Friday, April 2, 2010

The Futenma issue 普天間の問題

To my readers,

One of my readers, a Mr. Katsumi Takahiro, was kind enough to improve my written Japanese. I actually attempted to replace my Japanese with Mr. Katsumi's translation, but some "Ghost in the machine" prevented that. Well the real truth is, I am a computer Neanderthal. When I figure out what the bug is, I will replace it. For the time being, I am including his translation after mine.

私の読者の 皆様へ、

私の読者の一人、勝見貴弘さんが、私の書いた日本語を直してくれました。私の日本語と勝見さんの翻訳した日本語を取り替えようと しましたが、何だか不思議な分からない理由で、出来ませんでした。正直に言いますと、私はコンピューターを上手く使えません。問題が分かりましたら、取り 替えします。とりあえず、下記で入れます。最後に、勝見さんの連絡先を入れましたので,是非ご覧下さい。

翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro


To my readers,

Well! I found the "Ghost"! If at first, one way does not work, keep playing around with the computer until you find another way! But many thanks to Mr. Katsumi! I have now replaced my translation with his.



Since the Hatoyama administration assumed power, it seems that the Central issue has been the relocation of the Futenma base in Okinawa. All right, let me make something clear, I think that the US has handled this in a very ham-handed way.


It seems that even with the Obama administration, American officials cannot separate themselves from viewing Japan as a subordinate country. And that they have an inability to appreciate the changes in Japanese society that led to the election victory of the DPJ.


As I see things, the average Japanese does not feel a need to be subordinate to America, but desires a more equal relationship.


And the truth is, American forces are not needed for the defense of Japan. Japanese forces are quite sufficient. The Cold War is long over. North Korea is a basket case, it is no threat. I truly do not believe that North Korea has a usable nuclear weapon. True, they have medium range missiles. But if they fired missiles upon Japan, what would that get them? Revenge for the Japanese colonial period?


In this case, I think China would be as much a deterrent as America. China does not want to see North Korea disintegrate, so China provides a bare minimum of support. But China in the past has cut off oil exports to North Korea when that country did something it didn't like. If North Korea started a military adventure, China would inevitably be involved. And China does not wish that to happen.


And beyond shooting off a few missiles with chemical or explosive warheads, there is nothing North Korea can do to Japan. They cannot even invade South Korea, the North Korean forces are way too decrepit.


As for China, I do not see them as an immediate threat to Japan. Their amphibious forces are designed to invade Taiwan. They do not have the range to invade the Ryukyu islands without refueling at sea, a very risky maneuver. The Japanese Navy and Air Force could disrupt this, and they would certainly not be able to reinforce any troops they landed in the Ryukyu chain. Those troops would become Japanese prisoners.


私は、中国も日本の直接的な脅威にはならないと思う。中国の上陸作戦部隊は台湾侵攻を想定して配備されており、危険の伴う海上補給なしで琉球諸島にまで侵攻する遠征能力を持たない。日本の海自及び海自[訳注:原文ではNavyとAir Force]なら、十分に海上補給を阻止できるし、仮に上陸に成功したとしても、日本側の捕虜となるため増援は期待できない。

So no, I do not think they would, there is no real benefit. From what I have been able to determine, Chinese Naval expansion is primarily designed to dominate the South China sea, and any undersea oil there.


For Japan, I think the best thing we could do is expand our submarine force.


So if American forces in Japan are not necessary for Japan's defense, why are they here? The bases in Japan support America's world wide military efforts.


OK, given that, what should we in Japan do about that? Frankly, I am getting rather tired of Americans looking at the entire globe in strictly military terms. Americans tend to think of every country in the world as a military ally or as an enemy. They really cannot comprehend any other type of relationship.



So to this kind of American thinking, Japan as a friend, has a duty to support America's wars, and even to join America by sending Japanese troops to fight under American command.


Personally, I think it would create a huge problem with America to order them to immediately remove all troops from Japan, and to cease the Japanese American military alliance. It would put serious problems on the basic Japanese American relationship. But I certainly do not see any need to send Japanese troops overseas to fight American wars.


However, I also do think Japan has the right to tell America how to base it's forces inside Japan. After all, Japan is a sovereign nation, America seems to have forgotten that. I think it is time for Americans to learn to compromise.

同時に、日本国内で基地がどのように管理されるかについては日本に主張する権利があると私は思う。日本は主権国家なのだということを、アメリカは忘れてしまっているのではないか。 アメリカ人も、妥協することを学ぶべきなのである。

In any case, America is bankrupt, and American overseas military adventures will soon cease. The fact is, not only is America in serious financial trouble, but America is facing internal social and economic collapse, and Civil War at home within a few years.


In such a case, it may not even be possible for America to repatriate American troops and military related civilians in Japan. In Japan, we should be prepared for that possibility.


翻訳:勝見貴弘 Translation: Katsumi Takahiro



étranger said...

Someone on Twitter led me to your article and I thought this article should be translated in full for the wider Japanese eyes. So I took the liberty to re-translate the entire article into Japanese, as follows. I hope it is alright with you.

Takahiro Katsumi
Assistant to Senator Tadashi Inuzuka

Max von Schuler-Kobayashi said...


I am very pleased with your translation. Thank you very much. I would very much like to contact you, please email me a way to reach you.

Thank you,

Max von Schuler-小林

etranger said...
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