Saturday, July 18, 2015

(安全保障法案)集団的自衛の真実 The reality of Collective Self Defense

The law for collective defense with America has not yet passed.  Yet I saw this article in the American military newspaper Stars & Stripes.

(安保法案)集団的自衛の法律はまだ成立していません。それで、アメリカの軍事新聞、Stars & Stripesで、この記事を見ました。

The fact that America has already budgeted Japan’s role means that America is thinking Japan will play a major role in the future.


This would be a combat role, and at a guess, would involve more than 10,000 ground troops, and Naval and Air units.


Certainly, America is not thinking that Japan will be a minor actor in a behind the lines role.


Japan will need a draft to maintain such a force in the Middle East.


Concerning Japanese military participation in American wars, Americans use these phrases, “Japan gets a Free ride”, this means America protects Japan, but Japan does nothing in return.

アメリカの戦争に日本参加について、アメリカ人がこう言う英語のフレーズを使います。例えば 、“Japan gets a Free ride”、この意味は、アメリカが日本を守るけれど、そのお返しに、日本は何もしません。

Americans do not know that Japan pays much for the upkeep of US bases in Japan.  And they will not care.  They will look on this as weakness.  They call this “Checkbook Diplomacy”  which means that Japan pays money instead of fighting.

日本が日本にある米軍基地の管理の為(思いやり予算)に、いっぱいお金を払っている真実をアメリカ人は知りません。それに、気にしません。アメリカ人の考えで、お金を払うだけの事は弱い人の役です。これを、“Checkbook Diplomacy” と呼び、その意味は、日本が戦う訳ではなく、他国にお金を払います。

To Americans, this is bad, it means Japan is not a trustworthy ally.  What they want to see is “Boots on the ground”.  This means Japanese combat troops fighting in the same battles as Americans, and dying like Americans.

アメリカ人に、この意味が、日本が悪い国です。信頼出来ません。アメリカ人の希望は、“Boots on the ground”で、この意味は、日本兵とアメリカ兵が同じ戦場で一緒に戦う事です。それに、アメリカ人と同じ様に死ぬ事です。

In a previous blog post, I said it is not in Japan’s interest to send troops to fight west of the straits of Malacca.


America’s entire Middle Eastern policy, and most American wars, are mistakes.  Failures.  Japan will be pulled into these mistakes.  Terrorism inside Japan will become a definite possibility.  Japan will become a country hated around the world, just like America is now.


And in Japan we will have to learn a new English phrase.  This is “bodybag”.  It is what Americans use to ship the bodies of dead troops home.


We can expect a flood of such bags in the future.


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