Sensitivity training for US troops in Japan
Perhaps I have the beginning of an idea of how to solve the impasse in Japanese/American relations. All right, our primary problem is the relocation of the US Marines in Okinawa at the moment.
However, no locality, anywhere in Japan, wants to host a Marine base. As I wrote in my previous article, one major problem is the bad behavior of American troops.
So here is my idea. All US forces in Japan should be required to take extensive course in sensitivity training about Japan. America has such courses for it's troops. Primarily, they teach about racial relations in America, and how to not discriminate with US troops of different sexes.
Also, there is such sensitivity training for US troops in Iraq.
So we should design a course that teach US troops how to behave in Japan, and basic Japanese language. But one twist, I think this course should basically be designed by Japanese professors, from a local Japanese University near each US base.
America is looking awfully arrogant over this whole matter. Now, I think it would be a good idea for America to show some willingness to cooperate with Japan. We should put in some requirement that 70% of any US unit pass the course. If they cannot, then the US should replace troops until they can come up with enough to be able pass and understand how to behave in Japan.
Such American effort might go a long way to solving this crisis and improving Japanese/American relations.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
A crack in the Japanese/American relationship 日本とアメリカの関係にひびがあるのか?
Is there a crack between Japan and America? It is more like a fissure.
I read the following column on the L'Etranger site:
This is what I call American Cultural Imperialism. Way too many Americans assume that what ever America does is best for everyone in the world, and that any non-American who does not understand and welcome this, well he is childish, and perhaps not quite right in the head.
Thusly the phrase "increasingly loopy" in reference to Prime Minister Hatoyama.
When France defied the US and did not help invade Iraq in 2003, they were called surrender monkeys. This is because to American thinking, the French had never fought in any war as well as Americans. And yet, the French were proven to be quite right in not following America in invading Iraq. The war has turned out to be a meaningless debacle, and America has killed and tortured many for no reason.
I like many other Americans, and people across the world, was inspired by the election of President Obama. I had great hopes that he would end America's wars in the Middle East.
Well he has begun drawing down troops in Iraq. But conversely, he has greatly increased the American effort in Afghanistan, a conflict which is just as hopeless as Iraq.
Well, the US military is used to getting what it wants. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, logic would have dictated that America could draw down on it's expensive military. After all, the ultimate purpose it was created for, a nuclear and/or conventional war with the Soviet Union, disappeared that year.
In fact, former Soviet, now Russian military capabilities were greatly decreased. Most of their submarine fleet was simply scrapped. What about America?
Well, in America, the entire military engaged in a battle to save itself.
Here is a link on converting nuclear ballistic submarines to carry Navy SEALS so that they can be used to fight terrorists.
I really have difficulty of thinking of something more expensively useless than this concept. If America must send SEALS somewhere, I really do think there are many cheaper ways to do this.
And how about America's massive overseas complex of over 700 bases?
Does America REALLY NEED all those bases? And to fight who? According to Obama administration estimates, there are only 100 Al Qaeda left in Afghanistan. Yet the number of US troops is being increased to 106,000 from the 71,000 already there.
Estimates of Taliban numbers are about 15,000. However, they never attacked America. They want to expel American troops from Afghanistan, but they do not want to attack America. Yet the United States cannot win with this advantage.
And forget the Afghan Army, it does not exist.
To give you an idea of the size of the US military, here is a graphic showing world aircraft carriers.
One thing, there are only two UK carriers operational, one is in reserve, the other is planned. Also, please remember that carriers do not operate independently, they require an escort fleet of 5 to 7 ships to protect them. So by looking at this chart, America has 22 aircraft carriers, while all other nations combined have 12.
But of those other nations, I can only imagine Russia as a possible, but not likely adversary. So what purpose does all this American military power serve?
If America is truly the nation of justice as it claims, why does America need so many weapons?
The only true enemies of America I can find on the planet are those few hundred Al Qaeda. (estimates put some 300 Al Qaeda in Pakistan)
I think America has become insane. Americans have become slaves to their military machine, even as standards of living crumble in the United States, massive amounts of money are continually invested in the military to preserve weapons systems, and to develop new ones.
Yet it is Americans who believe this massive military is necessary to preserve peace around the world. And that is why the Obama administration is angry at Prime Minister Hatoyama.
Truly Americans cannot understand that feelings in Japan have changed. I think that the administration of President Obama did not mind negotiations about the Futenma problem as long as they were short and produced the conclusion to build at Henoko.
They do not care to understand that a large part of the reason for the electoral victory for the DPJ was the promise to renegotiate the 2006 agreement. Which in fact, was truly unfair.
And the reason Japanese people do not want American bases in their communities, well American troops behave like hooligans. I have worked in a foreign talent agency in Japan for over ten years. We would cast foreigners for Japanese TV dramas, recreation dramas, movies, that sort of thing.
But we have always tried to avoid using people from American bases. They are very unreliable, they steal, they are especially arrogant and selfish on the set. Many times I have had bad experiences with American military people.
I must say that the American military command in Japan DOES make efforts to be helpful, recently Yokota airbase refused to allow the movie "The Cove" to be shown on base.
まあ、日本在アメリカ司令部は努力しています。最近、横田基地で、"The Cove"(和歌山県イルカ問題に対して)と言う映画を上映禁止にしました。
Well, I do appreciate that, it is a movie created under dubious motives to show Japan in a bad light. But the problem is that US troop behavior is atrocious, despite the efforts command makes.
If the United States government cannot respect a democratic decision by the people of Japan to reject and renegotiate the 2006 agreement, how can America be said to be promoting democracy around the world?
So what about Japan, what if Japan refuses to go ahead with Henoko?
Well, I think it is time to rethink the whole Japanese/American relationship. It seems that it has not changed in any way since the end of the Cold War. It's focus is entirely based upon military power.
And this is not healthy for either country. Frankly, the Japanese military is quite strong enough for Japanese needs. We do not need American forces permanently based in Japan.
So. I think it is time for the Japanese government to be strong with America. I think it is time for Prime Minister Hatoyama to tell America that Japan has bent over backwards to accommodate American demands. And whatever solution Prime Minister Hatoyama devise, be it Tokunoshima or some other plan, America should accept it.
If America cannot accept the democratic actions of one of it's closest friends and allies, then perhaps it is time to reduce US forces in Japan.
And I think that Prime Minister Hatoyama should remind President Obama that the true danger facing this world comes from Global Warming and oil depletion, and that America itself is wasting too many resources on an unnecessary military.
And it is in dealing with the crises of Oil Depletion and Global Warming that we should forge the basis of a new Japanese/American relationship.
I read the following column on the L'Etranger site:
This is what I call American Cultural Imperialism. Way too many Americans assume that what ever America does is best for everyone in the world, and that any non-American who does not understand and welcome this, well he is childish, and perhaps not quite right in the head.
Thusly the phrase "increasingly loopy" in reference to Prime Minister Hatoyama.
When France defied the US and did not help invade Iraq in 2003, they were called surrender monkeys. This is because to American thinking, the French had never fought in any war as well as Americans. And yet, the French were proven to be quite right in not following America in invading Iraq. The war has turned out to be a meaningless debacle, and America has killed and tortured many for no reason.
I like many other Americans, and people across the world, was inspired by the election of President Obama. I had great hopes that he would end America's wars in the Middle East.
Well he has begun drawing down troops in Iraq. But conversely, he has greatly increased the American effort in Afghanistan, a conflict which is just as hopeless as Iraq.
Well, the US military is used to getting what it wants. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, logic would have dictated that America could draw down on it's expensive military. After all, the ultimate purpose it was created for, a nuclear and/or conventional war with the Soviet Union, disappeared that year.
In fact, former Soviet, now Russian military capabilities were greatly decreased. Most of their submarine fleet was simply scrapped. What about America?
Well, in America, the entire military engaged in a battle to save itself.
Here is a link on converting nuclear ballistic submarines to carry Navy SEALS so that they can be used to fight terrorists.
I really have difficulty of thinking of something more expensively useless than this concept. If America must send SEALS somewhere, I really do think there are many cheaper ways to do this.
And how about America's massive overseas complex of over 700 bases?
Does America REALLY NEED all those bases? And to fight who? According to Obama administration estimates, there are only 100 Al Qaeda left in Afghanistan. Yet the number of US troops is being increased to 106,000 from the 71,000 already there.
Estimates of Taliban numbers are about 15,000. However, they never attacked America. They want to expel American troops from Afghanistan, but they do not want to attack America. Yet the United States cannot win with this advantage.
And forget the Afghan Army, it does not exist.
To give you an idea of the size of the US military, here is a graphic showing world aircraft carriers.
One thing, there are only two UK carriers operational, one is in reserve, the other is planned. Also, please remember that carriers do not operate independently, they require an escort fleet of 5 to 7 ships to protect them. So by looking at this chart, America has 22 aircraft carriers, while all other nations combined have 12.
But of those other nations, I can only imagine Russia as a possible, but not likely adversary. So what purpose does all this American military power serve?
If America is truly the nation of justice as it claims, why does America need so many weapons?
The only true enemies of America I can find on the planet are those few hundred Al Qaeda. (estimates put some 300 Al Qaeda in Pakistan)
I think America has become insane. Americans have become slaves to their military machine, even as standards of living crumble in the United States, massive amounts of money are continually invested in the military to preserve weapons systems, and to develop new ones.
Yet it is Americans who believe this massive military is necessary to preserve peace around the world. And that is why the Obama administration is angry at Prime Minister Hatoyama.
Truly Americans cannot understand that feelings in Japan have changed. I think that the administration of President Obama did not mind negotiations about the Futenma problem as long as they were short and produced the conclusion to build at Henoko.
They do not care to understand that a large part of the reason for the electoral victory for the DPJ was the promise to renegotiate the 2006 agreement. Which in fact, was truly unfair.
And the reason Japanese people do not want American bases in their communities, well American troops behave like hooligans. I have worked in a foreign talent agency in Japan for over ten years. We would cast foreigners for Japanese TV dramas, recreation dramas, movies, that sort of thing.
But we have always tried to avoid using people from American bases. They are very unreliable, they steal, they are especially arrogant and selfish on the set. Many times I have had bad experiences with American military people.
I must say that the American military command in Japan DOES make efforts to be helpful, recently Yokota airbase refused to allow the movie "The Cove" to be shown on base.
まあ、日本在アメリカ司令部は努力しています。最近、横田基地で、"The Cove"(和歌山県イルカ問題に対して)と言う映画を上映禁止にしました。
Well, I do appreciate that, it is a movie created under dubious motives to show Japan in a bad light. But the problem is that US troop behavior is atrocious, despite the efforts command makes.
If the United States government cannot respect a democratic decision by the people of Japan to reject and renegotiate the 2006 agreement, how can America be said to be promoting democracy around the world?
So what about Japan, what if Japan refuses to go ahead with Henoko?
Well, I think it is time to rethink the whole Japanese/American relationship. It seems that it has not changed in any way since the end of the Cold War. It's focus is entirely based upon military power.
And this is not healthy for either country. Frankly, the Japanese military is quite strong enough for Japanese needs. We do not need American forces permanently based in Japan.
So. I think it is time for the Japanese government to be strong with America. I think it is time for Prime Minister Hatoyama to tell America that Japan has bent over backwards to accommodate American demands. And whatever solution Prime Minister Hatoyama devise, be it Tokunoshima or some other plan, America should accept it.
If America cannot accept the democratic actions of one of it's closest friends and allies, then perhaps it is time to reduce US forces in Japan.
And I think that Prime Minister Hatoyama should remind President Obama that the true danger facing this world comes from Global Warming and oil depletion, and that America itself is wasting too many resources on an unnecessary military.
And it is in dealing with the crises of Oil Depletion and Global Warming that we should forge the basis of a new Japanese/American relationship.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Does Oklahoma WANT Civil War? オクラホマ州は内乱を望んでいるのか?
A very quick note today. One of my readers suggested that I include sources. I don't know how to link on this blog, so I will simply post the URL.
This is the most dangerous step towards Civil War in America that I have seen yet. In the state of Oklahoma, Tea Party activists are discussing with some conservative members of the Oklahoma State Legislature the idea of forming a State Militia.
This will be a separate armed force from the State National Guard. The purpose of this State Militia will be to defend the state of Oklahoma from Federal laws that they do not want to obey.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is one step before Civil War. This is a wish to create an armed force to say "NO" to the Federal Government in Washington. Which means at some time there will fighting, Americans shooting other Americans. OK, in Japan, politicians sometimes say something stupid. But people do not pay attention, and the politician, well after saying his thing, does nothing.
Americans are very different, if an American says he will do something, there is much social pressure in America to do it. Otherwise, other Americans will think of you as weak. And in American society weak people are considered useless.
We have had Tea Party activists already threatening violence and war since the inauguration of President Obama. And the Governor of Texas is discussing seceding from America. Now we have State legislators talking about creating a Oklahoma State military to fight the Federal Government.
We are getting closer and closer to Civil War. And once the shooting starts, it will probably be impossible to stop until so many are dead, so much is destroyed.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
This is the most dangerous step towards Civil War in America that I have seen yet. In the state of Oklahoma, Tea Party activists are discussing with some conservative members of the Oklahoma State Legislature the idea of forming a State Militia.
This will be a separate armed force from the State National Guard. The purpose of this State Militia will be to defend the state of Oklahoma from Federal laws that they do not want to obey.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is one step before Civil War. This is a wish to create an armed force to say "NO" to the Federal Government in Washington. Which means at some time there will fighting, Americans shooting other Americans. OK, in Japan, politicians sometimes say something stupid. But people do not pay attention, and the politician, well after saying his thing, does nothing.
Americans are very different, if an American says he will do something, there is much social pressure in America to do it. Otherwise, other Americans will think of you as weak. And in American society weak people are considered useless.
We have had Tea Party activists already threatening violence and war since the inauguration of President Obama. And the Governor of Texas is discussing seceding from America. Now we have State legislators talking about creating a Oklahoma State military to fight the Federal Government.
We are getting closer and closer to Civil War. And once the shooting starts, it will probably be impossible to stop until so many are dead, so much is destroyed.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
Monday, April 12, 2010
普天間の問題 パートII
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Is America sliding into Civil War? 果たしてアメリカは内乱に陥ってしまうのか?
In my last blog article about the Futenma issue, in the last paragraph, I said that America is sliding into Civil War. Well, is this true?
Yes. Since the end of WWII until the 1970's, America was the greatest economic power on earth. And American's came to think of this economic power as their right. However, if you study history, you will learn that change is normal.
Other countries have risen to prosperity, such as Western Europe and Japan, now the economies of China and India are also rising.
And we must also remember that we are approaching the end of the planet's natural resources, such as oil. Without cheap oil, America can no longer maintain the standard of living that Americans regard as their birthright.
In the 35 years I have lived in Japan, I have seen America become a society of extreme selfishness. Insurance companies change high rates for insurance, yet when people become sick, they easily cut them off, denying them any kind of care. Many people in America are dying every year because of treatment refusals by insurance companies.
Banks and investment institutions create conditions where people enter into loans that are certain to eventually cause them to become homeless. I have seen statistics that say that some 24% of Americans are in serious danger of losing their homes. In the last 30 years, we have seen a huge transfer of wealth in America to the richest 1% of the population. The other 99% have barely managed to remain the same, or have gotten poorer.
Yet the average American has also showed very poor judgement. I am appalled to read news reports on how almost all Americans live their daily lives on credit cards. They really don't seem to understand that using a credit card is debt, and that debt must someday be paid.
So we have country that is populated by people who can no longer live as they used to, but they regard such a luxurious lifestyle as their birthright. And I think that this is a large part of the feeling behind the Tea bagger demonstrators. They made mistakes in their life planning, and now they are suffering. But they are demanding that somebody change the rules so that they do not suffer.
In the political arena, Americans have lost the ability to discuss. Rhetoric from both the Right and Left has become increasingly strident. But I must say that it is the Right wing that is dangerous. Television and radio commentators on the Right are starting to advocate violence on the airwaves.
And people are bringing guns to these political rallies. I really think that Americans have lost the concept that a person can lose, that using your house collateral in strange financial transactions means that you can lose it. Now, these people are threatening violence if someone does not correct their mistakes for them. The truth is, too many Americans are selfish, and willfully stupid.
In any country, a revolution requires a center. An organization that can provide central goals, maintain discipline, and direct revolutionary activity. In Russia, the Communist party successfully staged a revolution, and then fought a Civil war to maintain itself.
After WWII, in China, the Chinese Communist party succeeded in taking over China in a Civil war.
Well America does have such an organization that desires revolution, that is Christian Fundamentalism. Basically, they believe that America should become a country governed by Biblical law, that is a Theocratic dictatorship.
Some 50% of Americans are Christian Fundamentalists, while some 25% of Americans believe they have a religious duty to start a violent revolution to create their version of a Christian America. People who do not convert to their type of Christianity are to become 2nd class citizens, or be deported from America, or simply killed. These ideas vary according to various Christian Fundamentalist leaders.
However, after conquering America, their goal is to change every nation on earth into their brand of Christianity. Traditional Christianity, such as Catholicism, or Lutheranism, are to be exterminated.
A core revolutionary philosophy has gradually evolved on how to take over and Christianize a nation. It is called "The Seven Mountains" strategy. These Seven Mountains are:
これを"Seven Mountains" (「七つの山々」)戦略という。
Arts & Entertainment
Their plan is to dominate all these fields with Christian Fundamentalists, and to change the nation to their way of belief.
Since the end of the Vietnam war, Christian Fundamentalist missionaries have made the US military a high priority target. I believe that a majority of US military members are believers in Christian Fundamentalism. It exists to such an extent that it has created problems of a religious nature for America fighting wars in Moslem Iraq and Afghanistan.
If a Civil War started now, I do not think that all military officers would obey orders of the President of the United States. Many would defect to the Christian Fundamentalist side.
Most Christian Fundamentalists do not believe President Obama is a legitimate President. In fact, in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin, who ran as Vice Presidential candidate with John McCain, was an attempt at a Christian Fundamentalist coup. Such Fundamentalist websites were calling for the election of the Republican ticket, and then President McCain was to be assassinated, creating a Christian Fundamentalist President.
Random violence of a religious nature has already started in America. Abortion doctors are being killed by religious zealots. Just last week, the FBI arrested some 8 members of a private Christian religious militia group, the Hutaree. This group was planning to begin killing law enforcement officers.
The people who belong to such groups share a mixture of ignorance, fear, and resentment. But there is a central belief system, the Christian fundamentalist philosophy. Most of these militia members hold strong Christian Fundamentalist beliefs. But we are talking about some 25% of Americans as hard core believers, and another 25% as supporters. That is more than enough for a violent revolution to succeed.
Whether they will actually take over the United States, well we will have to wait and see. What is certain is that there will be armed conflict inside America.
For the moment, the Christian Right is trying to take over by political means. And they are having success. The reason they are simply arrested, well America does have freedom of speech. However, their manifesto calls for the destruction of all other freedoms for any other type of person, all other forms of thought besides their own.
Since they have a religious background to their political moves, they believe they are totally correct. And they have militant type movements. Just google "Joel's Army" or "Phineas Priests". These are groups that are already performing violent acts, or preparing to, in the name of Christianity. And until now, the Christian Fundamentalist movement included all races, but it is beginning to change to a White race superiority type of movement.
彼らの政治的活動の背景には常に宗教的な理由があるため、彼らは自分たちが正しいと信じて疑わない。その中には、武闘派の動きもある。たとえば、"Joel's Army"(ジョエル軍)又は"Phineas Priest"(フィネウス司祭)とぐぐってみればいい。これらのグループは、キリスト教の名のもとに暴力的な活動をすでに展開しているか準備中のどちらかだ。そして、キリスト原理主義といえば、あらゆる人種が網羅されるものだったが、最近は、白人至上主義者による運動へと。
They have already begun to implement their agenda. Recently, text books in the State of Texas have had American history rewritten. What they are trying to do is to say Founding Fathers of America intended to create a Christian Fundamentalist Nation. This is not true, but it is part of the 7 mountains strategy.
Fox News is also another part of the strategy, it also broadcasts a Conservative Christian worldview.
In the political arena, you have Sara Palin and Congresswoman Michelle Bachman who fronting for this movement. As yet, there is no one single leader of this movement, but rather about 10 or 15 people who could be called leaders.
I was baptized as child as a Lutheran. And in my heart, I can not call these Christian Fundamentalists true Christians. Killing, destroying things in the name of God? No, that is not religion, that is personal egotism.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
Yes. Since the end of WWII until the 1970's, America was the greatest economic power on earth. And American's came to think of this economic power as their right. However, if you study history, you will learn that change is normal.
Other countries have risen to prosperity, such as Western Europe and Japan, now the economies of China and India are also rising.
And we must also remember that we are approaching the end of the planet's natural resources, such as oil. Without cheap oil, America can no longer maintain the standard of living that Americans regard as their birthright.
In the 35 years I have lived in Japan, I have seen America become a society of extreme selfishness. Insurance companies change high rates for insurance, yet when people become sick, they easily cut them off, denying them any kind of care. Many people in America are dying every year because of treatment refusals by insurance companies.
Banks and investment institutions create conditions where people enter into loans that are certain to eventually cause them to become homeless. I have seen statistics that say that some 24% of Americans are in serious danger of losing their homes. In the last 30 years, we have seen a huge transfer of wealth in America to the richest 1% of the population. The other 99% have barely managed to remain the same, or have gotten poorer.
Yet the average American has also showed very poor judgement. I am appalled to read news reports on how almost all Americans live their daily lives on credit cards. They really don't seem to understand that using a credit card is debt, and that debt must someday be paid.
So we have country that is populated by people who can no longer live as they used to, but they regard such a luxurious lifestyle as their birthright. And I think that this is a large part of the feeling behind the Tea bagger demonstrators. They made mistakes in their life planning, and now they are suffering. But they are demanding that somebody change the rules so that they do not suffer.
In the political arena, Americans have lost the ability to discuss. Rhetoric from both the Right and Left has become increasingly strident. But I must say that it is the Right wing that is dangerous. Television and radio commentators on the Right are starting to advocate violence on the airwaves.
And people are bringing guns to these political rallies. I really think that Americans have lost the concept that a person can lose, that using your house collateral in strange financial transactions means that you can lose it. Now, these people are threatening violence if someone does not correct their mistakes for them. The truth is, too many Americans are selfish, and willfully stupid.
In any country, a revolution requires a center. An organization that can provide central goals, maintain discipline, and direct revolutionary activity. In Russia, the Communist party successfully staged a revolution, and then fought a Civil war to maintain itself.
After WWII, in China, the Chinese Communist party succeeded in taking over China in a Civil war.
Well America does have such an organization that desires revolution, that is Christian Fundamentalism. Basically, they believe that America should become a country governed by Biblical law, that is a Theocratic dictatorship.
Some 50% of Americans are Christian Fundamentalists, while some 25% of Americans believe they have a religious duty to start a violent revolution to create their version of a Christian America. People who do not convert to their type of Christianity are to become 2nd class citizens, or be deported from America, or simply killed. These ideas vary according to various Christian Fundamentalist leaders.
However, after conquering America, their goal is to change every nation on earth into their brand of Christianity. Traditional Christianity, such as Catholicism, or Lutheranism, are to be exterminated.
A core revolutionary philosophy has gradually evolved on how to take over and Christianize a nation. It is called "The Seven Mountains" strategy. These Seven Mountains are:
これを"Seven Mountains" (「七つの山々」)戦略という。
Arts & Entertainment
Their plan is to dominate all these fields with Christian Fundamentalists, and to change the nation to their way of belief.
Since the end of the Vietnam war, Christian Fundamentalist missionaries have made the US military a high priority target. I believe that a majority of US military members are believers in Christian Fundamentalism. It exists to such an extent that it has created problems of a religious nature for America fighting wars in Moslem Iraq and Afghanistan.
If a Civil War started now, I do not think that all military officers would obey orders of the President of the United States. Many would defect to the Christian Fundamentalist side.
Most Christian Fundamentalists do not believe President Obama is a legitimate President. In fact, in the 2008 election, Sarah Palin, who ran as Vice Presidential candidate with John McCain, was an attempt at a Christian Fundamentalist coup. Such Fundamentalist websites were calling for the election of the Republican ticket, and then President McCain was to be assassinated, creating a Christian Fundamentalist President.
Random violence of a religious nature has already started in America. Abortion doctors are being killed by religious zealots. Just last week, the FBI arrested some 8 members of a private Christian religious militia group, the Hutaree. This group was planning to begin killing law enforcement officers.
The people who belong to such groups share a mixture of ignorance, fear, and resentment. But there is a central belief system, the Christian fundamentalist philosophy. Most of these militia members hold strong Christian Fundamentalist beliefs. But we are talking about some 25% of Americans as hard core believers, and another 25% as supporters. That is more than enough for a violent revolution to succeed.
Whether they will actually take over the United States, well we will have to wait and see. What is certain is that there will be armed conflict inside America.
For the moment, the Christian Right is trying to take over by political means. And they are having success. The reason they are simply arrested, well America does have freedom of speech. However, their manifesto calls for the destruction of all other freedoms for any other type of person, all other forms of thought besides their own.
Since they have a religious background to their political moves, they believe they are totally correct. And they have militant type movements. Just google "Joel's Army" or "Phineas Priests". These are groups that are already performing violent acts, or preparing to, in the name of Christianity. And until now, the Christian Fundamentalist movement included all races, but it is beginning to change to a White race superiority type of movement.
彼らの政治的活動の背景には常に宗教的な理由があるため、彼らは自分たちが正しいと信じて疑わない。その中には、武闘派の動きもある。たとえば、"Joel's Army"(ジョエル軍)又は"Phineas Priest"(フィネウス司祭)とぐぐってみればいい。これらのグループは、キリスト教の名のもとに暴力的な活動をすでに展開しているか準備中のどちらかだ。そして、キリスト原理主義といえば、あらゆる人種が網羅されるものだったが、最近は、白人至上主義者による運動へと。
They have already begun to implement their agenda. Recently, text books in the State of Texas have had American history rewritten. What they are trying to do is to say Founding Fathers of America intended to create a Christian Fundamentalist Nation. This is not true, but it is part of the 7 mountains strategy.
Fox News is also another part of the strategy, it also broadcasts a Conservative Christian worldview.
In the political arena, you have Sara Palin and Congresswoman Michelle Bachman who fronting for this movement. As yet, there is no one single leader of this movement, but rather about 10 or 15 people who could be called leaders.
I was baptized as child as a Lutheran. And in my heart, I can not call these Christian Fundamentalists true Christians. Killing, destroying things in the name of God? No, that is not religion, that is personal egotism.
翻訳:Hiro Translation: Hiro
Friday, April 2, 2010
The Futenma issue 普天間の問題
To my readers,
One of my readers, a Mr. Katsumi Takahiro, was kind enough to improve my written Japanese. I actually attempted to replace my Japanese with Mr. Katsumi's translation, but some "Ghost in the machine" prevented that. Well the real truth is, I am a computer Neanderthal. When I figure out what the bug is, I will replace it. For the time being, I am including his translation after mine.
私の読者の 皆様へ、
私の読者の一人、勝見貴弘さんが、私の書いた日本語を直してくれました。私の日本語と勝見さんの翻訳した日本語を取り替えようと しましたが、何だか不思議な分からない理由で、出来ませんでした。正直に言いますと、私はコンピューターを上手く使えません。問題が分かりましたら、取り 替えします。とりあえず、下記で入れます。最後に、勝見さんの連絡先を入れましたので,是非ご覧下さい。
翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro
To my readers,
Well! I found the "Ghost"! If at first, one way does not work, keep playing around with the computer until you find another way! But many thanks to Mr. Katsumi! I have now replaced my translation with his.
Since the Hatoyama administration assumed power, it seems that the Central issue has been the relocation of the Futenma base in Okinawa. All right, let me make something clear, I think that the US has handled this in a very ham-handed way.
It seems that even with the Obama administration, American officials cannot separate themselves from viewing Japan as a subordinate country. And that they have an inability to appreciate the changes in Japanese society that led to the election victory of the DPJ.
As I see things, the average Japanese does not feel a need to be subordinate to America, but desires a more equal relationship.
And the truth is, American forces are not needed for the defense of Japan. Japanese forces are quite sufficient. The Cold War is long over. North Korea is a basket case, it is no threat. I truly do not believe that North Korea has a usable nuclear weapon. True, they have medium range missiles. But if they fired missiles upon Japan, what would that get them? Revenge for the Japanese colonial period?
In this case, I think China would be as much a deterrent as America. China does not want to see North Korea disintegrate, so China provides a bare minimum of support. But China in the past has cut off oil exports to North Korea when that country did something it didn't like. If North Korea started a military adventure, China would inevitably be involved. And China does not wish that to happen.
And beyond shooting off a few missiles with chemical or explosive warheads, there is nothing North Korea can do to Japan. They cannot even invade South Korea, the North Korean forces are way too decrepit.
As for China, I do not see them as an immediate threat to Japan. Their amphibious forces are designed to invade Taiwan. They do not have the range to invade the Ryukyu islands without refueling at sea, a very risky maneuver. The Japanese Navy and Air Force could disrupt this, and they would certainly not be able to reinforce any troops they landed in the Ryukyu chain. Those troops would become Japanese prisoners.
私は、中国も日本の直接的な脅威にはならないと思う。中国の上陸作戦部隊は台湾侵攻を想定して配備されており、危険の伴う海上補給なしで琉球諸島にまで侵攻する遠征能力を持たない。日本の海自及び海自[訳注:原文ではNavyとAir Force]なら、十分に海上補給を阻止できるし、仮に上陸に成功したとしても、日本側の捕虜となるため増援は期待できない。
So no, I do not think they would, there is no real benefit. From what I have been able to determine, Chinese Naval expansion is primarily designed to dominate the South China sea, and any undersea oil there.
For Japan, I think the best thing we could do is expand our submarine force.
So if American forces in Japan are not necessary for Japan's defense, why are they here? The bases in Japan support America's world wide military efforts.
OK, given that, what should we in Japan do about that? Frankly, I am getting rather tired of Americans looking at the entire globe in strictly military terms. Americans tend to think of every country in the world as a military ally or as an enemy. They really cannot comprehend any other type of relationship.
So to this kind of American thinking, Japan as a friend, has a duty to support America's wars, and even to join America by sending Japanese troops to fight under American command.
Personally, I think it would create a huge problem with America to order them to immediately remove all troops from Japan, and to cease the Japanese American military alliance. It would put serious problems on the basic Japanese American relationship. But I certainly do not see any need to send Japanese troops overseas to fight American wars.
However, I also do think Japan has the right to tell America how to base it's forces inside Japan. After all, Japan is a sovereign nation, America seems to have forgotten that. I think it is time for Americans to learn to compromise.
同時に、日本国内で基地がどのように管理されるかについては日本に主張する権利があると私は思う。日本は主権国家なのだということを、アメリカは忘れてしまっているのではないか。 アメリカ人も、妥協することを学ぶべきなのである。
In any case, America is bankrupt, and American overseas military adventures will soon cease. The fact is, not only is America in serious financial trouble, but America is facing internal social and economic collapse, and Civil War at home within a few years.
In such a case, it may not even be possible for America to repatriate American troops and military related civilians in Japan. In Japan, we should be prepared for that possibility.
翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro
One of my readers, a Mr. Katsumi Takahiro, was kind enough to improve my written Japanese. I actually attempted to replace my Japanese with Mr. Katsumi's translation, but some "Ghost in the machine" prevented that. Well the real truth is, I am a computer Neanderthal. When I figure out what the bug is, I will replace it. For the time being, I am including his translation after mine.
私の読者の 皆様へ、
私の読者の一人、勝見貴弘さんが、私の書いた日本語を直してくれました。私の日本語と勝見さんの翻訳した日本語を取り替えようと しましたが、何だか不思議な分からない理由で、出来ませんでした。正直に言いますと、私はコンピューターを上手く使えません。問題が分かりましたら、取り 替えします。とりあえず、下記で入れます。最後に、勝見さんの連絡先を入れましたので,是非ご覧下さい。
翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro
To my readers,
Well! I found the "Ghost"! If at first, one way does not work, keep playing around with the computer until you find another way! But many thanks to Mr. Katsumi! I have now replaced my translation with his.
Since the Hatoyama administration assumed power, it seems that the Central issue has been the relocation of the Futenma base in Okinawa. All right, let me make something clear, I think that the US has handled this in a very ham-handed way.
It seems that even with the Obama administration, American officials cannot separate themselves from viewing Japan as a subordinate country. And that they have an inability to appreciate the changes in Japanese society that led to the election victory of the DPJ.
As I see things, the average Japanese does not feel a need to be subordinate to America, but desires a more equal relationship.
And the truth is, American forces are not needed for the defense of Japan. Japanese forces are quite sufficient. The Cold War is long over. North Korea is a basket case, it is no threat. I truly do not believe that North Korea has a usable nuclear weapon. True, they have medium range missiles. But if they fired missiles upon Japan, what would that get them? Revenge for the Japanese colonial period?
In this case, I think China would be as much a deterrent as America. China does not want to see North Korea disintegrate, so China provides a bare minimum of support. But China in the past has cut off oil exports to North Korea when that country did something it didn't like. If North Korea started a military adventure, China would inevitably be involved. And China does not wish that to happen.
And beyond shooting off a few missiles with chemical or explosive warheads, there is nothing North Korea can do to Japan. They cannot even invade South Korea, the North Korean forces are way too decrepit.
As for China, I do not see them as an immediate threat to Japan. Their amphibious forces are designed to invade Taiwan. They do not have the range to invade the Ryukyu islands without refueling at sea, a very risky maneuver. The Japanese Navy and Air Force could disrupt this, and they would certainly not be able to reinforce any troops they landed in the Ryukyu chain. Those troops would become Japanese prisoners.
私は、中国も日本の直接的な脅威にはならないと思う。中国の上陸作戦部隊は台湾侵攻を想定して配備されており、危険の伴う海上補給なしで琉球諸島にまで侵攻する遠征能力を持たない。日本の海自及び海自[訳注:原文ではNavyとAir Force]なら、十分に海上補給を阻止できるし、仮に上陸に成功したとしても、日本側の捕虜となるため増援は期待できない。
So no, I do not think they would, there is no real benefit. From what I have been able to determine, Chinese Naval expansion is primarily designed to dominate the South China sea, and any undersea oil there.
For Japan, I think the best thing we could do is expand our submarine force.
So if American forces in Japan are not necessary for Japan's defense, why are they here? The bases in Japan support America's world wide military efforts.
OK, given that, what should we in Japan do about that? Frankly, I am getting rather tired of Americans looking at the entire globe in strictly military terms. Americans tend to think of every country in the world as a military ally or as an enemy. They really cannot comprehend any other type of relationship.
So to this kind of American thinking, Japan as a friend, has a duty to support America's wars, and even to join America by sending Japanese troops to fight under American command.
Personally, I think it would create a huge problem with America to order them to immediately remove all troops from Japan, and to cease the Japanese American military alliance. It would put serious problems on the basic Japanese American relationship. But I certainly do not see any need to send Japanese troops overseas to fight American wars.
However, I also do think Japan has the right to tell America how to base it's forces inside Japan. After all, Japan is a sovereign nation, America seems to have forgotten that. I think it is time for Americans to learn to compromise.
同時に、日本国内で基地がどのように管理されるかについては日本に主張する権利があると私は思う。日本は主権国家なのだということを、アメリカは忘れてしまっているのではないか。 アメリカ人も、妥協することを学ぶべきなのである。
In any case, America is bankrupt, and American overseas military adventures will soon cease. The fact is, not only is America in serious financial trouble, but America is facing internal social and economic collapse, and Civil War at home within a few years.
In such a case, it may not even be possible for America to repatriate American troops and military related civilians in Japan. In Japan, we should be prepared for that possibility.
翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro
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