Wednesday, May 16, 2012

”ウォール街を占拠せよ!”は5月1日作戦開始でした。 Occupy Wall Street began a New Year of activity on May 1st.

The May 1st 2012 Occupy protests were nation wide.


As you can see from the above map, the protests did indeed occur through out the country, from East coast to West coast.


For the interactive version of the above map, please go to the following link:


In California there was violence,


and police armored vehicles,


While thousands gathered in New York City's Union Square.


The Main Stream Media in both America and Japan did not pay much attention to these protests.  And it is true, some of the more flamboyant protests, such as closing off San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, were called off.


But I think something significant has happened here.  All through the winter of 2011/2012, I wrote that they were training for protests this year.


That was not the only thing they were doing.  They were reaching out to the Labor Unions.


Traditionally, the American Democratic Party has been the ally of organized labor.  But as the American Republican party is drifting into a loony religious right wing party, the Democratic party has been drifting to the center, with closer ties with big business.


And the American right has made strong efforts to destroy Labor Unions of all kinds.


So this is perhaps a natural alliance, and perhaps the beginning of a true and genuine political third force in America.


Here is an essay by an American I respect, Noam Chomsky.


He writes how he is old enough to remember the difficult times of The Great Depression.  How when things were very bad then, people had hope that they would get better. 


But today, the people have no hope.  And he describes the wording of a brochure from Citigroup, which is very clear that their services are only for the 1%.  The brochure speaks of the rest of Americans, in fact of the citizens of the rest of the world, as something less than human, creatures who only exist to support the whims of the rich.


Since President Reagan, rich people have gained much more wealth in America.  The right wing Republican party promised that this would bring a prosperous America.  Instead, what they have created is an America with 99% of the population in an underclass, with no hope of a decent future life.


In my opinion, this is a revolutionary situation.  The May 1st protests were orderly, and from the protesters side, basically non violent.  For example, the plan to close down the Golden Gate bridge was called off because the bridge workers union felt it would cause too much inconvenience.


I can see why the American media did not expend much coverage of Occupy Wall Street events, I think the ruling political establishment of the United States is scared.


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