There has been a lot of yelling and screaming in the press about the Futenma base move. Frankly, as I have said previously, Japan does not need the American military for Defense needs. The American bases are here for power projection.
Americans have a very difficult time negotiating with other countries. Americans know how to demand and to order people, but have little patience with discussion. Most Americans think other nations should obey American orders, and fight wars under American direction around the world. Most Americans think they are fighting for world freedom, and cannot why other nations do not want to help.
As far as the idea of training the Afghan police, forget it. The Afghan Army itself is 90% illiterate, it won't fight. Most soldiers quit, and then come back for training again. They do this because each time they go to training, they are issued a weapon, which they then sell to the Taliban. There are no firm figures on how many Afghan Army soldiers actually exist.
As far as the Afghan police, for the most part, they are on the side of the Taliban, and often actively help the Taliban.
The Afghan Army kills their foreign trainers only sometimes, while the Afghan police do so more often.
The entire war in both Afghanistan and Iraq are impossible. However, Americans, with the concept of American Exceptionalism, cannot understand that there is nothing that can be accomplished by war in the Middle East. They cannot understand that there are no reasons for these wars.
The result will worse than Vietnam.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Military Science 軍事科学 The future of Japanese Diplomacy 日本外交の将来
But would there really be a war?
Now let's talk a little about war. Would some nation truly attack Japan? I will say something clearly. Wars are begun for profit. A nation attacks another in order to gain something. Of course, war is also a risk. The target nation has it's own forces. One cannot always be sure of the outcome. In warfare, there is what I call the rule of three. In general, it means the attacking force must have three times the number of defenders in order to be sure to win. This is assuming that we are on flat open terrain, weapons and training levels in both forces are equal. However, if the defender is in difficult terrain, such as a town, mountain, or behind a river, we need many more attackers to be sure of winning, something like five to one.
Japan is an island nation, and amphibious warfare is one of the most difficult of all. To successfully invade Japan, a nation would need something like ten to one as many troops.
But there is another factor involved here. A force invading Japan would have to cross the ocean, they must first destroy the Japanese Navy and Air Force to be successful. Also, remember that an attacking force will be operating far from their home bases, while Japanese defenders are close to their bases. This means that damaged Japanese ships and aircraft will tend to be recovered and repaired, while the enemy will lose them.
There is no force on the planet today that can invade Japan. In World War II, by 1942, both Japan and America had seriously damaged each other's Naval carrier forces. America could build more ships more quickly than Japan could, and that is the reason that America won. The only reason. Only in the Philippines and New Guinea could the US Army successfully fight against the Imperial Japanese Army. And that was overwhelming force. Even on the island of Okinawa, the US Army gave up and had to be replaced by Marines. Most of the island fighting in the Pacific was done by US Marines.
My point here is that Japanese make excellent soldiers. Many of my Japanese friends tell me that we need Americans to protect Japan, because Japan is too weak to do it ourselves.
This is not true at all. In my paragraphs above I have tried to show this. The truth is, an American military presence is no longer necessary for the defense of Japan. They can go home now.
But why are US troops still here? there is only one reason, power projection for American interests across the world. The Middle Eastern wars are a prime example. However, these Middle Eastern wars do not serve Japanese interests. What few terrorists exist can easily be handled by police forces. Also, these wars do not serve any American interest. It seems as if the US military is on autopilot.
In the Middle East, the US military has been defeated. The US military just refuses to understand this. It is high time to find a new basis for the Japanese/American relationship other than military power.
If China invades the Senkaku's the costs will outweigh any benefit. Also, Japanese forces alone are powerful enough to defeat a Chinese invasion. China has much more to gain in cooperation with Japan on a technological level, rather than invade some territory.
The future of Japanese Diplomacy.
I see Japanese Diplomacy having four directions in the future. These are America, Russia, China, and the southern direction.
America: America is a very complex issue. There are almost no Americans who realize the depth of problems facing the nation. America is fighting wars very far their homeland in the Middle East. To the Americans, they feel it natural that Japanese participate in such wars. But wars in the Middle East have no benefit for Japan, in fact they are dangerous.
At home, America is facing a complete collapse of it's internal transport system. Virtually all American transport is based on oil, and oil is quickly running out. Americans place their faith in discovering new sources of oil, or the invention of new technology. The fact is there is no technology that can revamp the US transport system in time. And there are no more big new oil fields. It would take 20 years to replace all cars in America. At best, before transport collapse in the US there is some 5 years from now from lack of oil. What this will mean it will become impossible to travel inside the US, and food will not come to the cities. People will stave.
American agriculture is based on single crops, one type of corn or wheat, one type of cow or pig. These are raised on massive corporate farms. However, the climate is changing very rapidly, and these crops and animals will not survive. Drought is becoming more serious every year, and deserts will increase greatly across the American continent. What Americans do not realize is that the American Plains States are naturally semi desert. Now they are the breadbasket of America, but the water comes from underground aquifers. It is not being replaced , it is almost gone.
Japan can help by building high speed Bullet Trains, but because of the stupidity of American financial institutions, America cannot pay for them. They would have to be owned and operated by Japanese companies.
America is facing Civil War. The Christian Fundamentalist movement in America wants to change America into a Theocracy. Basically, they would forbid all books except the Bible, all music except Christian music, all education except Christian. And these are not the types of Christian churches that have existed in America until now, these churches are to be destroyed. People who do not convert to their type of Christianity are to be expelled or killed. these people have heavy influence in the US government and the military. In the recent US Presidential election, the candidacy of Sarah Palin was an expression of this movement. They represent some 40% of Americans, with some 25% having such extreme views as I have written here.
Russia: I believe that Russia is a natural partner of Japan. Climate Change means that Siberia will be much more accessible. They will need Japanese technology. Yet half the population of Siberia is Chinese. Japan would be a natural ally to develop Siberia and provide a balance to China.
China is also a natural partner to Japan. We have deep history together. Yet China is also facing the prospect of internal Civil War, the impoverished interior versus the rich coasts. Also, China is facing deep problems because of Climate Change. The difference between China and America is that the Chinese realize this, they are working to solve these problems. I am not naive about how China feels towards Japan, they feel a natural relationship is China the elder brother, Japan is the younger brother. I feel it is more like China is the body, Japan is the head.
The Southern direction.
I think the southern direction will be a line from Japan to Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia and India. This line will provide another balance.
Since the end of WWII, Japanese foreign policy has been American centric. I think we will now see an evolution to Japan as a nation at the center of these four lines.
Now let's talk a little about war. Would some nation truly attack Japan? I will say something clearly. Wars are begun for profit. A nation attacks another in order to gain something. Of course, war is also a risk. The target nation has it's own forces. One cannot always be sure of the outcome. In warfare, there is what I call the rule of three. In general, it means the attacking force must have three times the number of defenders in order to be sure to win. This is assuming that we are on flat open terrain, weapons and training levels in both forces are equal. However, if the defender is in difficult terrain, such as a town, mountain, or behind a river, we need many more attackers to be sure of winning, something like five to one.
Japan is an island nation, and amphibious warfare is one of the most difficult of all. To successfully invade Japan, a nation would need something like ten to one as many troops.
But there is another factor involved here. A force invading Japan would have to cross the ocean, they must first destroy the Japanese Navy and Air Force to be successful. Also, remember that an attacking force will be operating far from their home bases, while Japanese defenders are close to their bases. This means that damaged Japanese ships and aircraft will tend to be recovered and repaired, while the enemy will lose them.
There is no force on the planet today that can invade Japan. In World War II, by 1942, both Japan and America had seriously damaged each other's Naval carrier forces. America could build more ships more quickly than Japan could, and that is the reason that America won. The only reason. Only in the Philippines and New Guinea could the US Army successfully fight against the Imperial Japanese Army. And that was overwhelming force. Even on the island of Okinawa, the US Army gave up and had to be replaced by Marines. Most of the island fighting in the Pacific was done by US Marines.
My point here is that Japanese make excellent soldiers. Many of my Japanese friends tell me that we need Americans to protect Japan, because Japan is too weak to do it ourselves.
This is not true at all. In my paragraphs above I have tried to show this. The truth is, an American military presence is no longer necessary for the defense of Japan. They can go home now.
But why are US troops still here? there is only one reason, power projection for American interests across the world. The Middle Eastern wars are a prime example. However, these Middle Eastern wars do not serve Japanese interests. What few terrorists exist can easily be handled by police forces. Also, these wars do not serve any American interest. It seems as if the US military is on autopilot.
In the Middle East, the US military has been defeated. The US military just refuses to understand this. It is high time to find a new basis for the Japanese/American relationship other than military power.
If China invades the Senkaku's the costs will outweigh any benefit. Also, Japanese forces alone are powerful enough to defeat a Chinese invasion. China has much more to gain in cooperation with Japan on a technological level, rather than invade some territory.
The future of Japanese Diplomacy.
I see Japanese Diplomacy having four directions in the future. These are America, Russia, China, and the southern direction.
America: America is a very complex issue. There are almost no Americans who realize the depth of problems facing the nation. America is fighting wars very far their homeland in the Middle East. To the Americans, they feel it natural that Japanese participate in such wars. But wars in the Middle East have no benefit for Japan, in fact they are dangerous.
At home, America is facing a complete collapse of it's internal transport system. Virtually all American transport is based on oil, and oil is quickly running out. Americans place their faith in discovering new sources of oil, or the invention of new technology. The fact is there is no technology that can revamp the US transport system in time. And there are no more big new oil fields. It would take 20 years to replace all cars in America. At best, before transport collapse in the US there is some 5 years from now from lack of oil. What this will mean it will become impossible to travel inside the US, and food will not come to the cities. People will stave.
American agriculture is based on single crops, one type of corn or wheat, one type of cow or pig. These are raised on massive corporate farms. However, the climate is changing very rapidly, and these crops and animals will not survive. Drought is becoming more serious every year, and deserts will increase greatly across the American continent. What Americans do not realize is that the American Plains States are naturally semi desert. Now they are the breadbasket of America, but the water comes from underground aquifers. It is not being replaced , it is almost gone.
Japan can help by building high speed Bullet Trains, but because of the stupidity of American financial institutions, America cannot pay for them. They would have to be owned and operated by Japanese companies.
America is facing Civil War. The Christian Fundamentalist movement in America wants to change America into a Theocracy. Basically, they would forbid all books except the Bible, all music except Christian music, all education except Christian. And these are not the types of Christian churches that have existed in America until now, these churches are to be destroyed. People who do not convert to their type of Christianity are to be expelled or killed. these people have heavy influence in the US government and the military. In the recent US Presidential election, the candidacy of Sarah Palin was an expression of this movement. They represent some 40% of Americans, with some 25% having such extreme views as I have written here.
Russia: I believe that Russia is a natural partner of Japan. Climate Change means that Siberia will be much more accessible. They will need Japanese technology. Yet half the population of Siberia is Chinese. Japan would be a natural ally to develop Siberia and provide a balance to China.
China is also a natural partner to Japan. We have deep history together. Yet China is also facing the prospect of internal Civil War, the impoverished interior versus the rich coasts. Also, China is facing deep problems because of Climate Change. The difference between China and America is that the Chinese realize this, they are working to solve these problems. I am not naive about how China feels towards Japan, they feel a natural relationship is China the elder brother, Japan is the younger brother. I feel it is more like China is the body, Japan is the head.
The Southern direction.
I think the southern direction will be a line from Japan to Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia and India. This line will provide another balance.
Since the end of WWII, Japanese foreign policy has been American centric. I think we will now see an evolution to Japan as a nation at the center of these four lines.
Monday, November 9, 2009
隣の国々は日本に対して危険性が有りません。Neighboring countries are not dangerous to Japan.
On November 6th, 2009, I appeared as a panelist on NTV's Bakusho Mondai, Ota Sori show. The manifest was "We should not pay one more yen for American forces in Japan! We should have them all leave!".
2009年11月6日、私は日本テレビ「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に出演しました。今回のマニフェストは、“アメリカに今後1円も払いません!米軍には出て行ってもらいます!” 内容は、将来に日本防衛の為に日本でアメリカ軍基地は必要かどうか?です。
I appeared as a former US Marine, and my position on this subject is, AGREE. Let me explain further.
The present structure of US forces in Japan is set up primarily to fight the Cold War. Yet the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Since that time, America did not reduce it's military presence outside the United States, in fact the American government has expanded to cover every area on the planet. America has some 753 military bases outside the United States.
When I first came to Japan in 1974, there were some 100,000 US troops in Japan. At present, the number is about 47,000. However, while the number of troops has decreased, the size of American bases has not. In the period that I have been in Japan, America has returned very little territory to Japan.
Is there a military threat to Japan?
At present, not so much. Shall we look at a little history? At the end of World War II, Soviet fighting against Japanese Imperial forces went on until about mid September 1945, despite the Japanese surrender on August 15. Southern Sakhalin, Karafuto, and the Kuriles were overrun. A Soviet invasion force bound for Hokkaido at this time turned back.
In 1950 the North Koreans invaded South Korea, and the present day Jieitai was formed.
As the Soviet Union possessed very little in amphibious warfare capability, once Japanese military forces were reconstituted, the threat of a invasion of Japan disappeared. During the Cold War, the military threat to Japan was primarily Naval blockade by Communist submarines. I only say submarines, because in a general war, Communist surface naval forces would have had a very short life against joint American/Japanese defense.
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the military threat to Japan disappeared. Today, Russia has some 17 submarines in Asian waters, but only 4 Akula class. The Akula's are good boats, and could be scary. However Japan has some 20 submarines of excellent quality. And Japan has an excellent surface Navy. If a war happened now, Japan could hunt those subs down. They would probably sink some ships, but we would get them.
The Chinese Navy does have some 57 submarines, but their quality is poor compared to Japan. We would sink them. Also, they have to pass through a chain of island nations to reach the open Pacific. In any case, Chinese forces are primarily orientated towards the Spratly islands.
North Korea has some 21 submarines, but they are old and of poor quality. My idea is that due to the decrepit North Korean economy, most of their submarines probably cannot sail because of mechanical difficulties.
On the Bakushou Mondai show. Kevin Klone did bring up the issue of North Korean missiles. I am not very impressed with North Korean missiles. They are of very poor quality. And I do not believe that North Korea has a nuclear weapon, I believe their so called tests were simply a massive amount of conventional explosive laced with nuclear materials. Even if they did have a nuclear weapon, they do not have the technical ability to miniaturize it an put it on a missile.
In any case, the best defense against a missile attack is deterrence. Japan can easily buy a few hundred cruise missiles from America. If America does not want to sell we can buy them from Russia. We don't need a nuclear weapon for deterrence against North Korea. A few hundred precise weapons like cruise missiles would do.
Kevin did mention the large North Korean army, but their equipment is terrible, their soldiers are so malnourished that their average size is of a Japanese or South Korean 14 year old. If they invaded South Korea, they could not penetrate more than 3 kilometers. They have no Naval vessels or aircraft that can function long enough to reach Japan.
In this first installment, I have explained how neighboring countries are not dangerous to Japan. In the next part, I will explain the difficulty of invading Japan.
2009年11月6日、私は日本テレビ「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に出演しました。今回のマニフェストは、“アメリカに今後1円も払いません!米軍には出て行ってもらいます!” 内容は、将来に日本防衛の為に日本でアメリカ軍基地は必要かどうか?です。
I appeared as a former US Marine, and my position on this subject is, AGREE. Let me explain further.
The present structure of US forces in Japan is set up primarily to fight the Cold War. Yet the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Since that time, America did not reduce it's military presence outside the United States, in fact the American government has expanded to cover every area on the planet. America has some 753 military bases outside the United States.
When I first came to Japan in 1974, there were some 100,000 US troops in Japan. At present, the number is about 47,000. However, while the number of troops has decreased, the size of American bases has not. In the period that I have been in Japan, America has returned very little territory to Japan.
Is there a military threat to Japan?
At present, not so much. Shall we look at a little history? At the end of World War II, Soviet fighting against Japanese Imperial forces went on until about mid September 1945, despite the Japanese surrender on August 15. Southern Sakhalin, Karafuto, and the Kuriles were overrun. A Soviet invasion force bound for Hokkaido at this time turned back.
In 1950 the North Koreans invaded South Korea, and the present day Jieitai was formed.
As the Soviet Union possessed very little in amphibious warfare capability, once Japanese military forces were reconstituted, the threat of a invasion of Japan disappeared. During the Cold War, the military threat to Japan was primarily Naval blockade by Communist submarines. I only say submarines, because in a general war, Communist surface naval forces would have had a very short life against joint American/Japanese defense.
In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed, and the military threat to Japan disappeared. Today, Russia has some 17 submarines in Asian waters, but only 4 Akula class. The Akula's are good boats, and could be scary. However Japan has some 20 submarines of excellent quality. And Japan has an excellent surface Navy. If a war happened now, Japan could hunt those subs down. They would probably sink some ships, but we would get them.
The Chinese Navy does have some 57 submarines, but their quality is poor compared to Japan. We would sink them. Also, they have to pass through a chain of island nations to reach the open Pacific. In any case, Chinese forces are primarily orientated towards the Spratly islands.
North Korea has some 21 submarines, but they are old and of poor quality. My idea is that due to the decrepit North Korean economy, most of their submarines probably cannot sail because of mechanical difficulties.
On the Bakushou Mondai show. Kevin Klone did bring up the issue of North Korean missiles. I am not very impressed with North Korean missiles. They are of very poor quality. And I do not believe that North Korea has a nuclear weapon, I believe their so called tests were simply a massive amount of conventional explosive laced with nuclear materials. Even if they did have a nuclear weapon, they do not have the technical ability to miniaturize it an put it on a missile.
In any case, the best defense against a missile attack is deterrence. Japan can easily buy a few hundred cruise missiles from America. If America does not want to sell we can buy them from Russia. We don't need a nuclear weapon for deterrence against North Korea. A few hundred precise weapons like cruise missiles would do.
Kevin did mention the large North Korean army, but their equipment is terrible, their soldiers are so malnourished that their average size is of a Japanese or South Korean 14 year old. If they invaded South Korea, they could not penetrate more than 3 kilometers. They have no Naval vessels or aircraft that can function long enough to reach Japan.
In this first installment, I have explained how neighboring countries are not dangerous to Japan. In the next part, I will explain the difficulty of invading Japan.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
日本テレビ「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に出演します。I will be on TV.
そう。また爆笑問題、「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に、パネリストで出演します!今回のマニフェストは、“アメリカに今後1円も払いません!米軍には出て行ってもらいます!” 在日米軍基地の問題についてです。石破先生と山本先生はどう言う立場ですか?マックスはどう言う意見ですか?
軍艦模型のリンクです。日本では、東京都渋谷パルコPartI 6F ポストホビーで売っています。よく売れているそうです。
そう。また爆笑問題、「太田光の私が総理大臣になったら。。。秘書田中」に、パネリストで出演します!今回のマニフェストは、“アメリカに今後1円も払いません!米軍には出て行ってもらいます!” 在日米軍基地の問題についてです。石破先生と山本先生はどう言う立場ですか?マックスはどう言う意見ですか?
軍艦模型のリンクです。日本では、東京都渋谷パルコPartI 6F ポストホビーで売っています。よく売れているそうです。
Friday, October 30, 2009
もっと税金を払わせて下さい Let us pay more tax
In Germany, a group of some 44 wealthy individuals has formed, and has petitioned the government of re-elected Chancellor Merkel that they be allowed to be pay more in taxes.
Their idea is, that they have the ability to pay, they have more money than they need, so they should be taxed more. They say that an increased "wealth tax" of 5% for two years would provide a lot of money to help fund investment in ecology, education, and social justice.
When I read this, I was quite surprised. In America, greed has destroyed the American economy. All Americans are guilty here, corporate Presidents, with their obscenely high salaries, financial traders who devised such complex transaction as derivatives, and the average people who thought that they could use their house as collateral to invest in stocks.
Just when the effects of Global Warming and Peak Oil are beginning to appear, American greed has destroyed their ability to finance measures to deal with these coming disasters.
Actually, the action of these few wealthy Germans shows us the ideal on how we will have to live in the future. Capitalism is certainly not an answer. America has shown us what kind of society pure capitalism leads to, what Americans have created is an economy that is based on greed, producing for the sake of profit for a few.
The average American is obsessed with buying things, and all this production and overuse of fossil fuels has created runaway Global Climate change, we are now staring extinction in the face. Our only hope is to bio engineer our way out of this mess.
Despite the denials of virtually all Americans, America is well along the path to disintegration.
To survive, societies will have to develop a more cooperative attitude. If a few individuals become rich by destroying the lives of many people, eventually they will destroy the nation and themselves. And climate destruction caused by Global Warming is going to affect us all, wealth will not allow us to buy our way out of that problem.
Living in Japan for 35 years, I have seen that in general Japanese have a group identity. Japanese corporate executive officers do not take the extreme salaries that American executives do.
Of course in the future, there will still be wealthy people, but I think the actions of these few Germans tells us something, that is that we are all on this planet together, and we are all going to have to help each other.
Their idea is, that they have the ability to pay, they have more money than they need, so they should be taxed more. They say that an increased "wealth tax" of 5% for two years would provide a lot of money to help fund investment in ecology, education, and social justice.
When I read this, I was quite surprised. In America, greed has destroyed the American economy. All Americans are guilty here, corporate Presidents, with their obscenely high salaries, financial traders who devised such complex transaction as derivatives, and the average people who thought that they could use their house as collateral to invest in stocks.
Just when the effects of Global Warming and Peak Oil are beginning to appear, American greed has destroyed their ability to finance measures to deal with these coming disasters.
Actually, the action of these few wealthy Germans shows us the ideal on how we will have to live in the future. Capitalism is certainly not an answer. America has shown us what kind of society pure capitalism leads to, what Americans have created is an economy that is based on greed, producing for the sake of profit for a few.
The average American is obsessed with buying things, and all this production and overuse of fossil fuels has created runaway Global Climate change, we are now staring extinction in the face. Our only hope is to bio engineer our way out of this mess.
Despite the denials of virtually all Americans, America is well along the path to disintegration.
To survive, societies will have to develop a more cooperative attitude. If a few individuals become rich by destroying the lives of many people, eventually they will destroy the nation and themselves. And climate destruction caused by Global Warming is going to affect us all, wealth will not allow us to buy our way out of that problem.
Living in Japan for 35 years, I have seen that in general Japanese have a group identity. Japanese corporate executive officers do not take the extreme salaries that American executives do.
Of course in the future, there will still be wealthy people, but I think the actions of these few Germans tells us something, that is that we are all on this planet together, and we are all going to have to help each other.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Americanisms VII アメリカの独特な英語
今回は、Americanisms VIIです。私はこの Americanisms でローマ帝国の数字を使っています。以前、アメリカ人の考えで、アメリカはローマ帝国の後継国と書きましたが、時々日常生活で使っています。
Hair of the dog that bit you
Watering hole
アフリカの砂漠で、帯水層から水が自然に上がって、小さな池みたいに成ります。動物達はいっぱい集まります。この"Watering hole"と言う意味は、バーです。
例えば; Where is your favorite watering hole?
Beer chugging contest
子供に汽車のシュッシュッポッポの音は、英語で chug chug chug と成ります。
しかし、ビールの場合は一気飲みと言う事です。特に、アメリカ大学生はパーティで、 "Beer chugging contest" は人気です。その後は救急車かな?
Belly up to the bar
Drink enough beer to float a battleship
Ripped to the gills
魚のえらまではがします。人間にえらが有りましたら、たぶん、ほっぺたに成るでしょう。お腹からほっぺたまでお酒がたまっています。勿論、その位飲むと、行動はメチャクチャに成るから、"You are ripped." と言います。メチャクチャに酔っぱらうと言う意味です。
My eyeballs are floating
Hammer はハンマーですが、ハンマーで打ちました。とても酔っぱらっています。
こう言うふうに使います; Let's go get some suds. ビールを飲みに行きましょう!
今回は、Americanisms VIIです。私はこの Americanisms でローマ帝国の数字を使っています。以前、アメリカ人の考えで、アメリカはローマ帝国の後継国と書きましたが、時々日常生活で使っています。
Hair of the dog that bit you
Watering hole
アフリカの砂漠で、帯水層から水が自然に上がって、小さな池みたいに成ります。動物達はいっぱい集まります。この"Watering hole"と言う意味は、バーです。
例えば; Where is your favorite watering hole?
Beer chugging contest
子供に汽車のシュッシュッポッポの音は、英語で chug chug chug と成ります。
しかし、ビールの場合は一気飲みと言う事です。特に、アメリカ大学生はパーティで、 "Beer chugging contest" は人気です。その後は救急車かな?
Belly up to the bar
Drink enough beer to float a battleship
Ripped to the gills
魚のえらまではがします。人間にえらが有りましたら、たぶん、ほっぺたに成るでしょう。お腹からほっぺたまでお酒がたまっています。勿論、その位飲むと、行動はメチャクチャに成るから、"You are ripped." と言います。メチャクチャに酔っぱらうと言う意味です。
My eyeballs are floating
Hammer はハンマーですが、ハンマーで打ちました。とても酔っぱらっています。
こう言うふうに使います; Let's go get some suds. ビールを飲みに行きましょう!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
アメリカ経済の崩壊 American Economic Collapse
Usually, I write about military or political topics. Today, I am going into new territory, and write about the US economy. These days, writing about war and politics, well basically they are not cheerful subjects. Well, very unfortunately, the American economy is just as bleak.
I was born in Chicago in 1956. By the time I was five years old, my family had moved from an apartment in the city to a house in the suburbs. This was pretty much the basic American dream. At that time, most Americans could do this, well if they were White at least. In those days, Black people simply did not live in the suburbs.
This was the 1960's, and I think we might think of this as America's Golden Age.
As a historian, I think it is no accident that this period also corresponded with America expanding it's power across the world. When the American President spoke, everybody, enemy nations included, listened.
Yet now America is on the verge of collapse. What happened?
I think it is the fault of all Americans, not only the rich. Often, I have talked of American Exceptionalism, and I think this is to blame. Americans do not study history, in fact, they think America is immune to history. This is the basic tenet of American Exceptionalism, that America will always prosper no matter what. When you press Americans for their reasoning for this concept, they often get angry. They feel that it should be obvious, but the fact remains that they cannot explain why America is immune to history.
One of my historical passions has always been the Roman Empire. It was the greatest State that Western culture has produced. Yet Rome did eventually collapse, and fragment in to many different nations.
Americans often like to say that the United States is the heir of the Roman Empire. What they are referring to here is military power that straddled the known world. Yet they ignore Rome's eventual disintegration.
And I believe that this lack of historical knowledge, this conceit of superiority, has been the seeds of the coming American downfall.
The average American citizen, and the average American corporation, cannot think more than a few months ahead. Since the 1960's, average American people have felt that they had a right to all the material possessions they wanted, and to have them right away. This led to the credit economy, where people began to buy everything on credit. Not only things needed for life, but vacations, expensive electronic equipment, things which in reality have turned out to be useless junk.
It used to be an American joke that the great American pastime was shopping. All of that shopping was on credit, which is debt. You see, Americans always felt that there would be growth. As long as the economy was growing, you could expect your income to keep increasing, so why not keep buying things on credit?
When I first came to Japan 35 years ago, I felt that this was a natural way of life. If I wanted something, I could have it right away. Now, I recoil in horror at the thought of credit, it is debt. Perhaps I have taken a Japanese attitude here. But I have learned that being patient, waiting until you have the money to buy something you want, I now think that is a better way of life. And it really makes you think about the importance of what you are buying.
I have read that American financial houses have gotten back into derivatives and credit default swaps trading.
These were the type of trades that nearly destroyed the world's economy last year. It was only by extra ordinary effort, and cooperation between the outgoing Bush administration and incoming Obama administration, that this was prevented from becoming a world disaster.
Yet American financial houses are doing it again. American economic practices have always been based on expansion. But how many cars can we buy? The average American family owns several. Now when Americans lose their jobs, they cannot sell the cars, they have no value. There are too many used cars. They cannot sell their house. Often, the average American used their home as collateral for all the loans, and yes even stock trading that they did. People often do this even when still paying a mortgage loan. Now, when trouble hits, they find the house has no value.
And even Americans who do not overuse their credit, they are suddenly finding out that they are losing their homes. Why? They made a mortgage loan with a bank. That bank got involved in credit default swap trading, one major financial institution in the swap went belly up, the whole thing collapses. Well then this unlucky family finds out that their house is being taken over by another bank and they are being evicted. And becoming homeless usually means that you will lose your job.
Corporate practice has always been to fire people when economic times are bad. In Japan, losing your job until recently has always been a sign of shame. Yet in America since I was born, it was common. A company would find that it makes more money by firing people, the excess number of people are gone. Now Japan has adopted this American practice with the hakken system.
In America, it was assumed that people would go get a job somewhere else. But now there are no more jobs. So the people remain jobless, and eventually cannot pay their mortgages. Then the bank takes over their home. The number of homeless families with children in America is now in the millions. How can such children go to school? Perhaps the only future for them is to become criminals or prostitutes.
The truth is, even while average Americans have made stupid decisions, American corporations have become monsters. The people who work for them are regarded as nothing but machines. And when they are not profitable, the machines are simply thrown away. I am very appalled at the way financial traders can create homeless people by their trades simply to make profit. By destroying average American families, the are destroying the foundation of the nation.
And don't get sick in America, or don't get in a traffic accident. The American insurance industry is not to help people, it is to make money. If you cannot pay, you die, really. 60% of American personal bankruptcies are due to medical emergencies. Usually, the people end up losing their home, then their job, then it is the streets.
I have Japanese National Health Insurance, for me it is a treasure. I am glad that I do not live under the American system. I read a letter in the Asahi Shinbun. A woman' daughter had lived in the United States for 25 years. I am assuming that the woman's husband is an American. Well, the woman became sick, and was hospitalized for three days. The cost was 1.8 million yen. It seems that there was no insurance, or the insurance company refused to pay. The woman paid for her daughter, if she had not, they would go homeless.
But the woman worries what to do if her daughter gets sick again. If they stay in America, they will be homeless. And they will eventually not be able to eat. If they come back to Japan, perhaps they can all live in the parents house. But if the husband is an American, and middle aged, I probably cannot help him. You see, I do employ some foreigners. But only people who speak excellent Japanese, and who have a good attitude about Japan.
Church groups and NGO's are helping out homeless and unemployed people in America, but their resources are running out. Soon, I am afraid we will have starvation in America.
Official American figures now say that income is increasing for the top richest 1% of Americans. For the rest, it is declining or staying the same. But for 99% of the American population, the economic out look is dim.
And now we have Global Warming and Peak Oil, which are already affecting life in the United States. But of course, history challenged Americans refuse to believe in these coming disasters.
In the 1960's, it was America's Golden Age, America was considered the world's best country to live in. By 2030, will America be the world's most horrible country to live in? It is looking that way.
bend over backwards
belly up
破産、倒産を言う事です。例えば、金魚水槽で金魚が死にます。腹を上向いて浮かびますから、"belly up"の事です。
history challenged
数年前ぐらい、"physically challenged"と言う言葉は身体が不自由のかたの為に英語で作りました。これは丁寧な言い方です。だんだん意味がもっと広く成って、何か”出来ない”と言う意味に成っています。
例えば、"mathematically challenged child"と言う意味は、数学が得意ではない子供の事です。アメリカ人はほとんど歴史を分からないから、"history challenged" です。
I was born in Chicago in 1956. By the time I was five years old, my family had moved from an apartment in the city to a house in the suburbs. This was pretty much the basic American dream. At that time, most Americans could do this, well if they were White at least. In those days, Black people simply did not live in the suburbs.
This was the 1960's, and I think we might think of this as America's Golden Age.
As a historian, I think it is no accident that this period also corresponded with America expanding it's power across the world. When the American President spoke, everybody, enemy nations included, listened.
Yet now America is on the verge of collapse. What happened?
I think it is the fault of all Americans, not only the rich. Often, I have talked of American Exceptionalism, and I think this is to blame. Americans do not study history, in fact, they think America is immune to history. This is the basic tenet of American Exceptionalism, that America will always prosper no matter what. When you press Americans for their reasoning for this concept, they often get angry. They feel that it should be obvious, but the fact remains that they cannot explain why America is immune to history.
One of my historical passions has always been the Roman Empire. It was the greatest State that Western culture has produced. Yet Rome did eventually collapse, and fragment in to many different nations.
Americans often like to say that the United States is the heir of the Roman Empire. What they are referring to here is military power that straddled the known world. Yet they ignore Rome's eventual disintegration.
And I believe that this lack of historical knowledge, this conceit of superiority, has been the seeds of the coming American downfall.
The average American citizen, and the average American corporation, cannot think more than a few months ahead. Since the 1960's, average American people have felt that they had a right to all the material possessions they wanted, and to have them right away. This led to the credit economy, where people began to buy everything on credit. Not only things needed for life, but vacations, expensive electronic equipment, things which in reality have turned out to be useless junk.
It used to be an American joke that the great American pastime was shopping. All of that shopping was on credit, which is debt. You see, Americans always felt that there would be growth. As long as the economy was growing, you could expect your income to keep increasing, so why not keep buying things on credit?
When I first came to Japan 35 years ago, I felt that this was a natural way of life. If I wanted something, I could have it right away. Now, I recoil in horror at the thought of credit, it is debt. Perhaps I have taken a Japanese attitude here. But I have learned that being patient, waiting until you have the money to buy something you want, I now think that is a better way of life. And it really makes you think about the importance of what you are buying.
I have read that American financial houses have gotten back into derivatives and credit default swaps trading.
These were the type of trades that nearly destroyed the world's economy last year. It was only by extra ordinary effort, and cooperation between the outgoing Bush administration and incoming Obama administration, that this was prevented from becoming a world disaster.
Yet American financial houses are doing it again. American economic practices have always been based on expansion. But how many cars can we buy? The average American family owns several. Now when Americans lose their jobs, they cannot sell the cars, they have no value. There are too many used cars. They cannot sell their house. Often, the average American used their home as collateral for all the loans, and yes even stock trading that they did. People often do this even when still paying a mortgage loan. Now, when trouble hits, they find the house has no value.
And even Americans who do not overuse their credit, they are suddenly finding out that they are losing their homes. Why? They made a mortgage loan with a bank. That bank got involved in credit default swap trading, one major financial institution in the swap went belly up, the whole thing collapses. Well then this unlucky family finds out that their house is being taken over by another bank and they are being evicted. And becoming homeless usually means that you will lose your job.
Corporate practice has always been to fire people when economic times are bad. In Japan, losing your job until recently has always been a sign of shame. Yet in America since I was born, it was common. A company would find that it makes more money by firing people, the excess number of people are gone. Now Japan has adopted this American practice with the hakken system.
In America, it was assumed that people would go get a job somewhere else. But now there are no more jobs. So the people remain jobless, and eventually cannot pay their mortgages. Then the bank takes over their home. The number of homeless families with children in America is now in the millions. How can such children go to school? Perhaps the only future for them is to become criminals or prostitutes.
The truth is, even while average Americans have made stupid decisions, American corporations have become monsters. The people who work for them are regarded as nothing but machines. And when they are not profitable, the machines are simply thrown away. I am very appalled at the way financial traders can create homeless people by their trades simply to make profit. By destroying average American families, the are destroying the foundation of the nation.
And don't get sick in America, or don't get in a traffic accident. The American insurance industry is not to help people, it is to make money. If you cannot pay, you die, really. 60% of American personal bankruptcies are due to medical emergencies. Usually, the people end up losing their home, then their job, then it is the streets.
I have Japanese National Health Insurance, for me it is a treasure. I am glad that I do not live under the American system. I read a letter in the Asahi Shinbun. A woman' daughter had lived in the United States for 25 years. I am assuming that the woman's husband is an American. Well, the woman became sick, and was hospitalized for three days. The cost was 1.8 million yen. It seems that there was no insurance, or the insurance company refused to pay. The woman paid for her daughter, if she had not, they would go homeless.
But the woman worries what to do if her daughter gets sick again. If they stay in America, they will be homeless. And they will eventually not be able to eat. If they come back to Japan, perhaps they can all live in the parents house. But if the husband is an American, and middle aged, I probably cannot help him. You see, I do employ some foreigners. But only people who speak excellent Japanese, and who have a good attitude about Japan.
Church groups and NGO's are helping out homeless and unemployed people in America, but their resources are running out. Soon, I am afraid we will have starvation in America.
Official American figures now say that income is increasing for the top richest 1% of Americans. For the rest, it is declining or staying the same. But for 99% of the American population, the economic out look is dim.
And now we have Global Warming and Peak Oil, which are already affecting life in the United States. But of course, history challenged Americans refuse to believe in these coming disasters.
In the 1960's, it was America's Golden Age, America was considered the world's best country to live in. By 2030, will America be the world's most horrible country to live in? It is looking that way.
bend over backwards
belly up
破産、倒産を言う事です。例えば、金魚水槽で金魚が死にます。腹を上向いて浮かびますから、"belly up"の事です。
history challenged
数年前ぐらい、"physically challenged"と言う言葉は身体が不自由のかたの為に英語で作りました。これは丁寧な言い方です。だんだん意味がもっと広く成って、何か”出来ない”と言う意味に成っています。
例えば、"mathematically challenged child"と言う意味は、数学が得意ではない子供の事です。アメリカ人はほとんど歴史を分からないから、"history challenged" です。
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
インド洋での給油活動 Japanese refueling activities in the Indian ocean
A new Japanese government under Prime minister Hatoyama has taken power in Japan. Yet almost every day on the television news, some American commentator is making demands that Japan continue Naval refueling activities in the Indian ocean, in support of the Afghan war.
Well let us look at the Afghan war a little more closely. What is it all about? America was attacked by the terrorist group Al Qaeda on September 11th, 2001. Al Qaeda maintained some 5,000 troops in training bases in Afghanistan, as guests of the Taliban government. While the leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, supported Al Qaeda, this was not true of all the Taliban.
2001年9月11日、アルカイダテロ団はアメリカで多発テロ事件を行ないました。アフガンでは、タリバン政府の”ゲスト”扱いでアルカイダが5,000兵ぐらい訓練基地に居ました。タリバンのリーダー オマル師はアルカイダを支持しましたが、アルカイダのアフガン内訓練基地反対のタリバンが居ました。
The Taliban ruled all but the northern parts of the country, that were controlled by the Northern Alliance. This was a group of several leaders opposed to the Taliban. Some 300 US Special Forces troops, combined with US air strikes, supported the Northern Alliance in an attack on the Taliban which began on October 7 2001. Kabul was abandoned by the Taliban on November 12th, and the rest of the country was soon taken over by the Northern Alliance.
The Taliban disappeared into the mountains, as did Al Qaeda. In 2002, the US began deploying conventional infantry to attack Taliban remnants in the mountains. At present, Nato forces number some 62,000, US troops and 9,000 British troops in Afghanistan, along with other national contingents. The Afghan National Army is officially some 100,000 strong. However, there are some serious doubts about the number of Afghan troops.
This force is to fight some 15,000 Taliban guerrillas in the country, and they are losing. Kabul, a few city blocks in Kandahar and other cities, is ruled by the Afghan government. The rest of the country is dominated by the Taliban, except for a few quiet areas on the Iranian border. Until recently, the northern part of Afghanistan was free of Taliban. However it has become more difficult for NATO forces to move supplies through Pakistan, as Taliban in Pakistan keep blowing up the trucks. So a new supply route through Russia has been opened, but the Taliban have now increased their presence in the north of the country. Truly, I think official estimates of Taliban numbers are very low.
And there are conflicting reports about the Afghan Army. I have read that it barely exists at all, it's numbers are seriously overestimated. Certainly, it has no motivation, as it does not fight at all.
How did things come to such a pass? In my opinion, America should have ceased involvement After the initial 2001 invasion. It is true that the Northern Alliance was filled with bickering, and could not form a government. So the US pushed Hamid Karzai in as President. And then sent troops to back him up. I think this was a mistake. We could have withdrawn, and even if the Taliban had retaken Kabul, we should have told them we would be back with air strikes if they ever hosted Al Qaeda or any such group again. I think that is the best we could have achieved.
どうしてこの様な状態に入りましたか?私の気持ちは、2001年の侵略後アメリカ軍が撤退すべきでした。北部同盟は同盟内で喧嘩が有りましたし、お互いに協力をしなかったのは本当です。それで、政府をつくれませんでした。その理由の為に、アメリカはハミド カルザイ氏を大統領で進めていました。彼を支持する為にだんだんアメリカ兵の数を増やしました。これは間違いでした。もしアメリカが撤退したら、タリバンが再びカブールを勝ちとり、アメリカからそのタリバンに、再びアルカイダみたいなテログループをサポートすると、またアメリカ軍が空襲します。それはアメリカが出来るベストな方法でしょう。
The entire Afghan war so far has been marked by uncertainty. We are not sure what we are doing there. Commanders speak of creating a secure society so that Civil Government can function and Democracy begin to exist, but they have no idea how to do it. US troops themselves constantly use massive firepower upon Afghan people, creating more guerrillas with every attack.
Frankly speaking, the US Armed forces are filled with many Christian Fundamentalist Chaplains and soldiers. The traditional role of Chaplains in the US military is to provide religious services, and to be a personal counselor to troops with various family and other problems. Traditionally, they were to help a US soldier irregardless of religious affiliation. In the last 20 years, the military Chaplains have come to be dominated by Christian Fundamentalists, who believe in Political Dominionism. This is philosophy of violent revolution to create Biblical societies in America and all other countries across the world. The Fundamentalist Christians regard the Moslem religion as an enemy to be destroyed. It is their wish to convert all Moslem people to their type of Christianity, and they are doing underground conversion efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At this time, some 50% of US military Chaplains are Fundamentalists. I think this is a significant factor as to why US troops kill so many civilians. Also, private contractor companies are used in Afghanistan. Blackwater has a presence there. It's President, Erik Prince, is a Christian Fundamentalist, and has made it clear that he wishes to exterminate all Moslems from the planet Earth. His mercenary troops have killed many in Iraq.
現在、アメリカ軍従軍牧師の50%ぐらいは原理主義者です。これはアメリカ軍がいっぱいの普通国民を数多く殺している大きな理由と思います。アフガンでも民間契約者会社、(傭兵)を利用しています。ブラックウォーター社はいます。エリック プリンス社長は原理主義キリスト教信者ですが、イスラム人を地球から絶滅させたいとはっきり宣言しています。彼の会社の傭兵達は、イラクで普通国民をいっぱい殺しています。
The American wars in the Middle East have become religious wars of Christian versus Moslem. This can only end with America losing.
Also, the unmanned drone aircraft used in Afghanistan have killed many people. In a one year period, only 14 of some 700 people killed were actual guerrillas. And Blackwater is heavily involved in the drone program.
US troops have killed so many civilians as to make any effort for the United States to win the allegiance of the Afghan people impossible.
I do not think that refueling efforts in support of the war in Afghanistan have any benefit for Japan. Countries with troops actually in Afghanistan, such as Britain and Germany, are looking for a way out. If Japan does not extend the refueling mission, I think President Obama will understand. Yes, bellicose Right wing Americans will howl, but they do not understand that the world has changed. The family of nations no longer looks at America to lead in various wars.
And just in case the new administration of PM Hatoyama does continue the refueling mission, I think it would make an excellent bargaining chip to extract American concessions on other issues.
Well let us look at the Afghan war a little more closely. What is it all about? America was attacked by the terrorist group Al Qaeda on September 11th, 2001. Al Qaeda maintained some 5,000 troops in training bases in Afghanistan, as guests of the Taliban government. While the leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, supported Al Qaeda, this was not true of all the Taliban.
2001年9月11日、アルカイダテロ団はアメリカで多発テロ事件を行ないました。アフガンでは、タリバン政府の”ゲスト”扱いでアルカイダが5,000兵ぐらい訓練基地に居ました。タリバンのリーダー オマル師はアルカイダを支持しましたが、アルカイダのアフガン内訓練基地反対のタリバンが居ました。
The Taliban ruled all but the northern parts of the country, that were controlled by the Northern Alliance. This was a group of several leaders opposed to the Taliban. Some 300 US Special Forces troops, combined with US air strikes, supported the Northern Alliance in an attack on the Taliban which began on October 7 2001. Kabul was abandoned by the Taliban on November 12th, and the rest of the country was soon taken over by the Northern Alliance.
The Taliban disappeared into the mountains, as did Al Qaeda. In 2002, the US began deploying conventional infantry to attack Taliban remnants in the mountains. At present, Nato forces number some 62,000, US troops and 9,000 British troops in Afghanistan, along with other national contingents. The Afghan National Army is officially some 100,000 strong. However, there are some serious doubts about the number of Afghan troops.
This force is to fight some 15,000 Taliban guerrillas in the country, and they are losing. Kabul, a few city blocks in Kandahar and other cities, is ruled by the Afghan government. The rest of the country is dominated by the Taliban, except for a few quiet areas on the Iranian border. Until recently, the northern part of Afghanistan was free of Taliban. However it has become more difficult for NATO forces to move supplies through Pakistan, as Taliban in Pakistan keep blowing up the trucks. So a new supply route through Russia has been opened, but the Taliban have now increased their presence in the north of the country. Truly, I think official estimates of Taliban numbers are very low.
And there are conflicting reports about the Afghan Army. I have read that it barely exists at all, it's numbers are seriously overestimated. Certainly, it has no motivation, as it does not fight at all.
How did things come to such a pass? In my opinion, America should have ceased involvement After the initial 2001 invasion. It is true that the Northern Alliance was filled with bickering, and could not form a government. So the US pushed Hamid Karzai in as President. And then sent troops to back him up. I think this was a mistake. We could have withdrawn, and even if the Taliban had retaken Kabul, we should have told them we would be back with air strikes if they ever hosted Al Qaeda or any such group again. I think that is the best we could have achieved.
どうしてこの様な状態に入りましたか?私の気持ちは、2001年の侵略後アメリカ軍が撤退すべきでした。北部同盟は同盟内で喧嘩が有りましたし、お互いに協力をしなかったのは本当です。それで、政府をつくれませんでした。その理由の為に、アメリカはハミド カルザイ氏を大統領で進めていました。彼を支持する為にだんだんアメリカ兵の数を増やしました。これは間違いでした。もしアメリカが撤退したら、タリバンが再びカブールを勝ちとり、アメリカからそのタリバンに、再びアルカイダみたいなテログループをサポートすると、またアメリカ軍が空襲します。それはアメリカが出来るベストな方法でしょう。
The entire Afghan war so far has been marked by uncertainty. We are not sure what we are doing there. Commanders speak of creating a secure society so that Civil Government can function and Democracy begin to exist, but they have no idea how to do it. US troops themselves constantly use massive firepower upon Afghan people, creating more guerrillas with every attack.
Frankly speaking, the US Armed forces are filled with many Christian Fundamentalist Chaplains and soldiers. The traditional role of Chaplains in the US military is to provide religious services, and to be a personal counselor to troops with various family and other problems. Traditionally, they were to help a US soldier irregardless of religious affiliation. In the last 20 years, the military Chaplains have come to be dominated by Christian Fundamentalists, who believe in Political Dominionism. This is philosophy of violent revolution to create Biblical societies in America and all other countries across the world. The Fundamentalist Christians regard the Moslem religion as an enemy to be destroyed. It is their wish to convert all Moslem people to their type of Christianity, and they are doing underground conversion efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
At this time, some 50% of US military Chaplains are Fundamentalists. I think this is a significant factor as to why US troops kill so many civilians. Also, private contractor companies are used in Afghanistan. Blackwater has a presence there. It's President, Erik Prince, is a Christian Fundamentalist, and has made it clear that he wishes to exterminate all Moslems from the planet Earth. His mercenary troops have killed many in Iraq.
現在、アメリカ軍従軍牧師の50%ぐらいは原理主義者です。これはアメリカ軍がいっぱいの普通国民を数多く殺している大きな理由と思います。アフガンでも民間契約者会社、(傭兵)を利用しています。ブラックウォーター社はいます。エリック プリンス社長は原理主義キリスト教信者ですが、イスラム人を地球から絶滅させたいとはっきり宣言しています。彼の会社の傭兵達は、イラクで普通国民をいっぱい殺しています。
The American wars in the Middle East have become religious wars of Christian versus Moslem. This can only end with America losing.
Also, the unmanned drone aircraft used in Afghanistan have killed many people. In a one year period, only 14 of some 700 people killed were actual guerrillas. And Blackwater is heavily involved in the drone program.
US troops have killed so many civilians as to make any effort for the United States to win the allegiance of the Afghan people impossible.
I do not think that refueling efforts in support of the war in Afghanistan have any benefit for Japan. Countries with troops actually in Afghanistan, such as Britain and Germany, are looking for a way out. If Japan does not extend the refueling mission, I think President Obama will understand. Yes, bellicose Right wing Americans will howl, but they do not understand that the world has changed. The family of nations no longer looks at America to lead in various wars.
And just in case the new administration of PM Hatoyama does continue the refueling mission, I think it would make an excellent bargaining chip to extract American concessions on other issues.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
私が言った意見、アメリカ人が日本を下のように見ています、まあ、ほとんどのアメリカ人が世界のどんな国でも下に見ています。これは"American Exceptionalism" アメリカ特別さ、の基本です。やはり、大部分のアメリカ人は他の国々と平等な気持ちを持つ事が不可能と思います。いつも、アメリカは上の国で、それ以外の国々が下の国の様な考え方をしています。
私が言った意見、アメリカ人が日本を下のように見ています、まあ、ほとんどのアメリカ人が世界のどんな国でも下に見ています。これは"American Exceptionalism" アメリカ特別さ、の基本です。やはり、大部分のアメリカ人は他の国々と平等な気持ちを持つ事が不可能と思います。いつも、アメリカは上の国で、それ以外の国々が下の国の様な考え方をしています。
Thursday, September 10, 2009
私は町山智浩さんに会ってとても嬉しかったです。彼の本、”アメリカ人の半分はニューヨークの場所を知らない”(Bunshun Paperbacks)を読みました。町山さんは本当にアメリカの真実を分かっています。その本を読むチャンスが有りましたら、是非、読んで下さい!
2009年9月15日(火) 19:00 〜 20:54
番組名は、緊急!世界サミット”たけしJAPAN”2009日本を考えるTV です。
◇緊急!世界サミット”たけしJAPAN”2009日本を考えるTV◇景気、政治、外交など、何かと日本の将来が危ぶまれる中、日本は世界でどのように報 じられ、世界の人たちからどう思われているのか。ビートたけしが世界各国の人々を招き、緊急サミットを開催。たけし率いる日本人チーム”たけしジャパン” と、27カ国から約50人の外国人が集結し、日本人が知らない日本について激論を交わす。中国人とは「日本人は中国人を偏った目で見ているのではないか」 というテーマで激論を展開。オーストラリア人とは捕鯨問題について討論する。「日本はアメリカの言いなりだ」というテーマでは、アメリカ人はもとより各国 の人々と日米関係について話し合う。出演はほかにジャーナリストの嶌信彦氏、映画評論家の町山智浩氏、高橋ジョージ氏ら。
私は町山智浩さんに会ってとても嬉しかったです。彼の本、”アメリカ人の半分はニューヨークの場所を知らない”(Bunshun Paperbacks)を読みました。町山さんは本当にアメリカの真実を分かっています。その本を読むチャンスが有りましたら、是非、読んで下さい!
2009年9月15日(火) 19:00 〜 20:54
番組名は、緊急!世界サミット”たけしJAPAN”2009日本を考えるTV です。
◇緊急!世界サミット”たけしJAPAN”2009日本を考えるTV◇景気、政治、外交など、何かと日本の将来が危ぶまれる中、日本は世界でどのように報 じられ、世界の人たちからどう思われているのか。ビートたけしが世界各国の人々を招き、緊急サミットを開催。たけし率いる日本人チーム”たけしジャパン” と、27カ国から約50人の外国人が集結し、日本人が知らない日本について激論を交わす。中国人とは「日本人は中国人を偏った目で見ているのではないか」 というテーマで激論を展開。オーストラリア人とは捕鯨問題について討論する。「日本はアメリカの言いなりだ」というテーマでは、アメリカ人はもとより各国 の人々と日米関係について話し合う。出演はほかにジャーナリストの嶌信彦氏、映画評論家の町山智浩氏、高橋ジョージ氏ら。
Saturday, September 5, 2009
戦後、日本とアメリカの関係 Post war relations between Japan and America
It is a little more than a week since Prime Minister to be Hatoyama Yukio's Democratic Party of Japan won a historic electoral victory in Japan. Yet, when I turn on the television news, I see many panicked American commentators forcefully saying that Japan cannot renegotiate agreements to pay to move US troops to Guam, or to build a new Marine Airbase in Nago. They are adamant that Japan continue refueling operations in the Indian ocean, even though it has no military purpose.
They are very worried that Japan might take a less America centered foreign policy.
These are people who are used to having every country in the world look to America as the single leader of the world. What they do not realize is that the world has shifted, things have changed. America is no longer the center of the world.
But let us look at a little history of Japanese and American relations since World War II. Before the war, Japan was deeply afraid of Communism as a revolutionary force, as was the United States. As I have written before, both countries collided into war over the question of who would dominate China, and came to war.
America defeated Japan and occupied Japan after the war with it's armed forces. At the end of World War II, the United States began to look on the Soviet Union with increased suspicion. Soviet forces planned amphibious landings in Hokkaido in August of 1945, and wished to have an occupation zone in Japan consisting of Tohoku and Hokkaido. Mac Arthur put a stop to that, and we did not have a divided Japan like what happened in Korea and Germany.
At this time, America felt that it should control Japan, and that Japan should not be allowed to have armed forces again. There was a strong racial and religious aspect to this concept. Western people at that time still believed in the moral superiority of the White race, and the moral superiority of the Christian religion.
As Japanese were neither White nor Christian, it was felt that Japan could not truly be a responsible country to be trusted with armed forces. American leaders felt that they would instead rule Japan indirectly, and help civilize Japan. This was the thinking at the time, and American society was deeply divided racially. In the armed forces, there were still separate units for Black and Asian Americans. Officers were White, it was almost impossible for a non person to be an officer.
This is the thinking behind the American written Constitution and the famous article Number 9, that Japan will never possess armed forces again.
In 1950, with the backing of the Soviet Union under Stalin, North Korea invaded South Korea. The North Koreans very nearly conquered all of South Korea, it was only the quick transfer of US troops in Japan that prevented a Communist victory.
However as Japan had no Army or Navy, moving all troops from Japan also left Japan vulnerable to attack. So Japanese armed forces, or "Self Defense Forces" were recreated. The intent was that they would not be used for aggressive purposes.
The Korean war ended with a return to roughly the same line as before the conflict, and the Cold War became the defining center of American foreign policy. To American thinking, a country was either pro Western, meaning pro American, or it was pro Communism, meaning leaning toward the Soviet Union or Communist China. Americans looked at the world in very clear black and white terms, with us or against us. Americans really had difficulty in imagining various differences in attitudes.
It was this type of thinking that got America into the Vietnam war. The forces that defeated French colonialism were Communist, so they had to be anti American. This was American thinking, they could not imagine that Ho Chi Minh was neither pro Soviet or pro Communist China, but that he choose Communism as the most powerful force to free his country from French domination. He actually admired American President Washington.
この様な考えで、アメリカはベトナム戦争に入りました。フランス植民地を壊した軍は共産主義軍でした。だから、アメリカ反対? これは、アメリカの考え方で、ホーチミン氏がソ連か中国の方へ向いているのではなく、自分の国をフランス支配から自由にする為に共産主義の一番強い政治勢力を選びました。実は、アメリカの初代大統領ワシントン氏を称賛しました。
So America fought a ten year war in Vietnam that ultimately proved futile. America attempted to create a carbon copy of American society in Vietnam. It failed totally.
During the Vietnam war, American military bases in Japan were very important in America's efforts to fight Communism in Asia.
Japanese governments at this time were very afraid of war with Communist powers in Asia. US forces in Japan were seen as protecting Japan. This became the main pillar of the Japanese American relationship, Japan would have America be responsible for defense from external threats, while America could use bases in Japan for it's own strategic goals.
However, since the Soviet Union never had significant amphibious forces, once the Japanese Self Defense Forces were established, a land invasion of Japan by the Soviet Union became impossible. Soviet submarines were numerous however, and a Soviet blockade of Japan was a real threat. This is why the emphasis of the Maritime Self Defense force has long been on anti submarine warfare.
By 1970, the growing power of South Korea and the continuing decline of North Korea meant that a repeat of the 1950 Northern invasion became impossible.
In 1991, The Soviet Union collapsed, and all at once the major military threat to Japan vanished. The Soviets simply junked most of their submarines.
Today, Russia bases a submarines force equal in numbers to the Japanese Navy in the Pacific, however, I would say that in general Japanese subs are of better quality. Add the Japanese surface Navy, even without US forces, it is no contest.
However, the important point here is that despite ongoing territorial problems with the Northern Territories, Russia is no longer an enemy. Also, relations with China have improved, and China can no longer be regarded as an enemy.
The North Korean military, including it's missile forces, are a joke. Personally, I do not believe that North Korea has a useable nuclear weapon.
Yet, in the 20 some years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the main focus of the Japanese American relationship has been defense. American forces in Japan are still set to combat a Cold War threat that no longer exists.
In the previous Bush administration, America, using Japanese bases, started two disastrous wars in the Middle East. There was absolutely no reason to invade Iraq, this is an American crime, and the result has been total disaster.
While it is true that the Taliban government of Afghanistan did host the Al Qaeda terrorist group which attacked America, thusly the initial invasion of Afghanistan is understandable. However, America then attempted to create a pro American society in Afghanistan. The results so far have been even more disastrous than Vietnam. America will never change Afghan society, the war there is impossible. And there is no longer serious danger from Al Qaeda terrorists.
The truth is, Al Qaeda is gone. It was primarily destroyed by international police investigations into it's world wide finances. No money, no terror operations. Other than the initial invasion of Afghanistan, which was done by US Special Forces leading local troops supported by US Air Power nothing else was necessary. The present deployment of large infantry forces has only created problems, not solutions.
However, to many countries in the world, Japan is seen as supporting these wars, since America uses bases in Japan to conduct them. Also, Japan sent troops to Iraq, even if they did not do much. Many countries in the world look upon Japan as an American puppy.
If we look at American wars since WWII, other than the Korean war, they have almost all been disasters.
Finally in America, we have a new government in the United States with President Obama. And now, in Japan, we have a new government in incoming Prime Minister Hatoyama.
There are many Americans who cannot understand a world without some war to fight some where. These are the people who we can see criticizing Prime Minister to be Hatoyama.
I also think that in general, the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party could not understand the changes that have happened since 1950. Yes, it is true that in 1950 Japan was in danger of being taken over by Communist forces, both from inside and from outside Japan.
In 1950, it was only five years since Japan's defeat in WWII. At that time Japanese military forces were very weak. It was America that fought in Korea, and saved Japan. To many Liberal Democratic Party leaders, they see Japan as militarily weak, and America as Japan's saviour.
In their mindsets, they depend on America to be the Big Brother to always save Japan. But the truth is Japan is not at all weak. The Japanese military is ranked something like Number 8 among world militaries. OK, I would like to double the number of submarines from 20 to 40, I would like to increase the Parachute brigade in Narashino to a division, and train it to be more of a Special Forces unit, able to send Japanese soldiers on such small unit type of missions. But Japanese forces are quite capable.
I think it is time for Japan's leaders to have a policy different that simple dependence on America.
However, one of my Interesting Sources in Washington tells me that in the private phone call between Prime Minister to be Hatoyama and President Obama, one of the subjects of conversation was on how Japan and America can cooperate on problems like Climate Change and Clean Energy.
Japan has many small and middle companies that have some really great technology concerning Climate Change.
I think it is high time to put the Cold War behind us. The future conflict of our age will be how to survive the coming climatic and social changes that are rapidly occurring.
Perhaps if I may dare say so, Japan and America might be a good choice to begin rallying countries in an international scientific effort to combat Climate Change.
Carbon copy 完璧コーピーする事です。
Climate Change 温暖化は英語でGlobal Warmingと言う意味です。しかし私は英語で書く時に、Climate Changeを利用します。何故か、温暖化で天気はだんだん極端に成っています。勿論、この意味で、冬の嵐はもっと強いです。しかし、”Warming"と言う単語を使うと冬の強い嵐が来ると雪がいっぱい降って、数多くのアメリカ人が”寒いです!温暖化は嘘だ!”この単純なアメリカ人の為に、私は英語でClimate Changeを使います。
They are very worried that Japan might take a less America centered foreign policy.
These are people who are used to having every country in the world look to America as the single leader of the world. What they do not realize is that the world has shifted, things have changed. America is no longer the center of the world.
But let us look at a little history of Japanese and American relations since World War II. Before the war, Japan was deeply afraid of Communism as a revolutionary force, as was the United States. As I have written before, both countries collided into war over the question of who would dominate China, and came to war.
America defeated Japan and occupied Japan after the war with it's armed forces. At the end of World War II, the United States began to look on the Soviet Union with increased suspicion. Soviet forces planned amphibious landings in Hokkaido in August of 1945, and wished to have an occupation zone in Japan consisting of Tohoku and Hokkaido. Mac Arthur put a stop to that, and we did not have a divided Japan like what happened in Korea and Germany.
At this time, America felt that it should control Japan, and that Japan should not be allowed to have armed forces again. There was a strong racial and religious aspect to this concept. Western people at that time still believed in the moral superiority of the White race, and the moral superiority of the Christian religion.
As Japanese were neither White nor Christian, it was felt that Japan could not truly be a responsible country to be trusted with armed forces. American leaders felt that they would instead rule Japan indirectly, and help civilize Japan. This was the thinking at the time, and American society was deeply divided racially. In the armed forces, there were still separate units for Black and Asian Americans. Officers were White, it was almost impossible for a non person to be an officer.
This is the thinking behind the American written Constitution and the famous article Number 9, that Japan will never possess armed forces again.
In 1950, with the backing of the Soviet Union under Stalin, North Korea invaded South Korea. The North Koreans very nearly conquered all of South Korea, it was only the quick transfer of US troops in Japan that prevented a Communist victory.
However as Japan had no Army or Navy, moving all troops from Japan also left Japan vulnerable to attack. So Japanese armed forces, or "Self Defense Forces" were recreated. The intent was that they would not be used for aggressive purposes.
The Korean war ended with a return to roughly the same line as before the conflict, and the Cold War became the defining center of American foreign policy. To American thinking, a country was either pro Western, meaning pro American, or it was pro Communism, meaning leaning toward the Soviet Union or Communist China. Americans looked at the world in very clear black and white terms, with us or against us. Americans really had difficulty in imagining various differences in attitudes.
It was this type of thinking that got America into the Vietnam war. The forces that defeated French colonialism were Communist, so they had to be anti American. This was American thinking, they could not imagine that Ho Chi Minh was neither pro Soviet or pro Communist China, but that he choose Communism as the most powerful force to free his country from French domination. He actually admired American President Washington.
この様な考えで、アメリカはベトナム戦争に入りました。フランス植民地を壊した軍は共産主義軍でした。だから、アメリカ反対? これは、アメリカの考え方で、ホーチミン氏がソ連か中国の方へ向いているのではなく、自分の国をフランス支配から自由にする為に共産主義の一番強い政治勢力を選びました。実は、アメリカの初代大統領ワシントン氏を称賛しました。
So America fought a ten year war in Vietnam that ultimately proved futile. America attempted to create a carbon copy of American society in Vietnam. It failed totally.
During the Vietnam war, American military bases in Japan were very important in America's efforts to fight Communism in Asia.
Japanese governments at this time were very afraid of war with Communist powers in Asia. US forces in Japan were seen as protecting Japan. This became the main pillar of the Japanese American relationship, Japan would have America be responsible for defense from external threats, while America could use bases in Japan for it's own strategic goals.
However, since the Soviet Union never had significant amphibious forces, once the Japanese Self Defense Forces were established, a land invasion of Japan by the Soviet Union became impossible. Soviet submarines were numerous however, and a Soviet blockade of Japan was a real threat. This is why the emphasis of the Maritime Self Defense force has long been on anti submarine warfare.
By 1970, the growing power of South Korea and the continuing decline of North Korea meant that a repeat of the 1950 Northern invasion became impossible.
In 1991, The Soviet Union collapsed, and all at once the major military threat to Japan vanished. The Soviets simply junked most of their submarines.
Today, Russia bases a submarines force equal in numbers to the Japanese Navy in the Pacific, however, I would say that in general Japanese subs are of better quality. Add the Japanese surface Navy, even without US forces, it is no contest.
However, the important point here is that despite ongoing territorial problems with the Northern Territories, Russia is no longer an enemy. Also, relations with China have improved, and China can no longer be regarded as an enemy.
The North Korean military, including it's missile forces, are a joke. Personally, I do not believe that North Korea has a useable nuclear weapon.
Yet, in the 20 some years since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the main focus of the Japanese American relationship has been defense. American forces in Japan are still set to combat a Cold War threat that no longer exists.
In the previous Bush administration, America, using Japanese bases, started two disastrous wars in the Middle East. There was absolutely no reason to invade Iraq, this is an American crime, and the result has been total disaster.
While it is true that the Taliban government of Afghanistan did host the Al Qaeda terrorist group which attacked America, thusly the initial invasion of Afghanistan is understandable. However, America then attempted to create a pro American society in Afghanistan. The results so far have been even more disastrous than Vietnam. America will never change Afghan society, the war there is impossible. And there is no longer serious danger from Al Qaeda terrorists.
The truth is, Al Qaeda is gone. It was primarily destroyed by international police investigations into it's world wide finances. No money, no terror operations. Other than the initial invasion of Afghanistan, which was done by US Special Forces leading local troops supported by US Air Power nothing else was necessary. The present deployment of large infantry forces has only created problems, not solutions.
However, to many countries in the world, Japan is seen as supporting these wars, since America uses bases in Japan to conduct them. Also, Japan sent troops to Iraq, even if they did not do much. Many countries in the world look upon Japan as an American puppy.
If we look at American wars since WWII, other than the Korean war, they have almost all been disasters.
Finally in America, we have a new government in the United States with President Obama. And now, in Japan, we have a new government in incoming Prime Minister Hatoyama.
There are many Americans who cannot understand a world without some war to fight some where. These are the people who we can see criticizing Prime Minister to be Hatoyama.
I also think that in general, the leaders of the Liberal Democratic Party could not understand the changes that have happened since 1950. Yes, it is true that in 1950 Japan was in danger of being taken over by Communist forces, both from inside and from outside Japan.
In 1950, it was only five years since Japan's defeat in WWII. At that time Japanese military forces were very weak. It was America that fought in Korea, and saved Japan. To many Liberal Democratic Party leaders, they see Japan as militarily weak, and America as Japan's saviour.
In their mindsets, they depend on America to be the Big Brother to always save Japan. But the truth is Japan is not at all weak. The Japanese military is ranked something like Number 8 among world militaries. OK, I would like to double the number of submarines from 20 to 40, I would like to increase the Parachute brigade in Narashino to a division, and train it to be more of a Special Forces unit, able to send Japanese soldiers on such small unit type of missions. But Japanese forces are quite capable.
I think it is time for Japan's leaders to have a policy different that simple dependence on America.
However, one of my Interesting Sources in Washington tells me that in the private phone call between Prime Minister to be Hatoyama and President Obama, one of the subjects of conversation was on how Japan and America can cooperate on problems like Climate Change and Clean Energy.
Japan has many small and middle companies that have some really great technology concerning Climate Change.
I think it is high time to put the Cold War behind us. The future conflict of our age will be how to survive the coming climatic and social changes that are rapidly occurring.
Perhaps if I may dare say so, Japan and America might be a good choice to begin rallying countries in an international scientific effort to combat Climate Change.
Carbon copy 完璧コーピーする事です。
Climate Change 温暖化は英語でGlobal Warmingと言う意味です。しかし私は英語で書く時に、Climate Changeを利用します。何故か、温暖化で天気はだんだん極端に成っています。勿論、この意味で、冬の嵐はもっと強いです。しかし、”Warming"と言う単語を使うと冬の強い嵐が来ると雪がいっぱい降って、数多くのアメリカ人が”寒いです!温暖化は嘘だ!”この単純なアメリカ人の為に、私は英語でClimate Changeを使います。
Monday, August 31, 2009
選挙の意見 Election Thoughts
Yesterday, The DPJ thoroughly trounced the LDP, in a historic turnaround.
Well, why?
As a person who is very concerned with foreign affairs, I think that the LDP was totally unable to come up with any original policy. All they could think to do was follow in lockstep with American wishes. Frankly, I never had a sense of Japan having an independent foreign policy under the LDP.
The thing is, what America does is not always necessarily good for Japan. Former President Bush’s demands that Japan cease oil development in Iran is one example. This policy greatly hurt Japan, and there was no benefit to be gained from supporting the US position in the Middle East.
The entire Bush administration policy of wars in the Middle East was a great mistake, and President Obama’s continuance of the Afghan war is a mistake.
So should Japan simply follow along?
Domestically speaking, as far as I could see, the LDP never had a coherent policy. At a guess, I would say that there were way too many 2nd and 3rd generation politicians in the LDP. Usually, such people grow up over protected. People around them always treat them deferentially in order to gain favor with Father. And if a problem arises, there is Father to help out. They grow up weak, unable to think or act for themselves. Of course, not all 2nd or 3rd generation people were like this, but too many LDP members were.
In Europe, it is, or at least it used to be customary for Princes to serve time in their countries military. Perhaps it might be a good idea for the wealthy families in Japan to have their sons and daughters do a stint in the Army or the Navy.
These are just a few thoughts about yesterday’s election.
Well, why?
As a person who is very concerned with foreign affairs, I think that the LDP was totally unable to come up with any original policy. All they could think to do was follow in lockstep with American wishes. Frankly, I never had a sense of Japan having an independent foreign policy under the LDP.
The thing is, what America does is not always necessarily good for Japan. Former President Bush’s demands that Japan cease oil development in Iran is one example. This policy greatly hurt Japan, and there was no benefit to be gained from supporting the US position in the Middle East.
The entire Bush administration policy of wars in the Middle East was a great mistake, and President Obama’s continuance of the Afghan war is a mistake.
So should Japan simply follow along?
Domestically speaking, as far as I could see, the LDP never had a coherent policy. At a guess, I would say that there were way too many 2nd and 3rd generation politicians in the LDP. Usually, such people grow up over protected. People around them always treat them deferentially in order to gain favor with Father. And if a problem arises, there is Father to help out. They grow up weak, unable to think or act for themselves. Of course, not all 2nd or 3rd generation people were like this, but too many LDP members were.
In Europe, it is, or at least it used to be customary for Princes to serve time in their countries military. Perhaps it might be a good idea for the wealthy families in Japan to have their sons and daughters do a stint in the Army or the Navy.
These are just a few thoughts about yesterday’s election.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Americanisms VI アメリカの独特な英語
Grassroots Grassは芝生、とRootsはその芝生の根です。この意味は、自然的に始まる政治活動グループです。多数の人々は同じ目標で集まって協力する事です。
Astroturf Astroはヒューストン市のAstrodomeスポーツドームから来ました。そのドームは、アメリカで初めて人工芝生を使いました。Turfと言う意味は、芝生です。このAstrotrufと言う意味は、人工の政治活動グループ、例えば、企業がスポンサーをしているグループです。
Diehard 直訳すると“なかなか死なない”です。諦めないと言う意味です。選挙で負けても、諦めないです。
Loony 馬鹿と言う意味です。アメリカの北部の水鳥です。変な泳ぎもやるし、変な鳴き声も有ります。それで、馬鹿な事をやっている人を ”Loony”と呼びます。
Nanny State 過保護国家です。Nannyは、ばあやです。この意味は、国が人の私生活を強く管理する事です。特に、お酒やタバコ関係の事を管理します。
Deadlocked 解決は出来ません。例えば;The subcommittee was deadlocked, and could not reach a decision.

Grassroots Grassは芝生、とRootsはその芝生の根です。この意味は、自然的に始まる政治活動グループです。多数の人々は同じ目標で集まって協力する事です。
Astroturf Astroはヒューストン市のAstrodomeスポーツドームから来ました。そのドームは、アメリカで初めて人工芝生を使いました。Turfと言う意味は、芝生です。このAstrotrufと言う意味は、人工の政治活動グループ、例えば、企業がスポンサーをしているグループです。
Diehard 直訳すると“なかなか死なない”です。諦めないと言う意味です。選挙で負けても、諦めないです。
Loony 馬鹿と言う意味です。アメリカの北部の水鳥です。変な泳ぎもやるし、変な鳴き声も有ります。それで、馬鹿な事をやっている人を ”Loony”と呼びます。
Nanny State 過保護国家です。Nannyは、ばあやです。この意味は、国が人の私生活を強く管理する事です。特に、お酒やタバコ関係の事を管理します。
Deadlocked 解決は出来ません。例えば;The subcommittee was deadlocked, and could not reach a decision.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
オバマ大統領と抵抗勢力 The President and the Diehard Loony Right.
The President and the Diehard Loony Right.
Or perhaps I might call this entry, “The next American Civil War”
It has now been some 8 months since the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United Sates of America. Many of my friends in Japan have remarked to me on how things must be better now in the US. The fact is, they are not much better. In fact, it can be said that race relations in America are quickly getting worse.
There is much opposition from the Diehard Loony Right. I will cover three aspects of these people.
1)The Birthers.
These are people who claim that Barack Obama is not an American citizen, and has no right to be President. By law, the President of the United Sates must be born in the United States. These Birther people are claiming that the President was actually born in Kenya, and is an illegal alien in America.
これは、オバマ大統領がアメリカ国籍ではないと主張している人達が、彼がアメリカ大統領に成る権利が有りません。アメリカの法律で、大統領と副大統領は必ずアメリカ国民で生まれていないとダメです。カリフォルニア州シュワルツェネッガー知事は帰化をしましたから、大統領にはなれません 。この“生まれ違う!”の申し立てをしている事は、オバマ大統領は実はアフリカのケニアで生まれて、アメリカで不法滞在外国人です。
They demand that the President publish his birth certificate to prove that he is an American. He has indeed produced a short form of the certificate that clearly states he was born in Hawaii. Also two newspaper announcements of his birth in Honolulu have been found, saying that he was born on August 4th 1961. The Republican governor of the State of Hawaii has declared clearly that the President was born in that state.
この“生まれ違う!”族は、オバマ大統領に“出生証明書を出せ!“と要求しています。実は,オバマ大統領は簡潔な出生証明書をネットで出した事が有ります、アメリカハワイ州で生まれたとはっきり書いています。(注:アメリカには戸籍が有りません。)それと、二つの新聞で、 1961年8月4日にホノルル市で生まれた発表を見つけました 。現在のハワイ州知事(共和党)は、”オバマ大統領はハワイ州で生まれました。”と宣言しました。
Yet 28% of the Republican Party, 11% of all Americans refuse to believe that President Obama is an American, They say such evidence was fabricated. Along with these average people are around 9 Congressmen and 1 Senator, all Republicans. If the President cannot prove to their satisfaction that he is American, they say he must be impeached. Of course, since these people ignore all rational evidence, they will never be satisfied.
2)Town Hall meetings.
The American legislature is now in recess, and many Congress people and Senators are now in their home districts, and are explaining in town hall meetings what they are doing when Congress is in session.
President Obama has proposed a new health care plan. This plan is being presented at these meetings, many persons of the far right have come into these meetings screaming and shouting to disrupt them. There has also been a sudden increase in death threats and threats to use guns against Representatives who vote for health care. The right wing in America is terrified that health care will turn America into a Communist country.
Right wing people are being provoked by inflammatory broadcasts by pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been saying that President Obama’s health care plan will include Death Panels to decide to kill disabled and old people. The majority of these right wing American’s are rather ignorant people, and easily believe lies by such public figures.
3)The right wing militia.
These are private groups not associated with the government. They are armed, basically composed of white people, and very Fundamentalist Christian. They believe that President Obama is a dictator, and that they have the right to revolt against the US government. The Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 was their biggest incident so far. It killed 168 people.
During the Bush administration, they faced a crisis of manpower for the Army and Marines fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To get the numbers necessary, standards were relaxed. Many people such as far right extremists and criminals were able to join the military.
Members of these far right groups specifically say that they joined the military to get training for the upcoming race war in America.
The next Civil War in America.
American society is changing. Many people of different races and religions are coming to America. Many American White people see this change as a reduction in their status as the top class in America. And these Americans never liked any other type of person anyway.
Political discourse in America is now filled with the threat of violence. Events happening at town hall meetings show this clearly. The Right in America is not interested in debate about President Obama’s health care plan, they want to destroy it and destroy the President. Right wing people are bringing guns to these events, it is a matter of time until someone is hurt or killed. What they want is to return to an America where White people totally control the country, and any non White, non Fundamentalist Christian is a second class citizen, or that person is forced to leave the United States.
現在、アメリカ政治討論は暴力の可能性がよく有ります。このタウンホールミーティングを見てはっきり分かります。極端な保守主義者は、オバマ大統領の国民健康保険計画を討論するつもりが有りません。その計画を崩壊して、次に、オバマ大統領を崩壊したいです。右派の人達はこのタウンホールミーティングに銃を持ち込んで、 だれか怪我に成るか殺されるかは時間の問題です。この極端な保守主義の人々の希望は、白人だけがすべてアメリカのトップの地位に入って、白人以外、原理主義キリスト教以外の人々が2級国民に成るか国外追放にするか。これは彼達の夢です。
This is the policy that the Christian Fundamentalists espouse, and they are about 40% of the American population. About 25% of the American population can be considered violent Christian Fundamentalists who wish to have a cleansing revolution in America. This is to create a country that would rule America like Jesus intended in the Bible. At least this is their idea of what Jesus would do.
I think that all these movements against President Obama will eventually coalesce around the Christian political right, and then we will have Civil War in America. We are seeing the beginning of that process right now.
Or perhaps I might call this entry, “The next American Civil War”
It has now been some 8 months since the inauguration of Barack Obama as President of the United Sates of America. Many of my friends in Japan have remarked to me on how things must be better now in the US. The fact is, they are not much better. In fact, it can be said that race relations in America are quickly getting worse.
There is much opposition from the Diehard Loony Right. I will cover three aspects of these people.
1)The Birthers.
These are people who claim that Barack Obama is not an American citizen, and has no right to be President. By law, the President of the United Sates must be born in the United States. These Birther people are claiming that the President was actually born in Kenya, and is an illegal alien in America.
これは、オバマ大統領がアメリカ国籍ではないと主張している人達が、彼がアメリカ大統領に成る権利が有りません。アメリカの法律で、大統領と副大統領は必ずアメリカ国民で生まれていないとダメです。カリフォルニア州シュワルツェネッガー知事は帰化をしましたから、大統領にはなれません 。この“生まれ違う!”の申し立てをしている事は、オバマ大統領は実はアフリカのケニアで生まれて、アメリカで不法滞在外国人です。
They demand that the President publish his birth certificate to prove that he is an American. He has indeed produced a short form of the certificate that clearly states he was born in Hawaii. Also two newspaper announcements of his birth in Honolulu have been found, saying that he was born on August 4th 1961. The Republican governor of the State of Hawaii has declared clearly that the President was born in that state.
この“生まれ違う!”族は、オバマ大統領に“出生証明書を出せ!“と要求しています。実は,オバマ大統領は簡潔な出生証明書をネットで出した事が有ります、アメリカハワイ州で生まれたとはっきり書いています。(注:アメリカには戸籍が有りません。)それと、二つの新聞で、 1961年8月4日にホノルル市で生まれた発表を見つけました 。現在のハワイ州知事(共和党)は、”オバマ大統領はハワイ州で生まれました。”と宣言しました。
Yet 28% of the Republican Party, 11% of all Americans refuse to believe that President Obama is an American, They say such evidence was fabricated. Along with these average people are around 9 Congressmen and 1 Senator, all Republicans. If the President cannot prove to their satisfaction that he is American, they say he must be impeached. Of course, since these people ignore all rational evidence, they will never be satisfied.
2)Town Hall meetings.
The American legislature is now in recess, and many Congress people and Senators are now in their home districts, and are explaining in town hall meetings what they are doing when Congress is in session.
President Obama has proposed a new health care plan. This plan is being presented at these meetings, many persons of the far right have come into these meetings screaming and shouting to disrupt them. There has also been a sudden increase in death threats and threats to use guns against Representatives who vote for health care. The right wing in America is terrified that health care will turn America into a Communist country.
Right wing people are being provoked by inflammatory broadcasts by pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. Former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has been saying that President Obama’s health care plan will include Death Panels to decide to kill disabled and old people. The majority of these right wing American’s are rather ignorant people, and easily believe lies by such public figures.
3)The right wing militia.
These are private groups not associated with the government. They are armed, basically composed of white people, and very Fundamentalist Christian. They believe that President Obama is a dictator, and that they have the right to revolt against the US government. The Oklahoma City bombing of 1995 was their biggest incident so far. It killed 168 people.
During the Bush administration, they faced a crisis of manpower for the Army and Marines fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. To get the numbers necessary, standards were relaxed. Many people such as far right extremists and criminals were able to join the military.
Members of these far right groups specifically say that they joined the military to get training for the upcoming race war in America.
The next Civil War in America.
American society is changing. Many people of different races and religions are coming to America. Many American White people see this change as a reduction in their status as the top class in America. And these Americans never liked any other type of person anyway.
Political discourse in America is now filled with the threat of violence. Events happening at town hall meetings show this clearly. The Right in America is not interested in debate about President Obama’s health care plan, they want to destroy it and destroy the President. Right wing people are bringing guns to these events, it is a matter of time until someone is hurt or killed. What they want is to return to an America where White people totally control the country, and any non White, non Fundamentalist Christian is a second class citizen, or that person is forced to leave the United States.
現在、アメリカ政治討論は暴力の可能性がよく有ります。このタウンホールミーティングを見てはっきり分かります。極端な保守主義者は、オバマ大統領の国民健康保険計画を討論するつもりが有りません。その計画を崩壊して、次に、オバマ大統領を崩壊したいです。右派の人達はこのタウンホールミーティングに銃を持ち込んで、 だれか怪我に成るか殺されるかは時間の問題です。この極端な保守主義の人々の希望は、白人だけがすべてアメリカのトップの地位に入って、白人以外、原理主義キリスト教以外の人々が2級国民に成るか国外追放にするか。これは彼達の夢です。
This is the policy that the Christian Fundamentalists espouse, and they are about 40% of the American population. About 25% of the American population can be considered violent Christian Fundamentalists who wish to have a cleansing revolution in America. This is to create a country that would rule America like Jesus intended in the Bible. At least this is their idea of what Jesus would do.
I think that all these movements against President Obama will eventually coalesce around the Christian political right, and then we will have Civil War in America. We are seeing the beginning of that process right now.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Americanisms V アメリカの独特な英語
People and animals in English 英語で人間と動物
He is always catting around. 彼はいつも浮気しています。(アメリカ人の考えで、猫はあちらこちら遊んでいるから、人間の男があちらこちらの女性と遊ぶと同じです。)
She is a real dog. 彼女は醜いです。
He is the workhorse of the company. 彼はその会社で一番一生懸命に働いている人です。
When the family goes to the beach, dad is always the packmule. 家族はビーチへ行く時に、お父さんはいつも荷物の運びロバです。
The gangster ratted to the police on his boss. そのチンピラは警察に親分の秘密すべてを教えました。
He is a dirty rat. 彼は信用出来ない人です。(このフレーズは特に昔のマフィア映画で使っています。)
The mafia boss came to the meeting with his gorillas. そのマフィア親分は自分のボディーガード達と一緒にミーティングへ来ました。(アメリカ人の考えで、ゴリラはでかくて怖くて、大きい、ボディーガードと同じです。)
He is a real snake. 彼は全然信用出来ない人です。
He is a hog. 彼は自分勝手です。(アメリカ人は豚がいつもいっぱいの物を食べていると思っています。)
He eats like a pig. 彼の食べ方は汚くてメチャクチャです。
He is a pig. 彼は服装それとも性格は汚いです。
He is always monkeying around. 彼はいつも子供の様に馬鹿な遊びをしています。
She is a fox. 彼女は美人です。(アメリカ人の考えで、狐はズルガシコイです。だから美人女性は魅力が有るけれど、危険です。)

People and animals in English 英語で人間と動物
He is always catting around. 彼はいつも浮気しています。(アメリカ人の考えで、猫はあちらこちら遊んでいるから、人間の男があちらこちらの女性と遊ぶと同じです。)
She is a real dog. 彼女は醜いです。
He is the workhorse of the company. 彼はその会社で一番一生懸命に働いている人です。
When the family goes to the beach, dad is always the packmule. 家族はビーチへ行く時に、お父さんはいつも荷物の運びロバです。
The gangster ratted to the police on his boss. そのチンピラは警察に親分の秘密すべてを教えました。
He is a dirty rat. 彼は信用出来ない人です。(このフレーズは特に昔のマフィア映画で使っています。)
The mafia boss came to the meeting with his gorillas. そのマフィア親分は自分のボディーガード達と一緒にミーティングへ来ました。(アメリカ人の考えで、ゴリラはでかくて怖くて、大きい、ボディーガードと同じです。)
He is a real snake. 彼は全然信用出来ない人です。
He is a hog. 彼は自分勝手です。(アメリカ人は豚がいつもいっぱいの物を食べていると思っています。)
He eats like a pig. 彼の食べ方は汚くてメチャクチャです。
He is a pig. 彼は服装それとも性格は汚いです。
He is always monkeying around. 彼はいつも子供の様に馬鹿な遊びをしています。
She is a fox. 彼女は美人です。(アメリカ人の考えで、狐はズルガシコイです。だから美人女性は魅力が有るけれど、危険です。)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
爆笑問題と阿川教授の討論 How to debate American style
I was watching the Bakusho Mondai comedy duo having a discussion with a former Japanese ambassador to the United States of America, Mr. Agawa Naoyuki, who is now a professor at Keio University.
この前に、NHKテレビ『爆笑問題のニッポンの教養』 で爆笑問題お笑いコンビと元駐米大使館公使阿川尚之さん、現在慶應義塾大学教授(日米関係史・米国憲法史)、の討論を見ました。
First of all, I was struck by the way Professor Agawa used an American way of speaking to destroy Ota-san’s arguments. His answers were always “That is not so.”
まず、太田さんの話を壊すのに、阿川教授はアメリカ人の様な討論のやり方を使っていて、びっくりしました。阿川教授は、常に太田さんに対して 、“そんな事ない” と言う返事をよく使いました。
Professor Agawa is trained as a lawyer at Georgetown University in the United States. He is trained to conduct a debate to win his point. To the American way of thinking, it does not matter if his point is correct or not. What matters is the skill of the debater in defeating his opponent.
In America, a debate is thought of as a duel. This is also true in a legal court of law. A lawyer’s client may be very guilty. However, the lawyer in America will conduct his debate in court with the intention of getting his client completely free, even if the client did actually commit the crime. In America, people realize this, and admire the verbal debate skills of a lawyer, even if his client is quite guilty.
In Japan, there is no tradition of debate. In fact, there is discussion among a group, but the emphasis is on reaching group agreement about some subject. In a Japanese court room, a lawyer will try to reduce punishment for a client who is guilty, but will not generally try to get the client declared innocent.
日本では、その討論の伝統は有りません。もし有るグループでお話が有りましたら、日本の場合、みんなが同意する事は大切です。日本の裁判で、弁護士はその被告人の罰を軽く成る様に頑張りますし、 だいたい、しかし、アメリカみたいに完璧の無罪解決の努力をしません。
So in the discussion between Mr. Ota and Professor Agawa, there was a huge culture gap. However, what if Mr. Ota also had training as an American lawyer? How would the debate have gone?
It could have gone something like this:
Ota-san : The Americans killed the Indians in a brutal way.
Agawa-san : Many countries did that.
Ota-san : But Canada offered sanctuary to US Indians, such as the Nez Perce tribe under Chief Joseph.
Agawa-san : That was different.
阿川先生:それは違います 。
Ota-san : The Canadians also offered sanctuary to Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux, and many of his people. The Canadians did not mount genocidal wars against the Indians. This is different than America!
太田さん:スー族のシッティング・ブル 酋長とスー民族に聖域を上げました。カナダの白人はインディアン民族にたいして大虐殺の様な戦争をしませんでした。これはアメリカと違います!
Agawa-san : ……………
阿川先生 : …………..
Ota-san : America killed people needlessly in WWII by dropping bombs on Japanese cities. The Atomic bombs were not necessary.
Agawa-san : Japan did bad things. So the American response was understandable.
Ota-san : America wanted undisputed control of China for it’s own business purposes. Also America stills uses massive firepower, even if it harms civilians. In a 14 month period of drone aircraft attacks in Pakistan, 701 people have been killed. However, only 14 of them were guerrillas. The other 687 happened to be people who were unlucky enough to be nearby at the time. America still uses massive fire power to destroy unnecessarily.
Agawa-san : …………..
In the two examples above, Mr. Ota reinforced his argument with specific examples. The goal is to find specific events that the opponent does not know about.
In a courtroom battle between two lawyers, if the defense attorney can find some fact that the prosecution does not know, he can make the prosecuting attorney look ignorant. And then he can cast doubt about the accusation against his client in the minds of the jury.
The sad fact is, I think that Mr. Ota’s position in the show was basically correct. I was also surprised by Professor Agawa’s defense of American bombing of Japanese cities in WWII, including the two atomic bombs. He said that America did those things because Japan attacked first.
Well, it is true that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. However, America did not pressure Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor and South East Asia for the moralistic reason of helping China. Instead, the reason was to create an economic monopoly for American business in China, and to curb Japanese power.
And there was no military reason to bomb Japanese cities and kill Japanese people. The United States Navy with submarine warfare had already sunk so many Japanese merchant ships, Japanese industry was crippled. The original reason for the construction of the atomic bombs, fear that Germany was building a bomb, proved false in 1943. However construction of the American bombs was continued. It was felt that the money spent would be wasted if the construction were stopped. As for dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was also a feeling in the American government that if the bombs were not actually used, the money invested would be wasted.
Professor Agawa also praised America’s role as a world policeman. I am very much against the concept of America as world policeman. Well, he also said that America is a wonderful country because a man who is half Black, Barack Obama, could be elected President.
I must say here that Mr. Agawa went to elite schools, and only met with highly educated elite Americans. And Americans have an enormous talent for self-promotion. Americans are always walking around claiming to be the best nation in the world. And this is their justification for policing the world.
Actually, among less educated White people in America, there is great hatred towards President Obama, and even people praying for his death.
Well, I do not think that America is the best nation in the world. I think it is one of several reasonable nations in the world to live in. I think to be born in America; well you can expect to have a comfortable life. But this is also true in Japan, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. All of these areas have nice lifestyles, and I do not see particular superiority in America.
The truth is, American armed forces in other nations behave just like the armies of nations, that is badly. And I do think there is one great fault of Americans, and that is ignorance. Americans know little about other nations. And they show no desire to learn.
もう一つの真実は、アメリカ軍は他国でしている行動は他の国々と変わりませんし 、やはり悪い事をしています。それで、アメリカ人の大きな欠点は、無知です。自分以外の国の事も、あんまり知りません。勉強する気持ちも有りません。
At this time in history, American ignorance is hurting America very much. Professor Agawa trained as a lawyer. Most Americans who go to university probably train as a lawyer or in Business Management. And this is why America is woefully ill equipped to understand what is happening now. America does not have enough scientists, engineers, and historians.
America is facing a triple blow of Climate Change, Financial Collapse, and depletion of oil supplies.
Historians, if they had been around, and if Americans respected history, would have warned Americans many years ago about the dangers of the lifestyle that America has led for the past 50 years. But Americans are not interested in history.
Scientists and engineers may be able to craft a solution to Global Climate change, but Americans do not study science.
Americans believe their values are universal, and seek to force them on the world. Americans fear a country that does not accept their values, and seek to destroy that country.
President Obama is trying very hard to show Americans that we need the cooperation of the world, and that the position of America has changed. But this is going to be very difficult for most Americans to understand.

この前に、NHKテレビ『爆笑問題のニッポンの教養』 で爆笑問題お笑いコンビと元駐米大使館公使阿川尚之さん、現在慶應義塾大学教授(日米関係史・米国憲法史)、の討論を見ました。
First of all, I was struck by the way Professor Agawa used an American way of speaking to destroy Ota-san’s arguments. His answers were always “That is not so.”
まず、太田さんの話を壊すのに、阿川教授はアメリカ人の様な討論のやり方を使っていて、びっくりしました。阿川教授は、常に太田さんに対して 、“そんな事ない” と言う返事をよく使いました。
Professor Agawa is trained as a lawyer at Georgetown University in the United States. He is trained to conduct a debate to win his point. To the American way of thinking, it does not matter if his point is correct or not. What matters is the skill of the debater in defeating his opponent.
In America, a debate is thought of as a duel. This is also true in a legal court of law. A lawyer’s client may be very guilty. However, the lawyer in America will conduct his debate in court with the intention of getting his client completely free, even if the client did actually commit the crime. In America, people realize this, and admire the verbal debate skills of a lawyer, even if his client is quite guilty.
In Japan, there is no tradition of debate. In fact, there is discussion among a group, but the emphasis is on reaching group agreement about some subject. In a Japanese court room, a lawyer will try to reduce punishment for a client who is guilty, but will not generally try to get the client declared innocent.
日本では、その討論の伝統は有りません。もし有るグループでお話が有りましたら、日本の場合、みんなが同意する事は大切です。日本の裁判で、弁護士はその被告人の罰を軽く成る様に頑張りますし、 だいたい、しかし、アメリカみたいに完璧の無罪解決の努力をしません。
So in the discussion between Mr. Ota and Professor Agawa, there was a huge culture gap. However, what if Mr. Ota also had training as an American lawyer? How would the debate have gone?
It could have gone something like this:
Ota-san : The Americans killed the Indians in a brutal way.
Agawa-san : Many countries did that.
Ota-san : But Canada offered sanctuary to US Indians, such as the Nez Perce tribe under Chief Joseph.
Agawa-san : That was different.
阿川先生:それは違います 。
Ota-san : The Canadians also offered sanctuary to Chief Sitting Bull of the Sioux, and many of his people. The Canadians did not mount genocidal wars against the Indians. This is different than America!
太田さん:スー族のシッティング・ブル 酋長とスー民族に聖域を上げました。カナダの白人はインディアン民族にたいして大虐殺の様な戦争をしませんでした。これはアメリカと違います!
Agawa-san : ……………
阿川先生 : …………..
Ota-san : America killed people needlessly in WWII by dropping bombs on Japanese cities. The Atomic bombs were not necessary.
Agawa-san : Japan did bad things. So the American response was understandable.
Ota-san : America wanted undisputed control of China for it’s own business purposes. Also America stills uses massive firepower, even if it harms civilians. In a 14 month period of drone aircraft attacks in Pakistan, 701 people have been killed. However, only 14 of them were guerrillas. The other 687 happened to be people who were unlucky enough to be nearby at the time. America still uses massive fire power to destroy unnecessarily.
Agawa-san : …………..
In the two examples above, Mr. Ota reinforced his argument with specific examples. The goal is to find specific events that the opponent does not know about.
In a courtroom battle between two lawyers, if the defense attorney can find some fact that the prosecution does not know, he can make the prosecuting attorney look ignorant. And then he can cast doubt about the accusation against his client in the minds of the jury.
The sad fact is, I think that Mr. Ota’s position in the show was basically correct. I was also surprised by Professor Agawa’s defense of American bombing of Japanese cities in WWII, including the two atomic bombs. He said that America did those things because Japan attacked first.
Well, it is true that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. However, America did not pressure Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor and South East Asia for the moralistic reason of helping China. Instead, the reason was to create an economic monopoly for American business in China, and to curb Japanese power.
And there was no military reason to bomb Japanese cities and kill Japanese people. The United States Navy with submarine warfare had already sunk so many Japanese merchant ships, Japanese industry was crippled. The original reason for the construction of the atomic bombs, fear that Germany was building a bomb, proved false in 1943. However construction of the American bombs was continued. It was felt that the money spent would be wasted if the construction were stopped. As for dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there was also a feeling in the American government that if the bombs were not actually used, the money invested would be wasted.
Professor Agawa also praised America’s role as a world policeman. I am very much against the concept of America as world policeman. Well, he also said that America is a wonderful country because a man who is half Black, Barack Obama, could be elected President.
I must say here that Mr. Agawa went to elite schools, and only met with highly educated elite Americans. And Americans have an enormous talent for self-promotion. Americans are always walking around claiming to be the best nation in the world. And this is their justification for policing the world.
Actually, among less educated White people in America, there is great hatred towards President Obama, and even people praying for his death.
Well, I do not think that America is the best nation in the world. I think it is one of several reasonable nations in the world to live in. I think to be born in America; well you can expect to have a comfortable life. But this is also true in Japan, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. All of these areas have nice lifestyles, and I do not see particular superiority in America.
The truth is, American armed forces in other nations behave just like the armies of nations, that is badly. And I do think there is one great fault of Americans, and that is ignorance. Americans know little about other nations. And they show no desire to learn.
もう一つの真実は、アメリカ軍は他国でしている行動は他の国々と変わりませんし 、やはり悪い事をしています。それで、アメリカ人の大きな欠点は、無知です。自分以外の国の事も、あんまり知りません。勉強する気持ちも有りません。
At this time in history, American ignorance is hurting America very much. Professor Agawa trained as a lawyer. Most Americans who go to university probably train as a lawyer or in Business Management. And this is why America is woefully ill equipped to understand what is happening now. America does not have enough scientists, engineers, and historians.
America is facing a triple blow of Climate Change, Financial Collapse, and depletion of oil supplies.
Historians, if they had been around, and if Americans respected history, would have warned Americans many years ago about the dangers of the lifestyle that America has led for the past 50 years. But Americans are not interested in history.
Scientists and engineers may be able to craft a solution to Global Climate change, but Americans do not study science.
Americans believe their values are universal, and seek to force them on the world. Americans fear a country that does not accept their values, and seek to destroy that country.
President Obama is trying very hard to show Americans that we need the cooperation of the world, and that the position of America has changed. But this is going to be very difficult for most Americans to understand.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Americanisms IV アメリカの独特な英語
Son of a gun
先月、私は「アメリカと銃の愛の関係」を英語サークルで講演しました。一人のメンバーが、Son of a gunと言う英語の意味を聞きました。このフレーズは、アメリカ独立戦争から有ります。当時、アメリカ革命軍と一緒に何人の女性が参加しました。彼女達は兵士では有りませんでした。 男性兵士の奥さん、それとも、売春婦でした。英語でGunと言う意味は、拳銃、ライフル銃、機関銃、大砲、軍艦の大砲でも英語でGunと言います。
アメリカ独立戦争時代で、大砲を打つ為に、4、5人が必要でした。その女性達は、この大砲打ちの事で手伝いしました。しかし、男と女がいつも一緒に居ると、付き合って、その付き合い の結果、こどもが生まれます 。当時230年前独立戦争の時は侮辱でしたが、現在は意味がだんだん優しく成って、今の意味は“お父さんそっくり!です。
He really stepped in it
Cow pie 農家で牛の糞です。
Horse apples 農家で馬の糞です。
City shoes 農家で街へ行く為の皮靴です。
He really stepped in it と言う意味は値段が高い、綺麗な皮靴で、牛の糞に踏むと言う事です。
例えば:Bob really stepped in it. He was complaining about the boss, but the boss overheard everything.
I would not date you if you were the last man on earth.
この様なフレーズは、アメリカ英語で、“A put down”と言います。日常生活の普通の会話でも、いつもアメリカ人が、“だれが強い” と競争しています。
Son of a gun
先月、私は「アメリカと銃の愛の関係」を英語サークルで講演しました。一人のメンバーが、Son of a gunと言う英語の意味を聞きました。このフレーズは、アメリカ独立戦争から有ります。当時、アメリカ革命軍と一緒に何人の女性が参加しました。彼女達は兵士では有りませんでした。 男性兵士の奥さん、それとも、売春婦でした。英語でGunと言う意味は、拳銃、ライフル銃、機関銃、大砲、軍艦の大砲でも英語でGunと言います。
アメリカ独立戦争時代で、大砲を打つ為に、4、5人が必要でした。その女性達は、この大砲打ちの事で手伝いしました。しかし、男と女がいつも一緒に居ると、付き合って、その付き合い の結果、こどもが生まれます 。当時230年前独立戦争の時は侮辱でしたが、現在は意味がだんだん優しく成って、今の意味は“お父さんそっくり!です。
He really stepped in it
Cow pie 農家で牛の糞です。
Horse apples 農家で馬の糞です。
City shoes 農家で街へ行く為の皮靴です。
He really stepped in it と言う意味は値段が高い、綺麗な皮靴で、牛の糞に踏むと言う事です。
例えば:Bob really stepped in it. He was complaining about the boss, but the boss overheard everything.
I would not date you if you were the last man on earth.
この様なフレーズは、アメリカ英語で、“A put down”と言います。日常生活の普通の会話でも、いつもアメリカ人が、“だれが強い” と競争しています。
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
アメリカと銃の愛の関係 The American love affair with guns
Guns are a deep part of American life. The early United States was very large, and communication was only by horse, horse drawn wagon, or ship. The Federal governments military forces were small, so local militia forces provided security for their areas.
These forces were not full time soldiers. They were farmers, blacksmiths, tradesmen and craftsmen. They only functioned as a military when necessary. The rest of the time, they performed their normal professions.
These men would keep their weapons in their home. Also, America grew with up with a Western frontier. Here was the line where civilization stopped. The history of America is a constant story of people moving into the wilderness to try to start a farm.
In these wild areas, there was no government, no towns. No rule of law. You cut the forest yourself to make a farm. There were Indians, and dangerous wild animals, like bears and cougars. People would need a gun to protect themselves.
In 1791, the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This 2nd Amendment is still used today by people who wish to keep guns. Roughly, 60% of Americans believe that the government should not make any regulations concerning gun ownership. About 40% of Americans believe that the US Government should have some control of over gun ownership, and a small portion of these people are in favor of a total ban on private weapon ownership.
America is a country that was created by revolution. And this is a very important part of gun owners belief. They believe that private weapon ownership prevents the rise of American dictators. Since private people own guns, there is always the possibility of revolution in America against a dictator.
When the 2nd Amendment was written, guns were very clumsy and difficult to fire. Basically, the gunpowder was poured down the barrel, and a long ramrod was used to tamp it down with a piece of paper. Then, the metal ball, usually lead, was put down the barrel and tamped down with the ramrod.
Then the weapon could be fired. To fire again, the entire process would have to be repeated. Even with a well trained soldier, it would take about a minute and a half to fire one shot.
When I joined the United States Marine Corps in 1974, I trained with the M-16-A1 rifle. It had two types of magazines, one with 20 rounds, another with 30 rounds. It could fire 7 rounds a second on automatic fire, so my 20 rounds could be gone in about 3 seconds.
In the early United States, guns were made by hand locally by gunsmiths. There were very few factories to make guns. From 1861 to 1865, America had a civil war. There were a total of about 3 million men in both Armies, most of them in the northern armies. This created a great need for guns, again, most gun factories arose in the northern states.
When the war was over, these factories were faced with a loss of business. So they turned to advertising, and the image of the pioneer of the Wild West Frontier, and the tough Cowboy, all with guns, was created. This image equated having a gun with being masculine.
The frontier disappeared about 1890. Yet today, there are some 200 million guns owned privately in America, a country of 300 million people. Some 75% of the people who own guns have two or more weapons. The Indians were never really that dangerous, and few Americans live in areas with wild animals.
So why all the guns? Well, it is deep in the American psyche. In the American mind, having a gun equals masculinity, being a man. If I were in America, and I announced in some bar somewhere in America that I was against private gun ownership, I would be called weak, a coward, a homosexual, a wimp. And most likely I would get in a fight with everybody there.
Guns give people a feeling of power. With a gun, even a man who is physically weak can kill a tall strong man.
One reason that gun owners give for private gun ownership is to defend yourself against thieves. Well, as a former Marine, I can tell you that if a thief comes, you must have your weapon ready to fire in seconds. Since we can never be sure when a thief will come, that gun must be ready to fire at all times.
Well, you, my readers, might think that is dangerous. It is. Statistics show that 60% of all gun deaths are by people who know each other. Husband and wife fights. Parent child fights. Neighbors who know each other. Throw alcohol into that fight, and you have a deadly mess. Also, children can find guns and play with them, accidentally kill siblings or friends.
I think that American gun culture influences all aspects of American life, including foreign policy. Americans tend to look at other countries as either a friend or enemy. And if you are a friend, Americans tend to push that country to submit to the American way of doing things.
Americans are very proud of their huge military, and I think that this military is their prime instrument of foreign policy. Frankly, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan at this moment have no other purpose than to kill people.
Truthfully, I do not believe in private gun ownership at all. I believe the only people who should have guns are the police and the military. Well, I am not a hunter, but in Japan, hunting rifles are closely monitored by the local police forces. As they should be.
America is now a very different nation than it was in 1776 when the American Revolutionary war began. There are some 27 Amendments to the United States Constitution. The last was ratified in 1992. I really do think America should amend the Constitution again to prohibit private firearms. However, with the present mindset of Americans, I am afraid that it is impossible.
These forces were not full time soldiers. They were farmers, blacksmiths, tradesmen and craftsmen. They only functioned as a military when necessary. The rest of the time, they performed their normal professions.
These men would keep their weapons in their home. Also, America grew with up with a Western frontier. Here was the line where civilization stopped. The history of America is a constant story of people moving into the wilderness to try to start a farm.
In these wild areas, there was no government, no towns. No rule of law. You cut the forest yourself to make a farm. There were Indians, and dangerous wild animals, like bears and cougars. People would need a gun to protect themselves.
In 1791, the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
This 2nd Amendment is still used today by people who wish to keep guns. Roughly, 60% of Americans believe that the government should not make any regulations concerning gun ownership. About 40% of Americans believe that the US Government should have some control of over gun ownership, and a small portion of these people are in favor of a total ban on private weapon ownership.
America is a country that was created by revolution. And this is a very important part of gun owners belief. They believe that private weapon ownership prevents the rise of American dictators. Since private people own guns, there is always the possibility of revolution in America against a dictator.
When the 2nd Amendment was written, guns were very clumsy and difficult to fire. Basically, the gunpowder was poured down the barrel, and a long ramrod was used to tamp it down with a piece of paper. Then, the metal ball, usually lead, was put down the barrel and tamped down with the ramrod.
Then the weapon could be fired. To fire again, the entire process would have to be repeated. Even with a well trained soldier, it would take about a minute and a half to fire one shot.
When I joined the United States Marine Corps in 1974, I trained with the M-16-A1 rifle. It had two types of magazines, one with 20 rounds, another with 30 rounds. It could fire 7 rounds a second on automatic fire, so my 20 rounds could be gone in about 3 seconds.
In the early United States, guns were made by hand locally by gunsmiths. There were very few factories to make guns. From 1861 to 1865, America had a civil war. There were a total of about 3 million men in both Armies, most of them in the northern armies. This created a great need for guns, again, most gun factories arose in the northern states.
When the war was over, these factories were faced with a loss of business. So they turned to advertising, and the image of the pioneer of the Wild West Frontier, and the tough Cowboy, all with guns, was created. This image equated having a gun with being masculine.
The frontier disappeared about 1890. Yet today, there are some 200 million guns owned privately in America, a country of 300 million people. Some 75% of the people who own guns have two or more weapons. The Indians were never really that dangerous, and few Americans live in areas with wild animals.
So why all the guns? Well, it is deep in the American psyche. In the American mind, having a gun equals masculinity, being a man. If I were in America, and I announced in some bar somewhere in America that I was against private gun ownership, I would be called weak, a coward, a homosexual, a wimp. And most likely I would get in a fight with everybody there.
Guns give people a feeling of power. With a gun, even a man who is physically weak can kill a tall strong man.
One reason that gun owners give for private gun ownership is to defend yourself against thieves. Well, as a former Marine, I can tell you that if a thief comes, you must have your weapon ready to fire in seconds. Since we can never be sure when a thief will come, that gun must be ready to fire at all times.
Well, you, my readers, might think that is dangerous. It is. Statistics show that 60% of all gun deaths are by people who know each other. Husband and wife fights. Parent child fights. Neighbors who know each other. Throw alcohol into that fight, and you have a deadly mess. Also, children can find guns and play with them, accidentally kill siblings or friends.
I think that American gun culture influences all aspects of American life, including foreign policy. Americans tend to look at other countries as either a friend or enemy. And if you are a friend, Americans tend to push that country to submit to the American way of doing things.
Americans are very proud of their huge military, and I think that this military is their prime instrument of foreign policy. Frankly, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan at this moment have no other purpose than to kill people.
Truthfully, I do not believe in private gun ownership at all. I believe the only people who should have guns are the police and the military. Well, I am not a hunter, but in Japan, hunting rifles are closely monitored by the local police forces. As they should be.
America is now a very different nation than it was in 1776 when the American Revolutionary war began. There are some 27 Amendments to the United States Constitution. The last was ratified in 1992. I really do think America should amend the Constitution again to prohibit private firearms. However, with the present mindset of Americans, I am afraid that it is impossible.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
EWDG (East West Discussion Group)で、
“America's love affair with guns”について 話します。
日時:June 18(Thu): 19:00-21:00
19: 00 to 19: 30 Self-introduction and current topics
19: 30 to 20: 00 Main presentation
20: 00 to 20: 30 Q&A
20: 30 to 21: 00 Free discussion
Meeting place:
Name: Waseda Hoshien Seminar House Room No 11(1F)
財団法人 早稲田奉仕園
Address: 2-3-1 Nishiwaseda Shinjukuku 169-8616
Tel: 03-3205-5411
Web site:
会費: 日本人 700円、 外国人並びに学生 500円
English discussion group meeting: The East West Discussion Group will hold a meeting on "America's love affair with guns," presented by Mr. Max von Schuler Kobayashi, Thu., June 18 from 7-9 p.m. The venue is Room 11(1F), Waseda Hoshien Seminar House, 2-3-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku Ward 169-8616 (tel (03) 3205-5411). See Admission ¥700 Japanese, ¥500 non-Japanese and students.
“America's love affair with guns”について 話します。
日時:June 18(Thu): 19:00-21:00
19: 00 to 19: 30 Self-introduction and current topics
19: 30 to 20: 00 Main presentation
20: 00 to 20: 30 Q&A
20: 30 to 21: 00 Free discussion
Meeting place:
Name: Waseda Hoshien Seminar House Room No 11(1F)
財団法人 早稲田奉仕園
Address: 2-3-1 Nishiwaseda Shinjukuku 169-8616
Tel: 03-3205-5411
Web site:
会費: 日本人 700円、 外国人並びに学生 500円
English discussion group meeting: The East West Discussion Group will hold a meeting on "America's love affair with guns," presented by Mr. Max von Schuler Kobayashi, Thu., June 18 from 7-9 p.m. The venue is Room 11(1F), Waseda Hoshien Seminar House, 2-3-1 Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku Ward 169-8616 (tel (03) 3205-5411). See Admission ¥700 Japanese, ¥500 non-Japanese and students.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
日本国内はラジオ第一 海外は国際短波放送を使い
日本国内はラジオ第一 海外は国際短波放送を使い
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