Wednesday, January 22, 2020

銃所有権利デモ、戦争無いけれど、平和に成りません。 Gun rights demo, no war, but no peace

The January gun rights demo occurred on January 20th, some 22,000 people attended.


There were no violent incidents.  No violence of any kind.  The Left wing media kept saying that Richmond would be in danger from Neo Nazi or White Supremacist groups, but that was not the case.


Yet there is still not peace.  As far as I can find, the Virginia state government has only promised not to confiscate AR-15’s, one type of rifle.


There are still many things the new law will ban, including martial arts study.  This whole problem has been intensified by left wing propaganda.


If the Left does not back down on this issue of gun confiscation, civil war will come.


One thing, the Japanese media seems to have missed this event entirely.  It was very dangerous, the possibility of people being killed was very real.  If Left wing groups had shown up, the possibility of armed battle was very real.

一つ、日本のマスコミはこのイベントを全然分かりませんでした。とても危険でしたし、人が殺される可能性は大でした。左翼のグループが 参加したら、武装した争いが絶対に有ったでしょう。

As an example, the newspaper that comes to my house had a photo of the annual women’s march since 1917 in protest against President Trump.  The implication was that many people are against the President.


The truth is less than 5,000 people came.  The first march just after the inauguration had 500,000.


What do Japanese reporters in America actually do?  My guess is they only associate with elite Americans, and base their reporting on what they say.


Of course the elite is against President Trump, because he is a threat to their livelihoods.  The President is a champion for the common man, who can no longer survive in America.


So the Japanese mass media presents a very skewed view of events in America.  This rally on January 20th showed that average Americans are ready to fight to protect their Rights and lives from the government.


Left wing people are not trying to make America better, they want Maoist type revolution in America.


The is no joke, a second Bernie Sanders campaign staffer is now calling for the imprisonment of Trump supporters, saying the Soviet Gulag system was not so bad.


I have yet to see this appear in Japanese media.


Here are some photos from the event.  America is so close to war.


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