Now for a few updates about Iraq and Afghanistan.
First, I will talk about Iraq. Well hey; you thought that that question was all settled, right? Wrong! General Petraeus, chief of the theater, and General Odierno, commander in Iraq, are dragging their feet on the withdrawal issue. They are insisting that we are leaving too early, the Iraqi’s are not ready. They say that if we leave too early, the situation may degenerate again. So instead of President Obama’s plan of withdrawal in 16 months, they are saying 23 months. And they are organizing a publicity committee of present and former General officers to make their case in the media.
それでは、イラクとアフガニスタン戦争の最新ニュースを書きたいと思います。まず、イラク戦争の事を書きます。ちょっと待って。 その戦争は、だんだん解決に成っていると思っていますか?違います。アメリカ中央軍司令官、ペトレイアス将軍とイラク司令官オディエルノ将軍は、イラクからアメリカ軍撤退計画をもっとゆっくりする様にしています。彼らの発言で、アメリカの撤退は早すぎます。イラク人は準備が足らないです。この将軍達の考えで、アメリカ軍がすぐ撤退しますと、イラクの状態はまた悪く成りますと言っています。だが、オバマ大統領の16ヶ月で撤退計画ではなく、自分たちの23ヶ月で撤退計画をするべきと言っています。彼らは現在ともっと多数の将軍のグループを作って、マスコミで アメリカ国民に自分たちの提案をつくっています。
Well this is insubordination. During the Bush administration, there were many objections to President Bush’s directives, but serving officers never spoke out in public. They resigned. And the actions of these generals is the height of Imperial hubris. The Bush administration tried mightily to negotiate a SOFA that would allow US troops to permanently stay in Iraq. They failed. The reason is that America’s strategic position in Iraq is too weak; Shiite tribesmen guard our supply lines. If they decided to fight, America would lose it’s entire force. But America would also use it’s massive firepower to make more of a mess of Iraq than it has already.
So that was the negotiations, eventually America totally caved into the Iraqi demands for a complete pullout, by 2011. No ifs ands or buts. The positions of General’s Petraeus and Ordierno are very condescending and racist. They are totally ignoring the Iraqi’s wishes in this affair. What they are really saying is that people with darker skin color, who wear funny clothes and talk funny, do not matter to what the Great Americans think and do.
交渉では、結局、アメリカはイラクの要求した2011年までにすべてのアメリカ兵をすべて撤退する提案を認めました。必ず、例外は有りません。この事で、ペトレイアス将軍とイラク司令官オディエルノ将軍の立場は、見下すような人種差別的です。この本当の意味は、アメリカ白人より肌の色がこい人、着ている服が違う人、英語以外の言葉を話す人、その人達の意見は、 世界一のアメリカ人に意味が有りません。
That mode of thinking is swiftly becoming obsolete. And to the two General’s in the Middle East, I will say that the Iraqi’s outfought America, otherwise, why would the Bushies agree to withdrawal? And gentlemen, try to stay, the Iraqi’s will begin to fight America in earnest again, and yes America will lose most of it’s force. Of course the two General’s will have helicopter rides out, too bad for everyone else.
その考え方は、現在、急にすたれています。この在中近東の二人のアメリカ将軍達に、アメリカ軍はイラクゲリラに負けました。それが本当の理由で、ブッシュ政権は撤退する事を同意しました。それと、もしアメリカ軍はイラクに残りましたら、これからイラク人が一生懸命戦って、アメリカ軍がほとんどの部隊を失うでしょう。勿論、この二人の将軍達はヘリコプターで逃げます。しかし、 残っている兵士達が残念な運命に成るでしょう。
They are thinking too much that America is the center of everything, they forget that America was not invited into Iraq, and there was no civil war before America invaded.
この哲学は、世界のどんな問題でも、アメリカの中心に成ります。しかし、この二人の将軍達はアメリカがイラクへ招待状が有りませんでしたし、 アメリカの侵略の前にイラクで内乱が有りませんでした。
Now Afghanistan. As far as insurgencies go, we are approaching endgame. The capitol is surrounded on three sides, and there are many Taliban cells in the capitol. Just before special envoy Richard Holbrooke visited Kabul last week, the Taliban conducted a nasty set of bombings, just to show that they are there.
The Karzai government is totally corrupt and ineffectual. The Army does fight sometimes, the police and judges are absolutely corrupt. The Taliban has a shadow government in 75% of the country. The rest is not ruled by the Karzai government, but by tribal chieftains. President Karzai is really only the mayor of Kabul.
Supply wise, America is in serious trouble in Afghanistan. America’s main route through the Khyber Pass has been severed early this month when a bridge was blown up. There is another road through Quetta in Pakistan, but Quetta is a hotbed of Taliban activity in Pakistan. The rest of the route is completely dominated by the Taliban. America would have to run supplies by heavily armed convoys. The armored escorts would consume more fuel than we could deliver.
In any case, the Pakistan army is giving up the fight against their domestic Taliban. This week the Pakistan government agreed to Taliban style Sharia law in the SWAT valley of Pakistan. Pakistan troops would remain confined to bases, and only shoot if attacked. And the Pakistani’s are becoming extremely incensed at continuing US drone attacks in their territory. Many Pakistani civilians are being killed in these attacks.
A NATO airbase in neighboring Kyrgyzstan is closing. However, Russia has offered to let America ship supplies through their territory. However, letting the Russians control the main supply route will mean the end of NATO, or at least American military presence in Europe. And the NATO core members of France and Germany probably would not mind. Frankly, I do not think NATO has a purpose any longer.
近くのキルギス共和国でNATO( 北大西洋条約機構 )空軍基地の利用も出来なく成っています。しかし、ロシアは自分の国経由で補給路をNATO軍が利用出来ると同意しました。しかし、ロシアはこれで補給路のコントロールに成って、だんだんアメリカ軍もヨーロッパから撤退に成るでしょう。NATO同盟も終わるかも知れません。私の意見で、NATOの中心国々、ドイツとフランスはアメリカのヨーロッパからの撤退を気にしないでしょう。私の考えで、現在の世界でNATO同盟も目的が有りません。
At this moment, a “surge” is beginning in Afghanistan, with 3,000 troops arriving in Kabul.
So what is the plan? There isn’t one. General Petraeus is saying things like arming the tribesmen of Afghanistan against the Taliban. Well the General is a fool. He did not create the Anbar Awakening Councils in Iraq; the Sunni Iraqi’s did it themselves. He just claimed success in the US media. Also, Afghanistan is very different than Iraq. The Taliban COMES from Afghan tribes. And why should they fight the Taliban for us? After all, America keeps bombing their villages.
So what is the solution? There is only one possibility. America should reach out to the most palatable branch of the Taliban, and there are three main branches, give them arms, help them win. They will win no matter what America does. But America should tell them, if they ever host a terrorist organization like Al Qaeda again, America will be back. That is the only goal that the United States can achieve. No other outcome is possible.
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