Friday, July 29, 2011

アメリカのデフォルト(債務不履行) American Default

Japan and the rest of the world have been watching in amazement as America teeters towards default. Frankly, I am not surprised.


As I have written, the Tea Party is in reality a creation of American industrialists and Christian Fundamentalism.


In my previous blog post linked to above, I describe how the Tea Party are very against Social Programs. The present trouble comes basically from this. The Right wing of the Republican Party, which is the Tea Party, will only agree to raise the American debt ceiling if President Obama destroys Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


The Tea Party, and Christian Fundamentalists are very selfish people. They want their suburban life style, and are even against preserving endangered species if it is inconvenient to their lifestyle.


Recently in Florida, Tea Party people became very angry when the Federal government extended a protective zone for Manatees. They are angry because it will restrict their sport boating in the area.


So of course the Tea Party people and Christian Fundamentalist people want to destroy any government welfare. They feel it only helps lazy people to live an easy life. They do not wish to use their tax dollars to help any one else, they want to keep all their money for themselves.


All this parading around in costumes is simply theater. But the Christian Fundamentalists and Corporate backers behind the Tea Party have their own goals.


The Corporate people want to privatize Social Security so they can use the money for investment purposes. In the Bush administration, money was given to Church groups for social welfare. The Christian Fundamentalists want to control all social welfare in the United States.


If you are need of help, you will have to go to their church, convert and become a member to receive health care or any kind of assistance.


Americans are just plain dumb. Too many Americans cannot understand that these programs they wish to destroy also help them.

Also, they are too dumb to realize that they are destroying the American economy, and then the world economy. They just cannot understand that the entire world is connected together. Of course, this is not all Americans, but about half.


And they do not mention military cuts at all, despite the massive amount of money spent on the US military.


So what might happen if the US defaults? Here is an interesting speculative list.


The IRS will cease to function as they will not be paid.

アメリカ合衆国の国税庁の官僚達の給料は出ないから、不機能に成ります。(IRSはInternal Revenue Serviceの略称で、アメリカ合衆国の国税庁です。)

The US nuclear arsenal will not be guarded as the funds will be gone.


Federal prisons will have to let all criminals go. There will be no money to pay guards or for food.


The US border guard will go home as they will not be paid. All US borders will be completely open.


All US troops overseas will run out of fuel as there will be no money to pay for it. They will have no way of returning to the US.


US embassies will cease operation.


No Federal help in case of natural disasters like floods, storms, or fires.


The mortgage market will collapse.


The TSA will shut down, but there will also be no air traffic controllers, so there will be almost no air travel from the US internationally, or domestically.


The point to all these scenarios above is that Americans will not report to work if they don't get paid.


As I write this on Friday July 29th friday morning Japan time, the leader of the US Republican party, John Boehner, could not get the Tea Party people to agree. He has given up.


So is default inevitable? There is an obscure rule in a Constitutional amendment, the 14th amendment, that President Obama could use to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally. However, at this point the President says he will not do it.


I think the Tea Party, meaning the Christian Fundamentalist movement, is using this default to create a crisis and destroy the Obama administration. It is a step in their efforts to take over the United States.


I do not think they care about the damage they do to America or the world. For them, this is a revolution, it is a Civil War.


So even if President Obama uses the 14th amendment at the last minute to avoid default, the Tea party/Christian Fundamentalist people will take this to the next level.


And eventually we will be looking at violence. And remember, the Christian fundamentalist dominate the US Army, and the Air Force. They have lesser influence in the Navy.


America's future is dark.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

石油枯渇後、日本とアメリカ崩壊の比較(Part III) Comparing the collapse of America and Japan in the post oil world


I think there are many people that will be shocked with what I have written. Particularly Americans. However, while no one can say what will happen in the future with 100% certainty, I think what I have written is what will come to pass.


Peak Oil is fact, not fantasy. Yet Americans refuse to consider it. The American diplomats who Mr. Al-Husseini spoke to told him to lie about the amount of oil in Saudi Arabian reserves.

And it is not only Mr. Al-Husseini. A Swiss analyst from Mercuria says oil will hit $150 a barrel if the unrest in the Middle East spreads.


It is spreading, and quickly. At $150, Japan could survive as a civilized nation, with difficulty. America cannot. America will quickly devolve into the scenario I have written.


When the price of oil reaches $120 to $140 for a period of three weeks or more, America is in danger. The collapse scenario I have written above will be over in about 2 months. The great danger for America is, they have always relied on Saudi Arabia to pump more to lower the price. This will no longer be possible, and no other country can take Saudi Arabia's place.


The reasons for Japanese strength are, the toughness and strength of character of the Japanese people. An electric train network that spans the nation. And, Japanese farmers and fishermen are not combined into mega farms like the US, food production will still be possible throughout the country.


Yes, it is true that Japan will suffer some very hard years. While we will still have farm production, it will be some years before we can feed the Japanese population by domestic sources. But eventually, Japan shall succeed.


Here, American corporations, in the pursuit of profit, have seriously damaged America. Mega farms will disappear in days of oil shock. The rotting corpses of Animals will be a health hazard for nearby people. More importantly, the lack of experienced and knowledgeable farmers will be fatal to many communities that manage to survive oil collapse.


American domestic manufacturing has largely disappeared. It has been outsourced to other countries where the workers don't have rights, and work cheaply.


Thusly, in post oil collapse America, the only industries that will exist will be very small scale cottage industries.


Here is an opportunity for Japan. Since America will not be able to produce anything, Japan can supply America with, for example, electric powered vehicles. But Japan will also have to produce electric power generation equipment. It is possible, but not likely, that many US nuclear power plants will survive the oil collapse chaos. Everything will have to be rebuilt from scratch. Railroads will have to be electrified.


And before that can happen, there must be some kind of authority existing in America. American currency will have ceased to exist. The only way America will be able to pay for Japanese manufactured goods will be by a barter system, with natural resources.


I mentioned the strength of character of Japanese people as a factor in Japan's survival as a nation. Americans have become a nation of selfish people. And willfully ignorant. They cannot cooperate with each other.


(私は、”自分の希望で無知です。”と書いています。この哲学、まあ、この考え方は日本人に理解し難いかも知れません。昔のアメリカで、普通の人の方が魅力が有りました。英語で、"I am just an average Joe."と言う言葉は、政治家が立候補する時に良く言います。普通の人と違わないイメージを作る事は、大切です。現在の茶会の政治家は本当に普通のアメリカ人と同じ様に無知ですから、数多くのアメリカ人はその政治家を信じています。アメリカ人は知識をもっていて、頭がいい人を信用しません。この事について、日本と全然違います。)

After The Great Tohoku earthquake, communities organized themselves in Japan to survive. This was before government help could arrive. This is impossible for most Americans. They will try to get things for their families, and their families alone. There will be little cooperation.


Groups that I see that will cooperate to survive are the Hispanic population of America. The Catholic church is a great unifying factor. Also, Mormons will have great deal of survival potential. They store food, and will help each other as a community. The serious problem for Mormons is, the center of their community in America is Utah, which is a desert state. Drought will increase in future America, deserts will increase.

The people worst off will be White Middle class urban Americans. If they are not a doctor, they will not have any skill that is useful in the new America. There will be absolutely no need for lawyers or stock brokers, financial analysts, these people, if they survive will become farm serfs.


Americans refuse to believe in Peak Oil, they believe some miracle source of oil will be found that will allow them to continue living as always. They refuse to consider changing their lifestyle. This is the doom of America as a civilized country.


And even if Americans woke up tomorrow, changed their minds, and decided to build an electricity based transport system, it is too late. It would take 20 or 30 years, the present American system will be unworkable in only few years from now. America is doomed.


In Japan, we have a long history. Japanese people instinctively understand the need to conserve resources. There has recently been some talk by commentators on television of the need to return the philosophy of reuse that was common in the Edo era. This is a good idea.


In any case, what is certain is, a lot of change is coming.


Part 1 日本の場合

Part 2 アメリカの場合

Friday, July 22, 2011

石油枯渇後、日本とアメリカ崩壊の比較(Part II) Comparing the collapse of America and Japan in the post oil world

Case America

America, on the other hand, will disintegrate as a civilized nation. For those who think I exaggerate, Greece is already tipping over into anarchy from it's financial crisis.

I am not the only person who is predicting an American collapse. Paul Craig Roberts was an Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan administration.


Interestingly, Mr. Roberts predicts that the United States will simply abandon it's troops in overseas bases. He says America will have neither the fuel or the finance to bring the troops home. In such a case, in Japan, we may have to spend precious fuel delivering American military personnel and dependents back to the US. I would suggest the Pacific Northwest, Guam and Hawaii would not be able to support their present populations.


Concerning oil, America has steadfastly refused to consider Peak Oil. Or to even think about reducing oil usage. Instead, America has used it's military power to try to control the world sources of oil. Also, US embassies around the world are engaged in a desperate political struggle to control the world's oil supply to the advantage of America.


As we have seen with the Iraq war, this policy is a tremendous failure. Now that we have Saudi Arabia running out of oil, America is totally unprepared for this catastrophe.


America's transportation is totally dependent on oil. All food travels by truck, or if by rail, by diesel powered trains. 97% of America's transport is powered by oil. The only inter city American electric railroad runs from Boston to Washington D.C., this is not extensive enough to preserve national unity.

The Obama administration did make some effort to build electric trains, but the American Right destroyed this idea as a waste of money.


In 2008 the British government faced a crisis, oil prices were going too high for food to be delivered to cities. Urban supermarkets in Britain, America, and Japan only stock about three days worth of food in the stores themselves. Food must continuously be delivered by truck.


When oil prices are too high, the trucking company cannot meet costs, and goes bankrupt. In America, there are no electric trains, so no alternative transport system. In 2008 the British government had a conference. They were looking at social collapse and riots in three days when city supermarkets ran out of food.


Until now, the world has relied upon Saudi Arabia to pump more oil and cause the world price to fall.


America had the same danger, but they ignored it. They seem believe there will always be some saving miracle. I think that sometime in 2012 or afterwards, when Saudi Arabia is no longer able to meet normal demand, oil prices will surge upward.


Unlike Japan with a nationwide electric train system, America has no transport alternative. Food will stop coming into cities because shipping companies cannot afford to transport it. People in the cities will have nothing to eat, and will riot.


Many people may try to leave, but the only possible form of transport is the family car. Gasoline will be very expensive. In any case, American gasoline stations only keep one day's supply of gasoline in the station. As many people try to move, there will be price gouging by gas station owners.


Fights will break out. Most Americans have guns. Gun fights at gas stations will lead to explosions and fires. The same process will be repeated at super markets in small towns outside major cities.


In any case, the gas stations will soon run out of fuel, and in the social chaos that will arise, new deliveries of fuel will gradually become impossible.


Gangs of Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans will leave their ghettos in the cities. As the population of most suburban towns is White, there will be a lot of racial fighting.


The fact is, America has a lot of racial trouble. The recent election of Barack Obama, a man half Black, shows how deep racial prejudice is in America. In the post oil world of America, it will be race war.


People evacuating cities will in effect have only the gas in their tank. When it runs out, they will walk. Most Americans, especially the White upper and middle class, are totally unfit for physical activity. They will also not be prepared for the ferocity of non White gangs roaming the landscape. They will die.


There will be a circle of devastation some 70 kilometers or so from most major American cities. Beyond that, only the fittest of the city dwellers will travel on foot.


In the immediate post oil period, there will be mass starvation in America.


99% of meat animals in the US are grown on factory farms.

These farms depend on cheap oil to transport feed to their animals, and to transport the animals to market.


If you look at this map of factory farms in the US, you can see the concentration. Hogs are centered in the Iowa area of the US, cattle in the Nebraska/Kansas area, and chickens in the American southeast.

Factory farms are designed for maximum profit. The animals are given antibiotics and hormones to increase growth rates. I have read of large hog farms that are sterile environments. No unfiltered air is allowed in from the outside. The germs in the normal environment would kill them.


Factory farming uses very few people. At the present time, only 2 or 3 percent of Americans are engaged in farming.


A factory farm is a very large operation. For example, pig farms where 30,000 or 40,000 pigs are raised by a few people are common. The idea of a factory farm is concentration, many animals raised by few people. This means more profit.


The collapse of transport, and so few people engaged in farming, means mass starvation in the post oil era United States. Animal husbandry, and the growing of crops takes specialized knowledge and experience. In most regions of America, post oil collapse, these people will not exist.


The areas that will survive, will be areas with natural water supply. This will be the American Pacific Northwest, and the American Midwest north of the Tennessee southern border, and the American Northeast.


After a year or so of chaos, military units based in such areas of America will establish order. They will attempt to restart local farming. Most farm work will be done by hand. There will be no fuel for vehicles. The military will confiscate all fuel supplies, but as there will be no more, eventually the United States Army will use the horse as primary transport. Calvary will return in America.


So we will see many small fiefdoms emerged based on military units. Since the American Army is primarily a Christian Fundamentalist Army, most of these fiefdoms will be ruled according to strict Fundamentalist principles. Refugees from cities who manage to escape to such areas, will be forced to convert to Christian Fundamentalism, and will work as serfs on farms or other places.


All travel will be by horse or on foot.


to be continued


Thursday, July 14, 2011

石油枯渇後、日本とアメリカ崩壊の比較(Part I) Comparing the collapse of America and Japan in the post oil world

Case Japan

Last April, I wrote about the collapse of America due to high oil prices.


Some people might feel that I wrote something that is fiction. Unfortunately, there is too much fact pointing in the direction. In the link below is an article about a Mr. Sadad al-Husseini, a geologist and former head of oil exploration for Aramco. Aramco is Saudi Arabia's national oil company.


He told US embassy officials in 2008 that Saudi Arabia had overestimated it's oil reserves by 40% for investment purposes. He said that as early as 2012, Saudi Arabia will longer be able to meet normal demand.


Saudi Arabian oil supplies have peaked. The age of oil based civilization is over.


Some people here might say that there is no reason to worry about America. They would say that the American government must be planning for such a future.


That is not true. The only way to hope to deal with the coming crisis is to build an electric public transportation system.


Americans, at least Conservative Americans, say public transportation equals socialism. Conservative Americans despise socialism as an evil system, thus they will automatically be against any kind of public transport in the US.

So, can the American government be so blind, so wrong? Let us think about the recent disaster with the Fukushima nuclear power plant. One main cause of the disaster was the management at TEPCO. They assumed that there would be no disaster, so they did nothing to prepare for it.


In Japan, which has many earthquakes, this is absolute stupidity. Well, Americans are the same way when you tell them that they will have to give up a society that is based on private cars for transport.


They just cannot imagine a world without cars. Despite all the evidence that oil is a finite resource, and we are running out very quickly. Americans just don't want to think about it.


So America will disappear as a civilization, and soon.


So, let me make an exercise in the imagination here. What will American and Japanese societies look like after the disappearance of oil? Here is my idea of Japan and America in the 2025.


This is what I think will happen in Japan. The greatest danger facing Japan I can see is food production. Japan only produces some 40% of food that it's population consumes.


Also, the average age of farmers and fishermen is very high. When oil becomes scarce, say with the collapse of Saudi Arabian oil reserves, it will become prohibitively expensive.


The Japanese government will have to decide who gets fuel, priority will be given to trucking companies delivering food to cities, and to ships bringing products from overseas.


Use of private automobiles will be forbidden in urban areas. In the Tokyo/Yokoyama/Chiba/Saitama Megalopolis, some 30 million people live within walking distance of an electric train line. In this area, and the Osaka/ Kobe and Nagoya areas, all commuting will be by train.


In rural areas, cars and fuel supplies will have to be monitored by local governments. Priority will be given to food shipments, and to transport that visits all persons in a municipality at least twice a day. This will be to insure that elderly people in remote areas can receive food and medical attention.


A sudden decrease in available oil will throw many people out of work. For those in good health under the age of 50, they will be relocated to the countryside. There, they will reclaim abandoned farmland. Also, with such a decrease in personal transport, large American style shopping centers will disappear. The parking lots will be broken up by hand by relocated workers, and reclaimed as farmland. I do not know for certain, but I would think that land that has been under asphalt would need several years before it can produce viable crops.


The same will be done to pachinko parlors, and bookstores in the countryside. The parking lots will be broken up, the buildings used for farm equipment.


Since present farm equipment is primarily fossil fuel operated, a lot of work in the fields will be done by hand until electric or alternative equipment can be produced.


Experienced farmers will oversee and teach the relocated workers farming methods.


In emergencies, Japanese commuter trains can be run into framing villages, and loaded up with rice and vegetables by hand. Relocated workers can pull the produce from field to train station by hand cart. In the city, the produce can be unloaded by hand again by relocated workers, and transported by hand cart.


The Shotengai will begin to revive. The best way to get food to the most people is to sell it in locations that people can walk to. There may be relocation of people to make this more convenient.


Food is likely to be rationed.


Fossil fuel for electric power generation will become extremely expensive. Within a short period after oil collapse it may become too valuable to burn as fuel for electric power generation. Japan will need to depend on it's nuclear power plants for some years after oil collapse.


I see two issues here. One is the obvious mismanagement of the Fukushima disaster. The Japanese government will have to take over management of electric power generation. A private company has profit as it's main goal. There is a tendency cut costs by not building enough safety defenses, such as anti tsunami walls. Also, in the recent disaster, TEPCO seemed to have very little preparation for an emergency. They seem to have had an attitude that emergencies won't happen.


It is the responsibility of the Japanese government to see that such carelessness is not repeated.


Also, Japan has no source of Uranium. So nuclear fuel rods must be manufactured overseas. Presently I have heard that Japan imports nuclear fuel rods from America. As the internal situation of America is about to become extremely serious and difficult, new sources of Uranium must be found. The best choices are Australia or Kazakhstan.


I say this because Canada is likely to have the same transport difficulties as America, and is likely to suffer invasion by bands of desperate Americans looking for food.


For a future reliable energy supply, I think Japan will have to go all out to develop solar power. Manufacturing solar cells requires rare earths, and their availability will be difficult in the future. But we must obtain them.


In such a future, it may become necessary for the Japanese government to ration electricity. Certain industries need a steady supply of power to create their products. Some industries may be told to shut down, while more vital industries receive power. Also, some industries may be told to operate at night, in non peak power use periods.


Civil Aviation will disappear for some time. Biofuels are being tested at this time, but they are not produced in enough quantity to be useful in an oil crisis world. Governments around the world will hoard available jet fuels for military and government use.


I have written before on my blog about the use of sail power on my blog. I believe that in the near future Japanese fishing vessels will be powered by a sail and electric power.


International trade and travel will still exist. Germany has already tested a large kite type sail and found it brings tremendous fuel savings.

International shipping of the near future will be sail and electric powered.


I expect that Japan will take the lead in the development and manufacture of electric powered ships, boats, cars, farm equipment and so forth. These products will be valuable in trade for raw materials and resources with other countries that lack ability to manufacture them.


I have faith that Japan will retain it's civilization and culture. The primary strength of Japan is the resilience, inventiveness, and hard work of the Japanese people, and a nation wide electric train system.


to be continued


Thursday, July 7, 2011

国際通貨基金(IMF)ストロスカーン氏の事件について The IMF Strauss-Kahn affair

In early June, I was at a meeting conducted by a Japanese women's organization. They were discussing rape and sexual harassment in the Tohoku earthquake and Tsunami disaster area.


This Japanese organization was affiliated with an American women's organization. They had just returned from a meeting with their American counterparts. In the meeting, they mentioned what an advanced country American was concerning sexual harassment and sex crimes, they cited the case of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as an example of swift American justice. They said it was proof that no matter how great the person, if he commits a sex crime in America, they will be in trouble.


I immediately raised my hand. I told the presenters that they should be very careful in believing what Americans said about this incident.


The thing is, sexual harassment and sexual crime in the Tohoku disaster area is real. The Japanese mass media has not reported it much, but we should be aware of it.


However, with the Strauss-Kahn incident, as soon as it happened, I thought something was strange.


What struck me about the case was, he was arrested on his plane, some hours after the attack. Now, the accuser said he was naked when he attacked her. So, if he tried to rape her, did she not go to her superiors? After all, if Mr. Strauss-Kahn is completely naked, he cannot escape quickly. It would take at least 20 or 30 minutes to put on his clothes, gather his things, and check out.


A high class hotel like the Sofitel would have security staff, who would be able to detain Mr. Strauss-Kahn until police arrived.


Another thing that struck me as strange was that fact that the American Treasury Secretary, Mr. Timothy Geithner, immediately said that Mr. Strauss-Kahn should step aside as chief of the International Money Fund.

I thought this very strange. After all, Mr. Strauss-Kahn was not a criminal, he was a suspect. Also, for a suspect, the treatment of Mr. Strauss-Kahn was very harsh. He was not taken to a detention house, but to Rikers Island, which is a very secure prison. It is for the most dangerous criminals.


Then he was denied bail, placed on house arrest, with an ankle bracelet and live in security guard at his own expense.


I began to think, there is something political going on here.


Well why would the American government attack Mr. Strauss-Kahn?


A little google searching, and I came up with this gem of information.


Here is a report that the IMF issued that states that the "Age of America" will end in 2016. The report says that China will become the world's primary economy. This report was issued around last April.


Of course, this would incense Americans. Americans don't like truth, when the truth is inconvenient.


Did the US government use this incident to take revenge on Mr. Strauss-Kahn for those reports? Well, certainly, his treatment as a suspect was harsh, worse than normal.


In any case, he has been released on bail. The charges have not been dropped, but the prosecutors case seems to have basically collapsed.


The woman who claims to have been a victim, has lied about many things. She lied about being raped in Africa. This was to gain refugee status in America. She consulted with a drug dealer boyfriend, who is in prison, about Mr. Strauss-Kahn, saying that he had a lot of money, she knew what she was doing. The phone call was taped.


Semen was found on her uniform, but after the encounter with Mr. Strauss-Kahn, she went on working, cleaning hotel rooms.


These actions shed serious doubt on her allegation of being raped.

Perhaps a sexual encounter took place, but if so, it appears to have been consensual.


If the United States used this accusation to take revenge on Mr. Strauss-Kahn for the IMF report that predicts China eclipsing the US, that is an immature and shameful action.


And if this is the normal way suspects are treated by the American Justice System, then American should not criticize any other country on human rights. Mr Strauss-Kahn is not a convicted criminal. He is a person suspected of a crime.


For us in Japan, we should be careful about imitating America. Too many Japanese think that if we do things like America does, everything will be fine.


America is not a successful nation. It is in decline, and near total collapse. I do believe that IMF report that says China will overtake America as the world's primary economy.


America's decline is totally due to American mistakes. And greed for short term profit. Yet if you talk to an American, they will tell you over and over that America is the greatest nation on earth. And if you point out some fact that proves America is in trouble, they won't believe you. If you persist in stating facts, they will get angry with you. Perhaps even violent.


It is this inability to even consider their country's mistakes that dooms America.


And for my Japanese friends who are addressing the problem of sexual harassment in the Tohoku disaster region. Please forget everything American women told when you visited the US. American women in general are confrontational, and have a very nasty attitude towards men. This is my own experience.


I would tell you to do things as a Japanese, and find Japanese solutions.
