. It would take 20 or 30 years, the present American system will be unworkable in only few years from now. America is doomed.


In Japan, we have a long history. Japanese people instinctively understand the need to conserve resources. There has recently been some talk by commentators on television of the need to return the philosophy of reuse that was common in the Edo era. This is a good idea.


In any case, what is certain is, a lot of change is coming.


Part 1 日本の場合

Part 2 アメリカの場合

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