Tuesday, February 10, 2009

捕鯨の問題  The Whaling issue

There has been controversy about Japanese whaling for many years. Personally, I do occasionally eat whale. I feel as long as the species taken are not endangered, why not? I know that this is a very emotional issue, and I realize that many foreign groups demonstrate against Japanese whaling.

ここ数年間、日本の商業捕鯨について論争が有ります。私は、たまに鯨を食べます。私の気持ちは、その鯨の種類が絶滅危機になければ、いいでしょう?私は外国人にとって、 これがとても感情的な問題の事をよく分かっています。外国では、商業捕鯨反対のデモは多いです。

Also, Japanese whaling is conducted under the rules set by the International Whaling Commission.


But in a recent incident, Sea Shepard has gone too far. They purposely rammed a Japanese whaling vessel. They rammed the Japanese ship in the center of it's hull. In the video in the link, the Sea Shepard ship, the Steve Irwin, can be seen accelerating and then making a sharp turn to strike the Japanese ship. According to some accounts, Captain Paul Watson of the Steve Irwin claims that he was maneuvering his vessel to prevent the Japanese mother ship from taking on a whale carcass, when another Japanese ship interposed itself causing the collision.


Mr. Watson is a dangerous grandstander, and as we can see from the video, the collision is no accident, it is a deliberate ram. Damage to the hull of the Japanese ship can be clearly seen.


Very fortunately, no one was hurt in this incident. And neither vessel sprung a leak. I do know something about Maritime affairs. While the Japanese ship would have had a greater danger of springing a leak by being rammed amidships, the Steve Irwin also could have sprung a leak by such action. Modern day vessels are not designed to ram. So Mr. Watson's action also endangered his own crew. Even though it is summer down there, if you have to go into the water, death comes in something like 3 to 5 minutes.


Every year Japan sends a whaling fleet down there, and every year Mr. Watson commits some antics, such as throwing bottles of rancid butter on the decks of Japanese ships. When you commit such acts on the high seas, they are not schoolboyish pranks, they are highly dangerous actions threatening life and limb. I think it is high time to take Mr. Watson before a court of law.


In America, the actions of the Sea Shepard society are featured on a regular television program, Animal Planet. I think that is the reason for the recent escalation of ramming by this group. I believe he will continue to escalate actions, until a ship is sunk and many people die. That is because he is on television, and he thinks of himself as a hero. He wishes to be noticed.


What should Japan do? I think there are two ways to approach this. One is by legal methods. Any country that supports his vessel in any way, such as refueling, or ship registration and so forth should be sued for damages that Paul Watson causes to Japanese ships. Paul Watson has damaged ships of Iceland and Norway previously, but legal efforts against him personally were impossible to enforce. So Japan should sue in international court any country that allows him to operate.

日本は、どうしたらいいですか? 私は、やり方が二つ有ると思います。第一は、法律的な事です。このシーシェパード団体を助け合う国々に、例えば、燃料とか船登録をします、ワトソンさんの責任で、日本の捕鯨船傷を損害賠償を法的に求めます。以前、ワトソンさんは、アイスランドとノルウェーの捕鯨船に傷を付けた事が有りますが、彼について法的な動きはだめでした。日本は彼にサポートする国々を国際裁判で訴えるべきと思います。

The second method is send two Japanese Coast Guard vessels with the whaling fleet. Inform all countries in the area, and the Sea Shepard organization, that their vessels will be prevented from interfering. If they insist on ramming Japanese vessels, they will be boarded, and the crew taken to Japan for trial. The Canadian Coast Guard has previously forced Sea Shepard vessels away from seal hunt areas.


I understand that many people are against whaling. But there is an international commission on this issue. Other environmental groups such as Greenpeace have cut their ties to this man. Well I can understand that, he is a menace. If you are against whaling, petition your government, demonstrate outside the Japanese embassy in your country. But I cannot forgive violence.


The thing is, we live in a society of laws, and the present law is Japan can take a certain amount of certain types of whales. The thing about legal rulings is that well, we are not always satisfied by the results. But that is the way it is in civilized society. Mr. Watson thinks he can enforce his own idea of law, by violent methods. Thus, he becomes a criminal.


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