In a previous on this blog, I wrote about the problems with The F-22 and F-35 fighter aircraft in the US. From my research, it is obvious that both planes are deeply flawed. Yet America used to build such fantastic aircraft such as the F-4, F-16, F-15, and A-10.
So what happened? Why is America now so inept? I will try to explain what has happened in American society over past 35 years or so, in effort to discover why.
First, I will talk about Affirmative Action. This is a government program, that was begun in 1961. It was designed to eliminate discrimination.
That fact is, since America's founding, there were two great crimes committed in America. One was the importation of Africans as slaves. The other was the genocide committed against the native Indian population.
Affirmative Action was part of an effort to correct these wrongs. But it hasn't worked out so well. One, with African Americans, it has become very difficult to fire a Black person from a job if they don't perform well. They will sue for racial discrimination.
The facts of America are that White people just don't like Black people. White people refuse to accept Black Americans as human. The extreme negative reaction against the election of President Obama surprised many American liberals. Not me.
American liberals like to think that America has progressed to a country where racial hatred is a thing of the past. I am a Caucasian person, White, yet my heart is Japanese. So when I see American society, the Americans around me speak and act as if I am a White man. Yet I see them with Japanese eyes, I hear them with a Japanese heart.
There is still much hatred in America, I know.
But Affirmative Action has not really helped the majority of American Black people. Their education is much poorer than that of White people, they have few jobs. Particularly in the type of cruel capitalism that has existed in America since President Reagan, many Black Americans are unemployed.
Actually, the only place where Affirmative Action has worked out well is in the military. White troops will accept and obey the commands of Black superiors. But in general American society, there is still much hatred.
However, because of the slavery issue, I can understand the plight of African Americans. What does really anger me though is American White women, and the feminist movement. Since birth, they have been of the privileged race in America.
And they are very combative. A lot of the actions they are taking seem to have nothing to do with ending discrimination against women, but are simply revenge against men.
I really cannot understand the reason for pregnancy sympathy suits. This is weighted suit that men wear, to understand what pregnant women feel like.
A pregnancy Sympathy suit
At a price around $900, it seems expensive for such a silly device.
How does this work out in the workplace? Let me quote from another net friend, a former Marine like myself, Fred Reed.
In the link above, he prints letters from various military people, who talk about the problems of women in their units. In the second to last letter, he describes an MP (Military Police) unit in Korea whose commanding Captain has to wear a pregnancy sympathy belt.
And apparently the existence of urinals is insulting for some women. in the US Navy, they are trying to get them removed from warships, as they feel their existence is insulting to women.
These are not real problems of discrimination, American women are searching for problems.
I myself have some experience of this. In 1980, I worked in the American headquarters of Komatsu America in San Francisco. All the white secretaries of Japanese managers banded together, and decided that the title "secretary" was sexual discrimination. They demanded that their job title be changed to "administrative assistant".
It was a waste of time, and distracted from actual work.
I think American women became jealous of American government efforts to help Black Americans. But with such actions as those described in the links above, work efficiency decreases.
I can guarantee you, that the officer who has to wear the pregnancy sympathy suit, or the Admiral who wants to eliminate urinals on the aircraft carrier, these men are wasting time on social issues. The military efficiency of the unit decreases to uselessness. If such things are happening in a company, people are paying more attention to social issues than actual work.
And more and more different groups of people, such as gay people, are springing up, and demanding recognition, and some sort of compensation, because they are are a victim. I have no
problem with a person holding a position. I don't care if they are a woman, Black, Gay or whatever. But they should hold that position because of their ability. No exceptions.
And production suffers.
Now let's take a look at education.
It is terrible. Well, some of my Japanese readers might say, "Max what do you mean? I went to University in America. It was an excellent education!"
Yes that would be very correct. However, the condition of American secondary and primary education is terrible.
And test scores are showing the results.
America is dismally behind every other country in the developed world. In the above link, one of the causes stated is American math and science text books are very inferior.
Also, American schools spend much time teaching social re-engineering. That means teaching about Black people's rights, the rights of women, or Gay people.
Well, trying to eliminate prejudice is a fine ideal, but too much concentration on that subject takes away from true education in math and the sciences. And those subjects are vital to maintain a modern technical society.
And of course, there are the Christian Fundamentalists. Education has always been important area for them.
The goal of Christian Fundamentalists is to destroy the present Department of Education and replace it with Bible based concepts, such as Intelligent Design.
Then you end up with students who believe Jesus rode a dinosaur.
You just cannot take a high school kid believing in such nonsense and turn him or her into a scientist or an engineer!
And in my own experience, American students lack motivation. In my high school in Portage Wisconsin, most students would study the bare minimum to get into a University.
And oh yes, for about 20 years, Ritalin and other strong anti-depresent drugs are being used to control students. Many American teachers and psychologists say these drugs are needed to control hyper active children. When I was in school, if you screwed around, the principal would pull off his belt and whack you. But drugging kids, well by the time they leave high school, they will be addicted, zonked out zombies. And they certainly won't be able to function as engineers or scientists. In fact, many of them leave school permanent drug addicts.
Officially, across America, some 1.5 million school children take the drug regularly, although school nurses claim the true number is really 3 million.
America is a new country. People have a belief that drugs can do anything, since they are newer than traditional methods of child control, such as spanking. In fact spanking of school children is illegal in 31 states. Americans have a very great belief in the power of psychiatry, and these psychiatrists are increasingly prescribing drugs to control school children. It is a mistaken belief.
A child taking his dose of Ritalin.
子供はリタリン(◆注意が不足する病気(ADD, attention deficit disorder)の薬。アンフェタミンのような中枢神経興奮剤。)を飲んでいます。
To be continued
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