Wednesday, July 23, 2008

何故アメリカ人がピークオイルを理解出来ませんか?Why can't Americans understand Peak Oil?

Today I would like to talk about Peak Oil. This is a concept that is only recently being understood in America. Basically, Peak Oil is the concept that fewer and fewer discoveries of new oil fields are being made, while at the same time demand for oil is rising rapidly.


Many Americans have a very difficult time understanding this. Americans are an optimistic people. They would like to think that the future would always be bright.


We are now coming into an age of no oil. Comparing Japan and America, I would say that Japan would be able to survive in this age with difficulty. I am not so sure America can survive at all.


Of the three crisis’s threatening America now, Peak Oil is the most immediate. The other two, financial collapse and climate change, will take a few more years to have dangerous effect.


One thing that has deeply impressed me in the 35 years that I have lived in Japan is the Japanese rail system. It is reliable, and runs at high speed. You can set your watch by Japanese trains. Also, almost all Japanese trains run on electricity. Electricity can be generated by nuclear power, so it is an energy that is not completely dependent on oil.

私はこの35年日本に住んでいて、 日本の鉄道は 深く印象に成っています。信頼性も有り、高速で走っています。時間は完璧です。それと、ほとんどの日本の電車は電気で動きます。電気は原子力発電所で発電が出来るから、石油は必要ないです。

In America on the other hand, if I were to travel from Chicago to Los Angeles, I would have two choices. Either I would drive or take an airplane. There are railroads, but they are very unreliable, with only a few trains running. Not a realistic choice. Also, the only electric long distance trains in America run from Boston to Washington. Everything else runs on diesel fuel.


Americans truly love their cars. Recently, watching Japanese television news, I was rather surprised to see interviews where people said that if gas prices continued to rise, they would sell their cars. In America, it is the opposite. There are many car homeless, and they are increasing. These are people who have a job, but could not pay both the loan on their house and fuel bills. So they give up having a place to live, and instead live in their cars, and go to work. They park in a different place every night to sleep.


In Japan, it is possible to rent a cheap apartment and take a train to a job site. In America, most middle class people live in suburbs, and their job location is also in the suburb. In such locations, there is absolutely no public transportation. Without a car, you cannot go to work. You cannot buy food. Supermarkets are located too far from where people live. So that is why people are giving up their homes before they give up their cars.

日本では、安いアパートを借りて、電車で 通勤する事は可能です。アメリカではほんとんどの中産階級の人達は郊外に住んでいて、仕事場も郊外にあります。国立か市営交通は全然有りません。車がなければ、仕事場へ行けません。スパーにも行けません。それで、家それとも自動車の選択が有ると、自動車を選ぶ人達がいます。

The American economy depends on cheap oil to function. The American economy does well when oil is around $30 a barrel. When I began to write this piece, it had passed $145. Despite a temporary drop, it is still rising. If nothing is done to reduce consumption, within this year, I believe it might hit $200, in another year or two, it could pass $300. From my studies on the net, I have been finding some economists who say that $300 a barrel means the end of America as a nation.


As with people, nearly all freight in America moves by truck. Some freight is transported by rail, but many factories and businesses are far from any rail line. Somewhere, a truck will used to haul the load. And the state of American railroads is not very good; the infrastructure needs much more work. Also of course freight trains run on diesel fuel, which comes from oil.


So with rising fuel costs, it becomes too expensive for people to ship goods. The fact is, many small and medium trucking companies have gone bankrupt in the last few years.

アメリカで燃料の値段が上がってきて、だんだん貨物運送は値段的に高くなりすぎてきて います。実は、最近数年間でアメリカで数多くの運送会社が破産しました。

So what is to be done? Many Americans think we can drill our way out of the problem, by exploiting fields in Alaska or the Gulf of Mexico. The problem is that it will take time to get that oil, and even then there is only a few months worth of oil in those fields at present rates of American usage.


Other Americans feel that we should develop hybrid vehicles that do not use much fuel. This is a nice idea, but so far hybrids require infrastructure that does not yet exist. And to build enough vehicles to replace every vehicle in America will take some ten years. We might have three years, but now it is certain that we do not have ten years.


I think what Americans have to realize is that we are going to have to abandon cars entirely, if we are to maintain our civilization. The only way to maintain communication across America in the future will be by electric train.


The only way for America to survive will be with a Maglev high speed system connecting the major cities, and normal speed trains from the cities into the rural areas to bring agricultural goods to people. Powered by nuclear energy.

これから、アメリカで大都市をリニアモーターカーで繋がって、各大都市から近郊や地方 に普通のスピードで走る電車を利用するべきと思います。これで人と貨物運送は出来ます。勿論、電気は原子力発電で作ります。

The age of oil is over. And we are going to have to adjust, very quickly.



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