Tuesday, June 26, 2012
どうしてアメリカ人がそんなに無能なんですか?(Part 2) Why are Americans so inept?(Part 2)
Engineer shortage.
This is truly crippling for America. Here is an interesting chart showing the percent of foreign Ph.D's earned at American schools by foreign born students.
Well before, this was not a problem. Most of these students would stay in the US, be employed by American firms. So even if Americans did not study science, these foreign engineers and scientists would make up for it.
Then came 9/11. Since that time, America has gone insane with fear of terrorists. The Transportation Security Authority no longer simply checks people at airports.
They are making random security checks at bus stations, train stations, and on subways.
A random check for terrorists on the New York subway.
If you look suspicious, they detain you. And if you are dark skinned from India and Pakistan, to the TSA you are a terror suspect. You can be detained and strip searched.
Recently a famous Indian actor, Shahrukh Khan was detained upon entry to the US at Newark airport.
Apparently it was his name which caused the detention. The only reason he was freed was because the Indian embassy intervened on his behalf.
I have Japanese friends who have been strip searched at American airports.
Well if most engineers are not born American, and are constantly suspected of being terrorists, are being stopped and strip searched, how many of these people will stay and work for an American firm.
No, they will return home, or go to a country with more freedom than America.
And as the chart indicated above, most students of engineering and science are not Americans. But it has become incredibly difficult for such students to obtain work visas in America after
graduation. This is because the US government is worried that they might be terrorists.
In fact, the problem is serious that some Silicon valley companies are proposing to base engineers on ships anchored outside US territorial waters. But it seems rather desperate to me. Such an engineer can make a high salary, why would they want to live on a ship?
この問題はとても大変に成っていて、いくつかのシリコンバレーの会社は提案が有ります。この提案は、ビザをもらえない外国人技術者は、アメリカ領海外で停泊している船に住む事です。アメリカ領海は、海岸から3マイル(約4.8 km)です。しかし、これはちょっと絶望的な考えではないですか?こう言うな技術者は高い給料を要求出来るので、船に住みたくないでしょう。
Many American science graduates prefer careers in Finance.
And the US military is admitting to difficulty in attracting engineers and scientists who are US citizens, although they claim it is a future problem.
Actually, I think they have a problem now.
And finally in America, there is a culture of cheating.
We all know about the financial disaster that started in American banks and financial institutions in 2008. Here they are admitting that they lied and cheated their customers and their shareholders.
Banks and financial institutions have become rich by encouraging people to take loans that are guaranteed to fail. Then the banks tell these people that they were foolish to believe them? Their misfortune is their fault, not the bank?
銀行と金融会社は、絶対損に成るローンをお客様に勧めています。その後、お客様が困っている時に、銀行の返事は、”貴方のせいですよ!貴方は私達を信じて、甘かった!” 銀行の方が責任ない、こう言うふうに話して良いですか?
And companies that make products for the military cheat too. In tests for anti missile systems, the manufacturers used "aids" on the target missile. This ensures that the test will be a success, even though in actual combat, the missile is guaranteed to fail. Simply put, a potential enemy will not put "aids" on their incoming missiles.
軍事産業で、騙しも多いです。ミサイル迎撃システムで、目標ミサイルに ”エイド”(発見をヘルプする為の機械、例えば熱を出す機械)に付けます。こう言うやり方で、テストは絶対成功に成ります。しかし、実際の戦争の場合、そのミサイル迎撃システムは必ず失敗に成ります。何故か、敵は自分の攻撃ミサイルに”エイド”を付けません!
Perhaps in a general way, we can say that this type of corporate military contractor cheating started with President Reagan. He is the one who promoted "Star Wars", systems to shoot down incoming nuclear missiles. The idea was to scare the Soviet Union, and force them to spend too much on their military. That was supposed to force economic collapse of the Soviet Union.
However, I think we can say that this concept backfired. Yes, the Soviet Union did disintegrate. (Well Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney does not understand that)
But with the "Star Wars" program, military contractors were attempting to do the impossible. Such anti missile systems have never worked. But President Reagan wanted them, or least the appearance of research. So military contractors learned that they could produce very expensive, very profitable systems that didn't work, and that the government would buy them. The ironic thing here is that the military industrial complex in America has grown so big and is so expensive, that with the games played by the financial industry, it threatens to destroy the American economy.
Of course there have been many aircraft designs that the military rejected. That is why prototypes are built and tested. This is where you discover problems that are not apparent in blueprint designs. Here are some examples of prototypes built but the aircraft was judged to not be workable, and cancelled.
The McDonnell Douglas XF-85, a cancelled fighter plane
When I lived in America 38 years ago, of course there were cheats in the corporate world. But there were not so many cheaters as now. It seems as if cheating has become widespread. Years ago, if an aircraft prototype did not work out, it was cancelled. But now we have military contractors fixing the tests so that expensive under performing aircraft can easily pass. That is cheating.
So why can't America build good warplanes anymore? Well, I have thought of four reasons. One, a concentration on promoting people because of their race or sex, even if they are not qualified. Two. A decline in education standards inside the US. Three. Paranoia of terrorism is driving out non American engineers and scientists. Four. And American companies cheat on a grand scale.
Perhaps it is time for Japan to buy military equipment from Europe, or even Russia. Russia has a stealth fighter in testing, the Sukhoi T-50. It is about 1/3 the price of an American F-22.
According to Wikipedia, the South Korean Air Force has considered the plane.
If Japan approached Russia for a military aircraft, this would certainly get attention in America. Maybe then, they would get their act together, and begin to produce decent, workable military equipment again, for a reasonable price!
Friday, June 22, 2012
米国で韓国人が”慰安婦”の記念碑について Concerning the "Comfort Women" memorials being set up by Korean/Americans
Recently, South Koreans living in America have started setting up memorials to the so called Comfort women problem. Apparently, they want Japan to pay more money than Japan already has.
Japanese war reparations
The South Korean government promised to pay individual compensation to various victims out of this fund. But they did not, they used the money for economic development.
The Japanese government has apologized endlessly.
Frankly, I am not sure what they want exactly. But I will state a few things.
First of all, I do not think Japan a criminal nation for going to war. White European countries and America were dominating the countries around Japan and colonizing them. Japan's choice was to fight or be destroyed.
OK, yes, comfort women did exist. It was a system of prostitution for Imperial Japanese soldiers. Japan was not the only country to have such a system, the French Army also did so.
In the years before the Second World War, there was a very different attitude towards prostitution than today.
However, there is a curious thing about South Koreans. They keep saying how terrible Japan was. Yet, after the Second World war, the South Korean government sponsored the same type of system of prostitution in South Korea for US troops.
Many of these bars for American troops with prostitutes were openly government run.
Also, today, Korean prostitution in many countries is quite a big business, and well organized.
In America, Korean girls are deceived, brought into America, forced to do prostitution, and treated like slaves. They are treated very badly. Their passports are taken, their every move is watched by a minder. Their pay is very little. If they make trouble, they are beaten.
All these things are being done today, by Koreans.
So what is it with South Koreans? They scream very loudly about things they say Japan did 70 years ago. However, they can these things today themselves?
I have been to Korea several times. I have seen these government sponsored places of prostitution. I have been to Kunsan "Silvertown" an area of prostitute bars.
A bar street in Kunsan silvertown.
It was a walled compound, a Korean uniformed government security guard, and a uniformed US Air Force Air Policeman were at the gate.
This means the US government was aware of what was going on.
In Korea, many Koreans would tell me how terrible Japan was in the war to Korea.
Well, the fact is, I am very knowledgeable about the Second World War. In my opinion, the country that suffered the most was Poland. 25% of Poland's people were killed, and it was invaded by both Germany and Russia. Many terrible battles were fought on Polish soil.
But if I talked to my Korean friends about this, they would get very angry. They would insist that their experience was the worst of the war.
And it is this aspect of Korean people that I find difficult. Certainly, there were some harsh aspects to Japan's occupation of Korea. However, Korean elites cooperated with Japan. And the anti Japanese guerrilla movement was very small, and never had any real support inside Korea. They spent most of their time in Manchuria.
The fact is, in WWII, Korea had a relatively easy time. No major battles were fought there. There was no guerrilla activity to speak of. Japanese rule did not slaughter individuals.
I know what I am talking about. I am an ethnic German. I know full well what happened in Russia, or other countries occupied by Germany. I know well about the holocaust of exterminating Jews and other peoples.
The Korean experience in WWII just does not compare, and it angers me when they cry about their troubles. The truth is war is a terrible thing, but almost all countries involved in the war had a worse time than Korea.
And even in WWII, the Korean comfort women were recruited by ethnic Koreans, and then passed on to the Japanese military.
Let us keep our history straight.
I understand that more such monuments are planned in the US.
Japan has sent a petition with 25,000 signatures to the US a protest. But my American sources indicate this will ignored. Well the point here is, for President Obama, we cannot vote in American elections. And a lot of these Korean/Americans are citizens and can vote.
Well, what can we do? In America, there is freedom of speech. However, in America, State governments, and local governments, are forbidden from conducting foreign policy.
I think what has to happen here is that the Japanese government should hire a team of lawyers in America to prove that this monument craze WILL have foreign policy implications.
And if the American government ignores us, then we should begin to do things like, cancel joint cultural or sporting events to show our anger. And then if that doesn't work, well we have a lot of trade and military ties that could be reviewed.
I want to the US government that they should respect Japan. We have paid reparations, even if the history was not clear who was in the wrong. And in war, everybody is wrong in some way. America had the luxury of winning the war, the terrible things America did could be erased, or forcibly forgotten.
But I think that this problem will increase. But how can Korean Americans today demand apologies for events 70 years ago, when present day Koreans are the biggest source of prostitution trafficking in the US today?

Sources of foreign prostitutes inside the USA.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
どうしてアメリカ人がそんなに無能なんですか?(Part 1) Why are Americans so inept?(Part 1)
In a previous on this blog, I wrote about the problems with The F-22 and F-35 fighter aircraft in the US. From my research, it is obvious that both planes are deeply flawed. Yet America used to build such fantastic aircraft such as the F-4, F-16, F-15, and A-10.
So what happened? Why is America now so inept? I will try to explain what has happened in American society over past 35 years or so, in effort to discover why.
First, I will talk about Affirmative Action. This is a government program, that was begun in 1961. It was designed to eliminate discrimination.
That fact is, since America's founding, there were two great crimes committed in America. One was the importation of Africans as slaves. The other was the genocide committed against the native Indian population.
Affirmative Action was part of an effort to correct these wrongs. But it hasn't worked out so well. One, with African Americans, it has become very difficult to fire a Black person from a job if they don't perform well. They will sue for racial discrimination.
The facts of America are that White people just don't like Black people. White people refuse to accept Black Americans as human. The extreme negative reaction against the election of President Obama surprised many American liberals. Not me.
American liberals like to think that America has progressed to a country where racial hatred is a thing of the past. I am a Caucasian person, White, yet my heart is Japanese. So when I see American society, the Americans around me speak and act as if I am a White man. Yet I see them with Japanese eyes, I hear them with a Japanese heart.
There is still much hatred in America, I know.
But Affirmative Action has not really helped the majority of American Black people. Their education is much poorer than that of White people, they have few jobs. Particularly in the type of cruel capitalism that has existed in America since President Reagan, many Black Americans are unemployed.
Actually, the only place where Affirmative Action has worked out well is in the military. White troops will accept and obey the commands of Black superiors. But in general American society, there is still much hatred.
However, because of the slavery issue, I can understand the plight of African Americans. What does really anger me though is American White women, and the feminist movement. Since birth, they have been of the privileged race in America.
And they are very combative. A lot of the actions they are taking seem to have nothing to do with ending discrimination against women, but are simply revenge against men.
I really cannot understand the reason for pregnancy sympathy suits. This is weighted suit that men wear, to understand what pregnant women feel like.
A pregnancy Sympathy suit
At a price around $900, it seems expensive for such a silly device.
How does this work out in the workplace? Let me quote from another net friend, a former Marine like myself, Fred Reed.
In the link above, he prints letters from various military people, who talk about the problems of women in their units. In the second to last letter, he describes an MP (Military Police) unit in Korea whose commanding Captain has to wear a pregnancy sympathy belt.
And apparently the existence of urinals is insulting for some women. in the US Navy, they are trying to get them removed from warships, as they feel their existence is insulting to women.
These are not real problems of discrimination, American women are searching for problems.
I myself have some experience of this. In 1980, I worked in the American headquarters of Komatsu America in San Francisco. All the white secretaries of Japanese managers banded together, and decided that the title "secretary" was sexual discrimination. They demanded that their job title be changed to "administrative assistant".
It was a waste of time, and distracted from actual work.
I think American women became jealous of American government efforts to help Black Americans. But with such actions as those described in the links above, work efficiency decreases.
I can guarantee you, that the officer who has to wear the pregnancy sympathy suit, or the Admiral who wants to eliminate urinals on the aircraft carrier, these men are wasting time on social issues. The military efficiency of the unit decreases to uselessness. If such things are happening in a company, people are paying more attention to social issues than actual work.
And more and more different groups of people, such as gay people, are springing up, and demanding recognition, and some sort of compensation, because they are are a victim. I have no
problem with a person holding a position. I don't care if they are a woman, Black, Gay or whatever. But they should hold that position because of their ability. No exceptions.
And production suffers.
Now let's take a look at education.
It is terrible. Well, some of my Japanese readers might say, "Max what do you mean? I went to University in America. It was an excellent education!"
Yes that would be very correct. However, the condition of American secondary and primary education is terrible.
And test scores are showing the results.
America is dismally behind every other country in the developed world. In the above link, one of the causes stated is American math and science text books are very inferior.
Also, American schools spend much time teaching social re-engineering. That means teaching about Black people's rights, the rights of women, or Gay people.
Well, trying to eliminate prejudice is a fine ideal, but too much concentration on that subject takes away from true education in math and the sciences. And those subjects are vital to maintain a modern technical society.
And of course, there are the Christian Fundamentalists. Education has always been important area for them.
The goal of Christian Fundamentalists is to destroy the present Department of Education and replace it with Bible based concepts, such as Intelligent Design.
Then you end up with students who believe Jesus rode a dinosaur.
You just cannot take a high school kid believing in such nonsense and turn him or her into a scientist or an engineer!
And in my own experience, American students lack motivation. In my high school in Portage Wisconsin, most students would study the bare minimum to get into a University.
And oh yes, for about 20 years, Ritalin and other strong anti-depresent drugs are being used to control students. Many American teachers and psychologists say these drugs are needed to control hyper active children. When I was in school, if you screwed around, the principal would pull off his belt and whack you. But drugging kids, well by the time they leave high school, they will be addicted, zonked out zombies. And they certainly won't be able to function as engineers or scientists. In fact, many of them leave school permanent drug addicts.
Officially, across America, some 1.5 million school children take the drug regularly, although school nurses claim the true number is really 3 million.
America is a new country. People have a belief that drugs can do anything, since they are newer than traditional methods of child control, such as spanking. In fact spanking of school children is illegal in 31 states. Americans have a very great belief in the power of psychiatry, and these psychiatrists are increasingly prescribing drugs to control school children. It is a mistaken belief.
A child taking his dose of Ritalin.
子供はリタリン(◆注意が不足する病気(ADD, attention deficit disorder)の薬。アンフェタミンのような中枢神経興奮剤。)を飲んでいます。
To be continued
Saturday, June 9, 2012
アメリカ大統領選挙 The American Presidential election
Well America is in Presidential election season. Unlike most people in America, I do not watch the polls day after day. I mean, there are some 5 months left before the election.
However, this poll shows that Romney is now nearly as popular as Obama, they are pretty close.
There are many things that I am disappointed in President Obama with. This is normal. A Presidential candidate promises many things, and often fails to deliver them when he gets elected.
Well, an American President is a human being, not a God. And there are many forces in American politics.
However, there is one thing that President Obama accomplished, that in my opinion deserves more notice that it has gotten. He stopped the Republican Candidates drive to start a war with Iran.
Such a war would have been a disaster for the entire world. To me, this is his greatest accomplishment.
On the other hand, Candidate Romney has not made a clear statement of position on any issue, and has often changed his mind.
Well, his problem is his religion. The Republican party has increasingly become a party of the radical Christian Right, the Christian Fundamentalists.
Perry and Bachmann were open Christian Fundamentalists, and the movement choose Santorum after their efforts failed.
That the Christian Fundamentalist movement could actually field open candidates in a Presidential election, I find very worrying. However, the fact that their candidacies failed, I find reassuring.
Americans are still not ready to vote crazy religious revolutionaries into office.
But the problem is that they still dominate Republican party politics. If Mr. Romney is elected President, I fear he will have to compromise too much with the Christian Right.
And he is very ignorant of the realities of the Muslim world.
I think both men, Obama and Romney will pressure Japan heavily to join TPP. Well, any American would. But I think that Romney is the more dangerous man. Those crazy Christian Republicans will have too much power over him. With a Republican Presidency, I feel that there will be greater possibility of America starting dangerous wars to prove that America is still strong.
And that is why I support President Obama for a second term. He has shown that he has common sense.
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