Thursday, November 29, 2012

アメリカの河川輸送はまもなく部分崩壊です。 Partial Collapse of American river transport

The American drought continues.  It has not been in the news very much lately.  Well, America has had a Presidential election.  As far as climate disasters, Hurricane Sandy was much more dramatic.


Reporting on drought is somewhat like reporting on the movement of a clock.  Slow and predictable.  However, the end result of the slide into drought will be much more devastating than a single Hurricane.


Bloomberg is reporting that a section of the Mississippi river is likely to close down around December 10th for shipping.


The section that is in danger is from St. Louis to Cairo Illinois, the junction of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.  I think that this would also mean that the Mississippi above St. Louis, and the Missouri rivers will also soon become too shallow for transport.


Here is a map of American rivers that are used for riverine transport.


If the Mississippi is closed for that segment, about 290 kilometers of river, it will have a serious effect on America's ability to export grain.


Looking at the photos above, we can see that the drought has serious implications for the river.  The photos are from last August, they show barges waiting for the river level to rise.  They also show how big sandbars have become due to the low water.


But the situation has not improved, since then it has gotten worse.  There are likely now to be shortages in Winter Wheat, which Americans use to make bread.


The US government predicts the drought lasting at least through February. 


What this means is that there is not going to be any winter precipitation that could relieve the drought.  The 2013 drought is now probably going to be as bad as 2012, or worse.  By fall of 2013, America will have a serious lack of food.  If America does not have enough food for itself, how can they export food to Japan?  If America is hungry, TPP makes no sense.


As I have written, 60% of America's agricultural products are shipped by river.  Also 20% of the coal used by electrical power plants.  This lack of water transport will have a serious chain reaction effect on the US economy.


People may say that America will find alternative ways to ship food to Japan.  But America's railway and road infrastructure is in a serious state, many roads, railways and bridges are near collapse.  America has simply ignored maintenance and building of new infrastructure for too long.


What Japan must do, is ensure as much as possible that we can feed ourselves.


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