So what does this mean for America, and their relationship with Japan?
I think the Tea Party is now the dominant force in American politics and society. They toppled long time Republican politicians like Charlie Crist of Florida, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska is still fighting for her life.
For the Tea Party people, traditional Republicans are just as much an enemy as the Democratic Party is. So all non Tea Party affiliated Republicans will be watching them with fear. They will tend to support Tea Party positions.
The difficult thing in analyzing the Tea Party is that they really don't have many things they are for. What they are is a movement that is really against present American society.
Several of the things they are likely to try to do.
Eliminate the Department of Education.
Eliminate the right of American citizenship by birth.
And privatize Social Security.
I have written that the Christian Fundamentalist movement is behind the Tea Party. Attacking education has always been one of their priorities. They wish to eliminate all non Christian Fundamentalist education in the United States. So eliminating the US Department of Education would be an important step in this direction. To their thinking, all American schools should be completely controlled and funded by local communities.
This would basically be the end of all standard education in America. There would be no standards, no funding for poorer communities. There would be no education in science, mathematics, foreign languages or history.
But the Christian Fundamentalist thinking is that education in their idea of the Bible is sufficient.
Americans are very concerned about immigrants. There are many Americans, like Texas Republican Congressman Louis Gohmert, who feel that terrorists will send pregnant women into the United States, the child will be born in America as an American citizen. The mother and child will then return to their home country. The child will then receive terrorist training, and return to America 25 years later to commit terrorist acts.
As for privatizing Social Security, in my opinion, ALL American banks and financial institutions are now tainted by massive fraud, ALL are incapable of managing themselves and should be audited by government. This is unlikely to happen. If Social Security is privatized, the lifeline for millions of Americans will disappear. This plan will only make a few more financial managers rich, and impoverish millions.
Frankly, all three of the above ideas are stupid and ridiculous, but this is what kind of people are participating in the Tea Party.
American government in the future is going to be increasingly deadlocked. The Republicans are saying that there will be no cooperation with President Obama, the President must obey their demands.
As far as foreign policy, well there are more and more calls for war with Iran.
Some people want war with Iran because they think it will improve the US economy.
Others, like Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican, South Carolina, want to destroy their military.
The true reason for American hatred of Iran is the revolution of 1979. Average Americans see this as a rejection of American culture. The thing is, Iran is a very traditional Moslem country. They want to be friends with the United States, but they wish to keep their own culture.
The average American cannot understand this. To them this is an insult, the entire world must adopt American culture. Or be an enemy of America.
Average Americans have never respected education, they prefer to rely on something called " conventional wisdom", what people know naturally without studying.

The Christian Flag
What this means is that they are a group of stupid ignorant people. I think that in the future, when confronted with a difficult situation in foreign or domestic affairs, they will tend to make demands that people obey their orders, and if that doesn't work, they will react with violence.
As far as the relationship between America and Japan, Americans will become more demanding. In particular, I think they will demand we pay more for their military. There is a complexity in the Japanese Chinese relationship, the Senkaku affair.
I doubt that Tea Party Americans can understand this. They will look for the simplest answer. But in Japan we must always remember that Americans have always dreamed of the Chinese market.
If these simplistic Right wing Americans believe they can sell American goods to China, they will not value Japanese friendship. The fact that America no longer really produces any manufactured goods that China might buy is irrelevant.
And Americans have never really trusted Japan. Well, in Japan, we should not feel bad, Americans really don't like or trust ANY other country, even Great Britain.
The woman in the above link ran for Congress as a Democrat in Texas. She lost. But part of her ideas was that the United States should attack Great Britain, because British banks are destroying the United States.
She also shows us that stupidity is not a Republican monopoly. One out of five Americans believe that the sun revolves around the earth.
I think there is little hope for the United States to maintain itself as unified country with such stupidity so common. America has always had an anti-intellectual tradition. Now the idiots are gaining power through the Tea Party movement, they will try and destroy whatever education and knowledge is left in America.
I think this is difficult for Japanese people to understand. Most Japanese who go to the United States as a business person or as a student tend to meet the more intelligent Americans. They just don't come in contact with the average stupid American.
Well, now the idiots are getting in charge. I don't think Japan can depend on America being a reliable friend anymore, we are going to have to find our own way.
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