All across America, in a coordinated action, Occupy Wall Street has been shut down.
In Chapel Hill North Carolina
ノースカロライナ州チャペルヒル で
In Portland Oregon
A woman in Portland sprayed in the face with Pepper Spray.
At the University of California Davis, police sprayed protesting students with Pepper Spray. Look at the video in the link below.
Well, what is Pepper Spray? Look at the chart below. U.S. Grade Pepper Spray is what is being used. People have experienced cardiac arrest, neurological problems, and even death from it's use.
In New York City, Occupy Wall Street protesters responded with an attempt to close down the New York Stock exchange by physically blocking the entrances. The attempt failed, but I was very impressed by the tactical direction given to the protesters. The plan was to force the police to help close down the Stock Exchange.
The way to do that, well if protesters come, then the police put up metal barricades. The barricades would also block the Stock Exchange workers.
In the first video in the link below, the National Lawyers Guild preps people on how to be arrested before the attempt to close the Stock Exchange. The Guild will represent all arrested protesters.
I mentioned tactical direction. Who is doing this? If you ask Right wing Americans, they will say that it is Communists, Anarchists, and so forth. But the truth seems to be a lot of the activists, and the knowledge that fueled the anti Vietnam War movement of the 1960's and 1970's is still there. These people, with their experience, are directing this movement. They stopped the Vietnam war, they won back then.
I have often written very critical things about America in my blog. Well the truth is, America is often bullying some country, often bombing some country and killing people.
But with this "Occupy Wall Street" movement, I find something to be proud of in America. I do not think this movement will disappear. It appeared, and quickly spread across the nation and the world. Simply by removing the protesters from public parks and spaces they occupied will not stop the protests.
And next year is election year in America, it promises to be very interesting.
But why now? There has always been income inequality in America.
What Mr. Greenwald writes in the link above, what has changed about income inequality is equality before the law. A key part of the founding philosophy of America is that all persons, greatly rich or miserably poor, are equal before the law.
Well, in America today, very obviously this is no longer true. Over the last couple of decades, banks and financial institutions have funded politicians, and used those politicians to repeal basically all national laws and regulations governing their business.
In turn, the banks and financial institutions have proceeded to commit economic fraud and crimes on a large scale. And this fraud and crime has hurt ordinary Americans.
Health insurance, mortgage loans, all types of financial transactions are no longer designed to help people or to provide a service, they are designed to take people's money. When 60% of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical expenses, something is very wrong.
When I was a High School student in America, twice I was hospitalized and had an operation. My family was lower middle class, my father never had a steady job. Yet the hospitalization did not destroy our family, we could somehow pay. That is not true today.
In fact, I think what is new here, it is not simply that there is no more equality before the law. The rich 1%, through excessive health insurance fees, through fraudulent mortgage loans, are actively destroying the lives of American common people. The reason for this is simply to increase their profits.
The rich today are not rich because of brilliance or hard work, they are rich by defrauding the common people through unfair business practices. And the common people are angry. The result is the sudden appearance of the nationwide "Occupy" movement.
And this is the truth for Japan of TPP. For American banks and financial institutions, Japan and the Japanese people are simply another nation to rob. And our leaders agree to this.
In Japan, I think it is time to speak up.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
TPPのサービスはどう言う意味ですか? What does "Services" mean with TPP?
Prime Minister Noda has made his trip to Hawaii. However, there is great controversy over exactly what he said there. In Japan, before his departure, he said that Japan would only begin negotiations on TPP. However, the Americans say he promised full participation.
I think the Prime Minister should make clear his intentions on TPP.
However, President Obama is very direct, saying that there will be no barriers at all. He says there will be no barriers between the trade of all goods and services.
As far as goods go, I have many reservations. For example, I do not wish to freely allow US agricultural products into Japan. There are too many stories on how lax inspections are of the US meat industry.
However, there is another thing that seriously bothers me about TPP. And that is the word, "Services".
What does this mean, any American will have the right to work in Japan? For example, lawyers?
At present, it is no problem for an American lawyer to practice in Japan. But he must pass the Japanese Bar Examination, which means that his Japanese must be excellent.
So, if TPP is signed, will Americans in the future sue in various professions, saying that requiring Japanese language ability is discriminatroy? Will Americans in various fields sue, saying that the Japanese examination and certification process is discriminatory?
I was born and grew up in America, I know that many Americans behave in this way. They do not wish to study extra hard to fit into an environment, instead they sue to get a position as they are, without extra effort.
But I think one big part of the word services is America's financial and banking industry. Years of bad practices have left them broke. I am sure that they want access to Japanese funds.
However, American financial institutions still continue their dangerous trades. So after destroying the American economy, will they destroy Japan?
I think so.
Looking at TPP, and understanding American thinking, I think that this is more than a simple free trade agreement. This is the combination of several different nations into one.
In the free trade agreement with South Korea, America has stipulated that American courts only will be able to resolve disputes.
That is very unfair. It reduces Korea to a colony. In TPP, will Japan also become a colony? I think America will eventually make such proposals, that American courts resolve all disputes. That all disputes must be contested in court in English.
To the American mind, their system is the best. But there has always been an American philosophy to change the entire world into copies of America. To American thinking, this would ensure world peace and prosperity.
This is the American philosophy of American exceptionalism.
Yet American failure to regulate corporations has created conditions inside America that are pulling America towards complete collapse.
I do not wish for this to happen to Japan. That is why we should look long and hard at TPP, and in the end reject it to preserve our independence as a nation.
I think the Prime Minister should make clear his intentions on TPP.
However, President Obama is very direct, saying that there will be no barriers at all. He says there will be no barriers between the trade of all goods and services.
As far as goods go, I have many reservations. For example, I do not wish to freely allow US agricultural products into Japan. There are too many stories on how lax inspections are of the US meat industry.
However, there is another thing that seriously bothers me about TPP. And that is the word, "Services".
What does this mean, any American will have the right to work in Japan? For example, lawyers?
At present, it is no problem for an American lawyer to practice in Japan. But he must pass the Japanese Bar Examination, which means that his Japanese must be excellent.
So, if TPP is signed, will Americans in the future sue in various professions, saying that requiring Japanese language ability is discriminatroy? Will Americans in various fields sue, saying that the Japanese examination and certification process is discriminatory?
I was born and grew up in America, I know that many Americans behave in this way. They do not wish to study extra hard to fit into an environment, instead they sue to get a position as they are, without extra effort.
But I think one big part of the word services is America's financial and banking industry. Years of bad practices have left them broke. I am sure that they want access to Japanese funds.
However, American financial institutions still continue their dangerous trades. So after destroying the American economy, will they destroy Japan?
I think so.
Looking at TPP, and understanding American thinking, I think that this is more than a simple free trade agreement. This is the combination of several different nations into one.
In the free trade agreement with South Korea, America has stipulated that American courts only will be able to resolve disputes.
That is very unfair. It reduces Korea to a colony. In TPP, will Japan also become a colony? I think America will eventually make such proposals, that American courts resolve all disputes. That all disputes must be contested in court in English.
To the American mind, their system is the best. But there has always been an American philosophy to change the entire world into copies of America. To American thinking, this would ensure world peace and prosperity.
This is the American philosophy of American exceptionalism.
Yet American failure to regulate corporations has created conditions inside America that are pulling America towards complete collapse.
I do not wish for this to happen to Japan. That is why we should look long and hard at TPP, and in the end reject it to preserve our independence as a nation.
Friday, November 11, 2011
アメリカは本当にTPPを交渉しますか? Will America truly negotiate TPP?
So. Prime Minister Noda says that Japan will begin negotiations to join TPP. He is also saying that Japan will protect certain areas.
Let us go back to what was said by America last January.
Note the first paragraph in the link. It says America has already given Japan special treatment, so Japan must eliminate all tariffs.
Personally, I can sense a deep American frustration with Japan. To their minds, Japan is not obedient enough, takes too long to make decisions.
At a guess, it is my feeling that America will impose restrictions on Japan, such as with selling automobiles in the US. But they will demand that Japan drop all restrictions.
In these negotiations, America will bring up the security issue, saying that Japan has a debt to America for protecting Japan for so many years.
This is ridiculous. Once the Japanese Self Defense forces were formed in 1952 a Soviet invasion of Japan became impossible.
China or North Korea have never been able to attack Japan. American forces are in Japan for American purposes, not Japanese.
But in TPP negotiations, I think Americans will continually bring up this point to force Japan to concede on every item.
Let us go back to what was said by America last January.
Note the first paragraph in the link. It says America has already given Japan special treatment, so Japan must eliminate all tariffs.
Personally, I can sense a deep American frustration with Japan. To their minds, Japan is not obedient enough, takes too long to make decisions.
At a guess, it is my feeling that America will impose restrictions on Japan, such as with selling automobiles in the US. But they will demand that Japan drop all restrictions.
In these negotiations, America will bring up the security issue, saying that Japan has a debt to America for protecting Japan for so many years.
This is ridiculous. Once the Japanese Self Defense forces were formed in 1952 a Soviet invasion of Japan became impossible.
China or North Korea have never been able to attack Japan. American forces are in Japan for American purposes, not Japanese.
But in TPP negotiations, I think Americans will continually bring up this point to force Japan to concede on every item.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
ウォール街を占拠せよ!のカリフォルニア州オークランド市の暴動事件 Occupy Wall street riots in Oakland California
Occupy Wall Street protests are still going across the nation. Violence has occurred on occasion at various locations. Basically, particularly in New York City, police and protesters are trying to keep things non violent. However, in Oakland, things have exploded.
ウォール街を占拠せよ! の抗議は、まだアメリカ全土で続いています。場所によって、時々暴力の事件は有りました。基本的に、特に、ニューヨーク市で、警察と抗議者は暴力に成らない様に努力しています。しかし、カリフォルニア州オークランド市で、爆発は有りました。
About a week ago, the police attempted to prevent protesters from returning to their park encampment. Violence resulted. In response, the protesters decided to shut down Oakland port, which they did for five hours. 7,000 people participated in the shut down.
Oakland port is the fifth busiest port in America. It exports agricultural products to Asia, and Japanese car and electrical goods imports land here.
During the daytime, the Oakland port closure was peaceful, but late at night, violence erupted.
Please look at the photo slideshow in the links below.
Perhaps American political leaders hoped that severe winter weather would drive the protesters home. Well, in New York City, Winter temperatures range from minus 5 to minus 30 degrees Centigrade. I know, I used to live there.
Yet the occupy Wall Street people say they will stay. They have received at least $500,000 in donations, and are using the money to buy military type tents.
I do not think these demonstrations will stop so easily. And they are escalating. The thing is, they are disorganized, they don't have a set list of demands. But they are very unhappy, in present American society, they have no future.
That the movement itself exists is very serious, it shows that there are huge problems in American society. And they now have escalated in response to police action.
On this blog, I have long written about the potential of Civil War in America by religious factions. Well, this is not Civil War, this is revolt. At least the beginnings of revolt. The Christian Fundamentalist movement, and the possibility of Civil War, is still there, for the moment, they are concentrating their energy on electing a Presidential candidate.
But what is now looking more and more certain, is America descending into chaos.
There are those in Japan that say we must join TPP. Well the TPP agreement is very unfair for Japan. But look at America. Is it really wise to build such important ties with a country in such chaos? I think we should think about TPP carefully, and wait until America has internal stability. And then push for a more fair treaty for Japan.
However today, rather do a lot of writing, I decided to show some photos from the Oakland demonstrations.
An injured person in the Oakland demonstration.
A man arguing with police.
A military person demonstrating. He is in, or just left the Navy. Many former US military people are in the demonstrations, they are having a very hard time finding jobs.
Fire at Oakland port.
A police line at Oakland port.
ウォール街を占拠せよ! の抗議は、まだアメリカ全土で続いています。場所によって、時々暴力の事件は有りました。基本的に、特に、ニューヨーク市で、警察と抗議者は暴力に成らない様に努力しています。しかし、カリフォルニア州オークランド市で、爆発は有りました。
About a week ago, the police attempted to prevent protesters from returning to their park encampment. Violence resulted. In response, the protesters decided to shut down Oakland port, which they did for five hours. 7,000 people participated in the shut down.
Oakland port is the fifth busiest port in America. It exports agricultural products to Asia, and Japanese car and electrical goods imports land here.
During the daytime, the Oakland port closure was peaceful, but late at night, violence erupted.
Please look at the photo slideshow in the links below.
Perhaps American political leaders hoped that severe winter weather would drive the protesters home. Well, in New York City, Winter temperatures range from minus 5 to minus 30 degrees Centigrade. I know, I used to live there.
Yet the occupy Wall Street people say they will stay. They have received at least $500,000 in donations, and are using the money to buy military type tents.
I do not think these demonstrations will stop so easily. And they are escalating. The thing is, they are disorganized, they don't have a set list of demands. But they are very unhappy, in present American society, they have no future.
That the movement itself exists is very serious, it shows that there are huge problems in American society. And they now have escalated in response to police action.
On this blog, I have long written about the potential of Civil War in America by religious factions. Well, this is not Civil War, this is revolt. At least the beginnings of revolt. The Christian Fundamentalist movement, and the possibility of Civil War, is still there, for the moment, they are concentrating their energy on electing a Presidential candidate.
But what is now looking more and more certain, is America descending into chaos.
There are those in Japan that say we must join TPP. Well the TPP agreement is very unfair for Japan. But look at America. Is it really wise to build such important ties with a country in such chaos? I think we should think about TPP carefully, and wait until America has internal stability. And then push for a more fair treaty for Japan.
However today, rather do a lot of writing, I decided to show some photos from the Oakland demonstrations.
An injured person in the Oakland demonstration.
A man arguing with police.
A military person demonstrating. He is in, or just left the Navy. Many former US military people are in the demonstrations, they are having a very hard time finding jobs.
Fire at Oakland port.
A police line at Oakland port.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
To the Prime Minister of Japan Noda Yoshihiko
There has been much controversy about whether Japan should join the Trans Pacific Partnership, known as TPP.
I am very against it. I am an American citizen who has lived in Japan for 37 years. I am now in the process of changing my citizenship to Japanese. I am also a member of the Japanese Democratic party. I joined the Japanese Democratic party in the hope to help create a more equal relationship for Japan with America.
If the Japanese government allows US corporation free access to Japan, Japanese society will be destroyed. This is very easy to predict, as American corporations have turned America into a third world nation. The life of the average American has become miserable, and this is increasing.
In America, Corporations have become immune to the rule of law. How can Japan protect itself from predatory American corporations that make their own rules? If American corporations destroy the lives of American people, what will they do to Japanese people?
Americans are taking to the streets in Occupy Wall Street to protest the terrible treatment by American corporations. This is an extremely unusual act. The Free Trade agreement between Korea and America leaves all power in American courts. It is very unfair, Korea has become a colony.
Is this to be Japan's fate?
America is now in danger of collapse from two major problems. One is oil depletion, which will lead to American transportation collapse. 97% of American transportation is oil based. And oil is running out. America refuses to build a viable substitute transport system, such as electric trains. They insist on maintaining their present system of private automobiles.
現在のアメリカは、二つの大きい問題で、崩壊の危機が有ります。 一つは石油枯渇、これで、アメリカ交通システムはまもなく崩壊します。アメリカ交通システムは、97%石油を利用します。その石油は世界で枯渇しています。アメリカは代わりの交通システム、例えば、電気で動く電車を造る事を拒否しています。現在の自家用車システムを守ると断言しています。
This cannot be done, there is no longer enough time before oil becomes too expensive to replace gasoline powered automobiles with electric cars.
The second major problem is, the entire American agriculture system is near collapse. Drought, caused by man made Global Warming, is seriously increasing in America. In a few short years, it will be impossible for America to feed it's population. Of course, they will not be able to export food to Japan.
In Japan, we should work harder to increase domestic food sufficiency, and not depend on foreign sources.
I do not see how America can avoid disaster. Please ask any American. They will say there are plenty of new sources of oil. The science does not bear this out.
Talk to them about drought. They will say everything is fine. The scientific fact is that it is getting much worse.
Ask them about the economy, They will say everything is fine, when in fact it is corrupt and near collapse.
If you challenge their conversation with facts, they will get angry and threatening.
The truth is, Americans are way too optimistic, I know, I was born there.
What they refuse to tell you, cannot tell you is how America will survive the coming problems of Peak Oil and Climate change induced drought. This is because these problems are so enormous, Americans refuse to acknowledge their existence.
Americans are ignoring facts, the big fact being that there are no longer the resources to maintain the present American suburban car based lifestyle. The age were such a lifestyle can be maintained is past.
They will fight to maintain their lifestyle, they will drain Japan's resources to maintain it, but the facts are that it will collapse and soon. Japan cannot help America, they will have to deal with their problems themselves.
Mr. Prime Minister, TPP is very dangerous for Japan.
There has been much controversy about whether Japan should join the Trans Pacific Partnership, known as TPP.
I am very against it. I am an American citizen who has lived in Japan for 37 years. I am now in the process of changing my citizenship to Japanese. I am also a member of the Japanese Democratic party. I joined the Japanese Democratic party in the hope to help create a more equal relationship for Japan with America.
If the Japanese government allows US corporation free access to Japan, Japanese society will be destroyed. This is very easy to predict, as American corporations have turned America into a third world nation. The life of the average American has become miserable, and this is increasing.
In America, Corporations have become immune to the rule of law. How can Japan protect itself from predatory American corporations that make their own rules? If American corporations destroy the lives of American people, what will they do to Japanese people?
Americans are taking to the streets in Occupy Wall Street to protest the terrible treatment by American corporations. This is an extremely unusual act. The Free Trade agreement between Korea and America leaves all power in American courts. It is very unfair, Korea has become a colony.
Is this to be Japan's fate?
America is now in danger of collapse from two major problems. One is oil depletion, which will lead to American transportation collapse. 97% of American transportation is oil based. And oil is running out. America refuses to build a viable substitute transport system, such as electric trains. They insist on maintaining their present system of private automobiles.
現在のアメリカは、二つの大きい問題で、崩壊の危機が有ります。 一つは石油枯渇、これで、アメリカ交通システムはまもなく崩壊します。アメリカ交通システムは、97%石油を利用します。その石油は世界で枯渇しています。アメリカは代わりの交通システム、例えば、電気で動く電車を造る事を拒否しています。現在の自家用車システムを守ると断言しています。
This cannot be done, there is no longer enough time before oil becomes too expensive to replace gasoline powered automobiles with electric cars.
The second major problem is, the entire American agriculture system is near collapse. Drought, caused by man made Global Warming, is seriously increasing in America. In a few short years, it will be impossible for America to feed it's population. Of course, they will not be able to export food to Japan.
In Japan, we should work harder to increase domestic food sufficiency, and not depend on foreign sources.
I do not see how America can avoid disaster. Please ask any American. They will say there are plenty of new sources of oil. The science does not bear this out.
Talk to them about drought. They will say everything is fine. The scientific fact is that it is getting much worse.
Ask them about the economy, They will say everything is fine, when in fact it is corrupt and near collapse.
If you challenge their conversation with facts, they will get angry and threatening.
The truth is, Americans are way too optimistic, I know, I was born there.
What they refuse to tell you, cannot tell you is how America will survive the coming problems of Peak Oil and Climate change induced drought. This is because these problems are so enormous, Americans refuse to acknowledge their existence.
Americans are ignoring facts, the big fact being that there are no longer the resources to maintain the present American suburban car based lifestyle. The age were such a lifestyle can be maintained is past.
They will fight to maintain their lifestyle, they will drain Japan's resources to maintain it, but the facts are that it will collapse and soon. Japan cannot help America, they will have to deal with their problems themselves.
Mr. Prime Minister, TPP is very dangerous for Japan.
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